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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Dead Man

Omi said:
Not saying skill checks in dialog trees are bad, it would just be nice for them to be hidden, or at least partially so (perhaps just tagging it as thought it will do a skill check?).

It provides a little bit of unknown to the outcome which would be much more satisfying.
I actually liked the percentage system in FO3. I know that puts me in a minority, but it caused me to think about which option to take if there were more than one to avoid combat or shorten a quest. If they had used this in more detail (more risk to avoid more tasks or something) I think it would have been great.


Omi said:
Not saying skill checks in dialog trees are bad, it would just be nice for them to be hidden, or at least partially so (perhaps just tagging it as thought it will do a skill check?).
I think if you allow someones choices to affect the game and then hide the fact that you're doing so, you can ruin the effect on the player. Personally I'm a fan of:

1. Ok, I will collect 7 med packs for you.
2. I will not collect 7 med packs for you, and I will also insult you.
3. [BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPER DUPER AWESOME AND HAVE 100 MEDICINE SKILL YOU CAN CHOOSE THIS OPTION] Actually if you just derp the herp it will clear right up.
Fredescu said:
3. [BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPER DUPER AWESOME AND HAVE 100 MEDICINE SKILL YOU CAN CHOOSE THIS OPTION] Actually if you just derp the herp it will clear right up.
Better if there's always a possibility of failure, IMO.


codswallop said:
Better if there's always a possibility of failure, IMO.
I wouldn't say always. In the case of repair and medicine it doesn't make too much sense. Perhaps you could have three levels. Under 75 you can't attempt at all. Between 75 and 100 you can try but it could fail. Over 100 and you will succeed. In the case of charm and persuasion and such, having the chance of failure makes a bit more sense.


Fredescu said:
I think if you allow someones choices to affect the game and then hide the fact that you're doing so, you can ruin the effect on the player. Personally I'm a fan of:

1. Ok, I will collect 7 med packs for you.
2. I will not collect 7 med packs for you, and I will also insult you.
3. [BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPER DUPER AWESOME AND HAVE 100 MEDICINE SKILL YOU CAN CHOOSE THIS OPTION] Actually if you just derp the herp it will clear right up.

Hehe, I guess that is where it gets down to personal gaming preference as opposed to an actual flaw in the design or whatever.

I am with codswallop though, I actually like the idea of potential failure. Even if it could be potentially punishing/unfair to the player.


But how fucking boss would it be if there were two medical options that you could fucking choose depending on your own skill with medicine? Or you like find those fluff terminals in the world and some of them have useful information on how to do stuff buried in them? Like some offhand reference to the kind of thing you'd have to do to repair something or which kind of plasma to get into someone after a wound. Then like test that shit in a way that doesn't allow you to just say "no wait just keep bleeding i'll come back later knowing how to do it" becuase if you do that they die. If you make a blind guess at one of the "not use your own items" option then they might well cark it if you choose wrong.

I dunno. Consequence gaming man. I guess when I used to DM I ignored half the rules anyways to encourage my players to just try shit. Fuck numbers, they're so mid nineties. There must be some more organic method of character development for the games that need it than sticking numbers on everything too. One day I'll hit it.


Just got a second reply from my Internet table booking request (still haven't revised the numbers yet, though). Anyway, they have the booking under the name "Syd Gaf", lol.


EB are still waiting on their order of SSFIV and JB had sold out as well. Hopefully tomorrow.

I did trade in Rayman and price match Ridge Racer though, total came to $15 :lol


but ever so delicious
Holy shit. Are iPhones still getting a daylight savings bug? Doesn't that shit happen every god damn year?

Either these people need to update their device or apple need to fix their shit.


evlcookie said:
Holy shit. Are iPhones still getting a daylight savings bug? Doesn't that shit happen every god damn year?

Either these people need to update their device or apple need to fix their shit.
Apple is too trendy for the whole 'alarm clock' function. Steve is probably trying to stop people denigrating his wonder machine by using it to 'wake them up'. Probably gonna be a feature in Iphone 5 though 'working time!'


Yes I hate Apple.
evlcookie said:
Holy shit. Are iPhones still getting a daylight savings bug? Doesn't that shit happen every god damn year?

Either these people need to update their device or apple need to fix their shit.
What about it? Mine had no issues. Alarms and stuff worked as expected.


