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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Choc said:
Vook not sure if you are aware but it appears Kmart nationwide has put all its 3DS accessories out for sale (including the official stuff from nintendo like the exec case :) )

go buy some shiz!

Oh really? Got all my accessories anyway, but good to know.


Hey, to Gaz or I guess Choc, is there any influence on the way we develop in Australia by the harsh classification laws that we have? Or is that just a consumer issue?


Aon said:
Hey, to Gaz or I guess Choc, is there any influence on the way we develop in Australia by the harsh classification laws that we have? Or is that just a consumer issue?
How many violent Australian games do you see? This isn't an actual answer, but I wonder if they even need to consider it with what they have to make. /noidea


My completely uneducated guess on the subject would be that no matter where you're based, your primary market is the US and their classification laws would affect you more than ours.

What would affect games development in this country more would be if it got as many tax breaks as the other entertainment producers do, although a developer getting tax breaks for making a game that was banned here would make for an interesting ACA piece.


Three of the twenty top terms in my tweetcloud are swears and I feel like a bad person. At least 'Fucking Nintendo' delivers a chortle.



Aon said:
Hey, to Gaz or I guess Choc, is there any influence on the way we develop in Australia by the harsh classification laws that we have? Or is that just a consumer issue?

Not really. But then generally AAA crazy over the top violence is generally not made here.

As far as i am aware it has not changed LA Noir one bit.

That said, i know for a fact studios worldwide are VERY aware of the Australian system and publishers have pulled out features due to potential bans.

also lols


it also made PA!



Yeah that's what I thought, but my tutor was suggesting it as an angle on the R18 repeal thing I was half heartedly thinking of doing for some piece. I figured trying to wrangle and interview out of some Melbourne studio would be fun.


Aon said:
Hey, to Gaz or I guess Choc, is there any influence on the way we develop in Australia by the harsh classification laws that we have? Or is that just a consumer issue?
It's pretty much a non-issue as far as development is concerned. Our main market is the US as long as we're dealing with US publishers.



Apple has come under fire for approving an ''app'' that offers guidance on how homosexual people can be ''cured'' and convert to heterosexuality.

The ''gay cure'' application, to be used on Apple's hand-held devices, was created by Exodus International, a religious organisation which believes in teaching ''freedom from homosexuality through prayer and practicing conversion therapy''.

Nice one apple.


Bought DJ Hero 2 from a random Dick Smith's in Perth for $30. DJ Hero is a bunch of fun - if you said 'here's a game with music you don't care for that's played with a gimmicky chunk of plastic from Activision that you will love' I would laugh the laugh of eternity but it really is a hoot.

Also bought XKCD volume 0 and exercised remarkable restraint in not buying a bunch of Hiyao Miyazaki art books for his various films.


Got a girl's number at Future Music Festival, txt'd her today asking if she wanted to catch up.

She replied saying I should come to her birthday drinks.

codswallop said:
Anyone else in Melbourne see this? http://jasonchatfield.tumblr.com/post/3979151939

tl;dr - Dude's arm gets caught in taxi window, dragged along the road, needs help to find the cabbie.
I know 2 really nice Indian guys who have taken on taxi driving while they are at uni here and they are a credit to the service. At the same time during my first year living on residence we had two sexual assaults and two incidents where taxi drivers hit students.

Unfortunately the taxi company responsible for the driver wouldn't want to bring any bad pr on themselves so I doubt they would release GPS information on any driver in the area at that time. You would think it would be a very simple exercise to check through the data from the night, wouldn't the police go to the taxi company that was seen on the cameras and ask for the data?


but ever so delicious
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Good luck!

Cookie! I need a report on the train girl!
I got nothing, I haven't seen her in over a week. There is train girl #2 but I don't think she is as fine as #1, so ive done nothing with that one.


Gazunta said:
When is Kritz Comics Volume 0 coming out

My comics are not an array and do not start at 0!

To be honest I could probably put together a 100 page book consisting of every forgotten or half started project I've ever made.

:( if it helps, I am still working on the 'story' to Super Hero Ed in my mind. It's pretty good. I should tell it to you guys some time.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
if feeling a twinge of sexual excitement when a program successfully compiles is wrong, brother, I don't want to be right


evlcookie said:
I got nothing, I haven't seen her in over a week. There is train girl #2 but I don't think she is as fine as #1, so ive done nothing with that one.

Is she more attractive than you palm?


but ever so delicious
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Son, I am disappoint :-|
I'm guessing she gets the earlier train now or sits elsewhere. I can't do anything if I don't see her :p

Its not a big deal, just silly fun fantasy while I make my journey to work.


So Homefront

who else picked it up? i imagine Bern did he plays everything!

the game is crap with a capital C in single player mode. Its four hours long if that and there is no connection with the game or story. You totally feel like you are going through the motions and the game does pick up at the end but then it finishes. Has an ending worse than halo 2....

its like ok you want to make a sequel sure, but there is no guarantee this will happen and i am sick of developers saying oh it has a shit ending because a sequel will tell you all. How abuot fucking no. Do movies do this (aside from those guaranteed to have a trilogy) no they fucking don't and when you go into a movie that does it you know it will have that kinda ending and don't mind

Also four hours is fucking ridiculous. I am on the side of game length does not matter but sorry four hours does, especially when the story is so bad. I have a theory. When hollywood writers write game stories, tehy turn out shockingly bad. There was so much potential for homefront but instead they f'd it up big time.

