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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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but ever so delicious
I'm guessing there will be some COD poor play tonight? I'm going to give it a shot at around 8:30.

PC of course. If you want to join then just jump into steam chat as always and we can try go from there.


Ydahs said:
Any Apple Developers here? The more I read about selling apps the more discouraged I get. From Whirlpool:

Hope this doesn't apply for individual developer...

interesting comments regarding GST registration

if you have a turnover of less then $75,000 AUD per annum you do not have to be registered for GST

however because apple is unsure how much you sell they are making sure you register to be compliant

and yes, selling apps is a business people...... and with that comes responsibility


I was going to play last night but ended up going out to dinner with some mates. Game is fully loaded and what not so I'm up for a few matches tonight!


evlcookie said:
I'm guessing there will be some COD poor play tonight? I'm going to give it a shot at around 8:30.

PC of course. If you want to join then just jump into steam chat as always and we can try go from there.


Let's try some wager matches.


legend166 said:
edit: beaten by choc nooooooooo

Surprised choc isn't letting us know the Howard government has decided to implement a Goods and Services Tax in Australia.

Boom boom tish


endlessflood said:
You're inner west right? If you want the Vanquish figure as well that makes life easy for me. Send me a PM and we'll work it out.

lol @ agyar :D

Did Mar not want the Vanquish figurine? I am crazy for that game and would really want to get my hands on it! =(

Bernbaum said:
DSE's $184 for Kinect with Kinect Adventures is almost worth it just to check it out, although I'd be happier with Dance Central. Adventures might be the best showcase for what the tech can and can't do.

I still think it's kinda dumb.

Online, they have it for 198 with both Kinect Adventures and YOUR SHAPE: Fitness Evolved.


[edit] Ah fuck, way behind choc here. Ah well.

Just some more info on selling apps (my experience actually comes from DJing).

ATO said:
If you carry on a business, you must register for GST if your GST turnover is at, or above the GST turnover threshold, that is, it is $75,000 or more



- You DO have to report all income at tax return time and pay tax accordingly (always put half of your 'hobby income' aside for this and other surprises)

- You DO need an ABN, which is still fast & free to get AFAIK

- You DON'T have to register for GST until your turnover is $75k+. This means you don't have to charge GST, and you don't have to submit quarterly BAS paperwork.

It's fairly painless without the GST crap. When I started DJing I registered for GST and got bogged down in pointless BAS's. But there was no need!


Apple won't accept apps without GST registration because they can't be sure you won't make 75k in a year from the app store

if you have an app that takes off like crazy you could make 75k in a day!

so i can understand their points

Also, for those claiming hobby income there is a limit to this.

I was a 'hobby' referee until i became nationally accredited and affiliated with the FFA.

At that time my income from refereeing became higher then the threshold (i think its like 10k)

Also, if you claim hobby for income, you CAN NOT claim anything as a tax deduction against that side of your income


Choc said:
Apple won't accept apps without GST registration because they can't be sure you won't make 75k in a year from the app store

if you have an app that takes off like crazy you could make 75k in a day!

so i can understand their points

Also, for those claiming hobby income there is a limit to this.

I was a 'hobby' referee until i became nationally accredited and affiliated with the FFA.

At that time my income from refereeing became higher then the threshold (i think its like 10k)

Also, if you claim hobby for income, you CAN NOT claim anything as a tax deduction against that side of your income

Off topic, what did you ref? Cause I was an indoor soccer ref for three months and without a shadow of a doubt it was the worst fucking job I've ever had. And I've worked some crappy jobs.


MrSerrels said:
Off topic, what did you ref? Cause I was an indoor soccer ref for three months and without a shadow of a doubt it was the worst fucking job I've ever had. And I've worked some crappy jobs.

I still referee serrels. NSW Premier League (Sydney United etc) and am on the B reserve list for A-League.

At the local park level refereeing can be a nightmare, but once you progress up the ranks if you stick it out it gets a lot better, you have a lot more backup from the authorities and players know if they push the line they are going to get punished by either yourself or FFA/Football NSW


Choc said:
I still referee serrels. NSW Premier League (Sydney United etc) and am on the B reserve list for A-League.

At the local park level refereeing can be a nightmare, but once you progress up the ranks if you stick it out it gets a lot better, you have a lot more backup from the authorities and players know if they push the line they are going to get punished by either yourself or FFA/Football NSW

Wow. Impressive.

I think my experience was bad because I used to never wear glasses, because I didn't want to get shit for being a ref with glasses, but I was, ironically, pretty effin' blind, which made me the worst referee ever.

I had a guy literally try to strangle me! He had his frickin' hands around my neck. I was actually choking while I produced the red card!


MrSerrels said:
Wow. Impressive.

I think my experience was bad because I used to never wear glasses, because I didn't want to get shit for being a ref with glasses, but I was, ironically, pretty effin' blind, which made me the worst referee ever.

