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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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jambo said:
360 hard drive prices always piss me off. I can get 2TB for the same price ffs

If you're going to complain at least compare apples to apples. The 360 HDDs are 2.5" Notebook-sized drives, so for the RRP you could buy a 500 or 750GB drive. Still shitty but it's not as wildly different as 2TB for the same price, especially with deals like this that put it at the same price as a 320GB notebook drive.


3x the size for the same price is still bad.

They always wildly overprice accessories. Just look at the Wifi addon.


Eh, for that price you get it in the caddy, you get the data transfer software and it's delivered. You can bitch all you want about accessory prices but either you pay $78 now for a 250gb drive or you pay twice as much when you actually need to get one.

Plus, I'll be able to either sell my 120gb on eBay or rip out the drive and use it for a USB storage device.

PS. MS aren't unique to this. Sony and Nintendo do it too. Just be glad you're not a PC gamer as well :lol
I've had my Pro 360 for 3 years and I've managed to fill about half of the 60GB drive. What are you guys putting on it that needs so much room?


but ever so delicious
Of course the day i don't bring my jumper is the day it rains. Hopefully it clears up later.

God damn melbourne weather.


Shaneus said:
PS. MS aren't unique to this. Sony and Nintendo do it too. Just be glad you're not a PC gamer as well :lol
Sony let you install your own which is kinda nice. I much prefer Sony's approach to accessories and such this gen.

codswallop said:
I've had my Pro 360 for 3 years and I've managed to fill about half of the 60GB drive. What are you guys putting on it that needs so much room?
Don't a lot of games run much better when installed? That takes up a fair chunk of room.


codswallop said:
I've had my Pro 360 for 3 years and I've managed to fill about half of the 60GB drive. What are you guys putting on it that needs so much room?
Same, mine is no where near full.
I figured "installing games" would have been the common answer. But once you've finished a game, just uninstall it? Surely you couldn't have more than 5 or 6 games on the go at once anyway?

Maybe it's because I'm so lazy and never bother to install games. I've found in some it makes a different but not a huge one.


I'm the same. I installed GT5 on my PS3, and I had a quick look and found a few old games that I hadn't touched in ages, so I just uninstalled pretty much everything but GT5, RDR and Rock Band.


I generally keep most Arcade games I've downloaded on the drive, as well as DLC content for a whole lot of games. On top of that I've usually got a handful of games installed, I keep things like SSF4, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur 4 installed so they're quick to play any time and then anything else I'm playing or have recently played. My 120GB drive has generally been about 80% full, and I trim the installed games to keep it that way. A 250GB drive will give me room to grow my Arcade library further and keep more games installed at the same time, which will be nice.

I recently deleted most the of the XBL content on my HDD as my Xbox was replaced and I redownloaded the most recent stuff and it came to over 16GB. Pretty sure the entire library probably clocks in at more than 30GB, based on how full my HDD was previously.

Also, I believe the 250GB drives are slightly faster than the previous models although the difference is probably negligible.


evlcookie said:
Of course the day i don't bring my jumper is the day it rains. Hopefully it clears up later.

God damn melbourne weather.

I swear our aircon is up too high... I just had to put a long sleeve top on.

Looks awful outside though.


but ever so delicious
Omi said:
I swear our aircon is up too high... I just had to put a long sleeve top on.

Looks awful outside though.

Yea our aircon is on in here for some reason, It's fucking freezing. I have no idea why it's on either.
Omi said:
I swear our aircon is up too high... I just had to put a long sleeve top on.
Idiots in my office turn the aircon on most days, even over winter. Problem is, the thermostat is screwy as it was never designed properly. So no matter the weather, where I sit, if the aircon is running it's bloody freezing.


codswallop said:
I figured "installing games" would have been the common answer. But once you've finished a game, just uninstall it? Surely you couldn't have more than 5 or 6 games on the go at once anyway?

Maybe it's because I'm so lazy and never bother to install games. I've found in some it makes a different but not a huge one.
It's more the noise coming from the console than the performance itself. Games do definitely load quicker (though not always noticeably) but not having the drive spin up every 10 seconds makes a world of difference.



Eurostar has a big sale on right now, Paris-> London return $107 AUD

that is NUTS, its about 1/3 the price if not more.


Shaneus said:
It's more the noise coming from the console than the performance itself. Games do definitely load quicker (though not always noticeably) but not having the drive spin up every 10 seconds makes a world of difference.

I think it makes a considerable difference in load time, especially when you first boot up the game. It's definitely more noticeable in more recent games as well. After getting my repaired 360 back, I fired up Assassin's Creed 2 to test it and as it was a different console, it was unable to use the installed image and loaded from the disc. The load time was substantially longer than I was used to when it was installed previously, probably in excess of double.
Shaneus said:
It's more the noise coming from the console than the performance itself. Games do definitely load quicker (though not always noticeably) but not having the drive spin up every 10 seconds makes a world of difference.
Shutting the bloody thing up is a damned good reason to install more games. I'm too lazy but maybe I'll look more into it.


