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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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AnkhWeasel said:

Bloody hell, this takes pre-order bonuses to a new level... Pre-ordering Hot Pursuit at GAME nets you tickets to a car show and a concert with Outkast's Big Boi in Sydney.

Sucks for people interstate, but still, wow.
No shit it sucks for interstaters, but I'd almost be willing to make the trip. That sounds fucking awesome, especially for the price.


Aon said:
So who's playing the L4d2 DLC with me tonight?
I asked who wanted to join my game in chat but no one replied. >:eek:

Got all the achievements in that one game too. Missed out!


I know one of you is partially responsible for Fruit Ninja. You have ruined my productivity, I hope you are happy!

awesome job btw, well deserved success

Dead Man

AnkhWeasel said:

Bloody hell, this takes pre-order bonuses to a new level... Pre-ordering Hot Pursuit at GAME nets you tickets to a car show and a concert with Outkast's Big Boi in Sydney.

Sucks for people interstate, but still, wow.
Not pre ordering on principle now. Fuckers. Anyway, I won't bet getting that until I get sick of GT5... which I imagine wil be quite a while. In fact, I think GT5 and FO:NV are the only 2 games I am buying for the rest of the year. I might find time for Civ after Fallout, but I think that will have to wait for next year.


but ever so delicious
Deathspank and Shank heading to the steam store on oct 27th, $13.49 each if you pre-purchase. Well you can also buy them in a pack for $25.48!

Do the console ausgaffers recommend both or only one game?

Both only have local co-op, That's kinda shitty


evlcookie said:
Deathspank and Shank heading to the steam store on oct 27th, $13.49 each if you pre-purchase. Well you can also buy them in a pack for $25.48!

Do the console ausgaffers recommend both or only one game?

Both only have local co-op, That's kinda shitty

The coop in both is a side-show anyway. In DeathSpank you get a wizard who has a few preset attacks and no role in the story, in Shank it's a short prequel to the main game.

I've played both and I think they're pretty fun. DeathSpank leans heavily on Ron Gilbert's humour but backs it up with some reasonably fun Diablo-style monster bashing. I haven't finished it yet as I got distracted by other things but I intend to go back, then probably play the second one.

Shank is a great if you want to murder a thousand guys every minute. The animation and combat is really good, lots of emphasis on being greatly outnumbered and having to keep all the enemies under control. I've heard some criticisms around its length but for fifteen bucks I think it runs a good course.

I think both would be best played with a 360 controller, unless they completely redo the controls and targetting in DeathSpank (and do it well).

Edit: Clarified a sentence - the length of Shank is fine.


Just ordered two copies of Civilisation 5 (one for my brother as a birthday present) and Enslaved from Ozgameshop. I love video games.


Agyar said:
Just ordered two copies of Civilisation 5 (one for my brother as a birthday present) and Enslaved from Ozgameshop. I love video games.
You're a horrible brother. He has his whole ahead of him, and you do a callous thing like get him a Civ game.

I'm eyeing off an Alienware MX11 for Civ V and Starcraft II, oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!

VOOK said:
Yup, not buying it.
Oh, you!


A few mates of mine who played it loved it. They really seemed to get in to the whole emotional side of it. I might pick it up eventually.


Rez did you like vanilla Heavy Rain? I can't recall if it got Rez's Medal of Glowing Praise™, or if it was just Rez's Homestyle Sarcastically-Delivered Scorn™.

I thoroughly enjoyed it - biggest surprise of the year for me, overwrought pretentious cuntwankery and all

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
the way I put it in another thread:

I generally remember games for how they feel to control. Like, I don't know, the quick response of a Mario jump or the satisfying 'dings' while navigating a menu in a Final Fantasy game. Hell, rolling through an open field in a Zelda game instead of walking or boosting in the Vanquish demo instead of running to the next piece of cover actually strengthen my bond with a game, even though these actions are, for the most part, unnecessary. The feedback I get from a button press, be it a sound effect or on-screen motion is so important.

In Heavy Rain, there was none of that, it was all context sensitive, mostly random button presses for different actions that are loosely based on the position on the body versus the controller, although not always. Sure, I was manipulating the events on screen, but I might as well have been navigating a DVD menu. Yes, I have to hold down more buttons to do a complicated thing, I'll give it that over a DVD remote, but there was little to no consistency in my interactions with the world and therefore no connection.

