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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Less hate for Conan more for the nerdlingers who think he is the greatest >_<

Also he made Chuck Norris popular... so there is that...


Shaneus said:
It's not a day behind the States, it's broadcast here only a few hours after it airs in the US.

They really should have put it on Go!, seems like a more suitable audience.

No it's not. It's a day behind. The episode that airs in the US on their Monday night should be screened here on our Tuesday night. As it is, it's screened on the Wednesday night.

Channel Nine said something stupid about not being able to get it to air in time, but the Comedy Channel can get the Daily Show, that airs at the same time, and screen it at 6:30pm. Nine have no excuse.


Ah, sorry legend... I only really took notice of your first statement. Before it started, weren't they publicising that it was going to be Tues-Fri? Anyway, I have alternate means of watching it (and it's aired past my bedtime anyway) so it doesn't screw me THAT much, but it does suck.


Shaneus said:
Ah, sorry legend... I only really took notice of your first statement. Before it started, weren't they publicising that it was going to be Tues-Fri? Anyway, I have alternate means of watching it (and it's aired past my bedtime anyway) so it doesn't screw me THAT much, but it does suck.

Yeah, I have alternate methods too, but if they just aired in 10:30pm Tuesday to Friday I'd watch that instead.


Put about 10 hours into Red Dead Redemption.

Bugger it's well-made. You have to marvel at how well the spirit of the west has been captured in both the large-scale sweeping vistas and the fine-scale melange of rustic tools and household minutia scattered over the place.

But hoo-boy is it boring. I really don't like it. It isn't fun, the rate of reward is numbingly slow and I've learnt I just don't care for the gameplay-cutscene-gameplay-cutscene approach as a means of moving the story along. The games that stand out to me as having strong storytelling typically have the player experience the key plot beats directly, a-la Ico, or disguise scripted dialogue sequences to make the player still feel involved like in Half-Life. There's plenty to do in RDR, but there isn't any strong single intrinsic system, just several disjointed shallow ones. The gunplay is okay I guess, but apart from that, everything asked of the player doesn't require skill as much as it does sheer investment of time. Lots of time.

There's plenty of things I can rattle off about why the game isn't the one for me, but I'll hold my peace. Could also be this 'I'm getting old' bullshit.

My favourite games this year were Super Mario Galaxy 2, Bayonetta, Vanquish and Pac-Man Championship Edition DX. They are all games with virtually no storylines or in the case of the Platinum games, poked their tongue out at the usual tropes of videogame narratives by being proudly absurd with their delivery. They also deliver the fun every second along the way.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
yeah, I don't think RDR will be up there in my top five of the year or anything, but I still enjoyed it to a degree.

there was too much of it, for one thing. there's an entire second act in Mexico that could have been cleanly chopped off, because the third act is actually pretty damn cool.

but yeah, I think the main draw to that game is just waiting for sunset/sunrise and riding across the ol' West looking like a badass. Such a beautifully made world.



That settles it. Mark Knight is my favourite cartoonist ever.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
Did anyone snag a 120GB PS3 from Toys R Us?

They were clearing them out for $199 Australian DOLLARZ!!!

Time for me to switch mine on, see if it works, and if not dig into my wallet.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I'm really surprised at how abysmal Melbourne Uni's IT options are. Their course sequences for a Bachelor of Science majoring in Computer Science is just... I don't get it.


pilonv1 said:
Pretty much. I was going to get it when it appeared on Steam. Their response on the NFS forum was pathetic, too. Something about "You asked for it on Steam and we gave it to you, don't say we don't listen!" or something along those lines. I don't know whether it's because there's no way to manage DLC (no GFWL or Steam-native) but it's still a shithouse effort.

Guaranteed no sale for me.


Rez said:
I'm really surprised at how abysmal Melbourne Uni's IT options are. Their course sequences for a Bachelor of Science majoring in Computer Science is just... I don't get it.

IT courses have been dropping in popularity significantly every year since about 2003

due to this universities are redirecting resources, every uni is doing this.