I had a guy literally try to strangle me! He had his frickin' hands around my neck. I was actually choking while I produced the red card!
Isn't that assault? >_>


I used to ref soccer at school. I usually reffed under 14s 15s or 16s D and E teams which was actually really fun. I would never want to ref serious games though so good on ya choc.


Choc said:
Apple won't accept apps without GST registration because they can't be sure you won't make 75k in a year from the app store

if you have an app that takes off like crazy you could make 75k in a day!

so i can understand their points
Yeah, makes sense. And I don't think there's anyone releasing stuff on the Appstore that doesn't secretly hope they'll hit that jackpot.

You touched me Officer, sorry.




it doesn't help that refereeing indoor/futsal is a lot more difficult then outdoor generally

there is a lot more cards to dish out as its so easy to get booked in futsal and the game is so fast.

I used to referee NSW Premier League futsal as well but gave that up for two reasons

1) was asked by FFA to make a choice as to which i wanted to progress further in FSL or regular Football. Of course i chose football even though its harder (i'd be well on the way to FIFA qualification for Futsal if i chose that, a lot easier to get selected and picked out of a smaller group)

2) I could sleep for a week after a game of Futsal. The speed is insane


Yeah futsal is crazy fast and you get sweaty and hot real quick. And it would be worse for refs since you're basically doing double the running of everyone else. And yeah, futsal is so rough it's crazy. I played a 2 years of mixed social futsal at uni and the guys were taking shit waay too seriously. Must be because everyone is running around in a relatively small space. I felt so sorry for the chicks that got pushed around in our team. I did knock some guys tooth out which I was kinda proud of:lol

But yeah, you'd think playing indoors is better than playing in the sun but it's not. I'd take fresh air and good manners any day.


I want a tag give me a tag
Scrow said:
i tried one of those on a gaffers suggestion. it was awful. too sweet.


edit: where did you buy it?

They taste strange in VIC (havent tried anywhere else outside of SA)


I'm in a very good mood. :) Taking suggestions on what to do tonight.

I'll probably just end up drawing comics about old video games and playing Civ V

Chocolate Breaka > Iced Coffee


Does anyone know if Dick Smith Online is decent? Will they ship a street dated product to arrive ON street date or will they only ship after?

I want to order their Kinect bundle. I trust them more than Big W. >_>


BanShunsaku said:
I'm also fond of Nippy's chocolate milk, not sure if they still make it or not...
Nippy's is great, and they still make it. They had it at my school this year past. :D
fappenmeister said:
Kick arse!

And it's only 3gb!

Are the download speeds improved?
Downloaded for me in about 2 hours at an average of about 500 kb/s. The total download was about 3.8 gigs.

Customizing my character now :) game seems strangely well polished, plugged in my 360 controller and it works like a charm.


jambo said:
Target have the Red Wii with NSMBWii + TMNT + Just Dance for $299
are those 2 games worth the extra $30 over big W? I am a big fan of tmnt in general, don't know shit about the game though. Just Dance sounds nasty


Thanks for the info guys.
VOOK said:
I'm a Apple Developer, I make apps and shit.

GST? Pfff
You're enrolled as an individual developer right? Did you require an ABN even for your free app? And you didn't need to worry about GST for your paid apps?


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
rass said:
are those 2 games worth the extra $30 over big W? I am a big fan of tmnt in general, don't know shit about the game though. Just Dance sounds nasty

TMNT is a Brawl clone, it's alright but I'd skip it and save the money and get another game that is worth it.

Ydahs said:
You're enrolled as an individual developer right? Did you require an ABN even for your free app? And you didn't need to worry about GST for your paid apps?

Pretty sure I didn't need it, I do have one though.. but can't remember entirely. But I think no.
markot said:
Is it a linear RPG or more open?

So far linear, but I'm still in the prologue. I'm pretty certain it opens up later in the game.

I'm about to post a few more impressions and a whole heap of screens in the Two Worlds 2 review thread.

This game has taken me by complete surprise!


As someone who derived a hearty amount of enjoyment from the CoD/MW games over the past half-decade, I'm already bored of Black Ops and I'm only halfway through Jeff Gerstmann's video review.

I'm almost compelled to go back and play MW2 a second time and see if I can recall any of what I played the first time I waddled through that mess. All I remember is an oil rig, an astronaut and lots of military jargon lifted directly from David Simon's Generation Kill.


I tried to buy the new cod from one of those dodgy cd key websites because the steam price is ridiculous. Turns out they had problems because it was in Russian, was offered a refund so i took it.

Now i don't really care about it. Funny that.

Am definitely interested in two worlds though, gonna give it a little while before i bite though in order to let opinions crystallize.


rass said:
are those 2 games worth the extra $30 over big W? I am a big fan of tmnt in general, don't know shit about the game though. Just Dance sounds nasty
Could trade them in at EB to get credit for another game maybe. Dunno if it'd beat the KMart price.


Every single one of you who got a tax return this year, know this:
I hate you.

I just got my tax bill, nearly $2k higher than last year. I did not budget for this.
Wii on hold again, for the 8 millionth time this year :'(
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