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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Mar said:
I agree, and would only say your examples of Mario and Zelda as bad ones.

While others have mentioned that Mario and Zelda have remained fresh, I find them utterly tiring. Zelda is almost entirely the same game over again, and I haven't enjoyed it since LttP. Whereas Mario has had more variation but I've still never enjoyed one since Lost Levels.

Over all though, the game comparisons between a dedicated handheld and an iPhone are vast. iPhone games you buy for a dollar or so and play once and never touch again. On a handheld they are full gaming experiences. Not to mention on screen joystick and buttons is the worst thing ever devised.

But even with all that being true, I feel the smart phone has the leg up. Why? Because when I want to game on a small screen I want something I can play for 5 minutes and then I'm done (though the games I've been getting into can last me an entire day, finish them, then never touch again (Minotron for example)). If I want to play something more involved I want the full experience of a large screen and a controller in my hand, and I play it on a console. I think the dedicated handheld, for me at least, is a middle tier that just isn't necessary anymore.
Can't sneeze at that.

I guess the key distinction is whether someone sees a handheld device as something that serves as a portal for 'gaming on the go' or for 'gaming in a personal space'. I can understand perfectly well why someone would eschew playing an RPG on their DS at home when they've got a perfectly good console set up in the living room, but I still like to spend hours playing fleshed-out adventure games on handhelds. The reason the DS was succesful and the PSP wasn't was because of the form factor of the DS - the stylus and two-screen presentation felt very personal for the owner.

The one game I cannot play enough of since getting my iPad 2 is Firemint's Real Racing 2 HD. I'll play it for sessions that go into the hours. As a racer, it's bloody good but not a touch on PGR4 or NFS:HP. Aside from the addictive 'must unlock everything' system the game has, it's the form factor that makes it so playable. Holding the iPad like a steering wheel and the game accomodating for the players motions by tilting the screen has resulted in a very 'front and centre' presentation unlike any other I've had on a handheld.

My 3DS will get played almost entirely at home while I'm in bed, and the iPhone/iPad will continue to keep me happy on the daily commute. I guess the difference between you and I is that the former arrangement suites me fine whereas for you it appears it doesn't.
Bernbaum said:
So you've gone from a country with some of the best food in the world to a country whose populace would happily eat microwaved cardboard provided it came served with ample gravy/custard/both.
The first time I went to London as an adult I was tired but wanted to get out and see the city. By the time I realised I was hungry I was so tired I didn't care, so I popped into the next cafe (opposite the Buckingham Palace stables, which normally would've been a red flag).

I ate a CHICKEN TIKKA SANDWICH. It's even worse than it sounds.

reptilescorpio said:
Open up Bioshock 2 it's a great game and you will have a great time. Don't bother with the multiplayer and you will be done with it after 10 hours or so. Enslaved is very short, better as a rental title or borrow it from a mate.
I don't know anyone who has Enslaved... and you can still rent games? Doesn't matter anyway as I bought it for $25 already.



Mar's totally right on the porta-gaming thing. Only problem I have is that I'll shell out $1.20 for a game, play it a few times, get my money's worth but I'LL LEAVE THE FUCKER ON THERE. It pisses me off... pretty sure it means I'm a hoarder, too. I need to learn to delete games that I've either had my fun with or won't ever get into. I'm looking at you, Angry Birds.

Probably explains my backlog.
I see handhelds as "gaming on the go" devices, as whenever I'm sitting at home playing them, I often wonder why I'm not just playing on comfy couch etc.

It is a space that seems to suit innovation though, but then I'd also say that XBLA and the like are encouraging developers to take more risks -- even the big developers are putting out 'cheap' (compared to their normal ones) such as Lara Croft, Stacking. If we had the Indie marketplace here we might even see more.

Makes sense though that a lot of Japanese developers prefer the 3/DS and PSP to XBLA though. Then again, I find most Japanese games not worth my time any more. It feels to me even the biggest games have such outdated gameplay concepts.
Okay. I'm heading into the city for uni soon. Whatever you guys tell me to buy, except salads, i will purchase and eat. So, bread, the base sub, cheese and sauce. Give it to me. Will take pics.
Megadrive said:
Okay. I'm heading into the city for uni soon. Whatever you guys tell me to buy, except salads, i will purchase and eat. So, bread, the base sub, cheese and sauce. Give it to me. Will take pics.
Pizza sub. All the way.


