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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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shanshan310 said:
If I wanted I could get a job as an orderly, as I don't think you need any kind of qualification to do that. The nursing home near where I live is ALWAYS hiring. Only, I'm not keen on washing old people, and my parents (my dad worked as an orderly many years ago) have sort of forbidden me. Im a bit squeemish, so its probably for the best. And so the hunt continues...

Another job in a similar field is disability support worker. Don't really need any qualifications and you don't have to clean up shit. Finding jobs isn't anywhere near as easy though.

Anyway hope your job search goes well.


legend166 said:
It seems like the only entry level jobs are from companies running grad programs. Unless you want to start as some crappy help desk job.

I found that when looking for jobs in my last year of uni. They'd all say "Entry level junior networking job!*"

*requires two years experience

Entry level jobs by definition shouldn't require experience!

I have been told by various Employers and HR Staff that something like requires experience etc are put into the advertisements to keep idiots, people who know nothing about the buisness and unmotivated people from applying. They are looking for people who look at it and go 2 years experience? fuck that I can prove that I dont need 2 years experience.

Dead Man

CryptiK said:
I have been told by various Employers and HR Staff that something like requires experience etc are put into the advertisements to keep idiots, people who know nothing about the buisness and unmotivated people from applying. They are looking for people who look at it and go 2 years experience? fuck that I can prove that I dont need 2 years experience.
I've heard that, but it's a pretty poor way of culling the field. Totally demoralising.


CryptiK said:
I have been told by various Employers and HR Staff that something like requires experience etc are put into the advertisements to keep idiots, people who know nothing about the buisness and unmotivated people from applying. They are looking for people who look at it and go 2 years experience? fuck that I can prove that I dont need 2 years experience.

This is true. Human Resources write job ads, and HR staff are generally the most inept and out-of-touch people in a company. They will almost always over-sell the position and "require" experience far beyond what's necessary and more importantly, beyond the remuneration.

If a position is paying an entry-level salary and competition isn't fierce, nobody with the experience they're requiring will apply.

It's every HR departments wet dream to underpay over-qualified people.


Dead Man said:
I've heard that, but it's a pretty poor way of culling the field. Totally demoralising.
You have to understand that it does cost time and money to interview people say there is a job for a sales position they put experience required to weed out all the sums and people applying for the sake of it. they want people who are motivated to show interest to be honest thats how I got my job they asked for experience.

Dead Man

CryptiK said:
You have to understand that it does cost time and money to interview people say there is a job for a sales position they put experience required to weed out all the sums and people applying for the sake of it. they want people who are motivated to show interest to be honest thats how I got my job they asked for experience.
Yeah, I've worked (very briefly) in HR, it is still a bad way to lower the numbers. I'm not saying give every Tom Dick and Harry an interview, but if you get all your applications electronically you can use algorithms to sort them much more effectively than some airy attitude of 'If they want it, they'll apply for stuff we've told them not to bother applying for'.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
wow. thanks for the massive pro-tip right there.

so much for -- uh -- logic.

welcome to the adult world, rez?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Well I'm a smart Gen Y person who the world revolves around so I can't possibly see what could go wrong


Rez said:
wow. thanks for the massive pro-tip right there.

so much for -- uh -- logic.

welcome to the adult world, rez?
When it comes to the working world logic is very different. Businesses choose friends over experience, customer is always right(I always thought this was bullshit but appently it is true until you ask a manger to step in >.> and explain the customer is wrong) and a lot of hard workers get ripped off I mean you'd think it was logical to pay your workers the correct wage wrong!


Caramello said:
No need to apologize, I love thunderstorms :D

Also what kind of website do you run?
AFL stats website, dealing mainly in dreamteam scores. Oh and btw, tonight is the launch :eek:

Anyone else's Optus Internet is going ridiculously slow over the past couple of days? Speedtest.net shows it going at around two-thirds of it's normal speed :/


CryptiK said:
I have been told by various Employers and HR Staff that something like requires experience etc are put into the advertisements to keep idiots, people who know nothing about the buisness and unmotivated people from applying. They are looking for people who look at it and go 2 years experience? fuck that I can prove that I dont need 2 years experience.

