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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
reptilescorpio said:
Sure they did indeed bomb Pearl Harbour as people are saying


reptilescorpio said:
In light of the stupid comment made by an Aussie working on Black Mesa, do people really feel that way about the Japanese? I certainly haven't heard the same outpouring of concern that was shown during the NZ earthquake and most people I know talk poop about the New Zealanders. I thought the Japanese would be well liked especially because of how generous they are in times of need. Sure they did indeed bomb Pearl Harbour as people are saying but do people really think of it so simply? Isn't WW2 discussed in history classes? Will Black Mesa ever be released?
Talk like that by anyone is unnecessary. Even mention of Pearl Harbour is completely uncalled for. When Katrina happened, did anyone mention the slaughter and poor treatment of the Native American Indians? When Australia has suffered fires, floods and cyclones has anyone brought up the mistreatment and killing of Aboriginals in our past or the White Australia Policy?

Everyone has a past that they're not proud of, but it doesn't need to be continually brought up as "Haha, karma's a bitch isn't it? You should never have done X".

I would love to see the day that racism comes to an end. There is no reason to have such a poor attitude towards another human being.

"Oh wow, they live in a different part of the world so their bodies have adapted to the climate and they have adopted a culture, screw them", which is some peoples feelings in a nutshell. It's stupid, unnecessary and based on nothing than blind hatred and the inability to think for ones self. Morons like this shouldn't have children.

Sorry for my rant, I see too much of this rubbish nowadays. Even one of my friends says rubbish things like that and it boils my blood.


but ever so delicious
reptilescorpio said:
In light of the stupid comment made by an Aussie working on Black Mesa, do people really feel that way about the Japanese? I certainly haven't heard the same outpouring of concern that was shown during the NZ earthquake and most people I know talk poop about the New Zealanders. I thought the Japanese would be well liked especially because of how generous they are in times of need. Sure they did indeed bomb Pearl Harbour as people are saying but do people really think of it so simply? Isn't WW2 discussed in history classes? Will Black Mesa ever be released?

You forgot ze bombs!

To play devils advocate i can't really see what all the big deal is about his comments? I mean, In a way, Isn't it mostly true? That while we care to a small extent, that we hope they are ok and are able to pull through our giving a shit doesn't go beyond that?

There are going to be some individuals who will watch the news 24/7 for any and all the latest updates because they want to be informed and care.

There are those who are going to watch the first hour of coverage and go, Well the worst seems to be over i hope they can pull through, *back to pokemons*.

Neither is wrong, You are personally allowed to care on your own level.

Of course did the japanese care about us when qld was going underwater? I dunno, I'm sure they did but i didn't see any sort of outcry of support from individuals. That's of course because it's just about impossible, Since most of the support is all political bullshit anyway.

I'm sure some cared and some didn't about our floods, That's fine by me
Danoss said:
Everyone has a past that they're not proud of, but it doesn't need to be continually brought up as "Haha, karma's a bitch isn't it? You should never have done X".
One would've thought dropping two atomic bombs would've been enough payback and enough reason to get over the fact that war is brutal, and even otherwise good people do bad things during war.

I guess the big differences between the Christchurch quake and the Japan one are that NZ is a lot closer to us and that Japan is a lot more prepared for them. I know a guy who told me he slept through 6.0 quakes when living in Japan.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
They're still uncovering the dead bodies of families, children, lovers and hard-working thoroughly average but also formerly very much alive men and women.

There will be (and has been) a time for commentary on whether or not the death of people you have never met being ended is, logically, relatively ineffectual in your day-to-day life, but as decent human beings, I'd like to think that we realise that now is not that time. It's about respect.
I've been following the news all weekend on CNN and BBC world, mostly just to try and get my head around the scale of this tragedy, which I am yet to do. I am filled with profound sadness for those who have lost their lives or their homes and wish I could help in some way (other than donate, which I plan to do.)

I'm not the most devout Christian, neither is my partner - I can't remember the last time I went to church that wasn't for a wedding or funeral. But before dinner last night we said a prayer for those effected... I felt like it was the least we could do.


I feel nothing but profound sadness at what happened in Japan, and the continuing nuclear problems they are having. Which, fortunately due to good planning and reasonable actions, seem to be mostly under control.