Not sure if I'm gonna do a GotY top ten this year. Looks like RDR will be the last game to see me out and I probably won't sneak in DKCR or Professor Layton 3

There was a clear stand-out (Super Mario Galaxy 2) a handful of stellar ones (Bayonetta, Vanquish, Pac-Man CE DX) and a lot of very solid ones. I do my homework and have no reason to complain about bad games. Hell, I bought NFS:HS on a whim and it was amazing. Bioshock 2 was a game that I just couldn't understand all the hate it got- the gunplay was much improved and it was possibly the best sequel a non-Irrational developer could have made. Not so much a sequel as a deeply realised complement to the original and an excellent excuse to return to Rapture. Gazunta's LotG was the best game no-one played even if it was shockingly easy.

Only one real disappointment was Limbo - I had high expectations for it, replayed it after a lackluster first sitting, and would argue it's a bad game with decent presentation. Halo Reach's single player didn't sit well with me, although I feel like it deserves a second playthrough with a fresh perspective. I'm playing RDR whilst home crook which is likely the only way would have put this much time into something that rewards at such a slow pace. I'm deep into Mexico and my thoughts on it are largely unchanged although I'm surprised just how similar to GTA a lot of the mechanics are. I've enjoyed some of it but my time for it is wearing thin.

I didn't play any of these games, arguably the biggest of the year:

- CoD:BO
- Starcraft 2
- Civilisation V
- Mass Effect 2
- GT5

I can't wait to play ME2 and will probably give CoD:BO's single player a whirl if it's ever on a Steam sale. Couldn't give a poop about CoD multiplayer anymore.

Damn good year. I played pretty much everything I wanted to, had a few nice surprises, and cleared a few chunks of deadwood off the ol' backlog. I have less time to play games than I did in 2009, but am enjoying the games I choose to play.

I even enjoyed stuff I thought would be stupid, like Heavy Rain, DJ Hero and Alan Wake. Bayonetta was in a genre I usually avoid but it roped me in. Hell I even picked up two fighting games and enjoyed them both despite absolutely sucking chunks - Tatusnoko vs Capcom and SSFIV.

Only new release game I played on PC was Bioshock 2 and I played every other multiplat title on the 360. Hell, I even found a Playstation Move game I liked - Tumble! It's fun, and the best demonstration of the tech by far. My DS missed out on some loving and my PSP proved its worth as a paperweight. Didn't bother with Kinect and will wait for the bargain bin.

Stand-out memories include:

- Punching God into the Sun (Bayonetta)
- "Don't fuck with a Witch!" (Bayonetta)
- Defeating Bowser (SMG2)
- The first time I activated a power pellet and gobbled a chain of ghosts (Pac-Man CE DX)
- The first time I clicked LB and watched my Assassin cohorts sneak in and take out a guard for me (AC:B)
- Cutting a finger off (Heavy Rain)
- Grappling from the ground into a helicopter gunship, killing the pilot, fucking up a military camp with missiles and blowing up a radio tower (Just Cause 2)
- Climbing to the highest point in Pacific City and jumping off (Crackdown 2)
- Viewing Rapture from the perspective of a Little Sister (Bioshock 2 - possibly my favourite gaming moment of the year).

I also went to E3 for the first time ever and it was an absolute blast, even though I was run ragged and produced 1/4 the amount of copy I wanted to. Was great to have met a bunch of developers and writers from Giant Bomb, Kotaku, IGN and other places. Just a fun week all-round.

Happy gaming!
Bernbaum said:
Only one real disappointment was Limbo - I had high expectations for it, replayed it after a lackluster first sitting, and would argue it's a bad game with decent presentation.
I was expecting something much more impressive from all the hype too. Glad I played it but it was pretty tedious most of the time. Should've been a short Flash game.

Bernbaum said:
I'm playing RDR whilst home crook which is likely the only way would have put this much time into something that rewards at such a slow pace. I'm deep into Mexico and my thoughts on it are largely unchanged
I absolutely adored RDR, but some of the mechanics have definitely aged and I hope Rockstar changes things up since I'm getting pretty tired of that GTA-style mechanic. The cutscene-mission-cutscene and people are quest hubs are probably the biggest two offenders. Don't see it changing much since Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is guilty of pretty much the same thing.

Bernbaum said:
Stand-out memories include:
A top ten "gaming moments" is probably a better idea than GOTY lists anyway if you ask me.


Like last year, I think there are some potentially deserving titles I just won't have time to play before I put down my GAF GOTY votes. Thanks to my 360 dying I haven't had a chance to play AC:B yet (I still plan to dive into the multiplayer if I can), but I probably would have included AC2 somewhere in my top 10 for last year had I played it then. This year I probably won't have time to play:

Bioshock 2
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Alpha Protocol
God of War 3
Heavy Rain
Just Cause 2
Crackdown 2
Fable 3

That said I'm pretty happy with how my top 10 is shaping up, it was definitely a solid year and for the stack of games I played, I think it was a better year overall.
Rezbit said:
Wow that's really interesting, thanks for the link. Wasn't some of Shenmue II set there?
Never actually played Shenmue II enough to see it if there was. I would imagine you could set an entire FPS or adventure game within the city with a little creative license.