Edit: Parmesan bread. Pizza Sub with lettuce, tomato, onion, jalapenos, whatever cheese and the hot chilli sauce.


Megadrive said:
Okay. I'm heading into the city for uni soon. Whatever you guys tell me to buy, except salads, i will purchase and eat. So, bread, the base sub, cheese and sauce. Give it to me. Will take pics.

This is my standard. A bit boring, but so good:

foot long multigrain bread
chicken fillet
swiss cheese

No toasting. No salt or pepper. Simply the greatest sub known to man. I'm gonna get one today.
legend166 said:
This is my standard. A bit boring, but so good:

foot long multigrain bread
chicken fillet
swiss cheese

No toasting. No salt or pepper. Simply the greatest sub known to man. I'm gonna get one today.
C'mon, make it a double fillet with bacon! Why not Southwest sauce with jalapenos for a nice kick?


legend166 said:
This is my standard. A bit boring, but so good:

foot long multigrain bread
chicken fillet
swiss cheese

No toasting. No salt or pepper. Simply the greatest sub known to man. I'm gonna get one today.

Foot long Honey oat
Old English cheese
lettuce, carrot, onion
bbq sauce, salt & peper

not toasted.


I ditched Subway a long time ago. These days, my staple lunch is a Nando's classic wrap with mild peri-peri. Low carb, delicious and not OTT pricing. So fucking good, highly recommended.
codswallop said:
Pizza sub. All the way.


Edit: Parmesan bread. Pizza Sub with lettuce, tomato, onion, jalapenos, whatever cheese and the hot chilli sauce.
Pizza sub is off menu for you? I don't really like hot stuff, sorry. Haha.

Nando's is pretty expensive for what it is shaneus. :/
Shaneus said:
I ditched Subway a long time ago. These days, my staple lunch is a Nando's classic wrap with mild peri-peri. Low carb, delicious and not OTT pricing. So fucking good, highly recommended.
My wife worked at Subway for a few years which means I ate it a hell of a lot for a few years. Can't stand the smell now.

I'm pretty sure the subway wrap is almost the same carbs as the burger (I was surprised to learn this). I do love me some Nandos though, it's about the only take away I eat (that and Grill'd).

Megadrive said:
Pizza sub is off menu for you? I don't really like hot stuff, sorry. Haha.
It's not on the menu in any of the Victorian stores any more. Newer staff don't always know what it is.


Mar said:
But they will be unique experiences for the most part. Unlike the 4 millionth Zelda and Mario that's exactly the same game over again.
Really? 30 games that you would buy off the App Store today would all be unique experiences and not entirely derivative of something else? I've no doubt that there are some decent games on the platform, but I'm skeptical of this point. Not that there are 30 unique games, but that someone like Gaz with a substantial library already could go and buy 30 unique games *like that*. If you're an experienced gamer, it's a struggle to find anything on any platform that is unique enough not to feel derivative.
(Warning and apologies: Epic livejournal post incoming!)

My potential 3DS purchase has gotten me thinking, about my gaming habits, how I'm changing as a "gamer", and the reasons why I play games.

I posted some thoughts last week about how I have too many games in my backlog and how it kinda gets me down that I will never play most of them to completion.

And now with the 3DS coming out I am getting that familiar feeling and internal dialogue I always get when a new console (or game) comes out.

The internal dialogue is something like this:

(new console/game is announced)
Gamer me: I want one!
Rational me: I don't need another console/game, I probably won't play it much, I'll wait till it is cheap and maybe get one.

(week of release)
Rational me: Ha! Look at all these day one suckers getting excite for (new console/game)
Gamer me: Oh shit, thats out this week? Hmm, looks interesting.
Rational me: But you don't need it
Gamer me: But... its new! All the guys on the internet are getting it!
Rational me: But you don't need it
Gamer me: But... its shiny...
Rational me: But you don't need it
Gamer me: OK, I guess I don't need it
Rational me: Good. Save your money.
Gamer me: Yes, I'll save my money.

