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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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jambo said:
It'd be good if there was a way the Feds could just bring it in, circumventing the AGs.

Jambo, if the AG's don't vote yes this Friday if the Government was adamant they wanted it they can introduce a bill into parliament that can change the Classification Act to not require the AG's approval for change

its f'ing ridiculous they had it in the first place. it is a FEDERAL LAW.


codswallop said:
Yeah that was announced over the weekend. But if that WA AG shoots it down like it sounds he may, then it makes no difference as all AGs have to agree in order for things to change.
boo that man!

I thought Atkinson/SA was the only hurdle? How annoying.


Choc said:
Jambo, if the AG's don't vote yes this Friday if the Government was adamant they wanted it they can introduce a bill into parliament that can change the Classification Act to not require the AG's approval for change

its f'ing ridiculous they had it in the first place. it is a FEDERAL LAW.
Yeah I thought something like that could happen. If the AGs still fuck around this Friday, hopefully the Feds will actually act on this.


Rass, I'm not surprised you found Tasmania to be filled with balls. And not the fun, colourful McDonalds' Playland balls.

Out of curiosity, which part of our post-apocalyptic state did you visit?


K guys, I need help.

I'm trying to book a flight through Virgin Blue but it says that a fax number is required...I don't have a fax number and it won't let me book the flight. Anyone run into this before? Can I just put 00000000 or something? How do I get around this?


Choc said:
Jambo, if the AG's don't vote yes this Friday if the Government was adamant they wanted it they can introduce a bill into parliament that can change the Classification Act to not require the AG's approval for change

its f'ing ridiculous they had it in the first place. it is a FEDERAL LAW.

That's an interesting angle actually. If the WA AG opposes the rating - after 84% of his constituents have outrighted stated they want the R18+ rating, after the Literature Review has already debunked all the bullshit arguments from the ACL et al - on the whim of a handful of MPs who want to play party politics, surely something drastic has to be done about this process.


WA will just prove again that it lives in the 1980s not the 2000's

it is like going in a time machine flying to Perth they are so backward and old fashioned (sorry to those who live in WA here :) but even you know its true)

Uh frawd why do you need a fax number :|


Kritz said:
Rass, I'm not surprised you found Tasmania to be filled with balls. And not the fun, colourful McDonalds' Playland balls.

Out of curiosity, which part of our post-apocalyptic state did you visit?
flew into Hobart airport then stopped in Sorrell for food and drove straight to Port Arthur. PA would have been alright had it not rained continuously the day we arrived, then made me all sunburnt the following day. It's just that there was NOTHING for us to do in the rain. And I couldn't find a damn sketchbook anywhere (Tullamarine airport included), stupid organisation skills.


Serrels suggestion for an article :)

Do one like what Fox Sports did for the World Cup announcement

what happens if we win on Friday

What happens if we lose

and you can explore the process that will occur should be victorious plus what will happen if we lose and what it means and how far back we will go

then you can mention my angle on the law changing (which is entirely possible and was spoken about by the then AG a long time ago when people were fed up with states controlling the entire country)


Choc said:
Serrels suggestion for an article :)

Do one like what Fox Sports did for the World Cup announcement

what happens if we win on Friday

What happens if we lose

and you can explore the process that will occur should be victorious plus what will happen if we lose and what it means and how far back we will go

then you can mention my angle on the law changing (which is entirely possible and was spoken about by the then AG a long time ago when people were fed up with states controlling the entire country)

That's an awesome idea. I think I may just steal it.


rass said:
flew into Hobart airport then stopped in Sorrell for food and drove straight to Port Arthur. PA would have been alright had it not rained continuously the day we arrived, then made me all sunburnt the following day. It's just that there was NOTHING for us to do in the rain. And I couldn't find a damn sketchbook anywhere (Tullamarine airport included), stupid organisation skills.

You came to Tasmania and expected it to be something other than constant, nonstop humid rain? Boy, we sure showed you!