I can accept this stream of design as an 'interactive movie' or 'cinematic experience' or hell, even a point and click adventure game. I mean, whatever, it's not something I love but games allow for so many different types of expression, why not? But in accepting this, I require an at least competent story and by extension believable characters (through means of believable VA, script and animation) and interesting scenarios.

Heavy Rain didn't deliver on any of that. If it's going to present itself as a cinematic experience then its competition, in my opinion, isn't another video game, it's any other form of audio-visual narrative, and on that scale, Heavy Rain was embarrassing.

But you know, I say that now. If we were talking in person I'd probably say "yeah it was alright, I had some problems. Kind of cool that it exists, I guess." :lol


I liked Heavy Rain, but I can definitely see where you're coming from Rez, and agree quite a lot.

As a video game, it wasn't that great. The controls were needlessly annoying, especially the movement. You've got to make it easy to control so it doesn't look ridiculous and immediately break down any sort of immersion. Running into walls because the controls were dumb broke that immersion straight away.

As a story, it wasn't that great. The plot was dumb, voice acting terrible at times (JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASON, JASON. JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASON, JASON. NOHMAHN JAHYDEN), and the characters nothing more than cliches.

Where it did succeed, and fantastically so I thought, was the branching paths. Easily the best implementation of 'this game has many endings!' I've seen. Sure, it was probably easier to do simply because the range of user interactions is much smaller and the game is smaller in scope, but it craps all over Bioware's attempts at it.

I'd give it a 6.5/10.

I'm tempted to get Move though. For $70, it will let me play RE5 the way it's meant to be played.


legend166 said:
I'm tempted to get Move though. For $70, it will let me play RE5 the way it's meant to be played.
That'll be one of the first games I play with it. I'm more curious about the tech than anything.


legend166 said:
I'm tempted to get Move though. For $70, it will let me play RE5 the way it's meant to be played.

I don't understand this. Since when was RE5 "meant" to be played with motion control? It began development years before Move was even revealed, with a control scheme based on a game released years before that (RE4).

Touting that Move lets you play RE5 "the way it's meant to be played" sounds like you just got the shit marketed out of you.
markot said:
Is there DLC for RE5 or do you need to buy a new version to play Move with it >.>?

You have to own the Gold Edition to download Move support in a free patch.

I played with keyboard and mouse, it actually worked quite well.


Agyar said:
I don't understand this. Since when was RE5 "meant" to be played with motion control? It began development years before Move was even revealed, with a control scheme based on a game released years before that (RE4).

Touting that Move lets you play RE5 "the way it's meant to be played" sounds like you just got the shit marketed out of you.

RE4: Wii Edition is one of my favourite games ever, obviously because it's an awesome game in its own right, but I love the IR controls. It's perfect. I know people argue that it makes the game too easy but I never really care about difficulty in games as long as its still fun.

I was being a bit tongue in cheek, but RE5 with pointer controls (hopefully) will crap all over RE5 with dual analogue. Dual analogue sucks and needs to go away.

Also, choc, any RB3 update? EB says the game is coming out in two weeks. Surely you can speak about it now?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I already played RE5 with mouse control. It was pretty similar in feel to the Wii version, so I don't think I'll bother right away.

$68 doesn't sound like an unreasonable price, so I'll probably end up getting it when a must-buy game with Move support is released.


Agyar said:
Is the Move edition of Heavy Rain any good? Anyone seen any impressions or feedback?

I finished it with Move last night and I can't give you a comparison of what it's like to play it without move, as that's all I've played.

But I definitely enjoyed using move to do all the stuff, in particular the fight scenes, which often ended in my character on the floor panting and me throughly out of breath feeling like I too had been absolutely wasted by the fight. Sorta cool that way. They worked really godamn well.

In general there was stuff whereby what you did with move became fairly routine throughout the game, such as the same action for opening doors or draws or bricking things up or using the ARI. These all worked well and became really intuitive, especially the ARI as using the move made me feel like I too was using some bullshit future interface.

It was also cool the number of actions which made you take your hand off the dualshock/nav to use more buttons on the move for your character to perform a two handed action.

There were a number of times where the actions were counterintuitive to the controls though. Which was a shame. I really liked it overall though.

Th move was also sorta annoying if I played @ night with no lights, which is the most "immersive" way to play, as not only was the move casting blue light over everything distracting me but the blue led on the PSeye was always staring you in the face.

- Aon


Aon said:
I finished it with Move last night and I can't give you a comparison of what it's like to play it without move, as that's all I've played.