(Day of release)
Gamer me: I want it I want it I want it
Rational me: But you said?
Gamer me: Shut the fuck up, I'm buying it.

And so it goes, and I buy it. I get home and feel that rush of excitement you get when you peel the shrink wrap off any new purchase. And then I play for a few hours that night, and go to sleep content and happy.

I'll play it some more the next day, and maybe for a week or so. And then I'll get a new book, or a new game on another system, or a tv series on blu ray. The new console/game gets a bit of dust on it, and I feel remorse. I didn't need it, I had a few hours of fun with it, but I could have saved that money or spent it on something I really do need. Guilt sets in.

This same situation happens with pretty much any game or console I buy these days. There are exceptions of course, games that I play the shit out of and complete.

When I gamed as a kid it was for the pure enjoyment. I couldn't afford new games. These days I find myself jumping from one game to another, not being able to stick to any one thing (with some exceptions.)

But for the most part, I honestly feel the reason that I game is a combination of (a) the thrill of getting a new game home and booting it up for the first time (b) being part of a conversation with like minded people and (c) the retail therapy from spending money.

I want to love every game that I buy, I would love to finish everything I play, but I know deep down that ain't gonna happen.

But still I go on, spending money on games I don't need. I know I lack self control, these are truly #firstworldproblems etc, but I would be interested to see if there are any similar minded people amongst us.

Gaming has been my hobby since forever, I get immense enjoyment from it. But I'm wondering whether the enjoyment I get from gaming these days is from the games themselves, or from the cycle of hype and release that seems to surround everything gaming related these days.

Or hell, I might just be getting old.


^^ I was the same with games themselves. Last day one game I bought was GT5. I've since learned that there really isn't an advantage to having *anything* day dot, unless it's a big multiplayer where the community will surely dwindle as time goes on.

But, I'm not an MP gamer... so it's easier for me to justify putting off purchases (now). I used to be really bad but I'm learning to cope with my gaming (and possibly every-other-aspect-of-my-life) ADD.


I'm slowly learning with the whole buying things day 1. It clicked with me after rushing to buy LBP2, playing it for an hour and not touching it since. Made it worse when the price dropped 2 weeks later.


I really only buy Nintendo games day 1 because at heart I'm still a Nintendo fanboy and their games don't usually drop in price anyway.


BanShunsaku said:
I feel the same way exactly.

I escaped that whole cycle by playing WoW exclusively, which is another danger in itself. Eventually that lost it's lustre too, though it took much longer.

I'm finding it harder and harder to play through a game from start to finish anymore. Because of this, I'm finding it difficult to justify buying games, no matter how cheap they are on Steam. This mainly because, when I actually sit down and try and enjoy a SP game in its entirety, I can't bring myself to work all the way through it, for whatever reason. I eventually just put it down and stop, planning to pick it up later. When I come back and consider giving that game a go, I forgotten things and feel I should start again from the beginning, which I have no intention of doing again, so it essentially goes on a scrap heap.

I have a pile of games loaded on my PC, but haven't played anything in weeks/months. I'm hoping something will come along that I can just pick up, play and have fun. I pre-ordered Brink last night hoping this may be a contender.

I'm also thinking that maybe I've grown apart from gaming and it's time to move on. I'm finding a lot of fun in another hobby in Photography, which is just as expensive, if not more so (at least theres not something new constantly looming around the corner wach week/month). It's kind of hard to justify propping up an old gaming habit if I'm not getting my moneys worth.

Maybe I'm just getting old also.


Danoss: Do you have Just Cause 2 installed by any chance? It's a great game to play for the sake of playing, rather than playing just to finish something. Pretty much the only game that comes to mind that I still have real fun with without feeling obligated to clock it.


Since the last Steam sale I've only bought two games. They were $5 and $7.50. I'm pretty happy with that effort. In that time I've really only played two games too. It's easy to break out of the hype cycle when you don't have the time to play anything.

