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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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In the interests of help make this thread actually have content, I will post that Demi (Free Demi) gave me a copy of the new Lara Croft XBLA game, and I haven't played it yet, but I will, and that Monster Dash has JUMPING OFF BUILDINGS AND SHOOTING PEOPLE so you should buy it.


I've been glued to the election coverage all night. Wow, what a ride! Pity there's no result, but it's certainly the most interesting one I've watched.

Looks like it's going to be fully up to the independents to decide this, and all three of the current guys have just ruled out choosing based on the number of seats or national TPP vote. According to the interviews on the ABC, it seems that rural issues and the NBN are going to be the biggest deciders on who we get.

It's going to be a fun week!


I voted for the first time today I stood in line for 10mins walked in got my long ass ballet and a small green one. In the small green one I procceded to put the word "balls" in every box and on the back I drew a detailed pciture of a penis. On the long ass one I voted for the sex party and then procceded to the drawing space and drew a second penis.


CryptiK said:
I voted for the first time today I stood in line for 10mins walked in got my long ass ballet and a small green one. In the small green one I procceded to put the word "balls" in every box and on the back I drew a detailed pciture of a penis. On the long ass one I voted for the sex party and then procceded to the drawing space and drew a second penis.

So mature and so worthwhile.


CryptiK said:
I voted for the first time today I stood in line for 10mins walked in got my long ass ballet and a small green one. In the small green one I procceded to put the word "balls" in every box and on the back I drew a detailed pciture of a penis. On the long ass one I voted for the sex party and then procceded to the drawing space and drew a second penis.
Just remember, you now don't get to complain about anything the government does for 3 years.


I was counting votes last night. As much as Cryptik's lack of engagement with the democratic process disgusts me, at least when he draws a huge motherfucking wang on it I can throw it out more quicky than if someone does something "clever" such as allocate every candidate last preference.

But seriously, people are idiots.
Aon said:
I was counting votes last night. As much as Cryptik's lack of engagement with the democratic process disgusts me, at least when he draws a huge motherfucking wang on it I can throw it out more quicky than if someone does something "clever" such as allocate every candidate last preference.

But seriously, people are idiots.

You can't complain. $300 for counting things!
My friend posted this on Facebook and it's very funny:



CryptiK said:
I voted for the first time today I stood in line for 10mins walked in got my long ass ballet and a small green one. In the small green one I procceded to put the word "balls" in every box and on the back I drew a detailed pciture of a penis. On the long ass one I voted for the sex party and then procceded to the drawing space and drew a second penis.
You're a failure of a person. :( But at least better than leaving it blank!

Megadrive said:
You can't complain. $300 for counting things!
How do I sign up? :0


evlcookie said:
It's warm today compared to the past week, that's for sure.
No, I'm talking about always. I go to uni in the morning when it's 5 degrees, everyone is dressed like an eskimo in the lecture halls and than an army of shorts, thongs and T-shirt wearing guys roll in.
Ydahs said:
No, I'm talking about always. I go to uni in the morning when it's 5 degrees, everyone is dressed like an eskimo in the lecture halls and than an army of shorts, thongs and T-shirt wearing guys roll in.

Probably to show off how tuff they are.


Aon said:
I was counting votes last night. As much as Cryptik's lack of engagement with the democratic process disgusts me, at least when he draws a huge motherfucking wang on it I can throw it out more quicky than if someone does something "clever" such as allocate every candidate last preference.

But seriously, people are idiots.
I have a question for you. Would his senate vote be considered valid or not? A drawing on the ballot is fine, right? As long as it doesn't identify him and doesn't cross out any of the names or add marks to any boxes, I thought you had to err on the side of the vote.


Clipper said:
I have a question for you. Would his senate vote be considered valid or not? A drawing on the ballot is fine, right? As long as it doesn't identify him and doesn't cross out any of the names or add marks to any boxes, I thought you had to err on the side of the vote.
Yes, I believe it would be accepted as long as it wasn't uncertain what his voting intentions are on the ballot.


Cry more people my vote wouldnt have mattered as there were a billion other people threw there vote away etc. I had more fun drawing than I did voting so fuck you all :D


CryptiK said:
Cry more people my vote wouldnt have mattered as there were a billion other people threw there vote away etc. I had more fun drawing than I did voting so fuck you all :D
Meanwhile the country has to go through more painful election/politics talk because people like you can't manage to be mature enough to just simply vote. In a way I hope the party you least want to win actually wins so you will see that, in a close election such as this one, your vote does count.



CryptiK said:
Cry more people my vote wouldnt have mattered as there were a billion other people threw there vote away etc. I had more fun drawing than I did voting so fuck you all :D
Scandalous wench! You've doomed Australia!


