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AusGAF 11 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Dead Man

I find it weird here to be one of the few people here who love vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. I'm Scottish, I should be the last one here to like that sort of stuff.

If it weren't for my warfarin I'd eat a huge amount of brussell sprouts and broccoli with every meal.

And to follow-up on that "I'm Scottish" thing, in Taiwan you can get deep-fried broccoli. And it's fucking awesome.

I love veggies, but cauliflower is just a waste of space on a plate that could contain broccoli or beans or peas or pumpkin or anything other than cauliflower.

Edit: Tempura broccoli is also fantastic. As is grilled broccoli.


What's with all this hate for cauliflower and broccoli both are clearly the best veggies. Fuck that sauce shit as well.
It's time we start hating vegetables like zucchini and eggplant both of which taste like ass and have the worst texture.


It's time we start hating vegetables like zucchini and eggplant both of which taste like ass and have the worst texture.

Oh come on, Zucchini and Eggplant are great on a BBQ flame... They gotta get the exception there!

Has anyone tried Cheeky Rascal cider?!? My wife and I picked some up (Blood Orange, Limoncello & Pear flavor) to have with our burgers tonight. Not bad, I must say.


My four year old likes more veggies than Ausgaf.

Is that because you can still force them to eat veggies? In all seriousness I love all vegetables and usually cover 60% of my plate. But yea zucchini and eggplant can get fk off,
same with olives

Has anyone in Qld/NSW ever come across these limes?

Is that because you can still force them to eat veggies? In all seriousness I love all vegetables and usually cover 60% of my plate. But yea zucchini and eggplant can get fk off,
same with olives

Has anyone in Qld/NSW ever come across these limes?


Are they finger limes? I've had green finger limes and they are pretty tasty.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
It's raining in Gold Coast for like the second time in 6 weeks. Is it the end times?

Edit: Heavy rain, thunderstorms and everything.


I find it weird here to be one of the few people here who love vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. I'm Scottish, I should be the last one here to like that sort of stuff.

I'm a picky eater, though I like broccoli, but only in asian dishes. Something bland like steamed vegetables and I'll flee from things like broccoli or cauliflower.


Canceled that shit Stan. Ready for Netflix and downloaded the PS4 app ready to go for the 24th. Netflix wins just for being available on a TV device.

Chromecast (well and ATV) is my TV device :)

I've actually come to not like game consoles as TV devices. Purely because of boot and app start times.
Yea they are. I only discovered these last week, had never seen them before here in Victoria.
Do they taste like a normal lime?

A little bit different but comparable. The fruit has a pretty cool texture with individual "beads" as opposed to normal lime. I'd recommend trying one for sure!
Is europe worth seeing despite the huge costs and long flight involved? im into architecture and history mainly. Like is it worth all the hype.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Is europe worth seeing despite the huge costs and long flight involved? im into architecture and history mainly. Like is it worth all the hype.

I'd say that flights across Eurasia are only financially justifiable if you're staying for at least a month.

Plan for 1-2 months and reserve at least one week per country you want to visit. This would probably be expensive as fuck, but see it as a once-in-a-lifetime thing (as I am my time in Australia) and just go for it.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
how does australia stack up compared to europe in you opinions?

I've not seen enough of Australia to comment (and not enough of continental Europe either). I imagine that the main comparatives would be historical landmarks and architecture, and the lack thereof in Australia. That and the variety of culture that comes with having a population 20 times the size of Australia.

Even though I've only been here for 6 weeks, I could see myself living in Australia indefinitely if I was given the option to do so. Either that or Taiwan. I don't see a long term future for myself in my home country with the current political climate.


farken nailed dinner, before and after splooge shots


barbecued eye fillet steak atop steamed broccoli and garlic/dried chilli sautéed zoodles

sauce is a simmered mix of thick cream, blue vein cheese, parmesan cheese, dill, and cracked pepper

guuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so good


Broccoli is decent but Cauliflower is pretty awful.

Markot is like the correctness antiparticle.