HR do a lot of stupid things, and subversive "code" in their job ad's is high amongst them. We no longer use a HR firm (fired them for being utterly useless) and writing the job ad's my self has seen a marked improvement in the type of person applying. i.e. saying expierience beneficial but not required, has seen us get the younger people applying that we wanted.

Agyar said:
This is true. Human Resources write job ads, and HR staff are generally the most inept and out-of-touch people in a company. They will almost always over-sell the position and "require" experience far beyond what's necessary and more importantly, beyond the remuneration.

If a position is paying an entry-level salary and competition isn't fierce, nobody with the experience they're requiring will apply.

It's every HR departments wet dream to underpay over-qualified people.

Truely, you can tell more about whats actually required in a job by its salary than the description it self most times.

CryptiK said:
When it comes to the working world logic is very different. Businesses choose friends over experience, customer is always right(I always thought this was bullshit but appently it is true until you ask a manger to step in >.> and explain the customer is wrong) and a lot of hard workers get ripped off I mean you'd think it was logical to pay your workers the correct wage wrong!
It's also funny to watch staff's bubbles burst when they find out they're far more replaceable than they think. I've had several staff quit, and i just accepted their resignation, when i later find out from other staff that they were fully expecting me/my boss to beg them to stay and offer them more money and better conditions.


but ever so delicious
The last part is oh so true, You're not important to the business at all and are easily replaceable, no matter how awesome you think you are.


evlcookie said:
You're not important to the business at all and are easily replaceable, no matter how awesome you think you are.
If you're in anything other than an entry level position, this is pretty much false. That said, resigning in order to keep your job is some of the most fucked up logic I've ever heard.


Fredescu said:
If you're in anything other than an entry level position, this is pretty much false. That said, resigning in order to keep your job is some of the most fucked up logic I've ever heard.

here is how you play this out if you really think this will work. You go and apply for other jobs in the same sort of range of work with higher salaries.

Get the offers in and go to your current manager. Say X has offered me Y. If you match or even come close I will stay, if not i am going to go.

But you have to have the balls to go.

Fred however is right. Many companies will match because it costs a lot more to hire and retrain someone then give you the extra 20k you want.

There are people in jobs around the place who are irreplaceable, (steve jobs for one), but they are few and far between.

It's also NEVER good to become irreplaceable in your current position. You will be looked over time and time again for promotions because 'oh we wouldnt be able to replace them'


Fredescu said:
If you're in anything other than an entry level position, this is pretty much false. That said, resigning in order to keep your job is some of the most fucked up logic I've ever heard.
There are very few people in any business that can't be replaced. It might cause short term disruption as others come in and learn but...

That said, there are some who can't be replaced.

But the whole quit to get a better deal mentality is retarded. If you go down that path, make sure you're really in a position to deal with not having a job. Most of those who've tried it on us weren't perpared to have their resignation accepted. And no manager ever likes to have someone force them into an ultimatum.

Doing it tactfully is hard, but you really can put management off side going down this path, just make sure you have your reasons and plan for the outcomes.


Choc said:
here is how you play this out if you really think this will work. You go and apply for other jobs in the same sort of range of work with higher salaries.

Get the offers in and go to your current manager. Say X has offered me Y. If you match or even come close I will stay, if not i am going to go.

But you have to have the balls to go.
Yep. That's not resigning. If you thought you were well below market rates or conditions and thought you had a reasonable manager, you could skip the first step and just print out a few job ads and point out that they're much higher than yours and see what they can do. As long as you present yourself reasonably and don't go in with a sense of entitlement about it. Sometimes you do just have to leave.

