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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Fredescu said:
Where did you get up to? I think I'm just about to finish Act 1. The fact that I just killed a whole bunch of stone beasts and then was thwarted by a guy closing a door was pretty bad. For all it's faults, I'm kind of enjoying it. There is quite a lot wrong with it though.

Not very far at all I guess. I had collected about 40 gold in my quest to get 50. Such is my distaste for the fragmented structure that I can't even force myself to care about the characters, story, or quests.

While I had written my own piece on the opening few hours on dirolab, rock paper shotgun summed it up much better than I did here.

It's not a bad game, but as a character driven experience (which is what I loved so much about the first), it's a travesty.

Does anybody else do this by the way... When you become so disheartened with a game and just wish it was what it wasn't, do you start reading all the spoilers to see if there's anything that will reveal there's something worth playing for? I've already read pretty much every story spoiler and still haven't found anything that makes me want to see it 'in person'. That's when I know I've given up on a title entirely.

Dead Man

Danoss said:
I have had nothing but problems with UPS in the past. They have lowered the bar once again. I should be surprised if the package arrives at all, let alone in one piece.

Also, this is probably old but did you 3DS owners know that it Doesn't Look as Good as a PS3?
Gold. And why do American TV presenters always use such nasally voices?

Omi said:

Channel 10... dumping a lot of their sports content on OneHD and potentially instating Bolt with his own show.

Wow. :(
Ugh. I'm surprised it took this long, and wish it wasn't Bolt, but Murdoch has fucked corporate owned media for the foreseeable future.


Darren Hinch and Alan Jones tried to have TV shows back in the days of yore. It didnt work for them, it wont work for Bolt. (Hell I think 10 had Hinch and Jones even >.<)

Dead Man

markot said:
Darren Hinch and Alan Jones tried to have TV shows back in the days of yore. It didnt work for them, it wont work for Bolt. (Hell I think 10 had Hinch and Jones even >.<)
I hope. One of the things I like about Australian TV is that even when it is puerile crap, it remains pretty politically neutral, especially compared to the US.


markot said:
Is politics in Australia getting worse or do we just have short memories >_<?
Lindsay Tanner would argue that yes, it is getting worse.

One of my favourite politicians of the last 20-odd years, and I think he hit the nail on the head; the political discourse in this country is bad and getting worse. An obsession with winning every trivial media battle has created a pathetically petty and vindictive style of politics, and with more and more focus on rolling coverage and "social media" as the forms of news, I don't see it getting any better any time soon.


but ever so delicious
Is this going to happen tomorrow night with sydgaf? Hopefully no one is that cruel :D


Dead Man

Gazunta said:
YEAH using my lunch break well here screw your standing in line for Subway
[spoiler]I'm hungry[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
:lol I think I know Brendan...


God damnit, I really like the idea that the camera crew came prepared for this eventuality and stuck a map up on the wall. :D


OK, so this is what I have so far for SydGAF meeting times and places:

Circular Quay 6:30pm : Clipper, Danoss, evlcookie, FreeFallin', Kirby102, Rahk, The Amazing Andy!, untoldhero.
Australian Hotel 7:00pm : BSS, legend166, Mar.

Unknown location as of yet: Jintor.

OK, I just realised something really freaky. None of our names start with the same letter. B,C,D,E,F,J,K,L,M,R, T and U. Probability of that is pretty low...


justin.au said:
Lindsay Tanner would argue that yes, it is getting worse.

One of my favourite politicians of the last 20-odd years, and I think he hit the nail on the head; the political discourse in this country is bad and getting worse. An obsession with winning every trivial media battle has created a pathetically petty and vindictive style of politics, and with more and more focus on rolling coverage and "social media" as the forms of news, I don't see it getting any better any time soon.
One of my longstanding complaints since howard left (heck even that last termr he was there)federally, and for a much longer time @ state and local here in brisbane is that its no longer about passing good law, or supporting good decisions, but about scoring political points. Even just not getting in the way, isn't done. Everything has to be a fight. And all parties are to blame on this one.


legend166 said:
I stood in line at the St Leonards subway. Didn't take long.

Tried Chefs Kitchen? If you stay on the same side of the road as Subway but cross over the train bridge there's a hole in the wall that does awesome foods. I highly recommend their rare wagyu beef roll but alll their other stuff is terrific too.