Cauliflower with white sauce or cheese sauce is basically you enjoying the sauce, the cauliflower being in your mouth is a coincidence. You could substitute it with any other mild tasting vegetable and it's just as good/better.

So on point, I can't agree enough. I'm someone who really love vegetables, but cauliflower is just ick. It's bland and has an awful texture.


Dr. Hibbert: Another broccoli-related death.
Marge: But I thought broccoli was—
Dr. Hibbert: Oh yes. One of the deadliest plants on Earth. Why, it tries to warn you itself with its terrible taste.


I gave up on it after a few episodes, did it get better?

The Flash? No, it's pretty bad. He can dodge a bullet, but is vulnerable to a falling bookshelf he watches someone pull onto him. The intro should read "My name is Barry Allen and I'm the fastest man alive (except when plot-appropriate, which is often).

Is Arrow worth catching up with? All I know about the show from when Arrow characters appeared in The Flash. And Ms Smoak.

Arrow is great. It makes The Flash look like a pale imitation, which is funny considering how many of the crew left Arrow to work on it. It also made SHIELD look awful for the eight (I think) episodes before it came good.

I find it weird here to be one of the few people here who love vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. I'm Scottish, I should be the last one here to like that sort of stuff.

If it weren't for my warfarin I'd eat a huge amount of brussell sprouts and broccoli with every meal.

It is weird, considering how great those vegetables are. I'm disappointed to come back after a day out gaming and read all the dislike for them.

My gran loved broccoli and was pretty cut up when she started on warfarin too. Clearly I don't know your medical situation, but I thought that the dose of warfarin could be tailored to your diet, you just needed to be either consistent with the amount you eat or none at all. My gran wasn't consistent, so it had to be cut from her diet—can't have the vitamin K bombing her out of the effective range.

What's with all this hate for cauliflower and broccoli both are clearly the best veggies. Fuck that sauce shit as well.

Your name's not ringing any bells and I don't recall seeing you post here previously, but I like the cut of your jib.

It's time we start hating vegetables like zucchini and eggplant both of which taste like ass and have the worst texture.

...And you've lost me. If zucchini tastes bad, try a smaller one and/or cook it in a pan when you've got something else in there. If eggplant tastes bad, perhaps it needs more prep work—thin slices covered in salt removes the bitterness, wash it off and use it as desired or alternatively crumb it and fry it like a schnitzel for supreme enjoyment.

I used to dislike both of these until other people showed me different ways to have them. Now I'm reminded to make some zucchini slice.

My four year old likes more veggies than Ausgaf.

Your four year old sounds rad. I hated lots of veggies when I was his age and older, but have come full circle.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
My gran loved broccoli and was pretty cut up when she started on warfarin too. Clearly I don't know your medical situation, but I thought that the dose of warfarin could be tailored to your diet, you just needed to be either consistent with the amount you eat or none at all. My gran wasn't consistent, so it had to be cut from her diet—can't have the vitamin K bombing her out of the effective range.

I still eat it, don't get me wrong. But not in the quantities I would prefer.

I've never had a warfarin dose tailored to my diet. When I started they just played a "higher" or "lower" game based on my INR, but nowadays I just generally take 10mg a day.

I'll eat any veggie except eggplant. Fuck that shit.

I didn't even know what an eggplant was until I went to Taiwan. I fell in love with it fairly quickly. They know how to cook it right.


For the first time ever I figure I'll pop in to say hello and what do you know, everyone's talking about veggies. Ha! That's good kids, make sure you eat your veggies and keep me in a job.

Except zucchini, that can catch fire and fall off a cliff.

So hi everyone!


All the vegetable talk reminds me that I am slowly trying to get my son to eat them again. Kids are weird with foods.

They are. The amount of times he says he either likes or doesn't like something he's never ever tried is bizarre.

I read some suggestions on getting kids to eat veggies and they seemed to work for me, but I'm sure every kid is different.