But, seriously, there are some really nice looking places in Tasmania. Coles Bay is a family favourite, and Queenstown looks really nice (although is the most boring place on earth ever).

If you want something a little closer, next time go to Richmond, which is a really lovely old Englishy town with a great little duck park / bridge / centre cafe kinda thing, and most importantly, a sweet shop.

But, yeah, better luck next time. The weather here is usually always total garbage, even when it's not raining, so it can be a bit of a diceroll. Thankfully, there's a lot to see that isn't more than a 1.5 hour drive out of Hobart (considering it's like a 2.5-4 hour drive to Launceston anyway), so you shouldn't really ever find travel too hard, depending on if you boated over your car.


Mate just linked this to me


:lol :lol :lol

Choc said:

is Australia toast?
3/160 now

Best we can hope for is a draw because of rain!
jambo said:
Mate just linked this to me


:lol :lol :lol

3/160 now

Best we can hope for is a draw because of rain![/QUOTE]

:lol :lol

And yes the best we can hope for is rain to save us!
evlcookie said:
I now have a favourite piece of female clothing. Those business style skirts they wear that are insanely tight, along with a black/white top. So fucking hot.

I now love the city.

Yes. Also when they wear nice black heels. Oh my.

Dead Man

Choc said:
I've started to cook better food because of MC

as well as this the UK version is soooooooooooooo much better.

Once BBC Iplayer becomes available in Australia next year
chan 10 might be screwed once people see the real thing
What, I've heard nothing about this. Subscription needed? And fuck yeah, F1 live practise feed!

Cohsae said:
All cooking shows pale in comparison to the almighty Iron Chef
You speak truth. I haven't been sad enough to watch any of the new Aussie version, instead re watching all the REAL Iron Chefs. :D


but ever so delicious
Megadrive said:
Yes. Also when they wear nice black heels. Oh my.

Yea. This red head was wearing that exact setup. I didn't get to see the front of her though, to see if the face was any good. But i was loving the sound and look from behind.


Kritz said:
You came to Tasmania and expected it to be something other than constant, nonstop humid rain? Boy, we sure showed you!

But, seriously, there are some really nice looking places in Tasmania. Coles Bay is a family favourite, and Queenstown looks really nice (although is the most boring place on earth ever).

If you want something a little closer, next time go to Richmond, which is a really lovely old Englishy town with a great little duck park / bridge / centre cafe kinda thing, and most importantly, a sweet shop.

But, yeah, better luck next time. The weather here is usually always total garbage, even when it's not raining, so it can be a bit of a diceroll. Thankfully, there's a lot to see that isn't more than a 1.5 hour drive out of Hobart (considering it's like a 2.5-4 hour drive to Launceston anyway), so you shouldn't really ever find travel too hard, depending on if you boated over your car.

I've been to Richmond and bought things from that lolly shop. It was good.

But nothing would beat the big box of discarded chocolate I bought from the Cadbury factory. Apparently they don't sell them anymore, which is a shame. It was just a big box of chocolate that was disfigured so they couldn't sell it.


Ugh, $10 per episode is definitely 'don't bother' territory for me, I hope that they set up a monthly payment scheme or something, as I'd definitely buy into that for a reasonable price. I'm the sort of person that doesn't download any TV episodes illegally, typically waiting for series to come out on DVD or Blu-Ray to pick them up, and that proposed price is much more than I pay now.

I also hope it means the iPlayer support for the PS3 in the UK will be made global too. iView on the PS3 has been amazingly good for catching up on ABC shows I miss occasionally. It's so much better watching it on the big screen without having to hook my laptop up to the projector.


SMG2 is AMAZING! Only have eight stars but what I've played so far has been great. Bad thing is, I don't think I can play for extended periods because spinning hurts my wrist :(


Ydahs said:
SMG2 is AMAZING! Only have eight stars but what I've played so far has been great. Bad thing is, I don't think I can play for extended periods because spinning hurts my wrist :(
Early 2010 called, and they want their game back...