I wish BSS would at least post something so it doesn't look like he's my invisible friend or, worse, other half.

BSS, I summon thee.


why the Queensland origin team makes a complete farce of the State of Origin concept

1. Karmichael Hunt - AUCKLAND, NZ. 2. Lote Tuqiri - KOROLEVU, FIJI. 3. Greg Inglis - BOWRAVILLE, NSW. 4 Mat Rogers - CARINGBAH, NSW. 5. Israel Folau - SYDNEY, NSW. 6. Julian O'Neill - SYDNEY, NSW. 7. Adrian Lam - RABAUL, PNG. 8. Petero Civoniceva - SUVA, FIJI. 9. Wayne Bartrim - KEMPSEY, NSW. 10. Craig Smith - KAITAIA, NZ. 11. Neville Costigan - RABAUL, PNG. 12. Sam Thaiday - SYDNEY, NSW. 13. Billy Moore - TENTERFIELD, NSW. INTERCHANGE: 14. Scott Sattler - CAMPERDOWN, NSW. 15. Michael Crocker - AUBURN, NSW. 16. Brad Thorn - MOSGIEL, NZ. 17. Tonie Carroll - CHRISTCHURCH, NZ.
Choc said:
why the Queensland origin team makes a complete farce of the State of Origin concept

1. Karmichael Hunt - AUCKLAND, NZ. 2. Lote Tuqiri - KOROLEVU, FIJI. 3. Greg Inglis - BOWRAVILLE, NSW. 4 Mat Rogers - CARINGBAH, NSW. 5. Israel Folau - SYDNEY, NSW. 6. Julian O'Neill - SYDNEY, NSW. 7. Adrian Lam - RABAUL, PNG. 8. Petero Civoniceva - SUVA, FIJI. 9. Wayne Bartrim - KEMPSEY, NSW. 10. Craig Smith - KAITAIA, NZ. 11. Neville Costigan - RABAUL, PNG. 12. Sam Thaiday - SYDNEY, NSW. 13. Billy Moore - TENTERFIELD, NSW. INTERCHANGE: 14. Scott Sattler - CAMPERDOWN, NSW. 15. Michael Crocker - AUBURN, NSW. 16. Brad Thorn - MOSGIEL, NZ. 17. Tonie Carroll - CHRISTCHURCH, NZ.

Are those places where they were born?


Choc said:
why the Queensland origin team makes a complete farce of the State of Origin concept.
"Players are selected to represent the state in which they played their first senior rugby league, hence the name 'state of origin'." Wikipedia link.

Edit: I think where they played juniors can also count. If these are in conflict, the player can choose which state they would prefer to play for.

Dead Man

Choc said:
why the Queensland origin team makes a complete farce of the State of Origin concept

1. Karmichael Hunt - AUCKLAND, NZ. 2. Lote Tuqiri - KOROLEVU, FIJI. 3. Greg Inglis - BOWRAVILLE, NSW. 4 Mat Rogers - CARINGBAH, NSW. 5. Israel Folau - SYDNEY, NSW. 6. Julian O'Neill - SYDNEY, NSW. 7. Adrian Lam - RABAUL, PNG. 8. Petero Civoniceva - SUVA, FIJI. 9. Wayne Bartrim - KEMPSEY, NSW. 10. Craig Smith - KAITAIA, NZ. 11. Neville Costigan - RABAUL, PNG. 12. Sam Thaiday - SYDNEY, NSW. 13. Billy Moore - TENTERFIELD, NSW. INTERCHANGE: 14. Scott Sattler - CAMPERDOWN, NSW. 15. Michael Crocker - AUBURN, NSW. 16. Brad Thorn - MOSGIEL, NZ. 17. Tonie Carroll - CHRISTCHURCH, NZ.

Danoss said:
"Players are selected to represent the state in which they played their first senior rugby league, hence the name 'state of origin'." Wikipedia link.
I know nothing about rugby, and that sounds fair enough, but that QLD team has no QLDers in it. In modern times with such high geographical mobility it seems there should be a different way to select teams.


Dead Man said:
no QLDers
Because they were born somewhere else? I'm a Sydneysider but I wasn't born here. The definition has never been about where someone was born. This is just Choc posting news limited bullshit again. The full article is here: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/nrl/maroons-in-a-state-of-denial/story-e6frexnr-1226034271134 . The guy in question, Martin Kennedy, played as a Junior in Ipswich. He is therefore a Queenslander. "THEY'RE STEALING ARE PLAYERS" is just bullshit. They just don't like the rules.


