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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Rez said:
I feel like gay marriage is the (borderline) selfish gay issue. The one that actually affects gay people in pain, the issue related to coming out and desensitizing people to the sight of two men kissing or holding hands or something (as an openly gay man I'm still left a little surprised and uncomfortable when I see either of these two things on prime time tv or in a public space), is much more important. Unfortunately it gets buried under a marriage argument that only really affects those already comfortable with their sexuality and just makes the issue more of a political red versus blue carnival of stupid. Defining the "gay issue" of the time as something so trivial and based in borderline meaningless semantics instead of something deeply and relatably human is a huge mistake that so many make.
I'm not disagreeing, just saying, i can understand why they want to get married. It gives couples more rights. More rights when one person is in a hospital bed, or all of that shit.

I personally could not care less about what type of couple it is, if you both want to share your lives together, some of those basic rights should be transferable to each partner.


but ever so delicious
Found a subway 5 mins from work. Which was right next to a grill'd, Gloria jeans, the counter burger joint, a few Italian pizza joints and god knows what else.

So good! Glad I went for the walk even though it's raining.

As I said in steam chat last night I wouldn't mind living in an apartment. Being able to just sit in darkness, with some music chilling online and looking over the bay is just awesome. Totally a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Mar said:
They are truly an insult to you and your family.

No issues here with my phone. I use it every day as an alarm clock and I was woken at the corrected time automatically.
my phone wakes me up every morning with the siren tone and as a result every morning I wake up in a state of sheer terror. starting every day with the potentiality of an apocalypse really leaves a lot of room for the rest of the day to be better by comparison.


Rez said:
I feel like gay marriage is the (borderline) selfish gay issue. The one that actually affects gay people in pain, the issue related to coming out and desensitizing people to the sight of two men kissing or holding hands or something (as an openly gay man I'm still left a little surprised and uncomfortable when I see either of these two things on prime time tv or in a public space), is much more important. Unfortunately it gets buried under a marriage argument that only really affects those already comfortable with their sexuality and just makes the issue more of a political red versus blue carnival of stupid. Defining the "gay issue" of the time as something so trivial and based in borderline meaningless semantics instead of something deeply and relatably human is a huge mistake that so many make.

If societal equality is the goal, discriminatory gaps in legislation such as same-sex marriage should be closed without hesitation. How can you change a society's culture when you can't even make what should be a simple and overdue change? Pointing out a larger, more systemic problems has no bearing on the validity of smaller issues and should only serve as a reminder that the government and media have spent a disproportionate amount of time debating the topic.


evlcookie said:
As I said in steam chat last night I wouldn't mind living in an apartment. Being able to just sit in darkness, with some music chilling online and looking over the bay is just awesome. Totally a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
So the whole fear of heights thing is gone now?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I do hear what you guys are saying. One's a simple fix and the other is a large-scale gradual social change. I don't want to make it seem like I'm staunchly against gay marriage or equal rights or anything like that, I just think that, in the grand scheme of things, slowly working on the larger issue will eventually resolve the smaller fix neatly. Whereas fighting away at the smaller fix will ultimately only barely help the larger change, else even damage it a little if it's not handled delicately.

I feel like, when you look at how far we've progressed in the past decade in relation to how people perceive gay people, waiting a couple more years and then starting the marriage push would be far more beneficial for everyone involved, rather than worthlessly throwing ourselves against the rocks over and over again. The light-house is basically build, you know, give people a little bit more time to warm up to the idea and subsequently give it some power and then we can guide ourselves through the rocks nice and steadily.


There are just more votes in opposing it.

The socially conservative christians are part of that 'howards battlers' swing group.
markot said:
There are just more votes in opposing it.

The socially conservative christians are part of that 'howards battlers' swing group.
I look at a lot of issues as needing to wait out a generation before people will be logical about it. Wasn't surprised that the R18 issue has met resistance again even though it is a no-brainer when you explain it to people. Maybe in 20 years time people will be more logical?
probably not :(


Rez said:
I do hear what you guys are saying. One's a simple fix and the other is a large-scale gradual social change. I don't want to make it seem like I'm staunchly against gay marriage or equal rights or anything like that, I just think that, in the grand scheme of things, slowly working on the larger issue will eventually resolve the smaller fix neatly. Whereas fighting away at the smaller fix will ultimately only barely help the larger change, else even damage it a little if it's not handled delicately.

