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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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BanShunsaku said:
I'm such a spelling and grammar snob. My other half gets nervous when writing the shopping list as she knows I will go through with a pen and correct any errors she makes.

Also, I believe people who confuse "lose" and "loose" deserve a slow and painful death.

I see that shit all the time of Facebook :lol (When I actually check it).

Not sure how people can mix them up.


Omi said:
The whole wikileaks thing is growing by the day...


If he is handed over to the Americans, I can't imagine the reaction in Australia and around the world.

Espionage LOL

he is protected by freedom of the press in the US. If they do jail him it will be against the US constitution. Every single journalist in the world right now appears to support him and so the ten tons of shit that would be dumped on the US is immense

sadly due to the ANZUS agreement our government will do FUCK ALL to help him because the US want to do something.

It's not espionage if someone leaks it to you for fuck sake. The world has changed forever after this and the US can't handle it

fucking cry babies


evlcookie said:
From TOX at ocau

Sweet. I'm still not sold on sandy bridge though so maybe my upgrade will wait another 6 months. I may never upgrade the way i'm going :lol

Hopefully x3n can get some info on the 6990 he seems to be dying for. Poor X3n ;D

Yes poor me :(, I love my 4870x2 but I needs me some new DX features :D


BanShunsaku said:
I'm such a spelling and grammar snob. My other half gets nervous when writing the shopping list as she knows I will go through with a pen and correct any errors she makes.

Also, I believe people who confuse "lose" and "loose" deserve a slow and painful death.


That's the one that irritates me the most.


lack of full stops at the end of sentences

actually lack of capital letters at the start of sentences too while we're at it

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I consider a lack of full-stop or capital letter to be "email speak"

as in, I'm not actually formally acknowledging this as a sentence, therefore I'm telling you not to expect any structural or grammatical thought beyond the very basics of English grammar. I'm just quickly telling you to do something or making an offhand comment as I walk by a group of people talking or something, like, "oh, your shoe is untied" (walk) (walk) (walk)

it makes sense to me, but then I'm currently in both uni-notes mode and 'quickly transcribe a short musical idea without any formal structure for later use' mode, so this is probably just an extension of that

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I actually like angry questions to be left without question mark

What the fuck were you expecting, dude.

That shit is mean, you don't care what he says. So rebellious.


Yup, the out of the box experience is as uncharming and sterile as I've come to expect from Sony hardware.

No 'Let's get started!' brochure in the box, so I relied on my everyday genius to get cracking. Surprisingly intuitive to navigate around menus. I like the trigger on the back.


Bernbaum said:
PS Move package came in the post.

PS Eye is a wee tiny little thing! Remote feels good in hand.
Oh shit, that's what's waiting for me! Plus something else... probably my Kinect games from EB (minus the Kinect... come onnnn Santa).



+ Easy to set up. I'd probably be cranky if I hadn't done a firmware update recently.
+ Move wand is ergonomic as fuck.
+ Fidelity is several notches above Wii. Haven't yet discovered the limitations.

- 'Just wiggle your fingers to make him pounce!' x10000. Fuck this shit, Eyepet is broken.
- I have to install every fucking demo.
- Beat sketcher is vomit. Annoying audio, and I'd prefer pointer controls instead of the thing 'mirroring' the position of the light orb thingy.
- The Shoot is boring and plays like a student project.
- With the PS Eye plugged in, I'm suddenly aware just how few USB ports the thing has. I assumed there were extras on the back.
- Rumble is pissweak.

The tech is looking pretty good but the software I've tried is just terrible. Downloaded Tumble, so hopefully that is okay. Camera image quality isn't great, like stills shot on a cheap camera at ISO1600.
So I got sent home this afternoon because my cough was frightening people into thinking I have the plague, but I still had work I wanted to get done, so I brought it home. I intended to only work for an hour or so, but here I am, three hours later and I still haven't eaten dinner yet.


I just got home and I still have to do a comic tonight. Ugh it's gonna be a late one.

PC noob question: are there video cards that support three monitors?


but ever so delicious
Gazunta said:
I just got home and I still have to do a comic tonight. Ugh it's gonna be a late one.

PC noob question: are there video cards that support three monitors?

Yes. 6 if you want but they all use mini display port connections from memory.


The Xbox + Kinect bundle I won from McDonalds finally arrived.

I might play Kinect Adventures one day? Maybe after I'm done with Hot Pursuit.


Well shit, my internet situation is fucked.

Moved to a new house with the hope of getting intenet nearly straight away. First time Telstra guy doesn't show up and we have to wait another two weeks, then he does show up and we find out that at some point previously the Telstra connection to the house was cut -- seems like it was done when they raised the house to be a Queenslander. It's got an Optus line fine, but not a Telstra one, and we need that for TPG.

So now we have to call the Landlord and get that fixed, THEN contact Telstra to put it in, THEN get TPG. And good luck getting all this by Christmas. Fuck.