But I definitely enjoyed using move to do all the stuff, in particular the fight scenes, which often ended in my character on the floor panting and me throughly out of breath feeling like I too had been absolutely wasted by the fight. Sorta cool that way. They worked really godamn well.

In general there was stuff whereby what you did with move became fairly routine throughout the game, such as the same action for opening doors or draws or bricking things up or using the ARI. These all worked well and became really intuitive, especially the ARI as using the move made me feel like I too was using some bullshit future interface.

It was also cool the number of actions which made you take your hand off the dualshock/nav to use more buttons on the move for your character to perform a two handed action.

There were a number of times where the actions were counterintuitive to the controls though. Which was a shame. I really liked it overall though.

Th move was also sorta annoying if I played @ night with no lights, which is the most "immersive" way to play, as not only was the move casting blue light over everything distracting me but the blue led on the PSeye was always staring you in the face.

- Aon

So about 8/10?

I'll probably get it and play with Move eventually, I played the demo with normal people controls and thought it was interesting but it's far enough removed from standard control schemes that I figure Move can't really ruin it.


Oh no, if I had to give it a score it'd be something like 6 or 5 after the bullshit ludic-betrayal that was the plot "twist".

Fuck David Cage. You have to foreshadow
unreliable narration
in a damn clever way otherwise it's a bullshit deus ex machina.

And Heavy Rain's big moment is a bullshit deus ex machina.


Aon said:
Oh no, if I had to give it a score it'd be something like 6 or 5 after the bullshit ludic-betrayal that was the plot "twist".

Fuck David Cage. You have to foreshadow
unreliable narration
in a damn clever way otherwise it's a bullshit deus ex machina.

And Heavy Rain's big moment is a bullshit deus ex machina.


Did Cage ever try to explain how you can literally read the thoughts of Shelby but not once does he think "crap I need to hide this evidence or everyone will know I'm the killer"? That just made absolutely no sense.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I'd rate it seven ice creams out of three race cars.
So, having never done the import thing before, I'm curious to know what is the typical difference between the Asian and Au versions of a game, if any. I'm considering grabbing Lords of Shadow through gamelane which was mentioned earlier.


legend166 said:


We thought that was not in his mind. I don't know that, if you're a killer, if this is something that you have in your mind: "Oh, by the way, I'm a killer." We paid attention to check his thoughts and make sure that he doesn't lie at any point, although he doesn't say all the truth all the time. But all his dialogue can be read in two different ways. You can read it first without knowing who the killer is, and say, "Oh, that's fine," but once you know, it takes a different meaning. Be careful because that's a spoiler, by the way.

- David Cage


SenorDingDong said:
So, having never done the import thing before, I'm curious to know what is the typical difference between the Asian and Au versions of a game, if any. I'm considering grabbing Lords of Shadow through gamelane which was mentioned earlier.

Play Asia are reporting that the Asian version of CV is actually region locked. But obviously, if you're playing it on PS3 that's not an issue.

Usually the box has a bit of chinese here and there, and that's USUALLY about it. I actually prefer them sometimes because they don't have the ratings ANYWHERE on the box. :lol


As you can see, the CV Asia version doesn't look to be all that "asian" at all. Also, most places won't trade it in if that's an issue for you!
So I'm reading the FFXIV reviews thread and while I have no real interest in modern Final Fantasy (or MMOs for that matter), I find it really surprising what's happened to Final Fantasy and Square Enix's good name. Wasn't that long ago that the company could do no wrong.

I'd make a thread to ask people what they think went wrong, but I have no interest in their games, so it'd be awkward.


SenorDingDong said:
So, having never done the import thing before, I'm curious to know what is the typical difference between the Asian and Au versions of a game, if any. I'm considering grabbing Lords of Shadow through gamelane which was mentioned earlier.

Which platform are you buying for? Key differences to note are that PS3 games need a PSN account from the matching region to purchase DLC (which makes UK copies appealing, as they are also PAL and such you can use your AU PSN account). On 360, UK PAL versions are also good as they are guaranteed to match local copies exactly. NTSC, NTSC-J and NTSC-J (Asia) region games are not guaranteed to be compatible, although many are (especially the NTSC-J Asia versions, due to the multi-lingual support). Many NTSC-J (Japan) games do not have English support. More often than not when you're buying from eBay/Gamelane/whatever you're getting an NTSC-J (Asia) version from Hong Kong. If they're selling it as "region free" that's usually the case. You can always check for region locking information on Play Asia if you're worried (just look for the Asia version).