Shaneus said:
I don't know whether it's because there's no way to manage DLC (no GFWL or Steam-native) but it's still a shithouse effort.
It's not that, they could sell it through the EA Store if they wanted. They do that for Mirror's Edge. I pretty much never buy DLC so it doesn't bother me terribly. Will still be buying it when it's cheapish.


Deleted and set all (well as much I could into the Download Queue) of my Xbox Live content to be re-downloaded after I set up my replacement Xbox last night. 13GB and counting so far, so glad I have iiNet's quota free Xbox Live content.


but ever so delicious
pilonv1 said:

Yea that's stupid. I will do the same as fred, Maybe wait until there's some sort of stupid GOTY edition with all the bullshit added in a years time or if it's dirt cheap, pick it up then. It's an enjoyable game so seeing this news is really disheartening.

I commented in the official thread about the DLC, my response was pretty much just *vomit*. I hate the idea of paid DLC, it shits me up the walls. It's almost as if they ship out a game that's half finished, charge you full price for it and then a month later go "Here's some DLC, give us more more more money". It's a shitty practise and it needs to fuck off and die.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
2 Minutes Turkish said:
Did anyone snag a 120GB PS3 from Toys R Us?

They were clearing them out for $199 Australian DOLLARZ!!!

When was this?

I actually have no idea if there is a Toys R Us store around here anyhow.


jambo said:
Sigh, such a pity to see a great game get no real PC content post release =[
Especially considering that NFS found it's feet on PC. Started on 3DO, ported to PC before slowly becoming more console-centric. I miss the presentation of the first (and to a lesser extent, second) NFS games :(


I still play the old NFS games every now and then. I must've poured thousands of hours in to NFS2SE, Hot Pursuit and High Stakes.

Also I played a shit load of Porsche, so much love and detail went in to that game.


NSW government's new incentive scheme for game developers. Also includes assistance to attend GDC.

Digital Media Initiative

The Digital Media Initiative, a key element in the NSW Government’s Digital Economy Strategy, will provide $1.5 million a year for three years to support digital content, commencing in 2010/11. The Initiative is designed for commercially oriented projects that are destined for distribution on internet, wireless, mobile, other emerging platforms or devices.

The Digital Media Initiative will provide support at various stages from early stage development up to completion of a functioning prototype or to take a market ready project into production. It will also support NSW businesses to attend key international conferences such as the Games Developers Conference in San Francisco.
Salazar said:
Time for me to switch mine on, see if it works, and if not dig into my wallet.

I doubt they have any in stock.

I only found out at work on Sunday. I work Sundays at JB and there was a memo in the games section mentioning that we should NOT price match Toys R Us price of $199 on 120GB consoles.

Apparently it's just for clearance, and they probably don't have any more stock. Which they probably dont.


Picked up a Kinect yesterday, as well as a copy of Your Shape: Fitness Evolved. It's a Christmas present so I'll have to wait a couple of weeks, but still good to finally get one!

EDIT: Also Uncharted 2 for $36


evlcookie said:
I commented in the official thread about the DLC, my response was pretty much just *vomit*. I hate the idea of paid DLC, it shits me up the walls. It's almost as if they ship out a game that's half finished, charge you full price for it and then a month later go "Here's some DLC, give us more more more money". It's a shitty practise and it needs to fuck off and die.

Really, we're having this debate again? It's such a tired argument, predicated on the assumption that paid DLC is developed entirely as a part of the original game's scope and budget, then excised before the discs are stamped. No matter how many developers come out and explain the reasons why DLC is a valuable product in the development lifestyle, people keep having a whinge. Some platforms (PC) in this case not getting the DLC may be disappointing but your inference that we'd all be better off if paid DLC "fucked off and died" is akin to saying if I can't have it, nobody can because it wasn't being offered as a paid-for product, it wouldn't be there at all.


Rez said:
I'm really surprised at how abysmal Melbourne Uni's IT options are. Their course sequences for a Bachelor of Science majoring in Computer Science is just... I don't get it.
That's not reassuring, I find out Wednesday arvo if Swinburne has a course I want to do.

