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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Yoshiya said:

The same thing will just happen again, Atkinson or not. How many years has it been now?
Yeah, I think O'Connor is trying to dispel the outrage and disappointment from gamers. You can interpret today's outcome in different ways, but I think it's a win for the Christian Lobby and the others opposed to change.

Realistically, it's inevitable that we'll eventually have change on this matter, and the best that the ACL can hope for is to delay a decision and maintain the status quo for now. That way, they may be able to delay it long enough that some of the current AGs will have left office and an incoming one will be as opposed to the idea as they are.

If that were to happen, I think it'd basically be off the agenda for another long while and, if there is a long enough period before debate can pick up again, we'd be back to the same old, debunked arguments from ACL and friends, further government studies and all the bullocks we've been through the past few years before we can get the ball rolling again.

Let's hope it's only a small win for the Christian Lobby and we'll actually see the change we want in March.


Quick question: Any of this happen to you? I won an auction on eBay, find after a few days the item hasn't been marked "sent". Query seller who said item was "stolen" and would refund the money, asking that I don't give him negative feedback.

Check his feedback, he's had approx 20 recently finished auctions dating back to mid-November but has only had 9 *legitimate* feedbacks left, all private listings with the exception of 1 that came up as a relisting.

Tempted to leave negative feedback to warn other people but as a sucker who needs a specific mobo, don't want to get burnt if he does actually have what I want in the coming weeks.

FYI, his ID is paylesspcparts. See what you think.

Initially I thought he was just trying to back out of an auction that he didn't get his reserve on, but feedback etc. indicates something infinitely more dodgy.

PS. His name/address from the Paypal refund checkout with whitepages.com.au, but I'm not convinced.


Heard this on the radio this afternoon:

A group of guys from Perth travelled to the Gold Coast, but they ended up getting their 4WD, along with all their stuff, stolen.
The first person they could tell was a Gold Coast meter maid, who offered them to come stay at her place for the night.

Talk about bittersweet :lol


Shaneus said:
Quick question: Any of this happen to you? I won an auction on eBay, find after a few days the item hasn't been marked "sent". Query seller who said item was "stolen" and would refund the money, asking that I don't give him negative feedback.

Check his feedback, he's had approx 20 recently finished auctions dating back to mid-November but has only had 9 *legitimate* feedbacks left, all private listings with the exception of 1 that came up as a relisting.

Tempted to leave negative feedback to warn other people but as a sucker who needs a specific mobo, don't want to get burnt if he does actually have what I want in the coming weeks.

FYI, his ID is paylesspcparts. See what you think.

Initially I thought he was just trying to back out of an auction that he didn't get his reserve on, but feedback etc. indicates something infinitely more dodgy.

PS. His name/address from the Paypal refund checkout with whitepages.com.au, but I'm not convinced.
You are tempted to leave negative feedback, but don't want to in case you buy from him again even though you have all these suspicions? :lol

There's not really enough to go off, even though his feedback and excuse are suspicious. How the hell does a mobo get stolen? Either way, he did refund your money, although I guess you had to contact him first. Maybe he's just waiting for a sucker.


Rahk said:
You are tempted to leave negative feedback, but don't want to in case you buy from him again even though you have all these suspicions? :lol
That's how my logic works sometimes :lol

I'm just gonna sit on the "feedback not left" thingy on my eBay page for a while, see what eventuates. If something dodgy happens with his account, I'll... do... um, shit. Something, I guess :lol


A part of my car exploded on the way to go skydiving.

I'll update later if the universe hasn't indeed conspired to murder me today.


Muse were fucking awesome!


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
anyone here study at either Monash Clayton or Caulfield? I'm trying to decide which campus would better suit me but, expectedly, their official materials aren't about to say COME TO CAULFIELD INSTEAD OF CLAYTON.

Clayton seems like the 'more obvious' choice, but the smaller size of Caulfield is really attractive. I've heard from third-hand sources that Caulfield has the best atmosphere, whatever that means.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
mmm, if that. I live pretty much right in the middle of both, so it isn't making the choice easier.

it comes down to whether I do the slightly sexier/more employable Bachelor of CompSci degree at Clayton and take on Game Design related electives at Caulfield, or just say 'fuck it' and go head first into a Bachelor of IT majoring in Game Dev at Caulfield and bandaid my skills with the appropriate electives.
Just got home from work Christmas party, which was a cruise on Sydney harbor in a ridiculously luxurious boat. Ate a crapload of seafood and had about a thousand drinks. I'm so fucking drunk, this pizza I just ordered can't come soon enough

Merry Christmas ausgaf


but ever so delicious
It's not a huge difference between caulfield and clayton. I'm pretty sure the train i take to work stops at both stations. Heck it's a 9 minutes travel difference via train. And i think you're in oakleigh? So yea, right in the middle of the two stations.

Go check out each uni, walk around and see which one takes your fancy. Try and talk to your potential teachers as well i guess.

See which one has the hotter guys during a hot day and go there


sooooooooo apparently WA had a cabinet meeting today and approved R18 after Porter went back and said they should back it


a meeting on saturday just for that?!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
1. I appreciate the personalised sleaze option, evl. You remembered what I like!

