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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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So what is everyone playing this weekend?

For me, it will be trying to finish Fallout New Vegas. If I finish that off I'll be moving on to either Two Worlds 2 or Risen (which unless anyone missed it on the previous page, is now on Steam for $15, and is available for Australians)

I tried to play some of the Black Ops campaign last night (PC version) but I was having some serious audio and gameplay stuttering, so I might wait for a patch or two before I have another crack at that one.

Also just remembered I still have Fable III to play. Damn, too many games at the moment!


BanShunsaku said:
So what is everyone playing this weekend?
real life monopoly
ping pong
might play the pokies to try and sort out the tax man haha
I won't be doing this
Hmm. I might pick up my PC from mum's and play Rollercoaster Tycoon 2.
I think I might rent Black Ops next weekend if I can and play through the campaign. Haven't rented a game in years.

My original plan was to play NSMB Wii but noooooooooOOooo

Also - is there a game on PC/mac which is similar to Game Dev Story on iPhone but more in depth? I've never really played a game like it except Theme Hospital I suppose. I don't even know what to search for. Less than $20 would be ideal too.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
My big order is in :D So many pens!



evlcookie said:
Safe to say there are more people playing NFS on the 360 as well. But i don't think the PC is locked at 30fps either, so 60fps should be outstanding.

I would have thought if the game used EAs service that autolog would work across all platforms. I haven't seen the game on steam yet so i doubt it's a steamworks title.

you'd think that wouldn't you but nope


VOOK said:
My big order is in :D So many pens!

That's the best!

This weekend I will mostly be playing 'organize six months worth of photography'. It's the much-lauded sequel to the game I played last week - 'organize finances and reminisce the years when I actually had free time before collapsing in a pile of tears'. The graphics are good despite the unpalatable gameplay.

Might sneak in an hour or so of DJ Hero.


VOOK said:
My big order is in :D So many pens!

I like the style of your pen. I might even say that your pen is amazing!

(hurr durr)

(Forgive me, it's Friday and my hayfever has developed into a full-blown cold (or ebola))
Bernbaum said:
This weekend I will mostly be playing 'organize six months worth of photography'.
Ever used Adobe Lightroom? It's a fantastic app for photo management if you're into photography at all. My wife and I have probably 75,000 photos from the last 5 years in there -- probably also helps that we use other apps such as DIM or Breeze Downloader to organise when downloading.

I shall be playing Fallout 3, Super Meat Boy, Lara Croft this weekend. And trying to stop myself from buying Black Ops.


BanShunsaku said:
So what is everyone playing this weekend?

Put up a Super Meat Boy review tonight, try and record a podcast (it's hard getting 4 dudes on a mic (HI GUYS)), pick up another Bayonetta gun plus extras from the awesome person Endlessflood, organise a Crackdown 2 marathon with my buddies, then hopefully amongst all that, play an assload of Castlevania LoS.


Mar said:
Crackdown 2

Crackdown 2 is like my neglected middle child. Bought it while I was playing something else, planned to give it my full attention then went then went and bought something else instead. I'm sorry, Crackdown.

In other news, a Grill'd has apparently opened a block away from my office. This is awesome
and/or a problem


I'll probably be playing Crash Bandicoot, which I bought due to the sale on the PSN Store, but I might finish that tonight given my experiences with it this morning. I've also managed to earn three platinum trophies this week all from scratch (GoW, GoW II and Tomb Raider: Underworld, all of which I'd played before, but none had trophies when I played them), so I'm also itching to maybe start something from the backlog while I'm on a roll.


I'll be playing AC: Brotherhood. Can't wait.

Also - anyone here 100% Super Meat Boy yet. Finishing the regular levels damn near killed me...


MrSerrels said:
Also - anyone here 100% Super Meat Boy yet. Finishing the regular levels damn near killed me...

Finishing the regular levels was very hard, much harder than VVVVVV with all Shiny Trinket things. In fact, I didn't enjoy the last parts of that game at all and my motivation to play more was pretty much shot by the end of it.


MrSerrels said:
I'll be playing AC: Brotherhood. Can't wait.



THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
I'll probably be playing Black Ops and finish off getting all platinum medals in Kinect Adventures.


ManeKast said:
Sonic Colours, had a blast with it last night. Really fun
Pretty much, except I kept hitting the wrong buttons, mainly getting dash & jump mixed up constantly.

Wish you could change the controller mapping.


MrSerrels said:
I'll be playing AC: Brotherhood. Can't wait.

The multiplayer in this has piqued my interest, following the Giant Bomb quicklook. This is strange as I'm usually fairly blasé about multiplayer components of games and I haven't even played AC2.

Why For?

Will be playing Black Ops most likely.

Might try and squeeze in Halo Reach to get the last cheevo if I can. But I need time to get to Lt. Colonel from Major Grade 1.


Agyar said:
In other news, a Grill'd has apparently opened a block away from my office. This is awesome
and/or a problem

Where in Australia is your office? I've had one just open up down the street from me.


Agyar said:
In other news, a Grill'd has apparently opened a block away from my office. This is awesome
and/or a problem
Awesome. You can order your burger at morning smoko and it'll be ready for you to pick some time around late lunch.


My weekend may or may not contain the following:

NBA 2K11
College Hoops 2K8
Civ V
Looking at my games thinking what I want to play and end up reading GAF.

Also, watching V8 Supercars and F1.


Grill'd, like many other foodstuffs, was amazing the first time I tried it in Melbourne, and ordinary to above-average from everywhere else.
You know what I really hate about all these burger joints offering fancy, upmarket burgers?

None of them asks how you want the meat cooked!


Fredescu said:
Unless you want to die, you shouldn't eat a pink burger.
Back in TAFE one of my mates ordered a chicken schnitzel burger from a local cafe. The schnitzel was frozen in the middle. Rank.


Stackboy said:
Where in Australia is your office? I've had one just open up down the street from me.

Brisbane CBD.

Apparently the line at lunch-time was up the street. Lucky I have a Burger Urge 5 minutes walk from my apartment and ate a chilli cheese beef burger for dinner last night, so my urge for burgers is sated for the time being.


Frawdder said:
My weekend may or may not contain the following:

NBA 2K11
College Hoops 2K8
Civ V
Looking at my games thinking what I want to play and end up reading GAF.

Also, watching V8 Supercars and F1.
My whole weekend is focused around getting better (hayfever/cold hybrid) and the F1. Anyone who doesn't watch the F1 this weekend is a bum.

Edit: Fuck, that Garden Goodness burger from Grill'd sounds amazing. Definitely getting one for lunch next week.


Bernbaum said:
Grill'd, like many other foodstuffs, was amazing the first time I tried it in Melbourne, and ordinary to above-average from everywhere else.

Is Grill'd the one that does the Baa Baa Burger? Cause that shit was unreal.


Agyar said:
Brisbane CBD.

Apparently the line at lunch-time was up the street. Lucky I have a Burger Urge 5 minutes walk from my apartment and ate a chilli cheese beef burger for dinner last night, so my urge for burgers is sated for the time being.

Huh, they must have popped up at the same time. I'm in West End.


Stackboy said:
Huh, they must have popped up at the same time. I'm in West End.

Yeah they opened up where Cibo used to be didn't they? I live in West End, but I go to Burger Urge instead.


Walked past EB with the GF and we were like hey the red Wii was out then I told her about the Mario Anniversary Game coming and she is like lets get a Wii and I was like ok



CryptiK said:
Walked past EB with the GF and we were like hey the red Wii was out then I told her about the Mario Anniversary Game coming and she is like lets get a Wii and I was like ok

How did you afford this without selling everything else you own first?

Boom boom tish.


Shaneus said:
My whole weekend is focused around getting better (hayfever/cold hybrid) and the F1. Anyone who doesn't watch the F1 this weekend is a bum.

Edit: Fuck, that Garden Goodness burger from Grill'd sounds amazing. Definitely getting one for lunch next week.
Ah yes, this time of year always brings the "joy" of hayfever, where my nose is running like a tap and blocked at the same time and no amount of anything will stop my eyes from being itchy.
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