Choc said:

Eurostar has a big sale on right now, Paris-> London return $107 AUD

that is NUTS, its about 1/3 the price if not more.


Problem is we can't book anything because we're waiting for my sister's boss to approve her leave.

I'd tell you who that boss is, but I might get her in trouble if someone does a google search :lol


Shaneus said:
Hey guys! 250gb 360 drive on Catch of the Day for $99 for the next two hours or so! $25 off if you use the code XBOXMAX at checkout, too.

I didn't need it, but that's damn cheap for an official 360 drive (including all transfer cables, discs etc.) so I bought one :lol
Cheers! Glad I got one before they sold out. Got the email, but I never read them. My 20GB is always full even without installing games so I need one. I have about 6GB just for Rock Band songs.


No worries. I'm dreading how long it'll take to transfer all the data from my 120 though! Contemplating deleting all the HDD installs and just leaving DLC/XBLA stuff on there but I don't think I can be bothered :lol


Just watched the latest version of the deus ex 3 trailer.


So want it to be good, but get the feeling it will so, so disappoint. Hope I am wrong.


I was actually surprised by the inventory and customisation. Doesn't look to be as dumbed down as I feared.

Looking forward to it.


Hnnngg I have not stopped sneezing all day. Worst part is I think it's a cold, I've already taken an antihistamine and it hasn't stopped. Fuck it's annoying. And I have Christmas shopping to do!


Is it bad I don't know what antihistamine is?

I don't know if I'm really healthy (doubt it) or just don't bother taking things when I get sick, but I honestly haven't taken any medicine (be it panadol, antibiotics, whatever) for at least five years. That's good, right?

I think I had an ear infection when I was around 16, and I had to get drops. But that's the last time I can remember. And that shouldn't even count.


Haha, nah I guess not. It's for allergies like hay fever. Yeah if you haven't had to take anything you're doing very well I'd say. I get a couple of bad colds a year usually, and had tonsilitis a couple of times since I came back from Europe. Still haven't completely shaken it. I'm quite sickly really.


Rezbit said:
Haha, nah I guess not. It's for allergies like hay fever. Yeah if you haven't had to take anything you're doing very well I'd say. I get a couple of bad colds a year usually, and had tonsilitis a couple of times since I came back from Europe. Still haven't completely shaken it. I'm quite sickly really.

: (


legend166 said:
Is it bad I don't know what antihistamine is?

I don't know if I'm really healthy (doubt it) or just don't bother taking things when I get sick, but I honestly haven't taken any medicine (be it panadol, antibiotics, whatever) for at least five years. That's good, right?

I think I had an ear infection when I was around 16, and I had to get drops. But that's the last time I can remember. And that shouldn't even count.

if you get a headache what do you do? wait it out

sometimes miagraine sufferers such as myself just cant do that


Choc said:
if you get a headache what do you do? wait it out

sometimes miagraine sufferers such as myself just cant do that

I once knew a hippy girl that chewed some stupid leaves to relieve pain instead of taking drugs. Pretty sure they grew on the placebo tree.


legend166 said:
Is it bad I don't know what antihistamine is?

I don't know if I'm really healthy (doubt it) or just don't bother taking things when I get sick, but I honestly haven't taken any medicine (be it panadol, antibiotics, whatever) for at least five years. That's good, right?

I think I had an ear infection when I was around 16, and I had to get drops. But that's the last time I can remember. And that shouldn't even count.
Zyrtec, Telfast, Claratyne.


MAN all this goodbye stuff from my job is kinda getting depressing! :(

In the next 5 minutes I have to pack up the PC I've worked on for the past 2 years and stick it into storage. Got a bunch of swell gifts from the staff and a nice card and lots of praise from the other ICT staff.

And while I look at the remains of this office that is being pulled apart as I speak by builders, the only thing I can think of

Is that I have three more of these moments left until I'm done.


Choc said:
if you get a headache what do you do? wait it out

sometimes miagraine sufferers such as myself just cant do that

I don't really get bad headaches, thankfully. I know people who do though and it must suck massively. Obviously taking stuff for migranes is good.

I think the reason I don't take much stuff is because it was always a last resort from my mum when we where younger. Comparatively, my sister (who is a nanny) says that the kids she looks after get something shoved down their throats when there's even the slightest hint of sniffles or something.

So when I do get something that's not real bad, I'll just wait it out. It helps that my life is pretty boring so when I do get sick I usually don't have places to be :lol


This has happened to me twice in my life, and the first time it freaked the shit out of me.

I got home one night, tried to read the newspaper and discovered that I physically could not read. The words would scramble, as if both my eyes were seeing something different and my brain couldn't make up the difference.

Then I started to get weird tunnel vision. Couldn't see anything properly, started losing my balance.

To make matters worse I got really disorientated - I couldn't answer simple questions like what year it was, where I was, my name, etc, without seriously having to pause and consciously think about it.

I started freaking out and had my first ever panic attack. I thought I was having a stroke, at the age of 23. I didn't know what the hell was happening to me.

Turns out I was just having my first serious migraine. Didn't understand - I thought a migraine was just a bad headache.

It's only happened to me once more since, but it's really fucking weird.
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