I feel a great relief that their building standards were held to the highest degree and the earthquake hasn't done much damage it self, and that they have planning in place for these events.

Anyone bringing up pearl harbor, or anything else from history just shows a giant dollop of ignorance on top of their douche bag pie.

The last 6 months for the pacific region sure has been... full-on.


Choc said:
got reamed in the tips in NRL this week

i proposed on top of mt kosiusko (spelling)

Did you then rant about how you could've done it a few hours earlier if the bus's had've been running on time?

(Congrats, i hope!)


giri said:
Did you then rant about how you could've done it a few hours earlier if the bus's had've been running on time?

(Congrats, i hope!)

haha giri, i was married last year so that all happened a while ago



giri said:
I feel nothing but profound sadness at what happened in Japan, and the continuing nuclear problems they are having. Which, fortunately due to good planning and reasonable actions, seem to be mostly under control.

I feel a great relief that their building standards were held to the highest degree and the earthquake hasn't done much damage it self, and that they have planning in place for these events.

Anyone bringing up pearl harbor, or anything else from history just shows a giant dollop of ignorance on top of their douche bag pie.

The last 6 months for the pacific region sure has been... full-on.

It's so sad indeed :( The nuclear thing is crazy and politicians etc are already starting to say THIS PROVES WE SHOULDN'T GO NUCLEAR such as Anna Bligh

She just undid all her good work from the past 6 months with that comment and saying it too soon.

Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things and this is just a general query rather then a oh fuck its going to be delayed (3DS launch etc) but does Nintendo manufacture in Japan or outsource to China like everyone else?


Choc said:
haha giri, i was married last year so that all happened a while ago

O, i c... seems my joke was lttp. Oh well.

No wonder you're so bitter, you're married!


In other news, DA2 is progressing... oddly. I'm on the normal dificulty level, and i'm able to do most of the game without a caster specifically specced into healing. It's really very odd for the setting and the company, very odd as a successor to DA:O.

Enjoyable none the less.


Choc said:
got reamed in the tips in NRL this week
Heh, so many people got smashed this weekend. I'm feeling pretty good about my 6/7 start to the round. Only one game to go.

You should start an NRL Dreamteam Choc, you know you want to.


Rez said:
They're still uncovering the dead bodies of families, children, lovers and hard-working thoroughly average but also formerly very much alive men and women.

There will be (and has been) a time for commentary on whether or not the death of people you have never met being ended is, logically, relatively ineffectual in your day-to-day life, but as decent human beings, I'd like to think that we realise that now is not that time. It's about respect.

This is the reason that comment was stupid.

And I look forward to the endless rants from annoying Greens people about how we should never go nuclear blah blah blah.


reptilescorpio said:
In light of the stupid comment made by an Aussie working on Black Mesa, do people really feel that way about the Japanese? I certainly haven't heard the same outpouring of concern that was shown during the NZ earthquake and most people I know talk poop about the New Zealanders. I thought the Japanese would be well liked especially because of how generous they are in times of need. Sure they did indeed bomb Pearl Harbour as people are saying but do people really think of it so simply? Isn't WW2 discussed in history classes? Will Black Mesa ever be released?

You're basing an entire populations opinion on one guy's post on an internet forum?

Dear god man. How do you survive on GAF?
legend166 said:
This is the reason that comment was stupid.

And I look forward to the endless rants from annoying Greens people about how we should never go nuclear blah blah blah.
Already started: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/03/13/3162740.htm
I agree with a lot of the greens policies (mostly the social policies), but fuck me now is not the time, it's incredibly disrepectful, not to mention Australia and nuclear power doesn't hold the same high risk that Japan and nuclear power does. I'm not particularly against nuclear power, personally. Although placing one in an eathquake prone area doesn't sound like the greatest plan.


The Storyteller said:
Already started: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/03/13/3162740.htm
I agree with a lot of the greens policies (mostly the social policies), but fuck me now is not the time, it's incredibly disrepectful, not to mention Australia and nuclear power doesn't hold the same high risk that Japan and nuclear power does. I'm not particularly against nuclear power, personally. Although placing one in an eathquake prone area doesn't sound like the greatest plan.

like most places in Japan the structure is deemed earthquake proof, its the tsunami that did the nuclear reactors in

so they shouldn't have built it so close to the coast but the problem is it requires immense amounts of water so :|


Choc said:
like most places in Japan the structure is deemed earthquake proof, its the tsunami that did the nuclear reactors in

so they shouldn't have built it so close to the coast but the problem is it requires immense amounts of water so :|
And even then, think of the power of this disaster, and they appear to be dealing with it (even fi it took a little to get it under control, and got a little further out of line than anyone wanted), and i think they've done fairly well.