Edit: Oh yeah, I finished the HL2 Episodes again. So four games.


Gaming for me is a massive piece of my relaxation structure etc, I think that is largely why I stick to play the same games (FM11, Civ, L4D etc) until the next big thing I like comes along.

Most other games I flit around the edges and tend to spend < 5-10 hours playing them unless they REALLY grab me. Last few I played from start to finish with barely a stop between was Batman AA and Metro 2033.


remz said:
time to scrap my dualcore / gtx260 for an i7 / gtx 570 ?
It's a pretty sweet time to upgrade I think. All the new stuff has hit and things will probably stay pretty much the same for a few months. Plus there are some great games coming out.


Buying games day 0 and playing them for 3 hours and then getting bored of them?

I for one have never, ever done thi- *cries*

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I used to be like that regarding day one purchases. Then I realized that waiting once or twice triggers a really fantastic feedback loop.

For instance, I didn't buy an iPad at launch because I knew a year from then a better one would he released, but more importantly, the app store and Internet in general would be full of amazing content that takes advantage of the device. And what would you know, I buy an iPad this year and there's not even a little bit of buyers remorse. Every day I'm discovering some new, awesome app that is making my life easier (almost too easy). It is, in practice, the opposite of buyers remorse that piles up day after day.

The same is true with gaming devices and their software libraries.

I know it hurts to wait the first couple of times. It's like going on a diet or exercising. You only hate it because your brain is literally incapable of fully understanding the positive part of the experience that comes after the initial 'hurt'. Once you've done it a handful of times, you realize you can't even imagine doing it any other way again.

The positive feedback cycle business applies to so many things in life. Studying, cleaning, taking up a musical instrument (probably when I first really started becoming fully aware of this is when I took up the piano at age 14) and so on. The amount of people who spend their whole lives, or at least most of their adulthood, without ever realizing this boggles my mind. As a (younger) teenager I assumed realizing this and being a rational person was the rite of passage from childhood to adulthood (heh, not quite).

Wow. This might sound douchey. Im not pointing the finger, I'm just train-of-thought rambling. You guys probably just wanted a 3DS for other reasons, which is also totally cool.

(and this feeds into decomposition of problems and how awesome getting a really firm handle on that can make your life but I'm done with my possibly naive ramblings for today)


I want a tag give me a tag
we have progress!

March 29, 2011 09:14:00 PM Philadelphia PA US Arrival Scan
March 29, 2011 08:21:00 PM Newark DE US Departure Scan
March 29, 2011 06:00:00 PM Newark DE US Arrival Scan
March 28, 2011 09:35:00 PM NEWARK DE US Delay in delivery due to external factors
March 28, 2011 09:35:00 PM Newark DE US Arrival Scan
March 28, 2011 09:29:00 PM Philadelphia PA US Arrival Scan
March 28, 2011 08:40:00 PM Newark DE US Departure Scan
March 28, 2011 06:36:00 PM Newark DE US Shipment received by carrier
March 28, 2011 03:04:24 PM US Shipment has left seller facility and is in transit


Fredescu said:
It's a pretty sweet time to upgrade I think. All the new stuff has hit and things will probably stay pretty much the same for a few months. Plus there are some great games coming out.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. There's a couple PC games coming out that I think my box isn't quite up to speed with atm, only thing to do now is pick out some parts, I suppose.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I think my GTX9800 may have overheated. Good excuse as any to upgrade, but you know, money.

How much would a new computer with an i7 and aforementioned (by Remz) GPU cost nowadays?


Rez said:
I think my GTX9800 may have overheated. Good excuse as any to upgrade, but you know, money.

How much would a new computer with an i7 and aforementioned (by Remz) GPU cost nowadays?
About a grand, from what I can tell. Maybe more depending on what you go with exactly.


The i5-2500k is probably a better bang for buck choice than the i7-2600k unless you're doing video editing. $1200 is a good figure without cutting any corners. You'd probably need to spend a little more to get an SSD. You could go below $1000 if money is an issue.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, fair enough. I think I'll set aside some money over the next couple of months and do that.