Clipper said:
Just got a second reply from my Internet table booking request (still haven't revised the numbers yet, though). Anyway, they have the booking under the name "Syd Gaf", lol.

Sid Gaff?


Jintor said:
Reminds me of this:

Steam potato sack pack bought. The fact that the potato hat in tf2 pulled me over the line makes me feel dirty. Also in regards to the Sydgaf meetup I shall meet everyone at the Australian; I'll be the uni aged guy with a brown tie.
Fredescu said:
Reminds me of this:

I imagine 99% of discussions on NeoGAF could be ended by posting this image. We must remove all traces of it lest a Politician gets their hands on it. Think of a world without Politicians or Lawyers?!

FreeFallin' said:
Steam potato sack pack bought.

In line with this, if anyone wants a licence for Bit Trip Beat or Cogs quote this, rather ask here first (undercover nationalist) before hitting up the steam and give away threads.


FreeFallin' said:
In line with this, if anyone wants a licence for Bit Trip Beat or Cogs quote this, rather ask here first (undercover nationalist) before hitting up the steam and give away threads.

Bit Trip Beat please!


I want a tag give me a tag

The Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure has been advised the Adelaide Metro website, www.adelaidemetro.com.au has been targeted by cyber vandals.

Technicians are working to rectify the issue and fully investigate the nature of the attack.

In the interim DTEI has reverted to an earlier version of the website on a new server

Customers should be aware the earlier version may not reflect recent changes and they are advised to call the InfoLine should they have any queries.

Technicians have advised that customer names, email addresses and contact numbers are not believed to have been compromised.

DTEI is working to rectify the issue as soon as possible.

Adelaide Metro InfoLine: 1300 311 108.




evlcookie said:
Holy shit. Are iPhones still getting a daylight savings bug? Doesn't that shit happen every god damn year?

Either these people need to update their device or apple need to fix their shit.
Heh, my ancient 3G is safe.

In other news, the Nexus S now has a model fully usable on Telstra for sale now (exclusive to Vodafone, however). I'll be importing this sucker very soon. No more bloody iPhone for me.
Danoss said:
Heh, my ancient 3G is safe.

In other news, the Nexus S now has a model fully usable on Telstra for sale now (exclusive to Vodafone, however). I'll be importing this sucker very soon. No more bloody iPhone for me.
Man that is a sexy phone. Worst thing about phones is that there is always a new sexy model on the horizon. Should I settle for this perfectly good phone in front of me or keep chasing that always changing, always seductive creature in the future.


reptilescorpio said:
Man that is a sexy phone. Worst thing about phones is that there is always a new sexy model on the horizon. Should I settle for this perfectly good phone in front of me or keep chasing that always changing, always seductive creature in the future.
I've put up with the iPhone 3G for as long as I have. I think I'll be perfectly happy with the Nexus S, especially since I won't be tethered to iTunes. *breathes sigh of relief* Also, I don't think Android cripples its phones so much that new features don't work, even though they should.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Bernbaum said:
Conservative politician Teresa Gambaro is canvassing pulbic opinion on gay marriage on an online poll here. The poll is clearly very carefully worded.

I don't assign a particularly high level of value to the institution of marriage - to me it's a weird outdated social convention with an uncomfortable association to religion. As such it's hard for me to get worked up over gay marriage rights when I don't even care for or believe in marriage.
I feel like gay marriage is the (borderline) selfish gay issue. The one that actually affects gay people in pain, the issue related to coming out and desensitizing people to the sight of two men kissing or holding hands or something (as an openly gay man I'm still left a little surprised and uncomfortable when I see either of these two things on prime time tv or in a public space), is much more important. Unfortunately it gets buried under a marriage argument that only really affects those already comfortable with their sexuality and just makes the issue more of a political red versus blue carnival of stupid. Defining the "gay issue" of the time as something so trivial and based in borderline meaningless semantics instead of something deeply and relatably human is a huge mistake that so many make.


reptilescorpio said:
Man that is a sexy phone. Worst thing about phones is that there is always a new sexy model on the horizon. Should I settle for this perfectly good phone in front of me or keep chasing that always changing, always seductive creature in the future.
For sure it's nice, but I'm still sore that the Dell Venue Pro a) never came out here and b) wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Fuck, I wanted that phone.

