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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Clipper said:
If you got a different Nintendogs than French Bulldog, I'll happily take it off your hands... Then again, I don't like registering codes of games I haven't bought (I have previously only used friends' CN codes when I've boguht a game locally).

Thus, I propose a new solution: sign up for Club Nintendo using the address of a US friend or one of the sites like HopShopGo. Perhaps it's best for you to wait until July 1 to do that, though, as it would be difficult to make Platinum this year on 3DS purchases alone (you would need 6 Nintendo-published 3DS games by June 30, or 5 cartridge games and 4 titles from the eShop).

The 3DS plus 2 games would easily get you Gold Status, meaning you'd get some Nintendo themed desktop calendars for 2012, so if you want those, go register the stuff now.

just on this. Nintendo Aus has made it fucking hard to claim points. The survey is huge


Planet_JASE said:
Lastly, what's the go with 3DS Streetpass? Why is everyone eager to get Streetpass hits? Does it give you gaming points or something?
Mii Plaza, one of the built in games, comes with a neat little RPG that lets you battle with other people's Miis if you StreetPass them. The game is extremely slow-paced but quite addicting. There's also a puzzle game where you trade pieces with other people to complete some 3D images.

And certain games have other stuff to, like the figure collecting and battling in Street Fighter.
Megadrive said:
Jase, There may have been more to it, but that's pretty much what jung said on the good game forums
Thanks :) It's always hard discerning the truth in these situations. "I left because I have integrity" verses (the theories I heard) "I got fired because I didn't have breasts and could possibly appeal to the female demographic" and "I was a douche. I got a douchey just-deserts".

Potentially it was a combination of that: "I incorrectly thought that I could turn the show into a hard-hitting look into games, packed with deep and meaningful analysis by someone who has mucho cred but acted like a douche to try and get my way until station executives thought 'fuck it' let's get rid of him a put a gamer chick in. I guess I asked for that."

Shaneus said:
Yeah, that's it. There was Adam... someone, Andrew Humphries and Stuart Clarke (from Hyper when it was good), a few people from Gamestar(I think that's what it was called? Was pretty crap, didn't last long) and some others. I still remember when they couldn't show violence on there so when showing background footage for, say, a Doom cheat they'd show IRL first-person with a Super Soaker. Good times.
That show was infuriating, from my perspective. It was from a time when I wanted games soooooo much but didn't have the money for them. they're showing me the games I neeeeeeeeeeeed. Why can't I have that? Or that? Oooo, that one, too! $130 for a SNES game? Yep, not getting any of those.

There was always the chance of renting them. Except that it was always a crap-shoot as to what would be in the video store when I got there. Fine. I'll just rent Mario Kart again.

I wonder if there will ever be a game show on TV that is actually good? Not gamer good, but the sort of show that you could show to someone that doesn't play games and doesn't make you squirm when they try to be wacky...

Clipper said:
Mii Plaza, one of the built in games, comes with a neat little RPG that lets you battle with other people's Miis if you StreetPass them. The game is extremely slow-paced but quite addicting. There's also a puzzle game where you trade pieces with other people to complete some 3D images.

And certain games have other stuff to, like the figure collecting and battling in Street Fighter.
Thank you. That clears up the "NO STREETPASSES TODAY AAAAARGH I'M GOING TO HANG OUT NEAR A SCHOOL AND BE ALL CREEPY LIKE" talk that some of the 3DS people have been making. Obviously I'm not talking about anyone from here. No, you guys seem to hand out in underpasses and train stations. That's not creepy at all.

Do you need to be near the person for the whole game on each of those, or do some of them just collect Miis like a weird Pokemonesque game?
Jung didn't leave, he got replaced by Hex to appeal to a broader audience. Hence the childrens show they do aswell. The reviewing of the games was a complaint aswell because apparently they never really finish the games.

Honestly I can't watch it anymore because they are exactly the same as each other and I met Hex at a nightclub once and she was a fuckin bitch. Each too their own, I guess they have capitilised on the casual market now.
Jintor said:
So I'm not going to drink much and I'll probably go home at like 10-ish tommorrow because I was in the city until fucking 12:30 just then and woaaaaaaaaaaaah is my head spinning

/edit i would like to meet you guys at... uh... that park that is up the road from wynyard park. Circular Quay direction. Can't remember the name. 's up York Street. At... uh... 6:45pm i think it is?
What time do you finish work and where are you coming from? I can meet you there earlier and walk down to meet the others.


Pretty sure I still have the first issue of Hyper in my collection, and the issue where I helped ghost write a show report by someone who never went to the show. Good times!


codswallop said:
Try real sushi that's not from a food court. If you're basing your opinions of any food on its food court version, you're not giving it a fair go. Real fresh suhsi (NOT california rolls!) is transcendent.
I've been to a couple of restaurants and everything. My dad even made some fresh. I've given it every conceivable chance.

