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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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pilonv1 said:
Probably, which is ridiculous.

It's good that in times of need that choc can keep a level head and be rational about things.

hahaha pilon, but seriously its true

maybe i'd tone it down but seriously, how if they say no today is that democracy in action, its clearly not


It totally doesn't help that these ipads are for two different schools, and the staff have already helped themselves to them at random. Now I have to track them down, wipe them and make sure I give the right ones to the right school.

>_< and staff have taken the recharging / docking stations home already... what the eff.


haha Kritz, people are jerks

legend166 said:
Speak for yourself Choc, we're not all old fogies.

the fact that "fogies" is in your vocabulary says otherwise.
I hope we do get it, just so I don't have to be annoyed about it any more.


Rez said:
exorcising machismo without the need to justify it or follow through isn't an exclusively American trait

Aboslutely not, actually had that discussion the other day with someone at home.

But, the way they are jumping off the deep end and throwing around 'treason' and 'terrorism' and 'assasination' re: Assange is fucking disgraceful.


Kritz said:
It totally doesn't help that these ipads are for two different schools, and the staff have already helped themselves to them at random. Now I have to track them down, wipe them and make sure I give the right ones to the right school.

>_< and staff have taken the recharging / docking stations home already... what the eff.

I'd tell them to go home and get them, and be back before lunch. And that in doing so, are consuming their lunch break.

But then i'm a jerk and believe in personal responsibility and accountability.


giri said:
I'd tell them to go home and get them, and be back before lunch. And that in doing so, are consuming their lunch break.

But then i'm a jerk and believe in personal responsibility and accountability.

Haha... unlikely. I wish I weilded that much power :p

We're just gonna have to sit on them over the school holidays. Also, sheesh, I just saw the invoice for these things... they cost more than my yearly wage.


Kritz said:
Haha... unlikely. I wish I weilded that much power :p

We're just gonna have to sit on them over the school holidays. Also, sheesh, I just saw the invoice for these things... they cost more than my yearly wage.

What on earth do you do, that you ordered a big bunch of them anyway?


Omi said:
People are pretty much the same anywhere.

In any population, you get about 10% supercool champs and 10% douchebags. Americans get a bad rap because so much of their entertainment media dominates our culture, and we mentally pick out the extreme cases in any group of people with which we're not familiar.

The most horrible unfriendly people I've met have been Australians, because statistically I've spent more time with Aussies than other demographic and there has been more chances to see the upper end of the arsehole scale.


you can't be tried for treason in America if you are not a US Citizen

do yoru fucking homework idiot

What america does not realise if Assange is murdered, the massive insurance file will leak which is appaerntly the stuff that will cause chaos

but also

someone will continue to do it. Wikileaks is not one person

He also has freedom of the press protection, they do not realise this

Whole thing is fucked and exposing how fucked in the head US politicians are

It's just exposing governemnt internal workings and as tax payers we probalby deserve to know some of this

the fact we have a politician leaking shit to the US without us knowing who is in federal parliament is something we should know


I really want an iPad, I just can't justify spending money on one because I want a bunch of other stuff more. If only someone who had just ordered a whole bunch and was responsible for auditing them would accidently send one in the post wink wink nudge nudge.
Choc said:
Honestly believe if it doesn't happen today we won't see it in our life times
Didn't O'Connor or someone else recently say that if the Attorneys-General don't all agree to it the government can still introduce new legislation anyway?


codswallop said:
Didn't O'Connor or someone else recently say that if the Attorneys-General don't all agree to it the government can still introduce new legislation anyway?

They would have to introduce legislation that disables the vote of the Attorney Generals for classification overhauls

That would actually be a very big positive in all of this. So it sounds like The Federal Attorney General has said if you don't vote for R18, i will take your power away as you are abusing it

how funny would that eb

got a funny feeling the vote will be yes, but then again i thought that we'd get the world cup and look what happened there :|
I think with all the press recently they would be mad to vote against it. But then again, some of the AGs are older and may vote against it regardless of what their constituents think.


Omi said:
Can't wait to see Steward tear that to shreds on The Daily Show (which should air here tonight, depending on when that interview was conducted).

It seems like majority of Americans are quite happy with this transparency that's been forced upon their political representatives, the only exceptions being the extreme (uninformed) righties like Palin.

PS. YT is blocked at work, but in the thumbnail of that video on that page, anyone else think it looks like Peter Hitchener from Nine News Melbourne?


giri said:
What on earth do you do, that you ordered a big bunch of them anyway?

I work in a school as IT. Also, finally got the iPad going and it does a decent job at connecting to our wireless, and it's actually pretty easy to type on, and the auto correct seems to be doing it's job. Except when it just corrected fits oh my gosh what is happening.