We'll spend fucking ages to trying to bring an alleged drug smuggler back to Australia but we'll ignore a guy who just exercised his rights as a human being and has an alleged sexual assault charge on him :lol


Probably the worst thing Wikileaks could have done was to create a central identity with a face that their opponents could target directly and perform whatever assassinations of character they like. As such, the headlines are more about the man behind Wikileaks rather than the documents themselves, softening the blow against the administrations involved. Having a schlock of blonde hair and wearing a bold red tie with a suit makes Assange about as subtle as a Bond villain and an easy target for politicians and pundits alike.

No-one mentioned in the leaked documents is happy at all, and by focussing on Assange, they have a better chance of shutting down Wikileaks for good.

My first exposure to Wikileaks was when it was perceived as a largely anonymous community, devoid of an agenda that existed with the purely objective goal of providing a repository of the forbidden. I would have preferred the organisation retained a level of objective impartiality such that they could continue to leak stuff like the Conroy filter internet blacklist.


Also, Move might have been designed with casuals in mind, but the compounding effect of software installs, the PS3's archaic interface, the unimaginative line-up of software and the general clunkiness of the package as a whole makes it a pretty big horse tablet to swallow before the unwashed hordes can get into it.

I might not like the new Xbox 360 interface and I still hold Kinect in contempt, but hats off to Microsoft for overhauling the face of their system in order to target their new market.


Comic done. Now to fire up the Xbox and play those new free XBLA games.

Bern, I know what you're saying about Move's presentation. Every time I see the system on free display (as in, at EB but not being shown off by a salesperson) I see people try to play it, spent a couple of minutes trying to get out of a menu, or just plainly not figure out what the 'squiggly line' button is to perform an in game action, and then walk away nonplussed.

Shame, it's great tech.

Edit: I really like Crash Course. It's like Trials mixed with Wipeout (the TV show) and old school 2d platformer mechanics. But Harms Way isn't available in Australia?


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Rlan said:
Well shit, my internet situation is fucked.

Moved to a new house with the hope of getting intenet nearly straight away. First time Telstra guy doesn't show up and we have to wait another two weeks, then he does show up and we find out that at some point previously the Telstra connection to the house was cut -- seems like it was done when they raised the house to be a Queenslander. It's got an Optus line fine, but not a Telstra one, and we need that for TPG.

So now we have to call the Landlord and get that fixed, THEN contact Telstra to put it in, THEN get TPG. And good luck getting all this by Christmas. Fuck.
I had this issue a few months ago. We had one Telstra line in the house and one Optus line, and we were installing TPG. Unfortunately the Telstra line was in a far-corner bedroom, which made running an ethernet cord into my computer a real pain in the ass.

I'm hoping I don't get the same problem when the TPG installation guy visits my new place on Wednesday. :s


So for mine Wikileaks just proved its worth to the Australian people

We have the right to know that one of the people that stabbed rudd in the back is secretly giving information to the USA

he has to go TODAY

he has to be sacked. What a fucking joke.

This is the kind of thing that will give Assange popularity. We would never have known about this shit (and you know what possibly even Rudd and Gillard would not have) if it wasn't for wikileaks

Leak. Justified. (just don't leak stuff that is likely to cause wars and murders etc. Assange has said he would only leak those if he came to harm)


Great article from Turnbull on the wikileaks saga. Can we just make him PM and be done with it?

Leaders could end up with a second helping of egg on their faces.

IN 1986, I represented former MI5 officer Peter Wright in his efforts to publish his memoirs Spycatcher. Margaret Thatcher was determined that no former MI5 officer should be able to write about his work regardless of whether the information was still confidential, affected current operations or was otherwise of any real detriment to intelligence services.

While it is true that some of the best legal minds of the day had advised Wright's publishers he had no hope of success, we always thought that the old spook turned Tasmanian horse breeder would succeed.
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That was because of a decision of the High Court of Australia in 1980, Commonwealth v Fairfax, in which Sir Anthony Mason had held that a government could restrain the publication of confidential information only if it could establish that the information was still secret and, most importantly, that publication would cause real detriment, not just embarrassment, public debate and controversy.

It was also a fundamental part of our jurisprudence that a court would not restrain the publication of confidences if their disclosure would reveal the commission of crimes.

The information in Spycatcher was at least 20 years out of date and had no relevance to current operations. Almost all of it had been previously published by the journalist and trusted MI6 mouthpiece Chapman Pincher in his book Their Trade Is Treachery. Further, there was material that revealed acts of criminality on the part of British intelligence officers.

The British government made a martyr of Wright by fighting a furious legal battle not just in Australia (where Wright lived) but around the world, making themselves look foolish and Wright very rich.

There are a few lessons from this regarding WikiLeaks.

Julian Assange should make sure that any further documents published do not contain information that would impinge on current operations and put lives at risk. We are in a global struggle with terrorism and any material that assists our opponents should not be published. Material that puts at risk the lives of those who help us should not be published and to do so is morally reprehensible whatever its legal character.

