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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Fredescu said:
Not to spoil your fantasy, but I've set off plenty of alarms doing after hours work in server rooms and I can tell you that 100% of the time it will result in a bored overweight security guard waddling up to the alarm and turning it off and maybe getting you to sign a thing. The first time I did it was kinda scary though since it was a bank, but if you're meant to be there they don't care .

Thankfully I've never set of a school alarm so I don't really know. But I'm about a minute drive away from a station so I'd like to er on the side of caution.

I'm more worried about any bills the school might have to face. Granted, I'm not going to be working here in 2 weeks time, but y'know.


its cheap because of slave labor omi

and FIFA agrees with that


Omi what page on fifa did you find that document, i'd like to read the others :)


If they wanted to give it to a Muslim country, why not Indonesia? At least they have... you know, more then 10 people.

I love how these stupid micro petro kingdoms get themselves F1 and all this crap when they are really some of the stupidest places to host these things... if you are interested in more then how much they can give you.

Anyway >.<


EA is having a 50% sale on its online store for PC stuff, actually pretty good >.>

You can get Crysis and Warhead together for $15 bucks, and then throw in Sim City 4 for just 10 bucks more.

I want sim city 4, just thinking of what else I can get >.< maybe the Dragon Age expansion... Lamerly the newer games are not on sale, NFS and what notses.

(Im not some EA guy fyi, just a cheap guy who likes sales...) (Also I think their new downloader thingy and such are generally good, no lame download limits anymore)


markot said:
If they wanted to give it to a Muslim country, why not Indonesia? At least they have... you know, more then 10 people.

I love how these stupid micro petro kingdoms get themselves F1 and all this crap when they are really some of the stupidest places to host these things... if you are interested in more then how much they can give you.

Anyway >.<


EA is having a 50% sale on its online store for PC stuff, actually pretty good >.>

You can get Crysis and Warhead together for $15 bucks, and then throw in Sim City 4 for just 10 bucks more.

I want sim city 4, just thinking of what else I can get >.< maybe the Dragon Age expansion... Lamerly the newer games are not on sale, NFS and what notses.

(Im not some EA guy fyi, just a cheap guy who likes sales...) (Also I think their new downloader thingy and such are generally good, no lame download limits anymore)
I think it's more Middle East than Muslim. Also money. Don't think Indonesia is wealthy enough to support a World Cup.



Is anyone else from Melbourne noticing a surge in spiders lately? Spiderwebs on every window seal, every gate and all over the fence. WHY?! I hate spiders :(

Is it because of the increased rain and humidity or something? And they're all the same type (medium-sized, fat body, thick black legs) and come out at night. OMG I HATE SPIDERS :'(

What's the best way to get rid of them and ensure they don't ever come back (a repellent)? I'm afraid to Google any solutions as there will surely be pictures of spiders which I also hate :lol

I am not ashamed to admit I have arachnophobia.


GT5 arrived today from ozgameshop.

As my first Gran Turismo game, here are my initial thoughts:

- Most deceptive installation timer ever. Said 20 minutes remaining. It took an hour. When it said there were 3 seconds left, it took 5 minutes.

- Damn this game has a lot of content.

- The 'Home Screen' has some of the most ridiculous UI design ever. All over the place and wasted space.

- For what I assumed to be the most simulation game ever, being able to play bumper cars with very little repercussion was a uprise. When I read about people complaining about damage, I just thought they meant the cars weren't showing damage, not that the cars basically drove around with a force field on.

Still really enjoying it. Will be a good game to play over summer.

Is there a way to stream custom soundtracks like on the 360 or do I have to transfer songs to the PS3? Actually, could I connect my Android phone and play off that?

Dead Man

legend166 said:
GT5 arrived today from ozgameshop.

As my first Gran Turismo game, here are my initial thoughts:

- Most deceptive installation timer ever. Said 20 minutes remaining. It took an hour. When it said there were 3 seconds left, it took 5 minutes.

- Damn this game has a lot of content.

- The 'Home Screen' has some of the most ridiculous UI design ever. All over the place and wasted space.

- For what I assumed to be the most simulation game ever, being able to play bumper cars with very little repercussion was a uprise. When I read about people complaining about damage, I just thought they meant the cars weren't showing damage, not that the cars basically drove around with a force field on.

Still really enjoying it. Will be a good game to play over summer.

