The #HireMeIGN hashtag feed on twitter is free, pure, undiluted entertainment.
3 subject switches in the same paragraph, I think.Dead Man said:I don't understand the bottom 123. I feel stupid.
Bernbaum said:The #HireMeIGN hashtag feed on twitter is free, pure, undiluted entertainment.
Done.legend166 said:That deserves its own thread on the OT.
He really is a hero.
Ah, thanks. Studied English at uni, and I have no idea about this stuffremz said:3 subject switches in the same paragraph, I think.
less impressive, mostly catty corrections to informal textevlcookie said:
Choc said:honestly sometimes it pains me to be a gamer and in the gaming industry
the first tweets and forum posts i read about the Russian Bombing
'remember, no russian'
fuck sake
Reddit had a field day, too... though this was pretty much the first time I'd been there so perhaps the amount of posts is common. Anyway, by far the best line was "You can't spell 'ignorant' without IGN" :lolBernbaum said:The #HireMeIGN hashtag feed on twitter is free, pure, undiluted entertainment.
amen, black text guy sounds mega pettyRez said:less impressive, mostly catty corrections to informal text
Don't forget to add Snake Eyes and Yahtzee to your rating system. And never forget: Three doubles in a row, and you'll land in jail.Gazunta said:![]()
Of course, back when I was, it was even simpler. If a game was published by Melbourne House, it got 5/5. If it wasn't, it got 4/5. Saved me heaps of time every day!
...God, I miss Hotgames![]()
Depends on the item- most of the time its only a few cents cheaper- and sometimes Zavvi is the better buy. They also have different daily sales.codswallop said:I preordered with Zavvi once. The game was sent the day before worldwide release but still took two agonising weeks to arrive.
On Zavvi and Thehut, if you change the URL in any zavvi item from to, you'll save tuppence on most items. You're welcome.
TwaseexteeShaneus said:Which version of Enslaved is better?
Hi five! Sixty hours in and it's endgame time for me.BanShunsaku said:Just trying to finish up a few side quests on Mass Effect 2 and then its on to the IFF (which I'm guessing is getting towards the end of the game).
The firewalker missions can eat a dick though. Was up to the last artifact/shootout on one of the planets (during which saving seems to be disabled) only to die and have to start the whole mission again. Fuck that.
Darklord said:I was looking for something for my sister for her b'day. I remembered she used to love the show absolutely fabulous so I search and see if it's on DVD. First site I see is a UK one with the complete collection and notice the price is only $41AUD. Great I can buy that but it's region 2, so I look up the price for the Australia release, surely it can't be that much more? ...$150. Sigh. Sick of these god damn prices here. Really? $109 more? Retail stores: "Oh but no one shops here it's piracy's fault no wait it's online stores from overseas we want them to be taxed!" No! It's shit like this.
I now remember why I stopped buying DVD's.
And that sums up how stupid the current situation is.legend166 said:You'd be able to buy her a region free DVD player and the DVDs for $150. And still have money to spare.
Have you checked if her current DVD player is region free? The vast majority are these days.
Bernbaum said:I absolutely loved it.
POWERSPHERE said:Dissection of the dissection. Really, why are there so many video games writer critics, and why are they so fucking pedantic? It all just seems so "WHY SHOULD YOU WRITE ABOUT GAMES?! I WANNA WRITE ABOUT GAMES!!" *footstomps*
FYI the guy who runs gamejournos is one of the most well respected and successful UK journalists around
so its far from that.....
Just boned Miranda and about to launch myself through the omega 4 relay, so I guess I'm nearly finished? Going to get straight into Dragon Age once I'm done so I'm caught up in time for DA2.Bernbaum said:Finished Mass Effect 2.
Apparently 'RPG-lite' is code for 'slightly less talent points to spend'.
I absolutely loved it.
DOPPLEGANGER!BanShunsaku said:Just boned Miranda and about to launch myself through the omega 4 relay, so I guess I'm nearly finished? Going to get straight into Dragon Age once I'm done so I'm caught up in time for DA2.
BanShunsaku said:Just boned Miranda and about to launch myself through the omega 4 relay, so I guess I'm nearly finished? Going to get straight into Dragon Age once I'm done so I'm caught up in time for DA2.
Gazunta said:Choc who runs Gamejournos?
In other news I've spent the day sick on the couch sleeping and sweating and trying not to throw up. FUN TIMES
Could not have said it better myself.Bernbaum said:The fact that reviews like Miller's exist; that the incisive yet redundant dissection exists; and that the contrived and ineffective dissection of the dissections exists cumulatively captures the absurdity of modern games journalism.
These days I just wanna play a game or two.
To learn which titles are worth my time, I'll watch a few clips - maybe a trailer or a quicklook; look at the pedigree of the developer; and gauge interest from GAF and the AusGAF collective for whom I have a familiarity of what personalities like in a game. The enjoyment of a game is far more subjective than that of a film or a book, thus the redundancy of games criticism as a whole.
The Gamejournos guy is right - by and large game reviewers aren't critics, they're enthusiasts. Games writers are a little too close to the coalface and don't enjoy the benefit of distance that say, David Stratton has when he reviews a film.
Like Rez said last week - the 'Metadiscussion' is boring and a waste of time. Alas, the more I talk about it, the closer I gravitate towards what is annoying about the whole situation. Therefore I'll just leave it be by saying that I don't expect much from the steaming bucket of derp that characterizes the state of written reviews but I don't see any need of a crusade to improve it. If anything, I appreciate a bit of cheekiness or character in a review from a writer with whom I'm familiar, but the 'Good game is good! - 9.0' approach of IGN, Gamespot and Good Game is beyond a joke.
My mind rejects it ;_;evlcookie said:Foobar2000 has a new icon, This is madness.
What? noooooooooooo!evlcookie said:Foobar2000 has a new icon, This is madness.
Filehippo auto update checker is rather neat though.