Omi said:Worried about losing 0.5/1% in extra tax hey choc?
Harden up ffs. Seriously, people complaining about this shit give me the fucking shits.
Edit: I had someone on Facebook try and tell me that spending the money from the levy on infrastructure rebuild was a bad somehow.... I am still trying to work it out.
the flood levy is fine. Cutting State Government funding when its already fucking weak is poor.
I don't mind the extra tax to be honest, but i want MY state government to be able to provide for me without taking cuts.....
Omi i suggest you don't read the major newspapers today who are all saying its a bad idea and sets a bad precedent because after every major disaster everyone will say YOU DID IT FOR THE FLOODS!!!
we need to do something, the levy is fine, i dont mind paying the extra $5, but my government needs money.