First step is to make no big deal out of them, we don't eat them because they're healthy, we eat them because they taste good! That way they don't get the impression that veggies are a chore to eat.

Don't force him to eat a certain amount or to finish his plate or whatever. Give them to him in the same spoonful/forkful as the meat or whatever it is.

Cook a few different types at once, and let him decide which ones he wants and which ones he doesn't. In the beginning I had to offer incentives just to try something once, but I don't have to do that any more. Once he's decided he's had enough of one type, respect that decision. If he says he won't eat one type of veggie, try again another night and you might get success, but after a half a dozen or so attempts you can be pretty sure when he just doesn't like something.

My lad will eat all the steamed broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, asparagus, I can give him, but he won't touch zucchini and peas. Whatever, I figure his average is pretty good and he's eating steamed veggies pretty much every night now, so I don't bother giving him the ones he doesn't like any more. Sometimes he wants steamed veggies on bread with tomato sauce! So eh, I usually let him.
^ heh that's cool. Veggies w/ tomato sauce on bread.

As a kid I struggled with some veggies but now I'll eat anything and everything so that includes all veggies really. But now I've developed IBS or some shit so that may ruin my approach to eating anything and everything. :'(


Please. Kids are wise enough to know vegetables are terrible. The 'good for you' jig lasts into adulthood and the same abuse is inflicted upon the next generation.

Wake up broccoleeple.


They are. The amount of times he says he either likes or doesn't like something he's never ever tried is bizarre.

I read some suggestions on getting kids to eat veggies and they seemed to work for me, but I'm sure every kid is different.

First step is to make no big deal out of them, we don't eat them because they're healthy, we eat them because they taste good! That way they don't get the impression that veggies are a chore to eat.

Don't force him to eat a certain amount or to finish his plate or whatever. Give them to him in the same spoonful/forkful as the meat or whatever it is.

Cook a few different types at once, and let him decide which ones he wants and which ones he doesn't. In the beginning I had to offer incentives just to try something once, but I don't have to do that any more. Once he's decided he's had enough of one type, respect that decision. If he says he won't eat one type of veggie, try again another night and you might get success, but after a half a dozen or so attempts you can be pretty sure when he just doesn't like something.

My lad will eat all the steamed broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, asparagus, I can give him, but he won't touch zucchini and peas. Whatever, I figure his average is pretty good and he's eating steamed veggies pretty much every night now, so I don't bother giving him the ones he doesn't like any more. Sometimes he wants steamed veggies on bread with tomato sauce! So eh, I usually let him.

Yeah, this is definitely very similar to how we are currently having success. What also helps is we often serve the food to the table and then he gets the chance to pick what he would like from what is on offer.


I want a tag give me a tag
For the first time ever I figure I'll pop in to say hello and what do you know, everyone's talking about veggies. Ha! That's good kids, make sure you eat your veggies and keep me in a job.

Except zucchini, that can catch fire and fall off a cliff.

So hi everyone!


what do you do for a job?
Reptile, where you been? You've gone off the boil with Driveclub hey?

Very, VERY, cool avatar by the way.

Very much so :(

I should be back into it this week hopefully, I'm absolutely terrible at it when I'm tired which is why I've been avoiding it for quite some time. I peak in now and then but between work and family stuff I've just been vegging out on games lately.

Son has started to sleep better the last couple of days so (touch wood) I'm hoping we've turned a corner again. I'm on the verge of booking some time off from work too as I've run myself into the ground at this point and need a few days away from the negativity lol.

Avatar stays until next week! Still can't believe Randy is finally going into the HoF. Once it happens my vigil can finish :)


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
When I lived in Japan I basically lived off sushi. In true Scottish fashion, I'd wait until the store was closing then buy today's fresh sushi at a discounted price.

I used to eat the Korean equivalent of sushi (kimbap) quite regularly when I lived there. Ordering two tuna kimbaps was the only fluid sentence in Korean that I learned in my year there.

Taiwanese sushi is terrible in comparison to Korea and Japan. They add something to it, or make it a different way or something.
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