I feel like, when you look at how far we've progressed in the past decade in relation to how people perceive gay people, waiting a couple more years and then starting the marriage push would be far more beneficial for everyone involved, rather than worthlessly throwing ourselves against the rocks over and over again. The light-house is basically build, you know, give people a little bit more time to warm up to the idea and subsequently give it some power and then we can guide ourselves through the rocks nice and steadily.

I have never understood an argument to slowly change something that is largely a good idea because it might be more acceptable down the track.

But then again, thats politics huh. ;)


So as some of you may know, I caved and bought a 3DS from Amazon over the weekend. I got my notice that it has now shipped via UPS.

Let's see if I get my package before HolyCheck does. :p

codswallop said:
Why not use the simple fix to encourage further gradual changes?
Yep, if there are gay people wandering around with wedding rings on, I think people will be forced to come to terms with it. If only an ad campaign could come up that mind nudge something in the crazy christian walnut brains. "Jesus would want them to be happy", or "If gay people can't get married, the terrorists have already won", or even "If you don't vote yes, we'll take away all churches tax exempt status".


evlcookie said:
Found a subway 5 mins from work. Which was right next to a grill'd, Gloria jeans, the counter burger joint, a few Italian pizza joints and god knows what else.

That's Crows Nest, soooo many good places to eat on the main drag there. Where you working?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
codswallop said:
Why not use the simple fix to encourage further gradual changes?
I mean, you can try and brute force a small fix through and it can promote and generally aid the larger social change, but the question is whether the brute force is worth losing the amount of people you might alienate. Whereas the other change may take a slightly longer amount of time, but there's more of an opportunity for people who might hesitate in the short-term to jump on the train.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Omi said:
I have never understood an argument to slowly change something that is largely a good idea because it might be more acceptable down the track.

But then again, thats politics huh. ;)
Oh, for sure. It's very convoluted logic, but thems the reality of dealing with a -- uh -- wide demographic.


Shaneus said:

I completely missed the boat on the C64... I reckon I'd buy that. But reading the article, it definitely seems too fully featured to be legit (where's the source?). I'm guessing an April Fool that was somehow thought to be an actual news item.

Yeah, doesn't appear to be an April Fools (its too late anyway!), but as a HTPC or something, that would be fucking awesome.


but ever so delicious
Fusebox said:
That's Crows Nest, soooo many good places to eat on the main drag there. Where you working?

Along the pacific highway.

Clipper said:
So the whole fear of heights thing is gone now?

Hell no lol. There's no balcony so unless i throw myself through a large glass window i don't think i will be falling out of my room.
evlcookie said:
Hell no lol. There's no balcony so unless i throw myself through a large glass window i don't think i will be falling out of my room.
Best cure for fear of heights is to bungee jump and skydive. Spoken from personal experience.


Omi said:
Yeah, doesn't appear to be an April Fools (its too late anyway!), but as a HTPC or something, that would be fucking awesome.

given i did a search and people were writing about it March 21 and that it was coming back

its no april fool


legend166 said:
Why is my shipment now on hold?

I told you where I lived, DHL!
I had this happen just last week when I DHL'd something to Newcastle UK. It got to East midlands UK, and was supposed to go from there to Newcastle, but then DHL decide to hold it for a day and then fly it to Belfast....

Nothing was wrong with the address on my part, DHL is just stupid.


Shaneus said:

I completely missed the boat on the C64... I reckon I'd buy that. But reading the article, it definitely seems too fully featured to be legit (where's the source?). I'm guessing an April Fool that was somehow thought to be an actual news item.

It's been talked about for years. It seems like every couple of months there's another article saying "THIS IS COMING" and then it doesn't come.

It will hopefully arrive eventually but for the moment it's vaporware. The manufacturer is probably trying to drum up enough interest to go ahead to get funding from investors.



It's definitely looking legit going by the above link, though their initial product images didn't exactly inspire me with much confidence. The fact that the CNET article didn't even link to the (official?) Commodore page didn't look good, either.