If you can
T tell, I made this post from it,

I dont know why the apostrophe is locked away in a sub key boa rd, though... Seems like a button Gould what to hit a kit

Ooay mate I dimly shave this tyojng trying down as my g as old like

... Oh my.


if anyone cares what else they are talking about, this

ATTORNEYS-general to discuss how to enforce court suppression orders in the age of the internet.

OPTIONS to enforce legal gags on users of social networking websites like Facebook will be discussed today at a meeting of Australia's attorneys-general.

"The publishing on a site such as Facebook of the name of an accused, whose identity is suppressed, could prejudice a fair trial and prevent justice being done," he said.

Mr Rau's concerns come after the identity of a man accused of murdering three members of a family at Kapunda was suppressed by an SA court — but many already knew his name from Facebook.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/technology/p...ok/story-e6frfro0-1225968924460#ixzz17fbTtsed


Shaneus said:
I'm not even going to attempt posting in that thread. Steam sales + PC gaming hardware + consoles = WTFOMG.

I didn't include the cost of the new PC I built as it's not just for games and I didn't buy any new consoles during the year (but obviously included gaming accessories).


Shaneus said:
I bought two PS3s :( (not new, but still)
you bought none of my PS3s, for shame.

boss just got me a yearly Lynda.com subscription with exercise files. Also, I'm going to get paid to learn Flash. Party party party.


FYI awesome people: Tronsoundtrack.com.au is live, offering the Tron Legacy OST (Daft Punk) and fucking amazing DP Tron Legacy Poster for $50 plus a few bob shipping. So badarse.


apparently WA AG has asked for more time before making a decision

its not hard my friend. You are the AG of the state that wanted it the most. That right there should be decision done.


can't say i am surprised.


Choc said:
apparently WA AG has asked for more time before making a decision

its not hard my friend. You are the AG of the state that wanted it the most. That right there should be decision done.


can't say i am surprised.

I dont like where this is headed


I want a tag give me a tag
Johnkers said:
Anybody going to the Gorillaz tour? Hearing really great things!

I have two gold reserve seated tix (Row C) that I'd love to swap for GA if anybody is interested!
Saw them on wed in adel. Was amaz4mg. Like REALLY amazing, up in my top 5 concerts ofa ll time. Seeing them again 2mrw in melb.

Anyone going to the wikileaks protests? Going to the melb me today at 430 uni library or snmething.

P.s. Sry for bad typing am on phone



I can hear the school engraving the iPads as I make this post. Intentionally putting marks on a $600 piece of Apple electronics before anyone actually gets a chance to use them is like torture...

I guess it means they won't mind as much when a kid smashes one on the ground.


pilonv1 said:
I dont like where this is headed

Neither. I can see some tool 'gamers' sending death threats and all manner of crap that they decide to do in tehse situations

and then he will be like well then i guess this means you are not mature enough for R18 and bam done and dusted

fuck i hope that does not happen.

EDIT: Bigger problem, in fact probably the biggest problem.

NSW state election in march. Highly likely Liberal will go into power. If their AG says no then we are at square one AGAIN

FUCK this everyone has to say yes means that it is unlikely to EVER happen.


legend166 said:
So next year in the F1 we'll have Lotus Renault GP AND Team Lotus powered by a Renault engine.

Too confusing.

I can't remember which one, but one plans to sue the other.

expect Twitter and FB to go down tonight

'Facebook and Twitter deleted the accounts of cyber activists who targeted Visa and other internet payment sites that sought to block the WikiLeaks website after its release of US diplomatic cables.'


Kritz said:

I can hear the school engraving the iPads as I make this post. Intentionally putting marks on a $600 piece of Apple electronics before anyone actually gets a chance to use them is like torture...

I guess it means they won't mind as much when a kid smashes one on the ground.
Schools bought them? WTH, such a giant fucking waste.


ahahaha as soon as it leaked that WA AG has said he wants more time, the AG site started to get belted

wonder if a DDOS is going on :O wouldn't surprise me :(


What, was the fucking WA AG taken by surprise by the R18+ discussion, that he needs to go back to WA and talk it through some more??!?!


Choc said:
ahahaha as soon as it leaked that WA AG has said he wants more time, the AG site started to get belted

wonder if a DDOS is going on :O wouldn't surprise me :(

That's exactly what we need right now


r1chard said:
What, was the fucking WA AG taken by surprise by the R18+ discussion, that he needs to go back to WA and talk it through some more??!?!

12 Libs/Nationals are very against it. Fuck what the people think! We're the moral arbiters of this state! :T


I do have to admit, neogaf looks FANTASTIC on the iPad. It has such a nice high res display that really took me by surprise,

Now excuse me while I collect my bags of money from apple...
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