Never gets old


Ydahs said:
SMG2 is AMAZING! Only have eight stars but what I've played so far has been great. Bad thing is, I don't think I can play for extended periods because spinning hurts my wrist :(
If the wrist pain gets too much send it to me and I'll keep it safe


Clipper said:
Ugh, $10 per episode is definitely 'don't bother' territory for me, I hope that they set up a monthly payment scheme or something, as I'd definitely buy into that for a reasonable price. I'm the sort of person that doesn't download any TV episodes illegally, typically waiting for series to come out on DVD or Blu-Ray to pick them up, and that proposed price is much more than I pay now.

I also hope it means the iPlayer support for the PS3 in the UK will be made global too. iView on the PS3 has been amazingly good for catching up on ABC shows I miss occasionally. It's so much better watching it on the big screen without having to hook my laptop up to the projector.
I do download a fair bit of TV, but the moment Netflix or Hulu or BBC iPlayer become available in Australia with subscriptions, I'll sign up and never download again.

Streaming is the future.

Ydahs said:
SMG2 is AMAZING! Only have eight stars but what I've played so far has been great. Bad thing is, I don't think I can play for extended periods because spinning hurts my wrist :(
Do you not masturbate?


Why the fuck did he mention a survey of whether or not people THINK violent video games lead to violence IRL? All that matters is if it actually does, not if people THINK it does, and I'm pretty sure the govt investigation showed that there was no link.

It's like the fact that zombies are at an all time low at the moment, but the fear of zombies could be incredibly high. It doesn't mean you need to set up government programs to deal with the fear of zombies.
“By your logic, I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.”

“Hmm; how does it work?”

“It doesn’t work; it’s just a stupid rock!”


“… but I don’t see any tigers around, do you?”

“Lisa, I want to buy your rock…”


MrSerrels said:

The part that really annoys me about that post is the following:

Australian Cock Lobby said:
Home Affairs and Justice Minister Brendan O'Connor's statement that dozens of games which have been restricted to adults overseas have been allowed into the MA15+ rating here is an admission that the system he is in charge of is failing to correctly classify material.

This is not an argument for liberalising the classification system, already widely recognised as broken, it is an argument for ensuring classifiers do their job properly in the first place.

It doesn't take a legal eagle to realise that the classification system being employed by the Classification Board does not consist of "whatever the US uses but with the 18+ catergory removed". It is an independant piece of Australian law that has no connection to any foreign classification law than in purpose. What he is suggesting by accusing classifiers of not doing their job is akin to saying our Tax Department is failing to correctly tax our income because people overseas pay a different amount of tax.


Agyar said:
It doesn't take a legal eagle to realise that the classification system being employed by the Classification Board does not consist of "whatever the US uses but with the 18+ catergory removed". It is an independant piece of Australian law that has no connection to any foreign classification law than in purpose. What he is suggesting by accusing classifiers of not doing their job is akin to saying our Tax Department is failing to correctly tax our income because people overseas pay a different amount of tax.

Honestly, I sympathise - but that line was just one turd in a sea of epic bullshit.

Do you know when you have an argument with your girlfriend and deep down inside you know you're wrong, but you start clinging to any old shit you think might allow you to leave with a modicum of self respect? That's the place he's in right now.

He's up shit creek without a paddle - all his arguments are crumbling, he just doesn't know it yet. That's why he's shouting so loud, and making such little sense.

EDIT: I just realised that I used the word shit a lot in that post.


MrSerrels said:
Honestly, I sympathise - but that line was just one turd in a sea of epic bullshit.

Do you know when you have an argument with your girlfriend and deep down inside you know you're wrong, but you start clinging to any old shit you think might allow you to leave with a modicum of self respect? That's the place he's in right now.

He's up shit creek without a paddle - all his arguments are crumbling, he just doesn't know it yet. That's why he's shouting so loud, and making such little sense.

