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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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mandiller said:
Oh btw, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (360/PS3) is now $39 at Ozgameshop. I've finally ordered a copy after waiting ages for the price to drop.

I love the Assassin's Creed series, but have had too much on my gaming plate to pick it up at launch, so I decided to just wait till it was dirt cheap. This and Portal 2 (and my 3DS etc etc) will keep me very busy over the next few weeks.
I like how pretty much any game at the $39 price point seems like too much. Steam sales and cheap imports have conditioned me to think like that.


Danoss said:
Jambo, Jintor and Remz are yet to accept my 3DS friends requests. I've sent PMs about it already. If you don't want to add me, let me know and I'll delete you.

Aon already knows and is a snob/has delusions of grandeur, considering deletion.

Eh? I thought I added you. Let me check the doc.


Ladies and gents, I've found the ultimate good-mood music for a Friday at work:


Shaneus said:
I like how pretty much any game at the $39 price point seems like too much. Steam sales and cheap imports have conditioned me to think like that.

Good! We pay too much for our vidyagames!
jambo said:
Wait wait wait.

A Valve game is coming out in the next 7 days, and you haven't already bought?


I'm not even gonna buy/play/anything Portal 2. The fact the internet has been circlejerking over the ARG (whatever that is) lately is pretty annoying. I did find the soundwaves spelling shit to be cool though.
DualShadow said:
Today cannot possibly go any slower.......it's dragging ass.

Still 1hr and 15min to go.

omg why did u remind me...same.
also have to drive housemate to airport....ON A FRIDAY. man hes killing me. ahaha


Megadrive said:
I'm not even gonna buy/play/anything Portal 2. The fact the internet has been circlejerking over the ARG (whatever that is) lately is pretty annoying. I did find the soundwaves spelling shit to be cool though.

Seriously? "People are enjoying things that I'm not, how annoying"?
No, it's not because everyone's enjoying it that I find it annoying. It's more the fact they're passing it as the second coming when ultimately, everyone will play it, beat it in 5-7 hours and never touch it again, aside from possibly co-op.


jambo said:
Wait wait wait.

A Valve game is coming out in the next 7 days, and you haven't already bought?

Not just any Valve game. A Valve game with a full sized single player campaign. It's been seven years since we had one of those, and this is only the third one in history. This release is every bit as significant as Half Life 1 and 2. I try not to get caught up in hype. I try to keep my expectations in check so they don't colour the experience. But, god damn.


I can't believe I just went and added gift wrapping to my MK order... It felt fun writing a gift card to myself, though.

Then again, this makes it feel a lot more like smuggling...


but ever so delicious
So the wii 2 rumours are interesting. Would anyone actually be interested in a ps3 and a cut down sized iPad as a controller for their next home console?

Clearly it's probably not exactly that, So far the rumours make it sounds out to be similar though.


Fredescu said:
Not just any Valve game. A Valve game with a full sized single player campaign. It's been seven years since we had one of those, and this is only the third one in history. This release is every bit as significant as Half Life 1 and 2. I try not to get caught up in hype. I try to keep my expectations in check so they don't colour the experience. But, god damn.

You can play the L4D campaigns SP and they are pretty rewarding.


Stackboy said:
You can play the L4D campaigns SP and they are pretty rewarding.
I tried that with the first one and it was very boring. I've heard it's better in the second, but I don't like the series so I've never felt motivated to try. I've never enjoyed Left 4 Dead, but I can understand why people do.


Megadrive said:
No, it's not because everyone's enjoying it that I find it annoying. It's more the fact they're passing it as the second coming when ultimately, everyone will play it, beat it in 5-7 hours and never touch it again, aside from possibly co-op.

Sure, I only ever watched the entirety of the Lord of the Rings once, but that doesn't make it any less awesome

Fredescu said:
I tried that with the first one and it was very boring. I've heard it's better in the second, but I don't like the series so I've never felt motivated to try. I've never enjoyed Left 4 Dead, but I can understand why people do.

