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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Agyar said:
Don't even bother, Ventron uses a bust of Howard to keep his copy of The Australian from blowing away.


I did enjoy Ron Howard's movies, unfortunately the bust doesn't have a very good beard on him :(

Fredescu said:
This is like saying "AMP have done amazing things for the AMP building. All those AMP workers rely on that AMP building."

If the AMP building had schools, houses and everything else that a town needs to operate and can be used by anyone.


Ventron said:
Mining companies have done a hell of a lot for rural communities where they've set up, a lot of towns completely rely on nearby mines.
This is like saying "AMP have done amazing things for the AMP building. All those AMP workers rely on that AMP building."

Ventron said:
States get huge royalties already, it's just that they piss it up the wall (at least here in QLD they do).
Goverment incompetance is it's own problem. It doesn't stop obscene concentrations of wealth from also being a problem.


Rez said:
I've never understood playing games, sleeping or web-browsing in lectures. Attendance isn't compulsory. Why even go?

This isn't so much directed at you so much as it is a general comment.

Alright, now that I'm home and have gotten shit out of the way:

I agree.

... okay, actual comments:

I find that I go the non-compulsory things (specific to the ones that I find boring) simply because I have something on after it, and might as well go. Or, alternatively, I like being with the group I've caught up with and we usually talk after the lecture about stuff and it acts as a good meeting point. (note we don't talk during lectures)

I don't mean to imply that I actively go to shit I have no interest in, because I do totally listen to most lectures I show up for. There is only a single lecture I skip, and I skip it because it's the only thing on for the day and I'm not really learning much from said lecture anyway.

In the case of me playing my 3DS, I'll usually bring out my phone or some reading material or something if I find I don't care to pay attention to what's being taught today. In programming I'm usually paying attention, although today the lecturer recovered some stuff we'd been learning the past few weeks which I had already covered (specifically he was giving us info for what to do for our practical test, of which I've already completed). That was enough time to sneak in a quick game of SF. :D

I know I'm making this post seem defensive (which it kinda is but frankly I'm indifferent either way), but I thought I'd justify myself and let it be known I'm not a total slacker and enjoy the learning experience of uni.

As for tutorials, I'm usually the guy who initiates the class conversation (or at least tries to prevent the awkward silences that happen when the tutorial guy says a question or tries to start a conversation themselves), which usually isn't the greatest thing to do if I was seeking peer reviews of my social performance or whatever, but I like to think that having discussion about the work is far more engaging than everyone staring at lecture notes and scribbling down code or question answers or whatever. (The conversation thing holds true especially well in my Game Fundamentals course, where today the class conversation was "Holy shit, Nolan North" and talking about Super Meat Boy as a great example of modern refined platformers (I made sure to add VVVVVV to the discussion, too));

I've forgotten what this post was about.


Ventron said:
If the AMP building had schools, houses and everything else that a town needs to operate and can be used by anyone.
The AMP building has a fridge and a coffee machine and a water cooler. Those other things are just geographical necessities. The fact that the companies need to provide more in order to attract employees, and the fact that these are "town things" does not make them any better. No one is moving to Newman because of the sweet town atmosphere that these benevolent companies provide.

Dead Man

Choc said:
no negative gearing is having a significant effect on house prices and it is a load of shit.

Every economist says it is bad....

problem is if you get rid of it, the rental market will implode and all investors will sell out

in EU, interest paid on owner occupier housing is tax deductible

so negative gearing but for home owners not investors. Its a much better solution and helps people get into houses
That's actually not a bad idea.


There's a ton of things we could do to bring house prices down, but no government wants to be the one at the wheel when the bubble bursts.


Love your work Bern, that's been building to a brilliant finale all week.

Added a bunch of 3DS owners to friends, time for mass PM's.


I miss active tutorials. This semester is totally full of tutorials where everybody just looks at one another when the tutor asks a question and there's an awkward silence for about 20 seconds.

My first semester I had a fantastic class for Australian Media, second semester a video game class where everybody loved videogames, third semester an oddly fun contracts class with a cool tutor, fourth a great legal/media class and a fantastic torts class, for some reason. This semester... nada.

Gazunta said:
I think I might pop in today and see if I can pick up an extra copy or two.
$22 on OzGameShop if you are desperate and Harvey Norman don't have any copies.
The Harvery Normans in Geelong went down the shitter bargain wise since they cleared out a bunch at $5 about 12 months ago.