Now, make an Amiga one that accepts original disks (for authenticity's sake) and I'll be over the moon.


Gazunta said:

My apple logies, i didn't make it to supanova, i instead sat around and swore off alcohol for the rest of my life.

How'd it go? sell enough comics etc?


evlcookie said:
Oh god that spider was huge. Fuck sydney, I'm outta here!
Like this one?


Actually a Brown House Spider which is about the size of a 5c piece.


In an attempt to look more cavalier, I have abstained from getting a haircut and have grown a beard.


Posting from my iPhone so apologies if the image is huge.
Christ, get those spiders out here guys. I was hoping to get a decent nights sleep tonight. Was.

Choc said:
i am going to be in NZ when the pilotwings local release comes out. sigh
Isn't it releasing same day over there? Exchange rate is well and truly in our favour too.


I want a tag give me a tag
Choc said:

i am going to be in NZ when the pilotwings local release comes out


I have no idea where my 3ds is. I think the mail man stole it ;_;

edit: holy shit that image about facial hair is exactly where I am now.. stealing it for personal use
Choc said:
so you US 3ds'ers

hows pilotwings
Looks launch-ey and never really interested me.

Finished Radiant Historia last night and started up Lego Star Wars today. Maybe it's because I've come to expect the HIDEOS DS-style 3D from my dual-screened handhelds, but this game looks gooood. I cleared the first level on the bus this morning and was like "Oh, snap!" at several different moments.

I've heard that it's a port-up from the DS version, but judging from some of the lighting effects and the resolution on some of those textures, I think it's more likely a port-up from the Wii or PSP version. Maybe it's the fact that I'm playing with 3D on full, but it just looks so sharp.



Yeah, PilotWings is pretty cool. I've mostly been playing Lego Star Wars III, though.

evlcookie said:
Oh god that spider was huge. Fuck sydney, I'm outta here!
Probably your first look at a Huntsman. Don't worry, they're harmless. However, there is a small chance it was a Funnel Web, which means it would have been deadly. Seeing as you're on the 15th floor, it'd almost certainly be a Huntsman though, as Funnel Webs usually build their nest on the ground so don't go indoors nearly as much.

And be glad you were sent here and not Queensland. Spiders eat birds in Queensland...

viciouskillersquirrel said:
Looks launch-ey and never really interested me.

Finished Radiant Historia last night and started up Lego Star Wars today. Maybe it's because I've come to expect the HIDEOS DS-style 3D from my dual-screened handhelds, but this game looks gooood. I cleared the first level on the bus this morning and was like "Oh, snap!" at several different moments.

I've heard that it's a port-up from the DS version, but judging from some of the lighting effects and the resolution on some of those textures, I think it's more likely a port-up from the Wii or PSP version. Maybe it's the fact that I'm playing with 3D on full, but it just looks so sharp.

The DS, 3DS and PSP versions are the same game at different level of quality. Wii, PS3 and 360 versions are a different game, that I will buy when it becomes a bit cheaper too.


Bernbaum said:
In an attempt to look more cavalier, I have abstained from getting a haircut and have grown a beard.


Posting from my iPhone so apologies if the image is huge.

I wish Apple would do something about the blue haze in photos taken under fluorescent and tungsten lamps.


but ever so delicious
This was in the warehouse at work. I figured it was a funnel or huntsman going by he size of him. Like the size of your palm. He was just sitting there in the box, got him with some raid but he then bailed out of the box after that.

I don't like killing spiders or any creature but if they are that huge, death to them.

So maybe i will be here next week as well. I have no idea, But since they have no one else but 1 person here, I'm guessing that might be the plan.

Not sure how i feel about it. I wouldn't mind going home just since it's home and i have real net and i am alone in this place so nfi what i could do if i did stay the weekend.

Find out in a day or two i guess.


evlcookie said:
This was in the warehouse at work. I figured it was a funnel or huntsman going by he size of him. Like the size of your palm. He was just sitting there in the box, got him with some raid but he then bailed out of the box after that.

I don't like killing spiders or any creature but if they are that huge, death to them.

if it didnt ark the fuck up it wasn't a FW

FW will go you if you spray them
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