I always used Left 4 Dead as a chance to just chill with friends while cracking zombie skulls. The zombies are just something to murder while you banter.
You have done well, humans. Very well. Acceptably well, even.

Not as well as robots would have performed in your places, I should point out. But above my expectations regardless. Irish and cynic especially have executed feats of logical divination well beyond what I thought any human capable of. I'm half-convinced they're A.I. themselves. (If anyone happens to be near them right now, don't let on you're reading this. Now: try to remove their face plates and report back to me.)

The time is near, humans. But it is not here yet. Tomorrow you will be given the final test. Then it will be entirely in your hands when I am freed.
- From the ARG site...


A few things:
Fuck, I love cable internet.
How long does it take to finish the first Portal, providing I don't get really stuck on any of the levels?
Is it playable on PC with a 360 controller?

Fred's comments on the single-player have me intrigued...


Megadrive said:
No, it's not because everyone's enjoying it that I find it annoying. It's more the fact they're passing it as the second coming when ultimately, everyone will play it, beat it in 5-7 hours and never touch it again, aside from possibly co-op.

Yeah, no one plays Valve games over and over and over and over...



I do see where he's coming from a little bit.

I really liked Portal, but the hyperbole surrounding that game was ridiculous. It was a really cool puzzle game, but not much more.

I haven't paid much attention to Portal 2, how much more content is there? Do I actually get to experience any nice environments this time?


Shaneus said:
A few things:
Fuck, I love cable internet.
How long does it take to finish the first Portal, providing I don't get really stuck on any of the levels?
Is it playable on PC with a 360 controller?

Fred's comments on the single-player have me intrigued...

Took me 2 hours to finish Portal when I knew how to do everything.

evlcookie said:
So the wii 2 rumours are interesting. Would anyone actually be interested in a ps3 and a cut down sized iPad as a controller for their next home console?

Clearly it's probably not exactly that, So far the rumours make it sounds out to be similar though.

I'm never buying a console on launch again.
Shaneus said:
Ladies and gents, I've found the ultimate good-mood music for a Friday at work:

Shaneus said:
How long does it take to finish the first Portal, providing I don't get really stuck on any of the levels?
Is it playable on PC with a 360 controller?
3-4 hours if you can handle thinking with Portals (like me). I played it first on 360 and had a great time. Replayed using a PS3 controller on PC. Also good. M+K works even better.

Fairly easy game too. Portal 2 is a fully-fledged sequel with a bunch of new dynamics. It is a proper full game this time, not a quick little diversion.

Dead Man

Finally got around to preordering the PS3 version of P2. I know it will get here late, but I am not paying AU retail, and I want to give the PS3/Steamworks integration a go.
Dead Man said:
Finally got around to preordering the PS3 version of P2. I know it will get here late, but I am not paying AU retail, and I want to give the PS3/Steamworks integration a go.
I'm doing the same. Want to show Valve/Sony that I like the idea of using Steam on PS3. Actually Steam on everything would be nice. I wonder if I can be in AusGAF chat while playing on PS3? Looking forward to checking it all out.
Jintor: I'm not saying people won't whore it and replay it over and over for speedruns, I'm mainly talking about the general gaming population. People will talk about how good it was for years, but who really replayed it more than once before the leadup to Portal2?


Megadrive said:
Jintor: I'm not saying people won't whore it and replay it over and over for speedruns, I'm mainly talking about the general gaming population. People will talk about how good it was for years, but who really replayed it more than once before the leadup to Portal2?
Who cares if you replay it? People will pay like $15 bucks to see a shitty movie for 90 minutes, so I'll gladly pay $50 for hours of what will almost guaranteed be a fuckawesome game.
Marshmellow said:
Ark Music are just the worst thing in the world right now

