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AusGAF 11 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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I know where I can go to escape all this dress talk, good old Ausgaf won't let that shit fly..

Goddamn it.

I got a Chromecast today. It's a pretty nifty little device. Even if I could only use it for YouTube it would be worth it. I did manage to get Netflix and Hulu up and running too so that's good.

How? By just streaming or can you actually put Hulu and Netflix on it as apps somehow? I have a Chromecast too, never used it for anything other than streaming Youtube though..

Also the street outside my work is filled with NYPD cop cars and yellow NYC cabs and film trucks - anyone know what films are being in shot in Sydney atm?


The order looks like a kojima game.

With a worse story.

With worse characters.

With even less gameplay.

With unskippable cutscenes.

With 0 replayability.

So its a Kojima game without the stuff that makes them actually decent.

And what saddest of all is that it will sell over a million easy.


Worse story than a Kojima game?


It's bad though.

Kojima has fun with his stories. (And you can skip em)

This game had Nikola Tesla, Knights of the round table, Vampires, Werewolves, Lafayette The East India Company (or whatever they called it)...... and was so boring.

Remember Red Alert with Einstein? He went back in time to kill Hitler, and was a character in some of the missions. Stalin was a character.... and they had fun with it, it was silly. You cant play that stuff serious. (And the gameplay kicked ass, the most important part of the parcel)

I always assume Kojima is trolling with his stories. But I dont mind too much even if thats not the case. You can skip them story stuff and most cut scenes, and the game is very, very, replayable, with so many options for the player on how to play or get through the mission. Kojima doesnt forget its a game first and foremost. (Except with MGS3, jesus what a turd, and they had to release a 'special edition' with a new feature, a 'useable camera'.)
The plot of The Order wasn't overtly awful, it just ended without giving any real resolution to anything. My biggest complaints with it are firstly that it wasn't good enough to warrant how much of the game is spent forcing you to look at it, and secondly that they didn't find enough ways to tell you the story organically without resorting to taking away the player's control.

To compare to another recent Sony exclusive that did it much better, The Last of Us has an entire pillar of it's gameplay (the exploration sections) dedicated to allowing the characters to develop and interact with each other without just forcing you to watch cutscenes. The Order seems to kind of try to do this, but they're much shorter, there's minimal character interaction and there isn't anything interesting to do in them outside of pick up pieces of paper and turn them around (which admittedly was well programmed and looked stunningly good).


Anyone played Dying Light yet? It looks fun, I've been trying to watch my boyfriend play through some of it. Unfortunately I can't really play first person games for more than 10 minutes without getting horrible simulation sickness. I wanna play :(
Anyone played Dying Light yet? It looks fun, I've been trying to watch my boyfriend play through some of it. Unfortunately I can't really play first person games for more than 10 minutes without getting horrible simulation sickness. I wanna play :(

Second half is meant to be great, looking forward to it once I'm over my 'sick of open world games' thing. Same reason I haven't picked up Unity yet!
But you like any video game provided it is on a Sony console! Overtly positive!

Heh, I dislike a lot of games on Sony consoles! Which is why I don't buy every game lol.

At this point in the hobby I'm quite aware of what types of games I would like or dislike so I don't usually go outside those interests to be honest so I don't have a lot of negative experiences.
Only game I'm really struggling with atm is Shadow of Mordor. Just isn't clicking for me despite getting the hang of the combat now, I think I'm just 100% burnt out on open world games. Feels too aimless and irrelevant what I do in the game. I'll probably shelve it for a few months and see if I feel differently then.


Speaking of video games I'm playing Majora's Mask 3D and loving it. It occurs to me that this game from the year 2000 has more depth and is more interesting than the majority of games released now.
The Order
-It squanders its setting by ignoring it (totally anachronistic weapons and tech, insistence on giving the characters the same modern military slang as if they were in Zero Dark Thirty or CoD.
- Long sequences of walking through pretty but almost completely empty worlds with maybe one interactive thing in a well detailed room.
-colour- where is it?
-I don't mind the shooting mechanics but the level design in the shooting areas isn't anything special.
-fucking unskippable and long cutscenes which are incredibly dull.