Is there a way to stream custom soundtracks like on the 360 or do I have to transfer songs to the PS3? Actually, could I connect my Android phone and play off that?
Get used to the worst interface ever designed, and so many loading screens. But the driving is fantastic.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
You must all play Donkey King Country Returns. It's a bit early to say, but this could well end up being one of my favorite 2D platformers of all time. This is Mario Galaxy level stuff.
Rez said:
You must all play Donkey King Country Returns. It's a bit early to say, but this could well end up being one of my favorite 2D platformers of all time. This is Mario Galaxy level stuff.

Motion/shake stuff doesn't dampen your opinion at all (haven't played it yet, but this put me off NSMB Wii a bit)?


Dead Man said:
Get used to the worst interface ever designed, and so many loading screens. But the driving is fantastic.
Yep, just tolerate it to get to the sweet sweet driving. Best racing game this gen even with its flaws.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Neverender said:
Motion/shake stuff doesn't dampen your opinion at all (haven't played it yet, but this put me off NSMB Wii a bit)?
It's not intrusive. The roll is triggered via motion control, but if you're playing with a nunchuck then it's just a flick of the nunchuck. Otherwise you only waggle for bonuses at the end of the level or for bonuses when killing a boss.


Rez said:
You must all play Donkey King Country Returns. It's a bit early to say, but this could well end up being one of my favorite 2D platformers of all time. This is Mario Galaxy level stuff.


So, U2.

Pretty fucking epic.

Song list could've been better... too many new ones, not enough old ones.

Stage/lighting/video was off the fucking charts. Very impressed with the overall feel of the show. Not much of a "360" vibe to it, though... if I'd bought seats "behind" the stage I would've been pissed (the stage did NOT rotate, just parts/ramps on it). Luckily, had GM tickets. Pissed "Irish" bogans were infuriating, but easy enough to get away from. Stood near the VIP area where I could easily see Molly Meldrum and Jim Stynes +1 (not looking healthy at all, poor bastard :( ). Jay-Z was surprisingly entertaining, too... way better than expected.

Etihad is a cunt to get out of, too... if you're leaving a major gig, try and hit gate 3 or be prepared to wait FOREVER.

Rez said:
You must all play Donkey King Country Returns. It's a bit early to say, but this could well end up being one of my favorite 2D platformers of all time. This is Mario Galaxy level stuff.
Big call. Even better than SNES/MD-era stuff like Gunstar and EWJ1?


but ever so delicious
Rez said:
You must all play Donkey King Country Returns. It's a bit early to say, but this could well end up being one of my favorite 2D platformers of all time. This is Mario Galaxy level stuff.

I do find this interesting. When i played NSMBWii i was excited, a 2D mario back to it's original and best form, colour me happy. When i started to play it however i wasn't enjoying it as much as i should have. I think after a few levels and somewhere in the second world i got bored and quit.

Something was missing from the experience, I have no idea what that was. The waggle crap was funny at first and then it became annoying, Punching things seemed like it would have been more fun.

So i get the feeling DKC might be a similar experience for me. I loved donkey kong back on the snes, played the crap out of it as a kid and laughed at wankers who couldn't play it properly on amazing.

So when you say it's one of the best 2D platformers of all time I'm intrigued. After my NSMB experience though, I'm also very cautious.

I'm sure there will be some opinions of the game in here so i look forward to reading them all.


I do find this interesting. When i played NSMBWii i was excited, a 2D mario back to it's original and best form, colour me happy. When i started to play it however i wasn't enjoying it as much as i should have. I think after a few levels and somewhere in the second world i got bored and quit.
Low attention span? :p NSMBWii blew me away on how good it was, especially after the rather soul-less NSMB DS. And the final boss was so awesome. One of the best final bosses in a mario title.

You must all play Donkey King Country Returns. It's a bit early to say, but this could well end up being one of my favorite 2D platformers of all time. This is Mario Galaxy level stuff.
Indeed. Also everyone should play super meat boy as well. Such a fantastic year for plat formers with SMB, DKCR & Super mario galaxy 2.:D

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I think the most impressive thing about DKCR is that it keeps surprising me. And not in a "oh man, I am so SUPERISEDED by these graphics and clever cutscene", I mean "oh shit, I'm in World 7 and nearly every level is still throwing new ideas at me". I usually have the "I've seen it all before" feeling with a lot of otherwise good 2D platformers, but DKCR is avoiding that so far.

It's still way too new for me to actually give it any GRAND TITLES, but it is almost certainly the best 2D platformer on the Wii that I have played. I had no expectations going in (not a huge DKC fan from the SNES era), but yeah, this is hitting my happy buttons.