Dead Man said:

I know nothing about rugby, and that sounds fair enough, but that QLD team has no QLDers in it. In modern times with such high geographical mobility it seems there should be a different way to select teams.

It's not an actual QLD team though.


Dead Man said:
I know nothing about rugby, and that sounds fair enough, but that QLD team has no QLDers in it. In modern times with such high geographical mobility it seems there should be a different way to select teams.
It's a selected bunch of players in that list. A number of those players are now retired and Israel Folau is currently (poorly, from all reports) playing AFL.

Personally, I think it should be where the player played the bulk of their junior footy. This would make it truly NSWRL vs QRL.
Danoss said:
It's a selected bunch of players in that list. A number of those players are now retired and Israel Folau is currently (poorly, from all reports) playing AFL.

Personally, I think it should be where the player played the bulk of their junior footy. This would make it truly NSWRL vs QRL.

Add Hunt to that category as well now.


Mar said:
It's not a bad game, but as a character driven experience (which is what I loved so much about the first), it's a travesty.
At this point it's just the combat style keeping me going, and even then it's a pretty poor implementation of said style. I wrote a long post about what's wrong with the combat, but eh, it's probably all been said.

Dead Man

Long, but amusing:

READ the interview Kevin Foley gave to ABC Breakfast presenters Matthew Abraham and David Bevan yesterday.

Bevan: Kevin Foley joins us now. Good morning, minister. Do you think a growing number of South Australians, and perhaps even your own colleagues, are tired of the Kevin Foley soap opera?

Foley: Are you suggesting, David, that I was at fault or to blame for what occurred to me Saturday night?

Abraham: No. You were asked though, you know, in terms of a political figure, whether this is becoming a soap opera. There's Kevin Foley again at a press conference with tears in his eyes yesterday, I'm imagining the Premier is thinking: "This is starting to get not a good look."

Foley: I'm not even going to bother with this interview. Quite frankly, you asked me to come on to talk about what occurred. Other radio stations can treat me with some respect and some dignity, but that is clearly beyond your capability, David and Matthew. I got attacked Saturday night. I cried in a press conference yesterday because I was damn upset. I was very scared Saturday night. I was thumped three months ago within an inch of my life, and all you two guys could be worried about was all the salacious gossip and all the reasons that might have been behind me getting hit, which were all complete bullshit. And all you want to do now is again try and score points from me. I'm the victim, guys. If you want to have a crack at me, how about you find something decent like a policy to have a go at me over.

Bevan: You've had a very difficult last year. This is not the first incident like this.

Foley: Yeah, 'cos I actually get out and do a real job. I don't have the luxury of sitting inside a studio, pulling a public servant's salary and being an instant expert on everything like you two do.

Bevan: Have you thought maybe, maybe it's time to check out from this job and give yourself a rest?

Foley: What you're saying is that I should not go to a restaurant anymore?

Bevan: No. I'm saying is it time really to stop being Kevin Foley the senior minister in the Rann Government and give yourself a break?

Foley: No. I don't think so. I'm not going to let these people win. I'm not going to let Rob Lucas win. I'm not going to let Rob Lucas ... he is quite happy to pedal lies to you on the radio this morning. He's doing it behind the scenes almost on a daily basis. I'm not going to let the Liberals get to me. I'm not going to let the bikies get to me. I'm not going to let thugs, mugs and nasty vicious people drive me out of this job.

Abraham: Minister, what condition are you in to go then and do your job as minister if you're in what appears to be a fragile state, crying at press conferences?

Foley: Why do you say a fragile state, Matthew?

Abraham: I think it's a fair call, isn't it?

Foley: Why would you say fragile state?

Bevan: Well, based on your behaviour.

Abraham: Tearing up at press conferences, you're getting very emotional. I'm asking you if you then go into meetings do you just snap out of that. What state are you in and how effectively can you do your job as a minister, how fragile is your condition?