I'm basically trudging through it. not quite hate playing yet but merely to see if I can get my use out of it.

Majora's Mask- yeah, I had to quit playing that on N64 after trying to get through that trading sequence so I could get to the hideout. Once false move and , no fuck you, I'm not doing all that shit again.

Cat stuff-
petbarn.com.au (occasionally do 20% off stuff), bestfriendspets.com.au, worldforpets.com.au. There was a good petbarn thing the other day with two stackable 20% off vouchers and $5 cheap delivery- I stocked up on litter- stuff arrived in 2 days. My cat eats and shits.

I bought my cat a post, which he never uses for scratching (sleeping, mainly), instead a $10 block of corrugated cardboard I got from Big W's pet section seems to have done the trick.


i'm looking forward to playing major's mask for the first time. gotta finish ocarina of time first tho!

I've been digging deeper into Dangan Ronpa recently. Game is super legit, really enjoying it!
Brisbane peeps out Springfield Lakes way, you have to try BLVD restaurant. We just had their beefburgers for lunch and they were GUD. They add this paprika and brown sugar seasoning to their chips too, which is utterly drool worthy.


Speaking of video games I'm playing Majora's Mask 3D and loving it. It occurs to me that this game from the year 2000 has more depth and is more interesting than the majority of games released now.

I'm having the same experience playing Metroid Prime again. Game is amazing.


Speaking of video games I'm playing Majora's Mask 3D and loving it. It occurs to me that this game from the year 2000 has more depth and is more interesting than the majority of games released now.

PS1/N64, PS2/GCN days are the golden age.

Even modern 3D Zelda feels dull and mediocre compared to the N64 entries, Wind Waker and the 2D entries.
PS1/N64, PS2/GCN days are the golden age.

Even modern 3D Zelda feels dull and mediocre compared to the N64 entries, Wind Waker and the 2D entries.

Maaaaaaan I played so many games so much as a kid. Good times. I need to find a get rich quick scheme so I can go back to spending 8 hours a day playing games.
Anyone played Dying Light yet? It looks fun, I've been trying to watch my boyfriend play through some of it. Unfortunately I can't really play first person games for more than 10 minutes without getting horrible simulation sickness. I wanna play :(

It's fun when it's not forcing combat on you. The focus on running and climbing to avoid things instead of just shootbanging everything is cool and it's neat figuring your way around the environment but fighting anything more than a couple of the most basic zombies drags it right down.


PS1/N64, PS2/GCN days are the golden age.

Even modern 3D Zelda feels dull and mediocre compared to the N64 entries, Wind Waker and the 2D entries.

Maybe it's rose tinted glasses and all that, but I can pretty safely say most of my fav games are from those eras.

And yeah, playing MM makes me realise that I won't play TP and SS again. Even though there's less dungeons there's so much more to do. I enjoyed TP enough when I played it, but man was that game big and empty. Hopefully the new one has lots of stuff to do but I'm not holding my breath.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Maaaaaaan I played so many games so much as a kid. Good times. I need to find a get rich quick scheme so I can go back to spending 8 hours a day playing games.

I say the same thing. You know, the whole "I've not got enough time to play games" thing. Then I check Steam...


... and FM is more of a job than my actual job.


Heh, I dislike a lot of games on Sony consoles! Which is why I don't buy every game lol.

At this point in the hobby I'm quite aware of what types of games I would like or dislike so I don't usually go outside those interests to be honest so I don't have a lot of negative experiences.
Only game I'm really struggling with atm is Shadow of Mordor. Just isn't clicking for me despite getting the hang of the combat now, I think I'm just 100% burnt out on open world games. Feels too aimless and irrelevant what I do in the game. I'll probably shelve it for a few months and see if I feel differently then.