CryptiK said:
Cry more people my vote wouldnt have mattered as there were a billion other people threw there vote away etc. I had more fun drawing than I did voting so fuck you all :D

Ironically at this election that's so tight every vote counts. Nice one.

viciouskillersquirrel said:
Just found out my Mum voted FF because of their values.


Dead Man

Agyar said:
Good job voting a a DLP member into the Senate, Victoria.

What the fuck is wrong with this country.
FF goes away, the crazy right wing fucktards have to vote for someone.


DLP are crazy right wingers? Arent they the split from the Labour party over the whole Commie issue in ye old days?

Anyway, labour and so on didnt deal with the FF this time, so they had to give em to someone.

FF, DLP and the Sex Party all got the same % though pretty much >.< shame, we could have had the sex party in the senate!

Seeing the dems though, so sad how they self destructed and kinda ate themselves into nothingness >.>...


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Just found out my Mum voted FF because of their values. :-/

Hopefully they never darken the doors of Parliament house again.
My mum put them last on the preferences.:lol

Dead Man

markot said:
DLP are crazy right wingers? Arent they the split from the Labour party over the whole Commie issue in ye old days?

Anyway, labour and so on didnt deal with the FF this time, so they had to give em to someone.

FF, DLP and the Sex Party all got the same % though pretty much >.< shame, we could have had the sex party in the senate!

Seeing the dems though, so sad how they self destructed and kinda ate themselves into nothingness >.>...
DLP said:
Legislative measures that will uphold and protect the inalienable and fundamental rights of every person - to life, to the essential liberties of conscience, to equal treatment under the law, to the ownership of property and to a livelihood that enhances the dignity and security of each person.

The DLP unequivocally supports legislation that will preserve and protect marriage as the voluntary union of one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others, in a commitment for life.

Absolute opposition to legislative or administrative measures that undermine or degrade marriage by conferring on homosexual, lesbian or transsexual pairings any form of legal recognition of their relationships, per se, whether through "civil unions", "relationship registers" or other legal device.

Abolition of the Family Court of Australia, exposure of its destructive ideology and its harm done to children through easy divorce and the court-instigated break-up of their families and recision of all court rulings that serve to undermine marriage or degrade it by conferring on homosexual, lesbian and transsexual pairings equivalent standing with marriage.

Restoration of the principle, in legislation covering matrimonial disputes, that "just cause" be established before a claim for "relief" through divorce can be granted in any court of law.

Statutory recognition of the principle that no child should be conceived to be borne and reared deliberately deprived of a mother or father as in the cases of single women, lesbians and homosexual couples accessing artificial reproduction technologies including IVF and surrogacy or adoption overseas or within Australia.

An acknowledgement in all legislation affecting families of the need to preserve and protect the institution of marriage and of the need to maintain the moral, social, legal and economic support of the traditional family unit as the most effective (including cost-effective) means to safeguard children from the harm of exploitation, violence, pornography, drugs and crime.

The DLP upholds the traditional family as the ideal for all to aspire to. This is not to condemn others who may find themselves in other family models through no fault of their own. We admire and support single parents for example, and recognize their particular needs and difficulties in raising children alone.

We acknowledge that women who choose not to outsource their childcare and infant education should not be disadvantaged. These women provide great service and stability to their families and society. Legislation should reflect the high value our society needs to place upon parenthood and family life. (See 2010 Federal white paper)…….

The DLP believes that the best carers for children are their parents, particularly up to school age. We advocate child care benefits be paid directly to parents and that there be no financial or other discrimination against those parents choosing to care for their own children at home.

We believe that women should have a true choice about whether or not to work at home with their children or to go outside the home for other work. A real choice would mean that women should not be forced into institutional paid work because of financial necessity. A reorganization of the tax system (including income-splitting for example,) would go some way to providing financial fairness when making such decisions.

Support for more effective State and Federal legislation to control the display and distribution of video and internet pornography and violence, with particular regard to the foremost consideration in all cases - the need to protect children from harm.

The DLP firmly opposes the sexualisation of children, particularly young girls. This includes the marketing and sale of clothing items, make-up and other accessories in imitation of alluring adult and teenage fashion. We also deplore the use of children, enhanced with makeup, clothes, shoes and other accessories to appear sexy and provocative in advertising.

Support for legislation that enhances dignity and security for the elderly and the young and that protects human life at every stage.

Absolute opposition to legislation that allows human embryos to be produced, used and destroyed in the harvesting of embryonic stem cells (as distinct from the use of ethically acceptable adult stem cells) or in human cloning experiments.

The DLP proposes a permanent embargo on all tax funding for procured abortions, destructive human embryo experiments, and the artificial reproduction of human life for any utilitarian end.

We also propose a substantial increase in the allocation of funding for palliative care facilities for the terminally ill, and the active promotion of public policy in opposition to the legalisation of euthanasia.