Danoss said:
On that Bulmers, it was easy to drink, but damn if I didn't get a pearler of a headache. I popped some Panadol and went back to bed at about 5, which has dulled it somewhat, but it's still hanging around being a menace.
Always found with cider if I drink a pint of water afterwards I don't get a hangover. Never had a Guiness hangover either which is wonderful.

Choc said:
Friday has had 88 million views on youtube
How many of those views were rick-rolls though?

Rez said:
that seems odd to me, given that their job is to consolidate the material taught during lectures.
I was offered a job running tutorials for first year students even though I had never even been to one. Anyone who averages a high-distinction must get asked so they can cheap out on the support.

jambo said:
Old people are going to die soon as well, so why should they get healthcare?

Choc said:
this is going to go on a while isn't it...
The government are in a bad spot. There are people who are spending upwards of 10 years living on the dole and barely making an effort, can't just pull it out from under them. Not offering a uni degree to someone who is finished work doesn't work when you are trying to build a society of educated people. People are retiring later in life and even most of the people I work with are in their 50's and 60's. Maybe the government should lower the threshold for paying back hecs as it's interest free and you choose how much to repay anyway.

Brad Wardell touts Impulse's technical superiority/Gamestop victory over Steam
*Puts down Sandwich*
Now this right here is some lol worthy shit. Mouthpiece turncoat. Gamer Bill of Rights? Right to pay for Wardell's third house. The best thing is that the guys at Steam are just rolling on the floor laughing at this stuff. I hate to continually use memegenerator but seriously.

I'm sure Impulse will keep up the steller work that was showcased by the launches for Demigod and Elemental. GalCiv can only make up for so much guys.

Went down to EBgames after work to check something out. Saw this on their website for The Witcher 2 and thought, "Hey free mouse and pad. Wouldn't pay for it but seems like some cool swag. The DLC is the merchant one? Pretty lame but still better than nothing." Get to the store and the attendant pointed out that because I pre-ordered the fuckawesome $150 version I wasn't entitled to any of that. The extras are only for the $88 edition as they haven't sold out of that SKU yet. Little bit annoyed. Hopefully on release day I can talk them into giving me a mouse pad if I annoy them enough.

Also Zavvi and OzGameShop orders arrived exact same day, very impressive

On that note does anyone want my Final Fantasy II 50% off coupon since I already own it?


When did you place that order with Ozgameshop, RS? I'm curious about when my copy of PC NBA2k11. Not that I don't have enough in my backlog already, oh lolz.

PS. Thanks for the tip on Harvey Norman. Still doesn't count out the one in Waurn Ponds, though. I smell an expedition!

PPS. How much do I love my new cable connection? Cued up some stuff to download at 10am this morning, by 4pm I'd downloaded 50gb. The future is NOW!
Shaneus said:
When did you place that order with Ozgameshop, RS? I'm curious about when my copy of PC NBA2k11. Not that I don't have enough in my backlog already, oh lolz.

PS. Thanks for the tip on Harvey Norman. Still doesn't count out the one in Waurn Ponds, though. I smell an expedition!

PPS. How much do I love my new cable connection? Cued up some stuff to download at 10am this morning, by 4pm I'd downloaded 50gb. The future is NOW!
Zavvi took 10 days but that was from a pre-order. OGS took 13 days. Didn't bother checking Waurn Ponds after work, last week they had a table of games on clearance. Cheapest was $40. Haven't seen a price lower than importing in a long time.


Shaneus said:
When did you place that order with Ozgameshop, RS? I'm curious about when my copy of PC NBA2k11. Not that I don't have enough in my backlog already, oh lolz.

My last order with OGS took 12 working days to get Crysis 2 into Tasmania. Seems fairly standard with UK based places.


reptilescorpio said:
Zavvi took 10 days but that was from a pre-order. OGS took 13 days. Didn't bother checking Waurn Ponds after work, last week they had a table of games on clearance. Cheapest was $40. Haven't seen a price lower than importing in a long time.
Ah. Somehow I got into my head that it was only a week or so but I'll adjust that to two weeks. Gives me another week to knock off Red Faction and probably another small one, too... maybe Portal.


Lost more SSF4 than I won today but it was pretty educational.

Had like 20-30 matches each with a Gouken and Ibuki. Got owned for like 10 matches in a row both times because I don't know the matchup at all or what they play like, while they obviously knew how Ryu is played ><. Then I turned it around once I learned their play and got a small 5-6 win streak of my own on them, then I had to quit.