I had the same issue with SoM. I think also, it's because of open world burn out (never mind I recently played through FC4 and ACU though...). I got to the second map and just stopped playing, I hope to go back to it. I was fascinated by the Nemesis system but I think that open world, collect this, climb these towers type of quests just left me fatigued at the time.


Holy shit 6 hours a day on average?!

Also 600+ hours and you still haven't got half the cheevos? For shame!
That isn't bad. I have 42 / 120 EU4 acheivements in about 400 hours.

Currently attempting to control all of south America as the inca. Think I am boned. Stupid early peasants war.


Holy shit 6 hours a day on average?!

Also 600+ hours and you still haven't got half the cheevos? For shame!

Not to that degree but i've logged about 80 hours since that sunday two weeks ago with Monster Hunter. Only slowed down because one of my eyes started twitching.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Also 600+ hours and you still haven't got half the cheevos? For shame!

Most of the achievements I've not got are based on specific challenges that are outwith the main game, and I don't care about them.

The others are stuff like "Take a Scottish/French/Italian team from the bottom league to the top league" that I don't have the time for. I took an English team from the bottom to the top, and I'm gunning for the "spend 20 seasons at the same team" achievement. Then I'm going for the "play 30 seasons" one. After that, I may retire and never play FM again ... until next year's instalment that is.


Second half is meant to be great, looking forward to it once I'm over my 'sick of open world games' thing. Same reason I haven't picked up Unity yet!

How did that end up happening?! You're not missing out on much with Unity, though. It's awfully pretty but, that's for sure.

It's fun when it's not forcing combat on you. The focus on running and climbing to avoid things instead of just shootbanging everything is cool and it's neat figuring your way around the environment but fighting anything more than a couple of the most basic zombies drags it right down.

Yeah the whole everything is parkour thing sounds really fun, I wish I could play ugh

and yup the boyf has been voicing his frustration with some of the more difficult enemies and just outruns them now!


I've been playing through Quake II and holy shit is that game fun.

Just fast non stop action, with great weapons (dat Super Shotgun) and the 90s Always Run speed that I miss so much.

Going to do the expanaions after the main game and then Quake and Unreal.

Wish there were modern games like this.


I've been playing through Quake II and holy shit is that game fun.

Just fast non stop action, with great weapons (dat Super Shotgun) and the 90s Always Run speed that I miss so much.

Going to do the expanaions after the main game and then Quake and Unreal.

Wish there were modern games like this.

I was never a huge fan of Q2 for whatever reason. Q1 for life though.


I want a tag give me a tag
Not to that degree but i've logged about 80 hours since that sunday two weeks ago with Monster Hunter. Only slowed down because one of my eyes started twitching.

jump in the ausgaf steam chat! myself, marshmallow and ridonkulous have been playing mh most nights, donks around 80 hours too, marsh and myself around 50


So I'm back at uni finishing my games degree while I wait for police force shenanigans, needing a laptop just for general use. How are the Chromebooks these days? Worth it for light usage and no dependent apps needs?

Also can I get an AusGAF steam group invite? Steam ID.


I was never a huge fan of Q2 for whatever reason. Q1 for life though.

I've never played Q2 all the way through, used to have a similar opinion of it.

But for some reason I'm just really enjoying it this time. The speed, the guns, the music, plus the branching mission objectives with a lot of levels not just being A -> B.

And I don't think I can adequately explain how much fun the Super Shotgun is.



I've been playing through Quake II and holy shit is that game fun.

Just fast non stop action, with great weapons (dat Super Shotgun) and the 90s Always Run speed that I miss so much.

Going to do the expanaions after the main game and then Quake and Unreal.

Wish there were modern games like this.

Love me some Q2! The SP campaign was great and it was one of the first games I got bots working in. Had dialup at the time and online was near impossible. The weapon balance and MP levels were awesome.

I might go back to it tonight.


I still have my Q2 gold master disc that Paul Steed gave me when he was here in Brisbane for the local launch. I remember talking about playing it on IRC and people were begging me to upload it because it wasn't on the pirate networks yet. Fuck Q2 was a great game.
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