TL;DR version, generally speaking you're fine with PAL but do your homework for NTSC if you're worried (Gamelane is probably ok as they wouldn't import a game that didn't work on AU consoles).


Agyar said:
Which platform are you buying for? Key differences to note are that PS3 games need a PSN account from the matching region to purchase DLC (which makes UK copies appealing, as they are also PAL and such you can use your AU PSN account). On 360, UK PAL versions are also good as they are guaranteed to match local copies exactly. NTSC, NTSC-J and NTSC-J (Asia) region games are not guaranteed to be compatible, although many are (especially the NTSC-J Asia versions, due to the multi-lingual support). Many NTSC-J (Japan) games do not have English support. More often than not when you're buying from eBay/Gamelane/whatever you're getting an NTSC-J (Asia) version from Hong Kong. If they're selling it as "region free" that's usually the case. You can always check for region locking information on Play Asia if you're worried (just look for the Asia version).

TL;DR version, generally speaking you're fine with PAL but do your homework for NTSC if you're worried (Gamelane is probably ok as they wouldn't import a game that didn't work on AU consoles).

Don't the regions have to be the same, not the actual code? What I mean is, the DISC ID must match up with the DLC ID. Australia will have Region 4 discs while UK will have Region 2 discs, so they won't be compatible with each others stores.

I remember they did that with BUZZ, putting disclaimers saying it was only compatible with the Austraia disc labelled BLUS-12356 or whatever


Nemesis556 said:
Don't the regions have to be the same, not the actual code? What I mean is, the DISC ID must match up with the DLC ID. Australia will have Region 4 discs while UK will have Region 2 discs, so they won't be compatible with each others stores.

I remember they did that with BUZZ, putting disclaimers saying it was only compatible with the Austraia disc labelled BLUS-12356 or whatever

Region 2 and 4 stuff only applies to DVDs. I'm pretty sure most games sold here have the same region encoding as Europe. There are a few oddball ones though, perhaps that BUZZ title was a re-labelled US version (judging by that code), so the DLC on the AU store matched the US region.


Ok AusGAF I need help.
Optus are trying to sell me on a mobile plan to get me off prepaid.
$49 monthly which supposedly has $450 value and 1 gb of data, for 24 months.
Comes with a free Samsung Galaxy S.
Free access to Facebook, twitter, and 4 other sites that weren't important.
Sound reasonable? I know nothing about mobile phone plans.


Agyar said:
Region 2 and 4 stuff only applies to DVDs. I'm pretty sure most games sold here have the same region encoding as Europe. There are a few oddball ones though, perhaps that BUZZ title was a re-labelled US version (judging by that code), so the DLC on the AU store matched the US region.

I made up that code for Buzz. =P Also, I know they're mainly for DVDs, but they are all printed on the back of cases anyway. I believe most Australian games that are properly released here have the 4 on them.

I believe though that some lazier publishers, such as NBGI would import copies and just slap an OFLC sticker on them, I suppose in this case that DLC would have to work.

I'd really like some concrete information on how it all works =/

Cohsae, I've only heard good things about that particular phone, and if all you're going to be paying is $49 a month that seems pretty reasonable. Though I hate Optus. >_>


Cohsae said:
Ok AusGAF I need help.
Optus are trying to sell me on a mobile plan to get me off prepaid.
$49 monthly which supposedly has $450 value and 1 gb of data, for 24 months.
Comes with a free Samsung Galaxy S.
Free access to Facebook, twitter, and 4 other sites that weren't important.
Sound reasonable? I know nothing about mobile phone plans.

You're stuck on Optus. How many areas do you go that get full 3g coverage?

That'd be my biggest concern.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Cohsae said:
Ok AusGAF I need help.
Optus are trying to sell me on a mobile plan to get me off prepaid.
$49 monthly which supposedly has $450 value and 1 gb of data, for 24 months.
Comes with a free Samsung Galaxy S.
Free access to Facebook, twitter, and 4 other sites that weren't important.
Sound reasonable? I know nothing about mobile phone plans.
I'm on a similar plan (59 with 2GB of data and some extra call value) and so far there haven't been any catches. make sure you sms STOP to any services that start smsing you right off the bat, though.


Cohsae said:
Sound reasonable? I know nothing about mobile phone plans.
One thing to make note of is the "$450 worth of calls" often includes a huge chunk of same network calls. Meaning, your $450 could be made up of, for example, $250 worth of calls to Optus and $200 worth of calls to everywhere else. Read the fine print on that if it's likely to bother you.
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