Also, I made and rigged a character in blender yesterday, almost finished a walk cycle. 3d is fun. I also can't believe how good blender 2.5+ is, easily compares to whichever Maya version I tried last year and it's open source, compared to $4k


Agyar said:
Really, we're having this debate again? It's such a tired argument, predicated on the assumption that paid DLC is developed entirely as a part of the original game's scope and budget, then excised before the discs are stamped. No matter how many developers come out and explain the reasons why DLC is a valuable product in the development lifestyle, people keep having a whinge. Some platforms (PC) in this case not getting the DLC may be disappointing but your inference that we'd all be better off if paid DLC "fucked off and died" is akin to saying if I can't have it, nobody can because it wasn't being offered as a paid-for product, it wouldn't be there at all.
The best DLC is stuff that makes you come back to a game that you've already squeezed a bunch of fun out of and gives you a reason to keep playing. There are instances where the content was originally designed as part of the game and was 'tacked on' later so they could ship the game on their scheduled release. That annoys me, and the two memory sequence DLC packs for Assassin's Creed 2 should have been in the complete game. But generally, stuff like 'The Taxidermist' for Heavy Rain, 'The Writer' and 'The Signal' for Alan Wake and 'Pigsy's Perfect 10' for Enslaved is all fine by me.

I think evlcookie's sentiments stem from the days when a large volume of PC content was generated and distributed for free in the era of Unreal et al. There's a few hold-outs, like Team Fortress 2, but we're never going back to that, not in this market. Burnout Paradise was likely the last mass-volume free DLC distribution that we'll ever see for consoles.


Choc said:
wikileaks proves its worth again

US Diplomat secretly sent uranium on commercial flight in violation of US, International, and Airline laws

AMERICAN diplomats secretly sent uranium on a commercial airliner, in violation of US government rules about the abuse of the diplomatic bag system, and laws governing the air transportation of hazardous materials.

'Diplomatic Pouches' are real? I thought that was just an X-Files thing?!


2 Minutes Turkish said:
I doubt they have any in stock.

I only found out at work on Sunday. I work Sundays at JB and there was a memo in the games section mentioning that we should NOT price match Toys R Us price of $199 on 120GB consoles.

Apparently it's just for clearance, and they probably don't have any more stock. Which they probably dont.
Yeah, it was some promo last week and naturally they sold out on the day. I found out the next day, and I'd driven right past when it was on >.<


Cohsae said:
You should have known this from Idle Thumbs...
They didn't mention that they were real though, did they? The moment that episode title popped up in my iTunes, it fired off neurons and I immediately remembered that X-Files ep and I can remember how over-used it was! JB have the X-Files box sitting there for $250 - safe to assume it'll never get a Blu-Ray release yeah?

This Donkey Kong Country Returns concept art is making my day glow.


I've been playing too many shooters lately and it's making me suck at platformers. I can't get past a level in Sonic Colours and the first world boss in Donkey Kong Country Returns either. Same thing with NSMBWii.

I'll just stick to Fallout 3 for now.


but ever so delicious
Agyar said:
Really, we're having this debate again? It's such a tired argument, predicated on the assumption that paid DLC is developed entirely as a part of the original game's scope and budget, then excised before the discs are stamped. No matter how many developers come out and explain the reasons why DLC is a valuable product in the development lifestyle, people keep having a whinge. Some platforms (PC) in this case not getting the DLC may be disappointing but your inference that we'd all be better off if paid DLC "fucked off and died" is akin to saying if I can't have it, nobody can because it wasn't being offered as a paid-for product, it wouldn't be there at all.

I'm pretty sure we weren't having this debate again. I was just venting my rage over the situation. Nothing more at all.
Shaneus said:
Okay... ozgameshop.com is back up! Anyone know what their delivery times are like for in-stock items?

When I ordered NBA2k11 it took 13 days.
Halo Reach was delivered in less than that but I don't recall how many days it was.


I ordered Rock Band 2 from its sister site 365games.co.uk and it only took days, but I would imagine this time of year it might take longer.
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