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AusGAF 11 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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I probably watched the first Star Wars movie when I was younger, but the first time I remember seeing them was the Special Editions in 1997. I saw them at the cinema with my sister and my parents got me the VHS boxset for Christmas.

Did Australia have Tazos like the UK did? I managed to get the complete collection of all of the Star Wars ones.

And I may have just read a massive spoiler for The Force Awakens on Steam's community page for Xcom 2.

Pretty sure we did. And yeah, Special Editions were my first also. Good times.

And yup, good to know peeps are posting that shit everywhere to get the folks who are trying to avoid social media. It's Harry Potter all over again.


Saw the original Star Wars ep 4 in cinema when I was a kid and loved it. Saw ep 1 as an adult and despised it as the utter trash it was. Saw ep 7 today and felt like a kid again, but also recognised as an adult how much better this was than anything Lucas produced beyond ep 4.
I saw Star Wars 7.
Only spoiler is I'd be happy to go watch it again tomorrow.
I'm super fucking keen to talk about it though.

Yes, I am a huge Star Wars fan, but I've never entered the now defunct EU apart from some games things I worked on. And it looks like I get to do more of those next year (not for EA though).

Awesome news! No chance you can say who it is though? I thought EA had exclusive rights!

Soundwave has officially been cancelled for 2016. Fuck you AJ you mismanaging twat.

I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did tbh. Fucking sucks everyone (inc the local bands) lose so much from his mismanagement.

The original trilogy were shown in the cinemas for the special editions, weren't they? I definitely saw A New Hope in the cinemas in, I think, 1997.

Yeah I got to see Star Wars I think. Pretty sure I went to that rather than Empire. I've got the VHS tapes somewhere too. Good times!


i actually don't remember if i ever saw all the original movies in full:/ i know i've seen episode 1 more than 3 times tho lol


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Outside of the two times I watched Plinkett's review, I think I've only ever seen The Phantom Menace once. Same with Revenge of the Sith. The only prequel I saw at the cinema was Attack of the Clones.


It's hard to be objective about it, when I was a kid I would watch the battle of Yavin over and over day in day out. I saw Episode 1 in the opening days to a packed cinema, *everyone* was cheering when the crawl started and maybe I had a tear or two in my eye. To go from that to laughing at the movie in the space of probably 30mins, I think any flame of fanboyism was extinguished that day.

But yeah I don't need further convincing, I'll go see it, even if just to experience it first hand rather than through social media. I was more making a point about how bad I thought Disney Infinity was.
It's hard to be objective about it, when I was a kid I would watch the battle of Yavin over and over day in day out. I saw Episode 1 in the opening days to a packed cinema, *everyone* was cheering when the crawl started and maybe I had a tear or two in my eye. To go from that to laughing at the movie in the space of probably 30mins, I think any flame of fanboyism was extinguished that day.

But yeah I don't need further convincing, I'll go see it, even if just to experience it first hand rather than through social media. I was more making a point about how bad I thought Disney Infinity was.

Well, at least you didn't shit on DMC ;)

Star Wars 7 is not perfect, but within the confines of covering a lot of ground really quickly, in manages to convey its exposition relatively cleanly, without being clunky info dumps. Occasionally there some dialogue to move the parts of the plot along quickly that are a bit of a stretch but whatevs. They also don't stop to answer every question along the way since they know there are more films to come.

It's my favourite 2015 film, and I generally liked the big flicks this year: Kingsman, Ant-Man, Inside Out and Jurassic World were my other faves

God, why haven't I bought tickets to see it again?
Episode I was great coz I was like 8 years old seeing it in the cinema and had a blast. It certainly didn't hold up upon re-watching at an older age though, lol.

A while after getting AOTC on DVD I used to go through the series on my sick days and in the school holidays a lot. Empire was the one I could watch the most without getting bored. I never really liked Jedi all that much. Ep 4 appreciation took longer to develop, I used to not like how ugly the lightsabers and some effects looked compared to the later works.


Well, at least you didn't shit on DMC

I don't get this reference. Devil May Cry? Not my style of game, but I know Ninja Theory was involved in helping them with the combat or something?

Star Wars 7 is not perfect

I read this a few times before realising you weren't talking about EP1.

On the plus side I spent the afternoon playing Blast Corps with my son. Damn that game is still sooooo good.

My son keeps wanting me to play Splatoon. It's good, but man, fuck the overworld. Put the platforming challenges in the actual level.

Now this is podracing!

Podracer game was better than the movie by a mile.


The N64 was incredible for Star Wars games.

And thinking about it, Star Wars games on the whole always did pretty well for licensed games. Pre Arkham Asylum I think people tended to have fairly low expectations of licensed stuff, but Star Wars seemed to have more hits than misses. Or at least threw enough mud up against the wall to have some stick. Dark Forces (and Jedi Knight sequels), Tie Fighter, KotOR.
And thinking about it, Star Wars games on the whole always did pretty well for licensed games. Pre Arkham Asylum I think people tended to have fairly low expectations of licensed stuff, but Star Wars seemed to have more hits than misses. Or at least threw enough mud up against the wall to have some stick. Dark Forces (and Jedi Knight sequels), Tie Fighter, KotOR.

X-Wing / Tie Fighter series
Rogue Squadron series
Starfighter series
Dark Forces / Jedi Knight series
Battlefront Series
KOTOR series

Then there were the MMOs, Age of Empires II reskins and other RTS games, Pinball, Lego...