So it's been a good day of SSF4 ^_^


but ever so delicious
Question for those who have been to any of the syd/brisgaf meetups. Did anyone actually make any real life friends? A lame question i know, But i'm curious if anyone from bris actually hangs out from time to time since the meets or it's back to gaf business?
evlcookie said:
Question for those who have been to any of the syd/brisgaf meetups. Did anyone actually make any real life friends? A lame question i know, But i'm curious if anyone from bris actually hangs out from time to time since the meets or it's back to gaf business?
A friend isn't really your friend until you spend a night blackout drunk together. Next day you are best buds.
Most people already have defined friendship groups going back years. New friends usually come about from changing work/house, or when a friend brings their friend into the friendship circle. Also most of us have large distances between us and can't make that initial jump up to close friend without spending a fair amount of time together.


but ever so delicious
Serrels wins IT journo of the year claimed by vook which was claimed on twitter.

Grats man.

Now why the fuck weren't you at the sydgaf meet, tisk tisk!


Been getting back into Counterstrike recently. Such a fantastic game to come back to. I'm by no means the best player going around, but a 32-2 round on office makes life worthwhile.
justin.au said:
Been getting back into Counterstrike recently. Such a fantastic game to come back to. I'm by no means the best player going around, but a 32-2 round on office makes life worthwhile.

Are you like my friend who only ever plays office?


Likewise! The wording by cookie had me a little confused at first... "why is Vooks giving away journalism awards?" I asked myself. Then I understood.

Congrats, Serrels :)


Hell yes Serrels.

He's the hero AusGaf deserves, and the one Australia needs right now. So we'll award him, because he can take it.


Fredescu said:
Did they just thaw you out? What happened was, someone suggested it, and the multi billion dollar industry spent millions on ads aimed at scaring the shit out of Joe Public, and it worked. They managed to convince people that the multi billion dollars worth of profits they're making on a limited resource should not contribute towards improving the country. That's some scary shit.

Kinda similar to the current situation with the pokies... the 'clubs' are complaining that they will cease to exist without this income stream. (err, seems totally wrong to me already, but anyway). They have raised 20 million fighting fund almost immediately to campaign against and proposed laws.



Hahaha! Thanks dudes.

I didn't even know about the SydGaf cause I'm an idiot. Next time I'll be there for sure. Looking like Simon Pegg.


Speaking of Simon Pegg, anyone want to take a guess at how many Streetpass hits I'm going to get tomorrow at Supernova?

I hope the DS breaks from them all.


Aon said:
Speaking of Simon Pegg, anyone want to take a guess at how many Streetpass hits I'm going to get tomorrow at Supernova?

I hope the DS breaks from them all.
Oh shit, would probably be epic! See if you can get Simon Pegg on yours (or create a Mii that looks like him so you can fool people... I think that's how it works).

Seriously, this Streetpass thing has me pretty fascinated with the 3DS. It's basically like adding friends (or their avatars) to your handheld without having to do shit, right? For some reason, that appeals to me.

Edit: On a completely different note, has there been any word on when Michael Jackson Experience is coming out here for 360? I just watched a trailer for it on XBL and... um... it kinda looks good.


Bernbaum said:
Yes Serrels - congratulations
on losing that juinor tag and receiving memberfication

It's a proud moment for anyone...

Oh shit. I never even noticed.

Shaneus said:
Edit: On a completely different note, has there been any word on when Michael Jackson Experience is coming out here for 360? I just watched a trailer for it on XBL and... um... it kinda looks good.
Yeah 14th
On that Streetpass discussion, I wonder if you could make an app for iPhone, Android that would somehow emulate this.

Maybe advertise a specially crafted vcard via Bluetooth or something and swap if found. Might be an interesting project to look at over the weekend...
codswallop said:
On that Streetpass discussion, I wonder if you could make an app for iPhone, Android that would somehow emulate this.

Maybe advertise a specially crafted vcard via Bluetooth or something and swap if found. Might be an interesting project to look at over the weekend...
Problem is you'd need it to run in the background, which i don't think you can do on either platform.

Also does anyone know if harvey norman are still selling games on the cheap today and or tomorrow?


So it was kind of hard to keep the 3DS in the sweet spot while on a plane. But it was fun killing time with Street Fighter IV.


legend166 said:
I'm 3/4 of the way through Game of Thrones.

Damn, that was quick. I've gotta get a wriggle on and read that before the series comes out. I've got 8 days (though the footy is on for 3 of them).
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