Edit: I am able to see updates on the package through UPS now. It seems that Amazon let my package sit at their premises for over 24 hours, that's why I had no updates previously. By the looks of things, if that hadn't happened it would be in Australia already, instead it's in transit from Hawaii.

Edit 2: In other news, I just heard the garbage truck go past and remembered I didn't put the bins out last night. What a doofus.




Crysis 2 arrived from OzGameShop today. Total of 12 working days (like 2.5 weeks) to get to me. Not terrible. Limited Edition, too, whatever that means.


Everythings 'limited edition' these days in gaming land, its so stupid... it used to mean something, now its meaningless.


Gazunta said:
Pretty sure I still have the first issue of Hyper in my collection, and the issue where I helped ghost write a show report by someone who never went to the show. Good times!
Which story? There's a fair chance that I've read it. Chun-Li on the cover, yes?
Jintor said:
Hyper's still good :<

[<--- biased]
Why biased? You work(ed) for them?


Planet_JASE said:
Do you need to be near the person for the whole game on each of those, or do some of them just collect Miis like a weird Pokemonesque game?
You can also use the Play Coins that you earn from walking (max 10 each day) to buy puzzle pieces or to hire cat/dog heroes (each costing 2 Play Coins) to use in those particular two games in the Mii Plaza. Of course, other games use the coins too (hence my outburst about Lego Star Wars II earlier) and given that you are limited in the coins you can earn each day (unless you cheat and change the calendar date), you have to spread them around a bit, making StreetPass the best way to get heroes and pieces.


Choc said:
Street pass really is what makes the 3DS

its amazing and makes people take teh system whereever they go
For the first month or so anyway before people start forgetting or getting sick of carrying their 3ds round >.<


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Choc said:
Street pass really is what makes the 3DS

its amazing and makes people take teh system whereever they go

I'm just concerned Nintendo are not letting people know about it enough, it could become a great social phenomena if advertised properly.

They also need to in like 6 months create another 'channel' that allows StreetPass to do something else.


VOOK said:
I'm just concerned Nintendo are not letting people know about it enough, it could become a great social phenomena if advertised properly.

They also need to in like 6 months create another 'channel' that allows StreetPass to do something else.

totally vook

but the games using it so far is good sfiv and ridge racer


new ciggy boxes that are being made mandatory in aus




Fusebox said:
I love seeing that little green light go on, I've got 12 streetpasses so far. Go Sydney!
Still nothing for me. I might hang out at a train station tomorrow during my break lol


You just love posting gross shit in here, don't you Choc? I don't smoke, never have, never will yet I get that picture in my face. Awesome.


Choc said:
new ciggy boxes that are being made mandatory in aus


haha awesome

Part of the reson my mum quit smoking were those kinds of pictures on packs. She used to keep an old pack of ciggies and put all her new ones in it and threw the new packs out so she wouldnt have to see it >.< lol


Shaneus said:
You just love posting gross shit in here, don't you Choc? I don't smoke, never have, never will yet I get that picture in my face. Awesome.

in Sydney we have pictures like that on the back of buses. I can guarantee its either caused a few accidents or near misses because drivers dont want to look at foul shit in front of them


it won't completely stop smoking but if you had to look at that everytime you went for a cig, i dunno.. seriously


Choc said:
totally vook

but the games using it so far is good sfiv and ridge racer
Lego Star Wars III uses it too, but it's not very useful. Apparently just gives you 50,000 studs. I do wonder if I'll ever hit up anyone with LSW III as its pretty hard to even find the place to enable StreetPass.
markot said:
Everythings 'limited edition' these days in gaming land, its so stupid... it used to mean something, now its meaningless.
It's the DVD Collector's Edition of the Gaming World!

Hyper Stuff
Hyper is okay, I guess. I think I have almost every issue since #5 or 6. The only reason that I still get it is because my sister bought me a subscription to it for one of my birthdays towards the end of the 90s. For a while there it was not really my cup of tea but it probably has improved a bit since Wildgoose took over again.

I think the real issue is that during the Shea and Wilks era it became a incrowd magazine, where they really wrote the magazine in a fashion that they wanted, not what would appeal to an audience. Even though I was a long time reader, it always felt like you were trying to join a well-established group of friends that had their own in-jokes, likes and dislikes. You're being included in the conversation but you know there's years of history between everyone, that you're missing our on some of the meta-details of the conversation and the odd reoccuring feeling that they might be making fun of you at times.