Choc said:
There are people in jobs around the place who are irreplaceable, (steve jobs for one), but they are few and far between.
Rehiring is always a risk. There are very few positions that are literally irreplaceable, but trying to replace skills and experience that are in demand in the job market can be expensive and disruptive to business.

Choc said:
It's also NEVER good to become irreplaceable in your current position. You will be looked over time and time again for promotions because 'oh we wouldnt be able to replace them'
Unless you don't actually want a promotion.


but ever so delicious
Fredescu said:
If you're in anything other than an entry level position, this is pretty much false. That said, resigning in order to keep your job is some of the most fucked up logic I've ever heard.

Well if you're a boss then you can pretty much do what you want and claim you're not replaceable, even those above entry level could easily be replaced. As Giri said it's going to be a disruption but you may end up finding someone who is better at the job and things get back on track with even better performance.

It's always a risk for a business to say fuck it, let's get someone else but there's always a chance it will pay off and of course backfire. That's business though i guess.

It's fun ;D


meh, if you're going to bluff quit you have to be prepared to walk. (i.e. be able to afford life for the following 3 months or have a job lined up)

Rez, don't be discouraged - almost all graphic design jobs require 3 years experience (which I have now hooray!) but I still got a job during tafe. And I'm as shit at my job now as I was then.

Fredescu - one of my mates works at a big design agency in town and the entry level positions are the only safe ones. The higher up the ladder you climb, the more expendable you become :/


evlcookie said:
Well if you're a boss then you can pretty much do what you want and claim you're not replaceable, even those above entry level could easily be replaced.
That's not really true for anyone other than the owner (in the case of a private company). A management position isn't an automatic win button.

rass said:
Fredescu - one of my mates works at a big design agency in town and the entry level positions are the only safe ones. The higher up the ladder you climb, the more expendable you become :/
Why is that?


but ever so delicious
TDU2 is out soon, is anyone in here actually picking it up? It sounds like it might be a steamworks title.

I installed LinuxMint along with some tv apps in a VM yesterday. I have to say it wasn't too hard at all and the urge to build a fileserver box that handles my media is now very tempting.

Does anyone here use linux? If so, is it possible to put the machine to sleep while a daemon in the background running still? Can it wake the machine up to do it's process then when it's done back to sleep she goes?


rass said:
Fredescu - one of my mates works at a big design agency in town and the entry level positions are the only safe ones. The higher up the ladder you climb, the more expendable you become :/

Seems utterly bizarre unless it is purely a cost issue.


Fredescu said:
Why is that?
• entry level staff do the finished art, as in, make sure the artwork is in the right format for different media/magazines/billboards.

• higher level staff (the 'creatives') come up with ideas, get paid better and generally didn't study finished art.

The finished art has to be done and the shit kickers are (generally) the only ones who can do it, the idea creation can be done by management or the more talented FAs. Creatives are expensive.

^^That's how it's been explained to me, and I don't know anyone else working at big agencies but I assume they are similar. I work at a small place where I get to be jack of all trades and am very much not expendable - even though I'm not the best at my job. I deal with clients and keep the place running while my boss has frequent medical appointments.
evlcookie said:
I have to say it wasn't too hard at all and the urge to build a fileserver box that handles my media is now very tempting.
I've been running a Windows Home Server box for the past couple of years (mainly because of the awesome feature that 1) you can add disks to expand the storage pool at any time and 2) the disks are regular NTFS so if things go bad it's easy to recover) but am close to jumping on either a Drobo or Qnap storage unit. Have a look at those two...

rass said:
The finished art has to be done and the shit kickers are (generally) the only ones who can do it, the idea creation can be done by management or the more talented FAs. Creatives are expensive.

Don Draper?


rass said:
Fredescu - one of my mates works at a big design agency in town and the entry level positions are the only safe ones. The higher up the ladder you climb, the more expendable you become :/

This is true of tons of industries. Money, managers are people managers and seen as a waste sometimes. They also earn lots of money generally.