2. So this is a really, really good thing Choc? What does this actually mean?


Rez said:
1. I appreciate the personalised sleaze option, evl. You remembered what I like!

2. So this is a really, really good thing Choc? What does this actually mean?

It means that the WA Government supports r18 and the WA AG will vote Yes when it comes around again

apparently, things could change by march but not right now

yesterday was actually big progress when you think about it. The guidelines under R18 would operate are going to be written, meaning in principle they support it as they asked for that

once the guidelines are done, the floodgates argument is gone because it will show certain games like rapelay will still get banned.

Yesterday was a lot more positive and bigger than i think many gamers are thinking

It's amazing how the media have reported it and it clearly shows their agenda. Liberal conservative media is reporting it as R18 fails

Other media are reporting it as R18 is coming (guidelines to be written) and it will take time but will happen

days like this show how fucked our so called free media is with their agenda bullshit.

By the way source for news is the official verified twitter of Liberals WA.

I expect Gamespot and Kotaku to post the news monday @ latest. Gamespot chick is on twitter trying to get a press release from them.


So, would games all get reclassified (EG. Gears/Dead Rising become R18+ while Halo Reach remains MA15+ or something) or will we simply have an R18+ rating "from here on" once it gets implemented?


Nemesis556 said:
So, would games all get reclassified (EG. Gears/Dead Rising become R18+ while Halo Reach remains MA15+ or something) or will we simply have an R18+ rating "from here on" once it gets implemented?

From what i can tell re-classification of games they keep talking about etc

games already banned under current guidelines would not be allowed to re-apply.

It sounds like most of MA15 titles today would go to R in the future, but R would also allow the shit currently banned except sexual violence which will never get into aus, ever.



how the fuck does this happen

Football Federation Australia doesn't want to be lumped with "bad loser" England and won't react to FIFA president Sepp Blatter's bizarre belief that Australia's 2022 World Cup bid was to include matches in New Zealand.

"Australia, in its candidacy bid, proposed to give several matches to New Zealand," Blatter said.

guess the fuck what. No we didnt

did he even read our documents, and this guy runs our game.

joke, absolute joke.


Sooooo... R18 games. Will stores such as Kmart, BigW, Target, etc. stock these? Won't be good for business if Call of Duty gets the R printed on the cover.


due to the fact they stock R rated films* then yes they would

*except in that place called south australia which has a crazy law for R18 movies


Choc said:
due to the fact they stock R rated films* then yes they would

*except in that place called south australia which has a crazy law for R18 movies
Hmm, I was under the impression they didn't stock up on R-rated content. I assume they keep it out of view or in a separate section?

Well good news nonetheless, considering that Kmart is a five minute walk away when I can't be bothered waiting for a shipment.


Great to hear about the R18 decision. It seems like we're going to get one of the most logical methods put in place to replace the current system after all.

The only downside I can see is the fact that many of the current rating levels may be reclassified. If that happens, it makes things a little trickier for rerelease of older content as they will have to be resubmitted for review under the new system. That is a very small negative compared to the major positives that will come from the revision, so it's not a big issue.


Rez said:
anyone here study at either Monash Clayton or Caulfield? I'm trying to decide which campus would better suit me but, expectedly, their official materials aren't about to say COME TO CAULFIELD INSTEAD OF CLAYTON.

Clayton seems like the 'more obvious' choice, but the smaller size of Caulfield is really attractive. I've heard from third-hand sources that Caulfield has the best atmosphere, whatever that means.

Depends what you want from your campus life, I think. Caufield is in a better area, has more transit links, and is more compact, but Clayton has the better facilities and more options for extracurriculars, like sports and clubs


I was just coming here to post that, Bern. Looks atrocious.

Why can't more developers copy the art and atmosphere of Nintendo's 20 million plus selling games instead of Activision's?

I want more colour like Mario : (

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I just don't understand people who have outward contempt for Conan. You might not think he's funny, but the guy is a total class act!



Rez said:
I just don't understand people who have outward contempt for Conan. You might not think he's funny, but the guy is a total class act!

Where'd you get that from? Would look awesome at work and on my netbook.


Conan is awesome.

But Channel 9 (as usual) have completely screwed up his new show. Put him on every night, Tuesday to Friday at 10:30pm on Go. At the moment he's on GEM, which barely any one watches in the first place, screens from Wednesday - Saturday (meaning it's a day behind the States), and the time is basically whatever they feel like. Sometimes they show a movie and he's on at 12:30am. Sometimes it's 11:30pm. Sometimes it's 11:15pm. It's completely stupid.


legend166 said:
Conan is awesome.

But Channel 9 (as usual) have completely screwed up his new show. Put him on every night, Tuesday to Friday at 10:30pm on Go. At the moment he's on GEM, which barely any one watches in the first place, screens from Wednesday - Saturday (meaning it's a day behind the States), and the time is basically whatever they feel like. Sometimes they show a movie and he's on at 12:30am. Sometimes it's 11:30pm. Sometimes it's 11:15pm. It's completely stupid.
It's not a day behind the States, it's broadcast here only a few hours after it airs in the US.

They really should have put it on Go!, seems like a more suitable audience.
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