Fact is, japan with it's population consumes huges sums of electricity ><


Had a great 3 day weekend in Cairns. Went up to Port Douglas and Morrin gorge, went swimming in crystal clear waters, with turtles.

Saturday I went out on the reef, within 2 minutes I had white pointer reef sharks below me, lots of clown fish and giant clams. Amazing to see up close. Met lots of nice backpackers too.

The nightlife is pretty meh. If you live in Brisbane, it's like The Normanby everywhere. Blegh.

I regret not going up sooner, it's only 2 hours flight from Brisbane.

Missed all the quake footage from Japan, but kept up to date on mobile twitter. Very sad.

Anyone picking up Motorstorm Apocalypse this week for PS3? Looking forward to it (unfortunate to release it when all of this bad stuff is happening).
From what I read, the reactors were capable of withstanding (and they have contingencies in place) to withstand earthquakes and tsunamis and overheating, when they don't happen at the same time. It was just that everything happened at once and in those sorts of situations there's not really a lot you can do.

Any power reactor has some sort of risk, and when a ton of shit hits the fan all at once what can you do? It could've been a hell of a lot worse. Kudos to Japan for having the proper infrastructure and drills in place to deal with this sort of stuff.


The Storyteller said:
Already started: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/03/13/3162740.htm
I agree with a lot of the greens policies (mostly the social policies), but fuck me now is not the time, it's incredibly disrepectful, not to mention Australia and nuclear power doesn't hold the same high risk that Japan and nuclear power does. I'm not particularly against nuclear power, personally. Although placing one in an eathquake prone area doesn't sound like the greatest plan.

It's a dumb thing to say because as of now, there are no recorded deaths. More people die in coal mines than due to nuclear power.


giri said:
And even then, think of the power of this disaster, and they appear to be dealing with it (even fi it took a little to get it under control, and got a little further out of line than anyone wanted), and i think they've done fairly well.
There are likely to be to no power station related deaths, which is amazing really. Meanwhile coal kills people daily, from both mining and power generation. Also coal ash is quite radioactive: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=coal-ash-is-more-radioactive-than-nuclear-waste


Stackboy said:
Had a great 3 day weekend in Cairns. Went up to Port Douglas and Morrin gorge, went swimming in crystal clear waters, with turtles.

Saturday I went out on the reef, within 2 minutes I had white pointer reef sharks below me, lots of clown fish and giant clams. Amazing to see up close. Met lots of nice backpackers too.

The nightlife is pretty meh. If you live in Brisbane, it's like The Normanby everywhere. Blegh.

I regret not going up sooner, it's only 2 hours flight from Brisbane.

Missed all the quake footage from Japan, but kept up to date on mobile twitter. Very sad.

Anyone picking up Motorstorm Apocalypse this week for PS3? Looking forward to it (unfortunate to release it when all of this bad stuff is happening).

I am wondering if Sony should ship Motorstorm this week..... i am in two minds about it


Stackboy, nothing prepares you for how awesome the GBR is. Tv does not do it justice @ all

you dive under the water and go into your own little world, forget all your cares and just float and watch, its amazing.


legend166 said:
It's a dumb thing to say because as of now, there are no recorded deaths. More people die in coal mines than due to nuclear power.

the media is not helping with this calling it a potential chernobyl

for fook sake


For me, the Great Barrier Reef looks better on TV.

It's not as colourful when you're under water.

The helicopter ride is amazing though.
legend166 said:
de blob 2 was a bomba :(

source? or is it just really cheap around the place?

edit: nvm just saw NPD update. That doesn't mean the game's a bomba, just not a smash. so many games never chart yet have more legs than a 200-legged centipede and end up selling really well over time. also if they cut the price, it'll probably do very well- over time.
On the banned Dragon Age 2 player:

EA Jerk said:
We just received word from EA's Andrew Wong that the situation was actually an error. "Unfortunately, there was an error in the system that accidentally suspended a user's entire account," he told Ars. "Immediately upon learning of the glitch, EA took steps to restore the user's macro account and apologized for the inconvenience."