Also today is the day i wish i worked in advertising.

Friend of mine who works for a a big ad firm in Sydney has a US feed of the Superbowl in their office which they are watching.


So they get the US superbowl ads live of course and see what was done this year. So rather then have crap ads, they get the complete US feed

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
zzzzzzzzzzzwhA WHA m-mad men

wait, where am i

what day is it


evlcookie said:
I installed LinuxMint along with some tv apps in a VM yesterday. I have to say it wasn't too hard at all and the urge to build a fileserver box that handles my media is now very tempting.
If you just want storage on a network, may I suggest FreeNAS. Easy to configure and use. It also does DLNA, so you can stream to your PS3 if you so desire.


but ever so delicious
codswallop said:
I've been running a Windows Home Server box for the past couple of years (mainly because of the awesome feature that 1) you can add disks to expand the storage pool at any time and 2) the disks are regular NTFS so if things go bad it's easy to recover) but am close to jumping on either a Drobo or Qnap storage unit. Have a look at those two...

I've thought about both situations. Windows would be more suited, I guess i want a small box that's able to run applications and do what they need to do along with storing all my shit in a backup situation. Drobo and Qsnap can't run my media apps although they are great storage boxes.

Linux is my main choice simply because it's linux i guess lol. Set it and forget it is my goal, remote desktop in / ssh in to make sure things are working once a week and leave it be. All my apps and media are stored on my current machine but i am running out of sata ports, I'm still waiting to upgrade so i can clean the damn thing out.

My media/fileserver/xbmc box is very much pie in the sky, I can't see it happening anytime soon only because i'm lazy and i guess i only really have 2 hard drives worth of media. Well one now after i blew the other one up D:


rass said:
^^That's how it's been explained to me, and I don't know anyone else working at big agencies but I assume they are similar. I work at a small place where I get to be jack of all trades and am very much not expendable - even though I'm not the best at my job. I deal with clients and keep the place running while my boss has frequent medical appointments.
Sounds like a case of the positions being expendable rather than the people that fill them. If one of those entry level guys tried to demand a higher level guy salary, he'd find out how expendable he is. I can appreciate how the higher level creative jobs are not terribly stable though, must be a hard industry to be in.
evlcookie said:
Drobo and Qsnap can't run my media apps although they are great storage boxes.
Qnap has plenty of app options, such as MySQL, Bittorrent, etc. Drobo has not as many which is why I'm leaning more for the Qnap. I just want something that's low power and easy to upgrade (my WHS box has been pretty easy to run, but it's full now and upgrading gets tough).

evlcookie said:
Linux is my main choice simply because it's linux i guess lol. Set it and forget it is my goal
WHS has been set and forget for me, but obviously it is Windows and comes with a cost. It's biggest benefit for me though has been the comfort that you can duplicate folders across multiple disks, and that if the "array" goes belly up, since it's just NTFS recovering is easy, unlike most RAID arrays which, if one dies, the lot is gone.


I bought an Astone AP-300 HD media player last week and it's brilliant. Plays all my h.264 1080p mkv files with dts and AC3, as well as all of my music and it can even do photo slideshows. Plug any USB in to it and you can browse the folders to play whatever you want.

EDIT: I'm pretty sure it has a BitTorrent app on it, but then I just use the other way to get my media.


codswallop said:
WHS has been set and forget for me, but obviously it is Windows and comes with a cost. It's biggest benefit for me though has been the comfort that you can duplicate folders across multiple disks, and that if the "array" goes belly up, since it's just NTFS recovering is easy, unlike most RAID arrays which, if one dies, the lot is gone.
This sounds more like a mis-understanding of which RAID type is which. There are RAIDS that can be set up to be duplication, or striping, or combinations.