Foley: This is about the third radio interview I have done today and the other radio interviews surprisingly enough were somewhat sympathetic to a bloke that's been bashed twice in the last three months, but I guess that's too much to expect from you guys. I do my job ... Yeah, I cried yesterday ... I cry from time to time, that's the emotional side of Kevin Foley. That doesn't mean I'm a bad or weak person. That doesn't mean that I'm incapable of doing my job. It actually shows that I'm a human being, and when you're giving an interview and a press conference, and you're talking about the fact that you had yet again a very vicious attack on me. The one three months ago, of course, (could) have ended my life had I fallen a different way. That doesn't show weakness or incapability to do my job - quite the opposite. It shows that I've got the emotions and the resilience to roll with the punches if you excuse the pun.

Abraham: So you're just going to continue keeping on?

Foley: Well, what do you think I should do?

Abraham: Well, no. I'm asking you. We're not into patsy interviews like other radio stations. You happily came on and we're talking to you in a respectful way.

Foley: I don't think you are. Far from it. I can't win.

Abraham: If this is how argumentative you are in an interview, is it little wonder you get into strife in a pub after everyone has had a few drinks?

Foley: Are you serious? You're now saying that I deserved and I caused what happened to me?

Abraham: I'm asking you, Kevin Foley, whether you have an argumentative personality, and whether that makes you a trouble magnet?

Foley: I'm really offended by that. I did nothing wrong, I didn't mouth off. I didn't cause an argument. I didn't go seeking an argument. But as only you two bitter and twisted public servants can do, is you've just got to twist it and make me the victim. This is really low-rent stuff. I'm sure all your listeners are going to hate me for this, but to have to be put through this from you two, sitting in your chairs from your lofty heights never having to have done a real day's work. I find it damn offensive.

Abraham: Minister, thank you for coming on the program, Kevin Foley.

This is an edited version of the interview.
What a guy. Pretty sure his point was that he WAS the victim, then he gets outraged. I sat next to him at a work dinner a few years ago, he was a drunken boor, I am glad to see his public persona is unravelling.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Choc said:
why the Queensland origin team makes a complete farce of the State of Origin concept

1. Karmichael Hunt - AUCKLAND, NZ. 2. Lote Tuqiri - KOROLEVU, FIJI. 3. Greg Inglis - BOWRAVILLE, NSW. 4 Mat Rogers - CARINGBAH, NSW. 5. Israel Folau - SYDNEY, NSW. 6. Julian O'Neill - SYDNEY, NSW. 7. Adrian Lam - RABAUL, PNG. 8. Petero Civoniceva - SUVA, FIJI. 9. Wayne Bartrim - KEMPSEY, NSW. 10. Craig Smith - KAITAIA, NZ. 11. Neville Costigan - RABAUL, PNG. 12. Sam Thaiday - SYDNEY, NSW. 13. Billy Moore - TENTERFIELD, NSW. INTERCHANGE: 14. Scott Sattler - CAMPERDOWN, NSW. 15. Michael Crocker - AUBURN, NSW. 16. Brad Thorn - MOSGIEL, NZ. 17. Tonie Carroll - CHRISTCHURCH, NZ.
Reply from Courier mail:
1. Ken Nagas (Bundaberg), 2. James McManus (Scotland), 3. John Hopoate (Tonga), 4. Timana Tahu (Melbourne), 5. Hazem El Masri (Lebanon), 6. Peter Wallace (Melbourne), 7. Peter Sterling (Toowoomba), 8. Dean Pay (Melbourne), 9. Ben Elias (Lebanon), 10. Justin Poore (Bunbury, WA), 11. Ian Roberts (London), 12. Willie Mason (Auckland), 13. Mario Fenech (Malta). Bench: Brad Clyde (Canberra), Joel Monaghan (Canberra), Ryan Hoffman, (Canberra), Craig Polla-Mounter (Ipswich Grammar, via Melbourne)

Dead Man

So wait. In what way does the SoO aid in state pride then? I hear a lot of people sling and cop shit, but how is it related to a states ability to play rugby?


Dead Man said:
I hear a lot of people sling and cop shit, but how is it related to a states ability to play rugby?
Danoss said:
"Players are selected to represent the state in which they played their first senior rugby league, hence the name 'state of origin'." Wikipedia link.
It's related to a states ability to play because selection is based on which state they originally played in. Fairly straight forward.
Clipper said:
OK, so this is what I have so far for SydGAF meeting times and places:

Circular Quay 6:30pm : Clipper, Danoss, evlcookie, FreeFallin', Rahk, The Amazing Andy!.
Lang Park 6:45pm : untoldhero.
Australian Hotel 7:00pm : BSS, Mar.