Typing on iPhone as I hide from moving duties (new place in Oakleigh), so grammar can go and get fukcde.


but ever so delicious
Lafiel said:
Low attention span? :p NSMBWii blew me away on how good it was, especially after the rather soul-less NSMB DS. And the final boss was so awesome. One of the best final bosses in a mario title.

I'm pretty sure i do have a short attention span :D

The game just didn't grab me for some reason. There's a good chance i will give it another shot when i can be bothered fixing my cheapo wiimote and emulating the game again.


Rez said:
I think the most impressive thing about DKCR is that it keeps surprising me. And not in a "oh man, I am so SUPERISEDED by these graphics and clever cutscene", I mean "oh shit, I'm in World 7 and nearly every level is still throwing new ideas at me". I usually have the "I've seen it all before" feeling with a lot of otherwise good 2D platformers, but DKCR is avoiding that so far.

It's still way too new for me to actually give it any GRAND TITLES, but it is almost certainly the best 2D platformer on the Wii that I have played. I had no expectations going in (not a huge DKC fan from the SNES era), but yeah, this is hitting my happy buttons.

Typing on iPhone as I hide from moving duties (new place in Oakleigh), so grammar can go and get fukcde.

That's the feeling I got with Super Mario Galaxy.

I'm getting DKCR for Christmas. I could buy it today myself, but I got GT5 and Epic Mickey in the mail yesterday. I know DKCR will be comfortably better than both, but I feel like I need something to make Christmas exciting :lol


legend166 said:
That's the feeling I got with Super Mario Galaxy.

I'm getting DKCR for Christmas. I could buy it today myself, but I got GT5 and Epic Mickey in the mail yesterday. I know DKCR will be comfortably better than both, but I feel like I need something to make Christmas exciting :lol
JESUS isnt enough for you?!


legend166 said:
Jesus wasn't born on Christmas.
Pretty much why the holiday is gaining more and more attention as just gifts as more people become Athiests etc. New Years is really the true holiday of the year.
legend166 said:
Is there a way to stream custom soundtracks like on the 360 or do I have to transfer songs to the PS3? Actually, could I connect my Android phone and play off that?
You have to copy the songs to your PS3.
hamchan said:
Yep, just tolerate it to get to the sweet sweet driving. Best racing game this gen even with its flaws.

I didn't tolerate it in F3 and i won't with GT5. There are far better games out there that don't make me sit through ridiculous amounts of loading. Also one of the most enjoyable parts of these games is mucking around looking at cars and changing settings. Having a really clunky UI makes this slow, cumbersome and just a whole lot less fun.

I tried to give sims a go this gen but i hate all the flaws that seem to come with them. I think i will just stick with the racers that concentrate on fun.


MrSerrels said:

What's the law around re-classification of articles after a change in the classification law? Are they allowed to appeal the classification under the new rules or is there some window of opportunity that will have closed and still applies?

Edit: I ask you this because I am too lazy to trawl through legislation and you get paid to tell me stuff right.
Agyar said:
What's the law around re-classification of articles after a change in the classification law? Are they allowed to appeal the classification under the new rules or is there some window of opportunity that will have closed and still applies?

Edit: I ask you this because I am too lazy to trawl through legislation and you get paid to tell me stuff right.
I think the government can reclassify something at any stage on review regardless of change to classification law and the same normal routes of appeal exist as if its the first time it is being classified. Don't quote me though.


Agyar said:
What's the law around re-classification of articles after a change in the classification law? Are they allowed to appeal the classification under the new rules or is there some window of opportunity that will have closed and still applies?

Edit: I ask you this because I am too lazy to trawl through legislation and you get paid to tell me stuff right.
Publishers might not want to push for it, given the four-week life at retail that new releases have to endure, and that there are plenty more currently MA15+ rated games that are deserving of an R than there are of vice versa.
Ah you meant stuff that is currently RC getting reclassed to R18, no idea I would guess they could just resubmit them for classification.


pieatorium said:
Ah you meant stuff that is currently RC getting reclassed to R18, no idea I would guess they could just resubmit them for classification.

Well both really, especially in the case of games like L4D2 where they were edited for classification.


fappenmeister said:
Any other decent games for it right now? I am tempted but can't think of anything worth it.
'tis a curiosity purchase. There's no software that stands out, and little on the horizon. I'll play RE5 and Killzone 3 with the thing, and maybe a second playthrough of Heavy Rain. There's a bunch of PSN stuff that will make the investment in the hardware worthwhile enough for now.
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