Or: "We're calling it an error because it got publicity and another huge backlash. Hopefully they won't find out about the SecuROM we've hidden in the game... crap."

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
codswallop said:
On the banned Dragon Age 2 player:

Or: "We're calling it an error because it got publicity and another huge backlash. Hopefully they won't find out about the SecuROM we've hidden in the game... crap."
eh, I think they're telling the truth.


The Storyteller said:
Already started: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/03/13/3162740.htm
I agree with a lot of the greens policies (mostly the social policies), but fuck me now is not the time, it's incredibly disrepectful, not to mention Australia and nuclear power doesn't hold the same high risk that Japan and nuclear power does. I'm not particularly against nuclear power, personally. Although placing one in an eathquake prone area doesn't sound like the greatest plan.

I'm with you

(Though bear in mind all of Japan is earthquake prone so it's not like they have a lot of choice)
Rez said:
eh, I think they're telling the truth.
They supposedly said that there would be no SecuROM in the PC version of Dragon Age II. And yet it's apparently there.

So what makes you think this would be any different?
codswallop said:
They supposedly said that there would be no SecuROM in the PC version of Dragon Age II. And yet it's apparently there.

So what makes you think this would be any different?

Oh well, the no disc check on PC is there, and I appreciate that.


but ever so delicious
There seems to be some back and forth between Bioware and customers over DA2.

First the baning was in the forum TOS as seen here - http://i.imgur.com/xkhUI.png which is certainly stupid.

You then have this website which did the drm testing and you can read about it here - http://www.reclaimyourgame.com/content.php?770-RYG-News-Analysing-SecuROM-In-Dragon-Age-2&

At this point, To me, It seems like Bioware is just trying to minimize damage. The removal of the ban was certainly done due to the outcry. It's a shame EA/Bioware feel the need to lie to the customers about copy protection. Maybe it's left over code that claims to be securom but doesn't actually install anything.

I'm sure we will hear more about DA2 and it's wacky shit on PC as time goes on.
I would say that BioWare asked for no copy protection and EA demanded it (or put it in without telling BioWare). It's usually the decision of the publisher so I'll put all the blame on EA, since I'm still a fan of BioWare's.


codswallop said:
I would say that BioWare asked for no copy protection and EA demanded it (or put it in without telling BioWare). It's usually the decision of the publisher so I'll put all the blame on EA, since I'm still a fan of BioWare's.
I believe more in bioware too.

But seriously, some people are just acting stupid over DA2.


but ever so delicious
So i called the bank and now i get to wait until tomorrow for the case manager to give me a call regarding my shit.

Shame about MK getting banned again although it's no surprise since they changed nothing.


evlcookie said:
So i called the bank and now i get to wait until tomorrow for the case manager to give me a call regarding my shit.

Shame about MK getting banned again although it's no surprise since they changed nothing.

The same publisher, WB, resubmitted FEAR 2 apparently and it got through. There was hope. But still, yeah, import. =P


animal crossing fans will love this



Mar said:

I would have bought it from there anyway, it'll be half the price.

So, what would be the quickest way to get it? I'm not concerned with cost, just playing it as quickly as possible.

BTW Which version is everyone getting?

Edit: Kittyyyyy! Aww <3


Shaneus said:

So, what would be the quickest way to get it? I'm not concerned with cost, just playing it as quickly as possible.

BTW Which version is everyone getting?

Edit: Kittyyyyy! Aww <3

Quickest? If you can get a region free version from play-asia then that would arrive fast. I've had games sent and delivered from there in 1 and a half days.

If you don't mind waiting a week or two, ozgameshop (365games.co.uk) is the way to go.

Serrels linked his kotaku article in twitter and one comment particularly caught my eye. They were glad it didn't get through, because it shouldn't. It's a game for adults and it's good to see it didn't get squeezed in to a ma15 rating. I fully agree.

The only way we are going to get this ridiculous matter fixed is if they actually ban the games that kids shouldn't play. Adults, unlike children, can walk up to politicians and punch them in the face.
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