@legend - because he is Ljubo Miličević and you better pronounce that correctly, or you will just be another 'aussie bogan'. 
Being serious for a minute, Ljubo has mental issues I am sure. Some of the stuff he has been spouting of late is just filled with so much hatred and bile. If anyone has seen the 'interview' with SBS a few weeks back, he was ranting and raving about how no one here is professional etc etc, no one can say his name correctly and how glad he is to be leaving Australia behind. Meanwhile, there he is, sipping on his VB in a special bottle. Hilarious. Good riddance Ljubo, don't let the door hit you too hard on the way out.
PS> SBS / David Basheer certainly gave Ljubo a lot of rope to hang himself in that interview as well. Their 'world game' coverage isn't worth much these days imo. Too much of an old boys club with Les at the helm, much like the old NSL / SA days they said long had to change.
Being serious for a minute, Ljubo has mental issues I am sure. Some of the stuff he has been spouting of late is just filled with so much hatred and bile. If anyone has seen the 'interview' with SBS a few weeks back, he was ranting and raving about how no one here is professional etc etc, no one can say his name correctly and how glad he is to be leaving Australia behind. Meanwhile, there he is, sipping on his VB in a special bottle. Hilarious. Good riddance Ljubo, don't let the door hit you too hard on the way out.
PS> SBS / David Basheer certainly gave Ljubo a lot of rope to hang himself in that interview as well. Their 'world game' coverage isn't worth much these days imo. Too much of an old boys club with Les at the helm, much like the old NSL / SA days they said long had to change.