Unknown location as of yet: Jintor, Kirby102, legend166.

OK, I just realised something really freaky. None of our names start with the same letter. B,C,D,E,F,J,K,L,M,R, T and U. Probability of that is pretty low...
Hmmm I finish at 530 so I thought we were meeting at lang park because its earlier. I can meet a pub somewhere from 530 and walk up to quay after if anyone works closer to wynyard?


I got 2 hits from StreetPass today, one guy who I used in the StreetPass Quest mini-game and another guy wearing cat ears. Furry Mii?

Dead Man said:
Long, but amusing:

What a guy. Pretty sure his point was that he WAS the victim, then he gets outraged. I sat next to him at a work dinner a few years ago, he was a drunken boor, I am glad to see his public persona is unravelling.

Those interviewers sound like retards =\ He was attacked, (for the second time in 6 months) in a toilet and they instantly launch in to stupid questions about the "Kevin Foley soap opera," and how everyone must either hate him or be sick of him.

Also a mate of mine knows Kevin and his family and she says he's a lovely fellow. I've met him a few times and he seems nice.


jambo said:
I got 2 hits from StreetPass today, one guy who I used in the StreetPass Quest mini-game and another guy wearing cat ears. Furry Mii?

I got cat ears on my Mii. You in Sydney by any chance? :p


Does anyone watch good game? I stopped after that other guy left, but I decided to give it another try. It's a harmless show, though I wouldn't trust any of their reviews. The scores are always very close to each other. Pretty sure they don't even play the games or do the reviews.


untoldhero said:
Hmmm I finish at 530 so I thought we were meeting at lang park because its earlier. I can meet a pub somewhere from 530 and walk up to quay after if anyone works closer to wynyard?
Lang Park was earlier in my initial schedule, but then I realised it was better for most everyone to switch the order of the two places. If you want to meet at the Quay too, that's even better. It's less walk for the rest of us that way.

Place at the Quay is outside Jetty/Wharf No. 6. Ways to spot some of us are:

Clipper: Fat and very long hair.
evlcookie: Wearing a Cookie Monster shirt.
The Amazing Andy!: Wearing a Scott Pilgrim shirt.


Stackboy said:
Does anyone watch good game? I stopped after that other guy left, but I decided to give it another try. It's a harmless show, though I wouldn't trust any of their reviews. The scores are always very close to each other. Pretty sure they don't even play the games or do the reviews.

They most definitely do play and review the games. I follow them on twitter and they are both massive gamers.

Fusebox said:
I got cat ears on my Mii. You in Sydney by any chance? :p

Radelaidean here.


Yep, haven't missed an episode for years. Haters gonna hate but GG is just so easy to watch compared to the crassness of American VG shows like EP and Bajo cracks me up sometimes.

Dead Man

Fredescu said:
It's related to a states ability to play because selection is based on which state they originally played in. Fairly straight forward.
LOL, fair enough.

jambo said:
Those interviewers sound like retards =\ He was attacked, (for the second time in 6 months) in a toilet and they instantly launch in to stupid questions about the "Kevin Foley soap opera," and how everyone must either hate him or be sick of him.

Also a mate of mine knows Kevin and his family and she says he's a lovely fellow. I've met him a few times and he seems nice.
To each their own, I guess.


but ever so delicious
There's some dress up as docs and nurses thing at the local pub tonight, I might have to take a stroll past it to see what's going on. Don't think i will be going inside since i left my doctors outfit at home.
evlcookie said:
There's some dress up as docs and nurses thing at the local pub tonight, I might have to take a stroll past it to see what's going on. Don't think i will be going inside since i left my doctors outfit at home.

Find a cane, wear casual clothes, bam. Dr. House cosplay.
Clipper said:
Lang Park was earlier in my initial schedule, but then I realised it was better for most everyone to switch the order of the two places. If you want to meet at the Quay too, that's even better. It's less walk for the rest of us that way.

Place at the Quay is outside Jetty/Wharf No. 6. Ways to spot some of us are:

Clipper: Fat and very long hair.
evlcookie: Wearing a Cookie Monster shirt.
The Amazing Andy!: Wearing a Scott Pilgrim shirt.
Best to find me because I am short sighted, I will have a backpack on with the Gaf logo and possibly untold or syd :)
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