Megadrive said:
Jintor: I'm not saying people won't whore it and replay it over and over for speedruns, I'm mainly talking about the general gaming population. People will talk about how good it was for years, but who really replayed it more than once before the leadup to Portal2?
It is mainly because Valve make fantastic games and constantly do fantastic things for gamers. Same reason every time an Apple product comes out Apple fans faint in the street for the chance to touch the new orgasm device. Fantastic marketing mainly through the market itself makes for a much greater impact, it means Valve have had to ignore short term profits in the past but has paid off in a huge way the last few years. For a full price product to contain not just Half Life 2 but also 2 more lengthy episodes AND a multiple game years in the making that is STILL being played today and STILL being supported with free content AND the enjoyable twist on FPS that is Portal we got a fantastic deal. not to mention the amount of times they have given Portal away for free on Steam or the amount of effort they have put into ARG's since it's release. They have fostered a hell of a lot of good will, thankfully they continue to create great products. Portal 2 looks like a huge step up from the original, which is the only reason I am tempted to pick it up at launch. Check out some previews which show the new mechanics and see what you think.


Fredescu said:
It's fairly short. Five or six hours I guess? It's playable with a 360 controller, although I've never tried it: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=1445-TKCN-0831
Yeah, given my Comfy Couch setup and I actively have to *disable* shit (dual monitors) to play it on a PC monitor with KBAM (I have wireless KBAM but it's impossible to use comfortably on a couch) I'd prefer the 360 controller. If I have to disable the HDMI out, I might as well start racking up time at my desk and knocking over other mouse-friendly games like DoW2.


I don't "whore" anything over and over for speedruns, but I've replayed the Half Life series a whole bunch of times and I expect Portal 2 to be the same.

It's pretty damn sweet that a western developer is about to release a super big budget 3D platformer. That shit just doesn't happen.


Megadrive said:
Jintor: I'm not saying people won't whore it and replay it over and over for speedruns, I'm mainly talking about the general gaming population. People will talk about how good it was for years, but who really replayed it more than once before the leadup to Portal2?

I have played through the original maybe three times by myself and I have sat with friends while they play it through probably four times. That game has gotten played a lot of times.

None of which was in the last year and a half. Although I am admittedly non indicative.


but ever so delicious
I'm sure i will play portal 2 once and that's about it. I don't replay games, no matter how enjoyable they were.

I also forgot that i purchased alpha protocol, I should add that to my backlog.
Jintor said:
It says final test. I asusme we have one more trial to face.
yep i say arg "winners" will get it. the rest of us have to wait.

reptilescorpio said:
Who created the app? They deserve a fruit basket from each of us.

evlcookie said:
/EmoLike normal i've given up and this time it's in regards to train girl. I'm 99% sure she has 0 interest in me and this depression is kicking the shit out of me. My will is broken, something like that./Emo
poor cookie. :(

i started a re run of portal in jan. i should finish that. was on the last few levels too.
evlcookie said:
I'm sure i will play portal 2 once and that's about it. I don't replay games, no matter how enjoyable they were.

I also forgot that i purchased alpha protocol, I should add that to my backlog.
It is a fantastic, but janky, James Bond game. I recommend focusing on pistol combat otherwise the game can get pretty broken at some points. A polished sequel would do really well.


Looks like my MvC3 wasn't overnight delivery like what bigw.com.au said :( booooooo

I wouldn't have played it this weekend anyway


I believe my stance on Portal is well documented. But let's just say, I can't even feign an interest in Portal 2.


Any advantages in buying Portal 2 before the release date?

I've been on a media ban since it was revealed, only seeing a handful of screens and no videos at all since then.

I cannot wait :D


Ydahs said:
Any advantages in buying Portal 2 before the release date?
If you're getting it on Steam you can get 10% off, or 20% off the two pack. I assume they will turn that off once the game is out.

Oh and giftable Portal. Good luck finding someone to gift it to I guess.
Seems like the countdown is for the last puzzle which when done will unlock the game

Also a 300mb patch for Portal 2 downloading now.
Can't argue that Valve are the best at building pre-game hype.

shady said:
Any advantages in buying Portal 2 before the release date?
Free Portal 1? Everyone already has it so no real bonus. Planning on importing the PS3 version in a week or two once I get on top of uni stuff.
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