I certainly won't be cheeping out on a case again. Any recommendations?

I know there's a GAF thread, but hey, while we're talking about it I might as well ask.


HolyCheck said:
we have progress!

March 29, 2011 09:14:00 PM Philadelphia PA US Arrival Scan
March 29, 2011 08:21:00 PM Newark DE US Departure Scan
March 29, 2011 06:00:00 PM Newark DE US Arrival Scan
March 28, 2011 09:35:00 PM NEWARK DE US Delay in delivery due to external factors
March 28, 2011 09:35:00 PM Newark DE US Arrival Scan
March 28, 2011 09:29:00 PM Philadelphia PA US Arrival Scan
March 28, 2011 08:40:00 PM Newark DE US Departure Scan
March 28, 2011 06:36:00 PM Newark DE US Shipment received by carrier
March 28, 2011 03:04:24 PM US Shipment has left seller facility and is in transit
I hope and pray that id doesn't go back to Newark next.

legend166 said:
Going to get my sub.

Now that's something that will never give me buyers remorse.
What if it gave you food poisoning?
Thanks to those who took the time to read my ramblings, it is interesting to hear everyone's thoughts.

The more I think about it, the more I realise that I am like that with many things in my life. I will find something I want to buy, get slightly obsessed by it, convince myself (and then my other half) that I need it, and buy it. And then with the buyers remorse.

I would love to blame my problem on the fact that as a child I had like no spending money, and couldn't buy anything. I would get a couple of new games a year and that was it. As an adult with disposable income, I find it hard to control myself. But in reality, I am a grown adult, I need to control myself.

It is like I have two modes: full on obsessed with buying something, or not giving a shit. I can't just "think about" purchasing something these days.

Now, enough of this emotional rubbish, I have a 3DS to order.


Rez said:
I think my GTX9800 may have overheated. Good excuse as any to upgrade, but you know, money.

How much would a new computer with an i7 and aforementioned (by Remz) GPU cost nowadays?
There will be new m11x laptops released around E3 time as well as a new 'm14x'. Either of those will be the PC gaming solution for me.


I think a part of my problem also comes with the fact that, thanks to being fortunate end with industry-related freebies and birthday / Xmas gifts, I haven't actually bought any gaming hardware since...the SNES?

Oh, I bought a Kinect, if that counts, but that was for the wife's birthday. </Homer Simpson>

Fred, yeah I probably wouldn't buy 30 games today...but over the course of 3 or 4 months? Sure, I can see myself buying a game a week on this thing.
I blame games that have crap endings and gameplay elements that outstay their welcome as part of the problem.

If there's no incentive to get all of the way to the end because the other three games in this series didn't make you feel like you accomplished something by the time it was finished, or because the best parts of the gameplay are up front or the innovation wears off after five hours with little to differentiate level one to level six but differently-coloured bad guys, why the hell should you play all the way to the end when you can just buy a new game to get a new experience?

That was a long sentence.


but ever so delicious
The double original gets my seal of approval. Although the sauce didn't seem to blend very well with it. It also isn't large at all, It's like half he size of the package they give you, Maybe the size of your palm?

It's chicken, cheese, a piece of bacon and some sauce. Would eat again but i doubt any time soon, Gotta get sexy and all that.


Bernbaum said:
There will be new m11x laptops released around E3 time as well as a new 'm14x'. Either of those will be the PC gaming solution for me.
Something about a gaming laptop doesn't sit right with me. Eh.


With the whole game buying thing:

I'm buying way more games now than I used to. But I'm spending much, much less.

I guess I'm seeing them more as disposable things and not really caring if I beat it/put heaps of hours into it. If I buy something for $10, put 5 hours into it but don't really come back, does it matter that much? I don't think I'm wasting money. Maybe I'm wasting time, but I'd probably just spend that time watching TV or marathoning TV on DVD.


Rez said:
I certainly won't be cheeping out on a case again. Any recommendations?
I haven't used this one in particular but have heard good things. It will be the case for my next PC.


Fractal Design - Define XL Titanium
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