We also recommend enforcement of the criminal law with respect to procured abortions and euthanasia through the prosecution of medical professionals who violate human life.

Establishment at Federal State and Territory levels of an office of Advocate for the Unborn Child with all the functions, powers and duties necessary to promote and protect the life of the unborn, to afford legal voice or representation in all pertinent forums, to investigate impending medical and other threats to the child's natural right to be born and to instigate prosecutions for offences under relevant laws.

Pretty crazy, yeah. I acknowledge they are being consistent with their (I presume) religious views, which makes me think they mean well, but religion is no way to run a country. Their views are reactionary and outdated.


markot said:
DLP are crazy right wingers? Arent they the split from the Labour party over the whole Commie issue in ye old days?

Life, marriage and the family

The DLP unequivocally supports legislation that will preserve and protect marriage as the voluntary union of one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others, in a commitment for life.

Absolute opposition to legislative or administrative measures that undermine or degrade marriage by conferring on homosexual, lesbian or transsexual pairings any form of legal recognition of their relationships, per se, whether through "civil unions", "relationship registers" or other legal device.

Abolition of the Family Court of Australia, exposure of its destructive ideology and its harm done to children through easy divorce and the court-instigated break-up of their families and recision of all court rulings that serve to undermine marriage or degrade it by conferring on homosexual, lesbian and transsexual pairings equivalent standing with marriage.

Statutory recognition of the principle that no child should be conceived to be borne and reared deliberately deprived of a mother or father as in the cases of single women, lesbians and homosexual couples accessing artificial reproduction technologies including IVF and surrogacy or adoption overseas or within Australia.
Some of the first paragraphs from their 'Policies' page.

Edit: Go awaaaaaay, meanie. :(


Man... Been so busy. Normal work, work on my new project and article, every day life and Crackdown games has left me no time for internets, gaf, or getting back to people I've been chasing up in regards to all the above.

Having said that I've been having a blast. I should schedule a week off work to do stuff I actually enjoy more often.


markot said:
Anyway, labour and so on didnt deal with the FF this time, so they had to give em to someone.
Actually, we can probably blame the Liberal Democrats for this one.

Count 23:
Party               		Transfer	Total Votes	% Votes		Quotas
Australian Labor Party		0		252,009		10.27%		0.7186
Liberal/National		0		177,519		7.23%		0.5062
Democratic Labor Party		+73,187		151,841		6.19%		0.4330
Australian Sex Party		+3,692		119,926		4.89%		0.3420

Count 24: Fiona PATTEN (Australian Sex Party) excluded

* 54,738 (2.23%) votes originally from Australian Sex Party distributed to Australian Labor Party (Antony THOW) via preference 23.
* 2,301 (0.09%) votes originally from Socialist Alliance distributed to Australian Labor Party (Antony THOW) via preference 18.
* 11,774 (0.48%) votes originally from Australian Democrats distributed to Australian Labor Party (Antony THOW) via preference 18.
* 2,450 (0.10%) votes originally from Secular Party of Australia distributed to Australian Labor Party (Antony THOW) via preference 20.
* 2,527 (0.10%) votes originally from Group B Independents distributed to Australian Labor Party (Antony THOW) via preference 32.
* 40,524 (1.65%) votes originally from Liberal Democrats (LDP) distributed to Democratic Labor Party (DLP) of Australia (John MADIGAN) via preference 10.
* 1,707 (0.07%) votes originally from Citizens Electoral Council distributed to Liberal/National (Julian McGAURAN) via preference 40.
* 1,985 (0.08%) votes originally from Senator On-Line distributed to Democratic Labor Party (DLP) of Australia (John MADIGAN) via preference 23.
* 1,920 (0.08%) votes (352,570 raw votes at 0.0054 value) originally from Australian Greens distributed to Australian Labor Party (Antony THOW) via preference 23.

Count 24:
Party               		Transfer	Total Votes	% Votes		Quotas
Australian Labor Party		+75,710		327,719		13.35%		0.9346
Democratic Labor Party		+42,509		194,350		7.92%		0.5542
Liberal/National		+1,707		179,226		7.30%		0.5111

Count 25: Julian McGAURAN (Liberal/National) excluded

* 2,283 (0.09%) votes originally from Socialist Equality Party (Ticket 1 of 3) distributed to Australian Labor Party (Antony THOW) via preference 11.
* 1,770 (0.07%) votes originally from Carers Alliance (Ticket 2 of 2) distributed to Australian Labor Party (Antony THOW) via preference 15.
* 32,761 (1.33%) votes originally from Shooters and Fishers distributed to Democratic Labor Party (DLP) of Australia (John MADIGAN) via preference 5.
* 1,707 (0.07%) votes originally from Citizens Electoral Council distributed to Democratic Labor Party (DLP) of Australia (John MADIGAN) via preference 42.
* 140,705 (5.73%) votes (842,005 raw votes at 0.1671 value) originally from Liberal/National distributed to Democratic Labor Party (DLP) of Australia (John MADIGAN) via preference 10.
* John MADIGAN (Democratic Labor Party (DLP) of Australia) provisionally elected.