I don't like people abusing other people's ignorance of the law to back up their arguments. If anyone should be accused of being immoral, it's him for doing that.


legend166 said:
I've been to Richmond and bought things from that lolly shop. It was good.

But nothing would beat the big box of discarded chocolate I bought from the Cadbury factory. Apparently they don't sell them anymore, which is a shame. It was just a big box of chocolate that was disfigured so they couldn't sell it.

Fun fact: My grandfather used to be a manager at the factory. :p


Bernbaum said:
Early 2010 called, and they want their game back...

Never gets old
I had the game for a LONG time. Wanted to finish FFXIII first though and uni came in the way.

Glad I left it until now since I have nothing to distract me. Well, except for my website and iOS development :)

rass said:
If the wrist pain gets too much send it to me and I'll keep it safe
:lol Never! It's worth the pain.

jambo said:
Do you not masturbate?
... it actually hurts because it never fully recovered from the four breaks and two fractures I had in it two years ago. Can't move it side to side as much as I used to so that's why it hurts when I hold the Wiimote :(

When Zelda releases, I have no choice but to get the new Wiimote with M+ built in, since the normal Wiimote with the M+ attachment is just to heavy and bulky to hold for a couple of hours at a time...


Listened to the most recent Irrational Interviews with Zach Snyder.

It was a great chat. I loved how closely Levine and Snyder's values parallel each other when it comes to adapting stories or narrative concepts between disparate media- comic books to film for Snyder, and the works of Ayn Rand into a video game for Levine. Both praised the importance of nailing the ethos and atmosphere of the universe before attempting to re-tell the story in a different format. I haven't read any Rand, but the star of the Bioshock games has always been the city of Rapture and I replay that game to absorb the atmosphere more than I do to relive the story. Just before they mentioned Spider-man 2, I thought to myself 'Hey, the second Spider-man film does the best job of capturing the character of spidey whilst taking advantage of all the opportunities of big-budget cinema.' It was as if they read my mind!

Even if I don't like the guests on Irrational Interviews (I'm not fussed either way on Cliff Bleszinski's persona. He makes games I like, but his interview didn't change my opinion of him much) Levine and Remo always seem to channel the core of what inspires different creators regardless of their involvement in the games industry. I'm a big fan of big names in entertainment who prioritise their craft above financial success (or manage to walk the tightrope between the two) and the discussion with Snyder was so natural I could have overheard it at my local Comics Etc store.

However, despite everything Snyder said, I'm left scratching my head as to why he showed little example of that in his garbage adaptation of Watchmen into a film. The screenplay and presentation parroted the comic way too closely and, outside of the minutes-long intro, completely failed to capture any of the spirit or zeitgeist of Alan Moore's book. Snyder's Watchmen is a textbook example of how not to adapt a highly-revered tome of nerd culture into a mass market feature.

I wish the Snyder that made Watchmen was the same Snyder that got interviewed by Irrational. Nice guy though...


Agyar said:
I don't like people abusing other people's ignorance of the law to back up their arguments. If anyone should be accused of being immoral, it's him for doing that.

Absolutely - he's got the gall to talk about 'spin' as well...


I'm still yet to see which violent games will be brought into the country under the new classification system that we wouldn't have got before. There's been less than a dozen games refused classification before, and hardly any of them for violence.

If anything this new system will allow for better rating of games that are getting shoehorned into MA15+ that have no place there.


So I'm playing NFS: Hot Pursuit, having a blast, then the 'please reconnect controller' prompt connects on my screen. It was an odd thing to happen until I noticed Oh my god my racing wheel is making noises and smoke is coming out of it!.

Damn thing. Now I need a replacement....


I want a tag give me a tag
Anyone else been following the wikileaks thing? I've noticed the Australian media started out REALLY negative towards assange + wikileaks, articles about how he raped women, how he's a terrorist and so on.. and in the last few days all the articles are starting to become positive.. It's quite strange, I would just assume one of the higher ups has realised It's freedom of speech / if he can get done for sharing information that's been handed to him.. so can they?
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