I assume the magazine had some sort of internal management or editorial meltdown, resulting in a weird few months of having a group editor who instigated some weird style and layout choices. It seems to have calmed down a bit under Wildgroose which will hopefully mean that it can settle down and find its direction again.

I don't think it will ever be the same and the Mansell or Clarke year, or even the Toose years, whom may have been the last good editor (I'm not sure, my memory ain't what it used to be). Having said that, I'm not the same person, not the same age, have increased levels of cynisism (dangerously so) and am no longer the awestruck bundle of enthusiasm that I once was, so maybe it can never be that way again.

If nothing more, it is another local voice on the games industry - which this country sorely lacks - and at most, it does stand as a magazine that has weathered the publishing storm when no other Australian magazine has, especially against the tide that it the internet. If for nothing more it should be commended for that.

Clipper said:
StreetPass stuff.
Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me :)


untoldhero said:
Hmm okay. Just seems abit funny walking 10 min one direction to go back 10 min in other direction.
That's true. Jintor, if you meet us at Circular Quay instead, we can show Cookie more of the view of the Opera House and stuff. Plus, it's less walking for all of us. You could also arrive early and keep untold here company while he waits for all of us to reach him :).


Agreed, JASE. Good points on Hyper.

I think Wildgoose was one of the original writers for Hyper (or PCPP) a very long time ago... I remember not minding his stuff so it's probably better than the really bad years (I think around 2000 or so?) where I cancelled my sub. Sad fact is, there's no real relevance to me now. If I want a good review, I'll go to the Eurogamer website. If I want news, I'll check out the first page or two of GAF threads. If I want witty banter, I'll listen to Idle Thumbs.

Pretty sure it's not $4.95 either, which was a major selling point for me when I was a junior.


untoldhero said:
Hmm okay. Just seems abit funny walking 10 min one direction to go back 10 min in other direction.

It's like a block from Wynyard and it's in the direction of the Rocks, man.


hyper is $9 which is way to much


if you knew wilks and shea you would understand why the magazine changed and was run into the ground under them.

Wildgoose is a man on a mission to save two magazines, PCPP and Hyper. So far he is doing well. DW is one of my most respected games journalists around.

Fun fact, for a short period, DW worked for Microsoft Xbox PR.


How long has he been at the helm of Hyper for? I might actually check it out if he's been there for a while.

FWIW, I wasn't a massive fan of Toose, either.

Edit: The wiki on Hyper is actually pretty conclusive. For example, the complete list of editors:
Stuart Clarke (1993–1996)
Dan Toose (1997–1999) - currently works as a game designer for Creative Assembly in Brisbane
Eliot Fish (1999–2004) - currently works for Good Game at the ABC
Cam Shea (2005–2007)- currently holds the post of Games Editor at IGN Australia[1]
Daniel Wilks - (2007–2010) - until recently (September 2010) was editor of the Official Nintendo Magazine
Anthony Fordham - (2010)
Dylan Burns - (2010)
David Wildgoose - (2011-current)

Forgot about Eliot Fish. I seem to remember he was alright, too.

Edit #2: Fuck, conclusive isn't the word I'm looking for... but I don't know what is. My brain is AWOL today :(


I haven't bought a PCPP or Hyper for years, and I was an avid reader back in the day. Once gaming news really got going on the Internet I stopped buying. Most of the articles in the magazine would be 2-3 weeks behind and I found I was skimming through and only reading a few opinion pieces.

Oh wow I've passed 3000 posts, and over 1000 of them are in this thread.


Ben M was a top guy the night I met him at some Xbox thing.
and got criminally drunk with James Cottee

I work with the guy who used to do the comics in Atomic back in the day.

Hmm, I keep thinking I should get around to submitting some video game comics to some magazines just for giggles.


Gazunta said:
Ben M was a top guy the night I met him at some Xbox thing.
and got criminally drunk with James Cottee

I work with the guy who used to do the comics in Atomic back in the day.

Hmm, I keep thinking I should get around to submitting some video game comics to some magazines just for giggles.

ahahaha i was probably at that xbox thing. Is that the night JC got smashed because he was depressed some dickhead had nicked his debug unit from his house?


It was...2004? The launch of Xbox LIVE in Australia, at some place in Sydney. JC and I found a mutual love of Hunter S Thompson and the developer diaries in Zzap! 64 magazine...which led to me writing HST-inspired developer diaries in Official Xbox Mag for a year or two.

JC's a good guy. He was the only journo who called me the day I lost my previous job to just wish me well and not dig for a story.

Good times!


commanderdeek said:
Heh, yeah it's on.

Maybe I'll pocket it instead of shoving it into my bag.

does it say 'street pass' in the corner of the home screen?

you need the wifis on for it to work
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