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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Guys, a question, more directed to those who own a website or are familiar with Australia copyright laws:

I just realized I have no sort of copyright protection for my website. In Australia, do you immediately own the rights of work you created or is there someplace I must register to ensure my site isn't stolen?

I don't even have a (c) thingy in the footer of my site...




You own it. You made it, you own copyright by default until you expressly waive those rights.

It's considered best practice to add some form of copyright information somewhere on your site, just so if push comes to shove you can say that you established your claim on the work from the outset.


Gazunta said:
You own it. You made it, you own copyright by default until you expressly waive those rights.

It's considered best practice to add some form of copyright information somewhere on your site, just so if push comes to shove you can say that you established your claim on the work from the outset.
Cheers. Just one other question. If I were to put "copyright 2010..." in my footer, would I put "copyright 2010 <my name>" or "copyright 2010 <website name>"? Or doesn't it matter?


Arnott's will be ensuring that all cocoa used in the production of Tim Tams will not be sourced from child labour.

I can now eat a whole packet of the double-choc-coat variety for lunch GUILT FREE.


Awesome. Channel 9/GEM fucked up the Conan premiere and pushed it back to tomorrow night, with no explanation other than changing their ads at the last minute to say "premieres Wednesday"



Cookie Monster game comes with Cookie Monster wii condom!!


Black ops is kinda good


I picked up the new X360 control with the improved dpad

much better then the old one

shame its $99 as it comes with a play and charge. It's ok because i didnt have a PandC before but for those who do its a bit crap


Ydahs said:
Cheers. Just one other question. If I were to put "copyright 2010..." in my footer, would I put "copyright 2010 <my name>" or "copyright 2010 <website name>"? Or doesn't it matter?

Anything works as a formal statement of copyright. The Attorney-General's Department site on copyright suggests "This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of (name and address of copyright owner and the year in which the work was made)." The copyright symbol was more legally recognised in the past but it's still useful for drawing attentiont to your copyright ownsership.

The tricky part of copyright law is proving ownership and as someone producing a website, the best way you can protect your copyright is to keep dated versions or similar that could be produced to prove that the work is yours. That said, it's hard at the best of times to enforce copyright, especially when it comes to works distributed internationally via the internet.


Choc said:
Black ops is kinda good


I picked up the new X360 control with the improved dpad

much better then the old one

shame its $99 as it comes with a play and charge. It's ok because i didnt have a PandC before but for those who do its a bit crap

$99 for an Xbox controller is like, the greatest rip off in history. Well, probably not, since the rest of the 360 accessories are also the greatest rip off in history.


In that pack, the play and charge kit should be included for free. The battery life of the pre-packed batteries is so poor, it may as well be plugged in all the time.


legend166 said:
$99 for an Xbox controller is like, the greatest rip off in history. Well, probably not, since the rest of the 360 accessories are also the greatest rip off in history.

Just wait for it to come up on Play Asia or the UK sites, will be a more reasonable price. My controllers are still in decent shape but I wouldn't mind a decent d-pad to go back and finish Castlevania SotN.

Edit: Apparently it's not even that great anyway. I might just buy a cheap Madcatz Fightpad for my SotN needs. Would probably be good for Tekken as well.
So I just bought a copy of Two Worlds II :D

I should clarify, I'm excited because I love RPGs and I don't think its coming out here until next year.


endlessflood said:
Mar if your fort needs some crenellations then you can have that Bayonetta gun, I'm just going to chuck it otherwise. Anybody want the Vanquish figurine?
Sold. How do we physically exchange goods?

Also grats Fred. Other stuff.

Been on training all this week hardly any time for interwebs. Back to reality soon. End, cryptic post.


Choc said:
Black ops is kinda good


I picked up the new X360 control with the improved dpad

much better then the old one

shame its $99 as it comes with a play and charge. It's ok because i didnt have a PandC before but for those who do its a bit crap
Is that with the twisty d-pad and chrome bits?
Choc said:
I picked up the new X360 control with the improved dpad

much better then the old one

Does it take regular batteries? And how's the rest of the pad compare to the regular one?