There is many shocking moments in the game you don't give a total shit about at all. A kid watches his parents get shot and starts crying, you don't care. Why? because the game hasn't been the atmosphere or environment where you would want to care. Its shocking and has shock factor but other than that meh. It is purely in there to prove they can do it. It's like the No Russian of HomeFront and it fails miserably to convey the same feeling. No russian made you feel sick inside and depressed, this just makes you go eh.

Multiplayer is very good but the single player is so so bad. It had so much potential, it had such a great premise but they screwed it up something chronic. It's a real shame and you can't help but think that if an established development team and publisher put together the game it would be much better.

What it does prove is that Kaos cannot do good, immersive single player games and they need to just focus on multiplayer, which they are very good at.


There is many shocking moments in the game you don't give a total shit about at all. A kid watches his parents get shot and starts crying, you don't care. Why? because the game hasn't been the atmosphere or environment where you would want to care. Its shocking and has shock factor but other than that meh. It is purely in there to prove they can do it. It's like the No Russian of HomeFront and it fails miserably to convey the same feeling. No russian made you feel sick inside and depressed, this just makes you go eh.

The entire thing is the No Russian. It's just - the whole damn thing is shock moment after shock moment after shock moment. But it can't decide what it wants to tell you. War is hell! Kill these guys! These guys will kill for no reason at all! They're faceless monsters! Oh no they're burning to death! Now you have to shoot crazy survivalist hicks who are dehumanised anyway!

A game where you kill hundreds and hundreds of people still has potential to become an interesting look at the treatment of war, but Homefront's singleplayer gets stuck at the gimmick stage and forgets to put in some substance.

/edit And Homefront scored relatively well because its multi is really quite good, so I bet THQ is going to greenlight that sequel Bilson's always talking about


Choc said:
So Homefront

who else picked it up? i imagine Bern did he plays everything!
It didn't make the shortlist because of feedback I'd heard that largely paralleled your own.

I know the PR guy from THQ and he was personally enthusiastic for the game, and prior to the recent release, I was getting excited for it. Now that the verdict is in, and with the sour taste of Killzone 3 still reasonably fresh on my palate, I will likely never play it.

From what I've heard, alot of the what the game tries to do is still old hat.


Homefront Multiplayer is awesome a few bugs need fixing thats about it. Atleast it is better than MoH in Multiplayer and Single player ;)


CryptiK said:
Homefront Multiplayer is awesome a few bugs need fixing thats about it. Atleast it is better than MoH in Multiplayer and Single player ;)

multiplayer yes absolutely

singleplayer fuck no
Choc said:
So Homefront
Read the RPS Wot I Think and put it out of my mind since I don't do multiplayer. Might pick it up on Steam for $2.50 like I did with Frontlines (still haven't installed).

cookie said:
There is train girl #2 but I don't think she is as fine as #1, so ive done nothing with that one.
So use the fact you haven't put her up on a pedestal to start up a conversation dude. If you don't think she is a super model you are more likely to be able to get out a few words with more than 2 syllables. She could end up being a cool chick or at the very least could hold a decent conversation that makes the ride to work more tolerable.

Currently trying to finish off Bloodstone which has become quite an enjoyable game. The first hour or so was incredibly bland and mediocre but the last 2 hours have been really enjoyable linear 3rd person action, with additional roller-coaster "driving" sections. Would definitely recommend as a rental or cheap pickup. Could have turned out really well if Bizarre were given another 9-12 months to get the dynamics locked down.


giri said:
I really like shield cricket, but i really hate the final format. The fact that teams can just bat for 3 days playing really negatively and not even attempting to win, just playing straight out for a draw, is a really horrible way for the show case game of the tournament to be played.

I don't have a good way to counter it, or any bad sugestions either, but it doesn't alter the fact.

Lucky for you, Tasmania won outright.


Tasmania should be given Test status or World Cup Minnow status.


What, and drop Bailey? Well we might need to fill his spot when he gets a callup. Or Faulkner. Or Butterworth. Or Cosgrove. Or Cowan. Or Kruger. Or Doolan. :D

Tassie has a damn good side atm. With Denton, Birt both out, and with Doherty/Krejza/Hilfy/Paine all in occasional international duties.

Faulkner, Butterworth, Paine and Hilfy are the 4 most likely though.
VOOK said:
Went out for eats and arcade-ing with Bernbaum; this is the result;

Forever alone - working weekends does kind of cut one's social life down a bit more.
How did you like Perth, Bern? Not too archaic for you?

(The fact that we still have arcades proves we're in the past, right, Choc?)
RandomVince said:
What, and drop Bailey? Well we might need to fill his spot when he gets a callup. Or Faulkner. Or Butterworth. Or Cosgrove. Or Cowan. Or Kruger. Or Doolan. :D

Tassie has a damn good side atm. With Denton, Birt both out, and with Doherty/Krejza/Hilfy/Paine all in occasional international duties.

Faulkner, Butterworth, Paine and Hilfy are the 4 most likely though.
I meant when the current Tassie side moves out of the state competition and they need a B-team to fill the spot. Gotta keep that Swisse contract somehow.
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