On another note, anyone else reckon at least half the guys on Idle Thumbs are at least a little stoned or drunk when doing it? Some of the shit they say simply cannot be said while completely sober. Example, saying "Diarrhoea, diarrhoea?" in the Metal Gear voice just isn't something you'd think of while sober. Makes it fucking hilarious, though.


Shaneus said:
On another note, anyone else reckon at least half the guys on Idle Thumbs are at least a little stoned or drunk when doing it? Some of the shit they say simply cannot be said while completely sober. Example, saying "Diarrhoea, diarrhoea?" in the Metal Gear voice just isn't something you'd think of while sober. Makes it fucking hilarious, though.
I think they just play off each other really well. I wish my friends were gamers, so I could joke around with them in that regard, but on other topics we are equal jackasses doing similar things. Alcohol doesn't even have to be involved.


Rez said:
I feel like gay marriage is the (borderline) selfish gay issue.
It's a legislative issue with an absolute fix. The other is a "slow change" social issue. One probably isn't more important that the other, but only one is easily and instantly solvable.


Rez said:
I feel like gay marriage is the (borderline) selfish gay issue. The one that actually affects gay people in pain, the issue related to coming out and desensitizing people to the sight of two men kissing or holding hands or something (as an openly gay man I'm still left a little surprised and uncomfortable when I see either of these two things on prime time tv or in a public space), is much more important. Unfortunately it gets buried under a marriage argument that only really affects those already comfortable with their sexuality and just makes the issue more of a political red versus blue carnival of stupid. Defining the "gay issue" of the time as something so trivial and based in borderline meaningless semantics instead of something deeply and relatably human is a huge mistake that so many make.
I had a lesbian lecturer last year who told me that she couldn't be more against the campaign to legalise gay marriage. It was useless and tokenistic she argued, and would do nothing to combat the underlying homophobia of certain societal members. She said that as with the Apology, it was just a smokescreen issue and could have the effect of "well you're allowed to get married now, everything is all sweet in the life of a gay man/woman".

As with your's, I found it to be a quite fascinating (and reasonable) argument.

On an unrelated note, (and apologies if it has been posted before), there is a relatively new current affairs website run by Australian academics: The Conversation. It's frequently updated and covers a broad spectrum of issues, so ya know, get on it.
Danoss said:
I think they just play off each other really well. I wish my friends were gamers, so I could joke around with them in that regard, but on other topics we are equal jackasses doing similar things. Alcohol doesn't even have to be involved.
Yep, best thing about Idle Thumbs is that it just sounds like a bunch of mates shooting the shit. Reminds me of first year uni living on residence. Ah, those were the days before full time employment, families and Carbon Tax worries.

Also I am finally changing my avatar to the artwork for electronic artist Khonnor's 2008 EP Softbo. Because I think it looks cool and hopefully I'm not stealing anyone else's avatar. If I have stolen your avatar let me know and I'll change it again.


Danoss said:
I think they just play off each other really well. I wish my friends were gamers, so I could joke around with them in that regard, but on other topics we are equal jackasses doing similar things. Alcohol doesn't even have to be involved.
You're probably right. I just wish I could make such obviously dorky jokes and have the same reaction. With almost all people I know I'd just get an odd look :(

(hint: MelbGAF meetup needed ASAP)

rs: Keep the Pilgrim avi, damnit.


reptilescorpio said:
Also I am finally changing my avatar to the artwork for electronic artist Khonnor's 2008 EP Softbo. Because I think it looks cool and hopefully I'm not stealing anyone else's avatar. If I have stolen your avatar let me know and I'll change it again.
Well that was a quick memberfication.


Fredescu said:
It's a legislative issue with an absolute fix. The other is a "slow change" social issue. One probably isn't more important that the other, but only one is easily and instantly solvable.
Couldn't have put it better myself. Gay marriage is something that can happen instantly. Changing community and general societal attitudes takes considerably longer. I think the bigots are becoming more of a minority in Australia, at least that's what I'm seeing.

