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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Shaneus said:
And in Idle Thumbs 14, Mar makes another appearance, tis time on Dead Rising mall music. Great tale!
I've started listening again starting from number 1. I thought it was going to be awkward and weird, but it's still top quality stuff. I love how every episode is timeless.
i really don't get the love with idle thumbs. I listened to a few when it was still on and didn't care, came onto gaf with everyone jerking off over it and gave it another listen and still didn't care. Why is it so great? Tell me that.


So you still don't get a friend request or anything when someone adds you on 3DS? How difficult does Nintendo have to make it.


Rahk said:
So you still don't get a friend request or anything when someone adds you on 3DS? How difficult does Nintendo have to make it.
I like this. It means you can post your code on a public forum and NOT be inundated with a bunch of friend requests from people you don't know and don't want to be forced to constantly hit the reject button for.


but ever so delicious
Something didn't sit well with me last night, woke up at 2 nearly wanting to throw up. Fun night, might go for a stroll and check out a park or two, see if I can get stabbed by a hobo.

Mega, you're not alone with the idle thumbs. I did enjoy it and got excited when there was a new episode but it was mainly background noise. There were times when I would fall asleep with it on and it was a lot better, it's almost like you have to give the podcast your full attention otherwise it's just a small laugh here and there.

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Megadrive said:
i really don't get the love with idle thumbs. I listened to a few when it was still on and didn't care, came onto gaf with everyone jerking off over it and gave it another listen and still didn't care. Why is it so great? Tell me that.
Because thoughtful yet completely unforced commentary on video games mixed with tasteful, on-point comedy is ridiculously hard to find.


Rez said:
Because thoughtful yet completely unforced commentary on video games mixed with tasteful, on-point comedy is ridiculously hard to find.
I wouldn't know because I have never actually looked (or listened, for that matter) to *any* podcast, but I feel I'd be ruining the experience if I listened to anything else. They took a soundbite of another podcast (Tapezilla?!?) during the last one I listened to and they just sounded like fanboy fuckwits (they were giggling at how "stupid" the name Idle Thumbs was).

I guess it helps that Remo worked on a site like Gamasutra, which has always provided interesting perspectives into the gaming industry.


Yeah, I'd say Idle Thumbs is mostly the eclectic taste in topics, Chris Remo telling stories about things he did in games and their odd humor.


It's been over 24 hours since Amazon slapped a label on my 3DS and other items. There is no activity is on the tracking log. Trying a live chat with Amazon to see what happens. I didn't even know they had a live chat option.

Update: UPS is apparently shit(ter than I thought), I'm not to expect any tracking updates. Amazon will follow up to make sure I receive the package on the expected day.


Danoss said:
It's been over 24 hours since Amazon slapped a label on my 3DS and other items. There is no activity is on the tracking log. Trying a live chat with Amazon to see what happens. I didn't even know they had a live chat option.

Update: UPS is apparently shit(ter than I thought), I'm not to expect any tracking updates. Amazon will follow up to make sure I receive the package on the expected day.

thats really weird


My itunes wont even acknowledge 4.3.1 exists. I'm stuck on 4.2.1.

Not that I'm all that sad, seing as I lose performance almost very update ><


hamchan said:
Damn, personal wifi hotspot is only for iphone 4 -_-

Did you see my post to Kritz the other day about Connectify?
Clipper said:
There's an app called Connectify that will let you use your PC's wireless card as a go-between for the 3DS and tricky wireless networks. I was adding friends from my 3DS at USNW on Friday, and the WiFi here requires WPA2-Enterprise, which is unsupported by the 3DS.


Aon said:
Not that I'm all that sad, seing as I lose performance almost very update ><
That's so unlike Apple. Wait, what am I saying?

My iPhone 3G can't have a wallpaper, because it's not powerful enough according to Apple. A wallpaper. A WALLPAPER.

I'm so close to having an Android device, I can almost smell it. Telstra compatible Nexus S.


hamchan said:
Pretty good, i'll start bringing my laptop to school then unless there's an xp equivalent that works on uni computers.
Perhaps an ad-hoc network might work. I doubt they can port Connectify to XP as it probably uses the new Internet Connection Sharing stuff that showed up in 7.



Network Ten is remaining tight-lipped on reports conservative columnist Andrew Bolt has made a pilot for a Sunday morning talk show.

Mining magnate and Australia’s richest woman Gina Rinehart, who has a 10 per cent stake in Ten, is said to be a fan of Bolt and believes that a right wing Fox News-style show is needed on the network, according to The Australian newspaper.

Channel 10... dumping a lot of their sports content on OneHD and potentially instating Bolt with his own show.