but ever so delicious
Sweet, my DE shaving items have shipped. I look forward to making a mess of my face, maybe cuts and scars will make me hotter towards the ladies.
giri said:
This sounds more like a mis-understanding of which RAID type is which. There are RAIDS that can be set up to be duplication, or striping, or combinations.
I'm well aware of the RAID types. But the problem still stands that if you want to expand an array, most of the time you have to blow the lot away. Fine for enterprise where I've setup 1, 5, 6 arrays, but not so good for home use where I have 6TB I want to store and expand it when I want.


jambo said:
I bought an Astone AP-300 HD media player last week and it's brilliant. Plays all my h.264 1080p mkv files with dts and AC3, as well as all of my music and it can even do photo slideshows. Plug any USB in to it and you can browse the folders to play whatever you want.

EDIT: I'm pretty sure it has a BitTorrent app on it, but then I just use the other way to get my media.
But does it do Jukebox?




codswallop said:
I'm well aware of the RAID types. But the problem still stands that if you want to expand an array, most of the time you have to blow the lot away. Fine for enterprise where I've setup 1, 5, 6 arrays, but not so good for home use where I have 6TB I want to store and expand it when I want.
Most controllers allow you to expand an array without any data loss these days. Not that you'd be using those controllers at home.


evlcookie said:
Sweet, my DE shaving items have shipped. I look forward to making a mess of my face, maybe cuts and scars will make me hotter towards the ladies.
Nice dude! What gear did you get?

I just recently made the switch myself. Picked up a Merkur HD (amongst other goodies) and am testing out different razor brands; so far Feather is in the lead.


jambo said:
I bought an Astone AP-300 HD media player last week and it's brilliant. Plays all my h.264 1080p mkv files with dts and AC3, as well as all of my music and it can even do photo slideshows. Plug any USB in to it and you can browse the folders to play whatever you want.

EDIT: I'm pretty sure it has a BitTorrent app on it, but then I just use the other way to get my media.
Fucking awesome, isn't it? There are a few bugs here and there (there's a particular firmware which completely erases the internal HDD) but in general it's pretty much a jack of all trades. DTS downmixing is a blessing if you only have analog audio, too.

Make sure you check out the Astone forums every so often as well... you can read all about the firmwares and the bugs. The community in general is pretty good, even if the firmware updates aren't.


Danoss said:
Nice dude! What gear did you get?

I just recently made the switch myself. Picked up a Merkur HD (amongst other goodies) and am testing out different razor brands; so far Feather is in the lead.
ha, I have the classic version of that with the smaller handle, has been awesome for the past 3 years. I just use whatever blades Shaver Shop sells, they aren't so great.

also, woo!
Simon's Cat book just showed up.
Fredescu said:
Most controllers allow you to expand an array without any data loss these days. Not that you'd be using those controllers at home.
I'd be pretty wary of them still, making sure you have all the data backed up first, but I haven't bought a controller for a couple of years since last updating the storage where I work.


but ever so delicious
Danoss said:
Nice dude! What gear did you get?

I just recently made the switch myself. Picked up a Merkur HD (amongst other goodies) and am testing out different razor brands; so far Feather is in the lead.

I've done DE shave a year or two ago but then i got lazy. I don't remember the exact model/version of the gear that i have but it should do for now.

I went ahead and picked up the blade sample pack from mensbiz, Rass might be interested in it as well.
And i got the cream sample pack. Should let me figure out what works and what doesn't.
evlcookie said:
I've done DE shave a year or two ago but then i got lazy.
I use Castile soap in the shower, and just before I get out I lather up my face with that and shave (admittedly with either a wet electric razor or cheap Gillette or whatever razor), and it works really well.

What are the benefits of using these sorts of razors and has anyone tried Castile soap with one?

Choc said:
superbowl spoilers

packers are KILLING it
Steelers are catching...
Hopefully that'll make the second half more interesting.

Also also: http://msn.foxsports.com/video/shows/super-bowl-commercials-2011
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