Bear in mind that legally in Australia, gays are allowed to be de facto couples, which swings financial favour in terms of the Government. Allowing them to be legally married gives them the tax breaks that they are entitled to, just as heterosexual couples are. When in comes to setting up a will, it is a nightmare for them as they can't just hand all their things to their spouse as again, they don't have the same rights. It's not just about putting a band-aid on the issue, it's about equality which they rightfully deserve.

This wouldn't be such a big issue if the vocal Christian groups weren't so up in arms about it. Marriage isn't exclusive to their religion, it's time for them to get over this fact.


markot said:
Apple is too trendy for the whole 'alarm clock' function. Steve is probably trying to stop people denigrating his wonder machine by using it to 'wake them up'. Probably gonna be a feature in Iphone 5 though 'working time!'


Yes I hate Apple.
They are truly an insult to you and your family.

No issues here with my phone. I use it every day as an alarm clock and I was woken at the corrected time automatically.
Shaneus said:
You're probably right. I just wish I could make such obviously dorky jokes and have the same reaction. With almost all people I know I'd just get an odd look :(

(hint: MelbGAF meetup needed ASAP)

rs: Keep the Pilgrim avi, damnit.
Plenty of people on here have Pilgrim related avatars which could get confusing, was hoping to have something a bit unique (as long as Khonnor doesn't get made popular all of a sudden). Didn't AusGAF have a podcast at one point? What became of that? Also with a podcast you don't need other people, just plenty of alcohol and/or mental instability.

RE: Gay Marriage. Why not allow it? Some people like it, some don't. I don't care about marriage but my gf does so I am getting married. A couple I'm friends with want to get married because it is (traditionally) the most romantic way they can think of to give themselves to each other and celebrate the link they have. Gay rights certainly don't end at marriage just like womens rights didn't end with the right to vote, etc. Until everyone is treated as equal or at least groups stop proclaiming certain people as lesser we will continue to have these problems. I hate talking about religion or politics.

Bernbaum said:
Well that was a quick memberfication.
Less than 2.59 posts per day!


Shaneus said:
On another note, anyone else reckon at least half the guys on Idle Thumbs are at least a little stoned or drunk when doing it? Some of the shit they say simply cannot be said while completely sober. Example, saying "Diarrhoea, diarrhoea?" in the Metal Gear voice just isn't something you'd think of while sober. Makes it fucking hilarious, though.

They have said in the past that they only ever do them sober, as drunk podcasts never work. While I'm glad they do that as Idle Thumbs is the best out there and taking substances would break the format, I still love alcohol fueled podcasts too.


Mar said:
They have said in the past that they only ever do them sober, as drunk podcasts never work. While I'm glad they do that as Idle Thumbs is the best out there and taking substances would break the format, I still love alcohol fueled podcasts too.
That's actually a relief... knowing that these guys riff on as they do completely switched on makes it all the more awesome.

BTW I'm pretty sure I heard your name/nick mentioned in one of the eps I listened to today. Possibly for their 2008 GOTY.


Shaneus said:
On another note, anyone else reckon at least half the guys on Idle Thumbs are at least a little stoned or drunk when doing it? Some of the shit they say simply cannot be said while completely sober. Example, saying "Diarrhoea, diarrhoea?" in the Metal Gear voice just isn't something you'd think of while sober. Makes it fucking hilarious, though.
That's the effect of taking all that


Shaneus said:
BTW I'm pretty sure I heard your name/nick mentioned in one of the eps I listened to today. Possibly for their 2008 GOTY.

Hah. I'd actually forgotten that happened.

Yeah, Burnout Paradise. Still the best game ever.


Using the D-pad for SSF4 3D gives me better execution but makes my hand hurt while using the analogue nub is rather comfy but it's not very good for execution. WHAT DO I DO?!


I want a tag give me a tag
hamchan said:
Using the D-pad for SSF4 3D gives me better execution but makes my hand hurt while using the analogue nub is rather comfy but it's not very good for execution. WHAT DO I DO?!

Totally just ordered SSF4 thanks to ausgaf steam chat.

and ghost recon because i hear it's awesome!


HolyCheck said:
Totally just ordered SSF4 thanks to ausgaf steam chat.

and ghost recon because i hear it's awesome!

Yep, those are the two I bought.

Since the release schedule seems pretty damn bare I'll probably get desperate and end up buying Ridge Racer and Samurai Warriors too. Oh and Pilotwings, maybe. I hear it's short.
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