Wow. :(
Assassin's Creed 2 is an amazing game. Can't wait to head into Brotherhood. I'm up to memory sequence 12 or so and aside from some free-running issues with Ezio jumping or letting go without meaning to and some cases when the fighting system just doesn't kick in and being boxed into a corner with my own thieves and having to reload, it's been great. Since I've heard Brotherhood is basically 2.5, i'm really excited.

I've been on a roll lately with playing great games I didn't enjoy the first iteration of (AssCreed) or didn't think I'd enjoy period (Mass Effect).

also since i've been using it a lot lately, find me on raptr. My name is either megadrive or megadriven. Look for familiar names in my friends list.

Cookie, i find any podcast requires pretty much my full attention. Maybe i should listen to podcasts instead of music on my morning commute.


whats the go with this andrew bolt guy. He seems to have come out of no where and is mentioned all over the place

i think he is a steaming pile of shit and can't write for shit. His columns are poor.


now that i can actually watch it (thank you ten for not putting it on at 6pm anymoer you know when people are still tryign to get home)

630 with george negus is great. Shits all over ACA and TT

Mining magnate and Australia’s richest woman Gina Rinehart, who has a 10 per cent stake in Ten, is said to be a fan of Bolt and believes that a right wing Fox News-style show is needed on the network, according to The Australian newspaper.

oh deary fucking me. What a stupid bitch. We do not need fucking morons like Fox news on our televisions thanks. Australians are to smart to listen to that wankerish shit


Choc said:
We do not need fucking morons like Fox news on our televisions thanks. Australians are to smart to listen to that wankerish shit
I think you overestimate the Australian populace. Talk-back radio is rather popular.


Choc said:
whats the go with this andrew bolt guy. He seems to have come out of no where and is mentioned all over the place

Don't think he has quite come out of nowhere... but he is certainly using his court case and free speech martyrdom to full effect.


Choc said:
oh deary fucking me. What a stupid bitch. We do not need fucking morons like Fox news on our televisions thanks. Australians are to smart to listen to that wankerish shit
Freed from the confines of its shell, the newborn chick blinks off the mucus and adjusts to the newness of his surroundings. Mother hen pecks off a flake of eggshell sticking to the chick's beak, and the infant spreads its still-wet wings.


Choc said:
whats the go with this andrew bolt guy. He seems to have come out of no where and is mentioned all over the place
I think he's mostly a Melbourne phenomenon (not sure where you are), in the say way Piers Akerman and Alan Jones are Sydney phenomena.

Frankly, Andrew Bolt is a professional dickhead.


I love how most columnists in newspapers have their head shots next to their articles. Bolt uses a freaking whole body shot that takes up half the page >_>


Don't forget that the SydGAF meetup is tomorrow night guys. Please let me know when and where you'll be meeting up with us if you aren't going straight to the hotel.


Clipper said:
Don't forget that the SydGAF meetup is tomorrow night guys. Please let me know when and where you'll be meeting up with us if you aren't going straight to the hotel.
Some kind of Eyes Wide Shut shenanigans planned, eh?


Yeah, I've retired from DA2. I picked it up again last night to try and gain some interest, but lost even more interest as a result. I'm trying to refrain from calling the game utter garbage, because it isn't in the grand scheme of video games. But compared to the first, it really is utter garbage.

Clipper said:
Don't forget that the SydGAF meetup is tomorrow night guys. Please let me know when and where you'll be meeting up with us if you aren't going straight to the hotel.

BSS and I will be at the hotel around 7. We will ask for the Mr Sidney Ghaph table.


Clipper said:
Don't forget that the SydGAF meetup is tomorrow night guys. Please let me know when and where you'll be meeting up with us if you aren't going straight to the hotel.
Where's the meeting place at Circular Quay? I can probably make it there at 6.30.


Mar said:
Yeah, I've retired from DA2. I picked it up again last night to try and gain some interest, but lost even more interest as a result. I'm trying to refrain from calling the game utter garbage, because it isn't in the grand scheme of video games. But compared to the first, it really is utter garbage.
Where did you get up to? I think I'm just about to finish Act 1. The fact that I just killed a whole bunch of stone beasts and then was thwarted by a guy closing a door was pretty bad. For all it's faults, I'm kind of enjoying it. There is quite a lot wrong with it though.
As far as SydGaf meetup goes I'll either meet up round circular quay at 6:30, dependent on where we meet, or if not will be asking for the Sydney Gaf table at the hotel.


The email 'Hello Mr Bernbaum there is a parcel here for you' comes from my company's delivery room. It can only be one thing, and I fucking run there like a boss. The moment I get my parcel to my desk, a newly arrived friend from Trinidad wanted help finding a restaurant in Brisbane and she has no idea finding her way around town so I grudgingly leave the unboxening ceremony aside for a few minutes to help her. That's just how fucking nice I am.


It's going to be a loooooong afternoon!


I want a tag give me a tag

I love how well they're boxed by amazon, with the cardboard base and the plastic around it, all so well done!
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