Governments and politicians should be careful not to make a martyr of Assange and fools of themselves. Julia Gillard's claim that Assange had broken Australian laws, when it is clear he has not, demonstrates how out of her depth she is.

One may well ask whether her denunciations would be so shrill if the documents had been handed to a powerful newspaper group - if the contents were being dribbled out by The Australian, would she be accusing Rupert Murdoch of high crimes and misdemeanours?

Assange is an Australian citizen. No matter how much the government disapproves of his actions, it should make it clear that he is entitled to return to Australia if he wishes and to receive consular assistance if the charges of sexual assault proceed in Sweden.

I have heard conflicting reports of whether Assange has invited the US State Department to edit the materials he has received. While it may stick in their craw to do it, the US government should take up that opportunity if it is offered. After all, this is not the first leak of security-related materials. What is shocking is the extraordinary scale of the leak - more than a quarter of a million documents. Harm minimisation should be the order of the day for Washington.

Extravagant demonisation of Assange and the leaks only makes them more exciting than they are. Is it really a story that American diplomats think Silvio Berlusconi is a skirt chaser or that Kevin Rudd was a control freak presiding over a chaotic, dysfunctional government? It would be amazing if they had reached any other conclusion.

Just as the vindictive pursuit of Peter Wright turned his book into an international bestseller, so the furious attacks on Assange are likely to be counterproductive. It is hard to know what to say about the Swedish sexual assault charges, other than to observe that the facts so far outlined by the prosecution would constitute an unlikely basis for a prosecution in Australia.

American politicians might use their time more productively working out how a 23-year-old army private had access to so much confidential material and was able to copy it and hand it over to WikiLeaks. The long-term damage from the leaked cables is likely to be that it confirms that despite spending billions on security and the war against terror, the US government is unable to preserve the security and confidence of those it deals with around the world. It will take a lot of reassurance before the chilling impact of these leaks wears off.

As to the contents of the cables, the material seems to me to fall into three categories. There are the many penetrating glimpses of the obvious such as those relating to Berlusconi and Rudd. I could not imagine Australian legal principles justifying a ban on the publication of that material.

There are some cables with information that is not surprising but the publication of which is diplomatically damaging, such as the report that Saudi Arabia had urged America to attack Iran. Although I should note that this cable was received rapturously in Israel! One can see the argument that this sort of material should not be published, but I doubt whether a newspaper would resist the temptation to print it or that a court would injunct it.

The third category are those cables that reveal enough information to identify people who are informants of the US government in circumstances where the disclosure would put their lives at risk. That is material which should not be published and which a court, were it to have jurisdiction, may well decide to injunct on the basis that the publication would cause "real detriment" as opposed to embarrassment.

Malcolm Turnbull is shadow minister for communications and broadband.



so this is why the Australian and especially Caroline Ovrington keeps bringing up 'Spycatcher'


It saddens me that we could have had the greatest prime minister this country has had so far most likely, Turnbull, but because of stupid fucking liberal politics where opposition is apparently disagree with everything the govt says instead of agree in cases where it makes sense we can't



OK, so we really should do SydGAF meetup before Christmas if we can. Who's interested and when are we all available? I'm back from my trip and here until the 20th and pretty much any night is good for me with advance notice. Also, what venues are people interested in? Somewhere in The Rocks is probably the best choice for everyone.


Clipper said:
OK, so we really should do SydGAF meetup before Christmas if we can. Who's interested and when are we all available? I'm back from my trip and here until the 20th and pretty much any night is good for me with advance notice. Also, what venues are people interested in? Somewhere in The Rocks is probably the best choice for everyone.

Lowenbrau with the hot german babes


Choc said:
Lowenbrau with the hot german babes
And the litre steins of Mango Bier :D

Although if we do Löwenbräu, we really need to get numbers and a date fast as they get booked out pretty early.
Related to booze and unrelated to SydGAF... When is the Mana Bar opening in Melbourne? Time's slipping away for a 2010 opening. Or did it open already and there's nothing on the website?
codswallop said:
Related to booze and unrelated to SydGAF... When is the Mana Bar opening in Melbourne? Time's slipping away for a 2010 opening. Or did it open already and there's nothing on the website?
nope. Not sure when it's opening, but next year seems more and more likely
Megadrive said:
nope. Not sure when it's opening, but next year seems more and more likely
That's what I'm thinking. I have a feeling their 2010 opening was a bit optimistic given they only found a place in, what, October? And they're probably managing most of it from Brisbane which certainly wouldn't help, though I think I read about someone moving down at least temporarily.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
I've seen some pictures on various peoples Facebook walls lately, it doesn't look like a 2010 starter but sometimes things get put together really quickly.


giri said:
I read that article earlier, how everything he says isn't common sense to everyone else, i don't know. Surely someone around gillard/ the us, as pointed this out to all those who are acting like petulant children.
Too bad Abbot somehow got the top job in the Libs >_<
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