Edit: Wait you can only get the Play and Charge Kit? Bah.


yes it can take regular batteries if you wish

the pad feels very quality

only weird thing is the face buttons no longer have colours

and yes its the twisty dpad


Choc said:
yes it can take regular batteries if you wish

the pad feels very quality

only weird thing is the face buttons no longer have colours

and yes its the twisty dpad

I'm reading the d-pad is still fairly shitty, hits the edge and doesn't register diagnals consistently. Have you tried playing an arcade game/fighter with it and comparing to the old pad?
I'm mostly interested in it as a replacement controller anyway. I don't care if the d-pad is good, though "better" would be nice. I'm more interested in the analogue sticks anyway.

Odd that the buttons are monochrome now, as many games have images of the buttons on-screen (i.e. quicktime events, tutorials and such).


but ever so delicious
markot said:

Cookie Monster game comes with Cookie Monster wii condom!!

It certainly does. That's what i was asking VOOK about a few weeks back. Only $50 at bigw, not bad! :D
For those interested, I bought my copy of Two Worlds II from gamersgate for about $50, will download when I get home tonight.

Thought it was worth mentioning as it is not on Steam and won't be in stores here til next year.


DSE's $184 for Kinect with Kinect Adventures is almost worth it just to check it out, although I'd be happier with Dance Central. Adventures might be the best showcase for what the tech can and can't do.

I still think it's kinda dumb.


Anybody here into photography? I accidentally 2 copies of The Moment it Clicks by Joe McNally, you can have my extra copy for $30.

Stackboy said:
I think I can do without an annual COD.
me also. I burned out on MW2 pretty bad haha

Can someone tell me where the red Wii will be cheapest? Is it going to be exactly $298 everywhere that's selling it or might I get it a little cheaper at Big W or something? I'm buying the shit out of it. Also, what good Wii games have come out in the past… year? Maybe even longer. Can someone put up a list of their favourite Wii games? I'm going Wii crazy here.


Started playing Kane and Lynch 2 last night (albeit only for ten minutes or so). It's amazing how rudimentary character animation and performance is after completing Enslaved. Like Uncharted 2, Enslaved really sets the bar for character animation, voice work and the performance capture that ties it all together. The models in K&L2 look stiff and robotic by comparison and the lip sync barely keeps in time with the dialogue. This is not to say K&L2 fails in this entirely, just that games like Uncharted 2 and Enslaved really show up the gap.
OneMoreQuestion said:
How much for the figure?
Free to a good home. I'm in inner western Sydney (near Norton St) and TBH I'd be happier to arrange pick up or drop off since the Norton St post office is a bit of a shitfight. Could even arrange to do it at Vintage Cellars seeing as that's where the GAF alcoholics seem to get their liquor lol :D


VOOK said:
Red Wii is $268 at Big W, you'd be crazy not to get it.
Sold. I'll see if I can buy it tomorrow, I don't like my odds though. Or if I do buy it I'll have to stuff it in the closet so my gf doesn't see for a week or so haha

Stackboy said:
I have Halo:Reach to keep me entertained for a year as well.
I think I might have burnt out on fps' in general. I have 2d sidescroller fever, and the cure is Mario related.


endlessflood said:
Free to a good home. I'm in inner western Sydney (near Norton St) and TBH I'd be happier to arrange pick up or drop off since the Norton St post office is a bit of a shitfight. Could even arrange to do it at Vintage Cellars seeing as that's where the GAF alcoholics seem to get their liquor lol :D

Figuring out which liquor store to trade video game action figures at. #firstworldproblems


endlessflood said:
You're inner west right? If you want the Vanquish figure as well that makes life easy for me. Send me a PM and we'll work it out.

lol @ agyar :D
Pm sent. Be happy to buy you a beer or something for your troubles.


Any Apple Developers here? The more I read about selling apps the more discouraged I get. From Whirlpool:

You must register with the ATO to be able to charge GST.

You must pay tax either way on your business income.

You income is assessable in Australia regardless of where it is sold as you are a taxpayer here.

No US Sales tax is payable as you are trading in aus.

You must report your income is Australian dollars.

Contact your tax agent and the ATO for more info
Hope this doesn't apply for individual developer...


rass said:
I think I might have burnt out on fps' in general. I have 2d sidescroller fever, and the cure is Mario related.
It's a great time to have 2D fever with Mario, Kirby, Sonic and Donkey Kong all getting amazing releases this year.
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