The actual movie tie ins are so so, but there were tons of good games.
EA, give us our new X-Wing/TIE Fighter game already.

It's telling that everyone's favourite mode in the new Battlefront is Fighter Squadron. The thirst is real.
It is. You will not be disappointed.

until now.
It's pretty good. The worst bit is that you might feel some characters don't get enough screen time. The good news is that they are making more and in two years there will be episode 8, with Rogue one next year (though it's technically a prequel to episode 4)

I haven't been following the news on it. So we're talking spin-off movies like the MCU?
The original trilogy were shown in the cinemas for the special editions, weren't they? I definitely saw A New Hope in the cinemas in, I think, 1997.

I didn't grow up in a very well off household, so trips to the cinema were a rarity for me, especially to see movies that were technically re-releases. I didn't get to see the Matrix during its cinema run either.

I saw Return in it's original theatre run, but I was too young to remember anything more than walking into the theatre with my dad.
My son turns three today and I was going to head over to Doncaster. I am tempted to just take him to see it (he LOVES anything to do with space and rockets) but I'm equally aware that he has never sat still for the duration of an entire movie.

Next time.


I think Jack is attempting to sabotage our Star Wars session this evening.

Wake up at 1.30am and he was wide awake. Had to feed him and then get him go sleep again, didn't get back down until like 3am.

So tired x_x


I want a tag give me a tag
I think Jack is attempting to sabotage our Star Wars session this evening.

Wake up at 1.30am and he was wide awake. Had to feed him and then get him go sleep again, didn't get back down until like 3am.

So tired x_x
He's a trekkie
I think any flame of fanboyism was extinguished that day.
This is also me.

I guess I'll go see it at the cinema, because the last movie I think I saw at the cinema was The Grand Budapest Hotel, so I may as well since everyone seems to think it's good. That or I just need to wait a bit until the inevitable (?) backlash.

I didn't grow up in a very well off household, so trips to the cinema were a rarity for me, especially to see movies that were technically re-releases.
Me either really, but at that time I had a part time job and still lived at home, and the theatre price wars were in full effect in the late 90s (in Melbourne at least, $6-$7 sessions at any time were not uncommon).


Saw the new Star Wars. It was pretty good. I have quite a few issues with it but its entertaining and has definitely done enough to get me to the next one.
Me either really, but at that time I had a part time job and still lived at home, and the theatre price wars were in full effect in the late 90s (in Melbourne at least, $6-$7 sessions at any time were not uncommon).
I turned 12 in 1997, so I had no money or transport at the time. I'm pretty psyched for TFA now.

On an unrelated note, does anyone know if the Chromecast app can even run on an iPhone 4? I'm dithering between it and an Apple TV for my in-laws to watch Netflix with. I wanted something that's simple to use and works near flawlessly. A simple way for a non-wifi smart TV to connect to WiFi would also do the job, but I might as well wish for the moon at that point.
On an unrelated note, does anyone know if the Chromecast app can even run on an iPhone 4? I'm dithering between it and an Apple TV for my in-laws to watch Netflix with. I wanted something that's simple to use and works near flawlessly. A simple way for a non-wifi smart TV to connect to WiFi would also do the job, but I might as well wish for the moon at that point.

apple Tv is pretty simple to use and if you just want it for Netflix, it's fine. You just add it to the network and away you go. You can switch off all the apps you aren't going to use and if your iphone 4 can run media apps with streaming and is on the same wifi network, you can stream content from the apps to the apple TV pretty simply.

Welcome to Bogan Gate is pretty funny. This kid has great timing.


I'm raising Jack right, the Pastafarian way



Just back from Star Wars. Liked it with some reservations. But overall I was really happy, which given I went in reluctantly due to severe star wars burnout is pretty impressive I guess.


The light saber battles were better than anything in the prequels.

Very safe, but still great action and it was hilarious.


Pretty excited to see it.
I had tickets through work for a session yesterday but had a family event pop up so couldn't make it. Hoping to go in the next week or so.

Sad about Soundwave, not surprising one bit though, it's been obvious that Aj was broke.

Really hoping some of the bands still come to Australia next year as their own headline gig. (ie Deftones)
Gonna have to go see Star Wars by myself as the missus isn't a fan at all. Might wait a week for the buzz to die down a tad so its not as crowded

Also I'm working tomorrow in 38degree heat with no aircon. Shoot me
Gonna have to go see Star Wars by myself as the missus isn't a fan at all. Might wait a week for the buzz to die down a tad so its not as crowded

Also I'm working tomorrow in 38degree heat with no aircon. Shoot me

Didn't an apprentice in SA die this week from heat exhaustion? Fuck going into work in those conditions.
Is that legal?

Don't know, but as I work in a shelter I'd rather be here and make sure all the animals are OK than stay home in comfort.

There are some bad bugs going around I hear. It would be terrible if you were to suddenly be afflicted by one and became too ill to work.

Already sick. I'm the replacement :(

Didn't an apprentice in SA die this week from heat exhaustion? Fuck going into work in those conditions.

Only here for critters like these:

Heading to see Star Wars this morning with cruncho. Feeling a little more excited for it from everyone's comments. I am happy I haven't watched anything past the original trailer.

Also waited 2 hours in a line last night for a club. Got towards the front and a mates GF asked the bouncer how much longer. Apparently was giving him attitude so we all got booted from line. Lol

No hard feelings though, means I am awake this morning for star wars. :p
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