If Liberal Democrats had've placed Australian Labor Party higher in their preferences than Democratic Labor Party, then the Australian Labor Party would have won after Count 24...

If Liberal Democrats had've placed Liberal/National Party higher in their preferences than Democratic Labor Party, then the Democratic Labor Party would have been eliminated in Count 25, and it would've been between Liberal and Labor.

Seems stupid, considering that the Liberal Democrats' ideology includes things like the following:
The LDP believes the Australian electorate is willing to accept homosexuality on simple fairness grounds. That includes recognition that some homosexuals want to be formally married.

The LDP would amend relevant legislation so that marriage between two individuals had the same consequences irrespective of whether they were of the same or different gender.

That includes the adoption of children. Children require a loving, stable and safe environment. They do not necessarily require parents who are formally married or even a parent of each gender. The role of government is to ensure children are only adopted into such environments.

The LDP would also reduce the intervention of governments in the choices of individuals, including marriage, to the minimum required to ensure free choice, non-coercion of others and acceptance of responsibility for the consequences.
....which is like the exact opposite of the Democratic Labor Party.

Dead Man

Tntnnbltn said:
Actually, we can probably blame the Liberal Democrats for this one.

Seems stupid, considering that the Liberal Democrats' ideology includes things like the following:
Yeah, seems they have just selected another right wing party, rather than looking at issues. Or maybe they just looked at economic issues.

Dead Man

markot said:
DLP are crazy right wingers? Arent they the split from the Labour party over the whole Commie issue in ye old days?

Anyway, labour and so on didnt deal with the FF this time, so they had to give em to someone.

FF, DLP and the Sex Party all got the same % though pretty much >.< shame, we could have had the sex party in the senate!

Seeing the dems though, so sad how they self destructed and kinda ate themselves into nothingness >.>...
Further to my first reply, I looked it up on wiki (I know, I know) and you are correct, the DLP did split from labour over the Commie issue, but they were the Catholic anti Commies.
The 1954 split on communism. During the 1950s the issue of communism and support for communist causes or governments caused great internal conflict in the Labor party and the trade union movement in general. From 1945 onward, staunchly anti-Communist Roman Catholic members (Catholics being an important traditional support base) in opposition to communist infiltration of unions, formed Industrial Groups to gain control of them, fostering intense internal conflict. After Labor's loss of the 1954 election, federal leader Dr H.V. Evatt "issued a statement attacking the Victorian ALP state executive". He blamed subversive activities of the "Groupers" for the defeat. After bitter public dispute many Groupers were expelled from the ALP and formed the Democratic Labor Party (DLP) whose intellectual leader was B.A. Santamaria. The DLP was heavily influenced by Catholic social teaching and had the support of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne, Daniel Mannix. Because of its "veto with a view to reunification" strategy, the DLP's preferences (see Australian electoral system) helped the Liberal Party of Australia remain in power for over two decades, but it was successfully undermined by the Whitlam Labor Government during the 1970s, so that after 1978 the DLP was reduced to a small "rump" based in Victoria, which nevertheless continued to contest federal elections as the DLP (according to the parliamentary library election results for 1980 and onward).

Edit: Double post, bugger.


I, like Cryptik, made a penis parade out of my vote. I filled everything in correctly, but I filled the boarders of each sheet with about 40 jizzing hairy cocks.

Why? Because I don't give a shit. I give enough of a shit to fill it out correctly, but I'd still rather decorate it with a million flacid ejaculating dongs. Sure, I'm an asshole ass dickhead wanker whatever the fuck. But it sounds like I'm not the only person this election to not give a fuck, and I don't think the problem here is with the voters.

Oh also I'm still looking into a minecraft server. For now it's still hosted on the timetable of 'when I feel like it'.


Kritz said:
I, like Cryptik, made a penis parade out of my vote. I filled everything in correctly, but I filled the boarders of each sheet with about 40 jizzing hairy cocks.

Why? Because I don't give a shit. I give enough of a shit to fill it out correctly, but I'd still rather decorate it with a million flacid ejaculating dongs. Sure, I'm an asshole ass dickhead wanker whatever the fuck. But it sounds like I'm not the only person this election to not give a fuck, and I don't think the problem here is with the voters.

Oh also I'm still looking into a minecraft server. For now it's still hosted on the timetable of 'when I feel like it'.

If all you did was draw cocks, then it probably was allowed. Though it will be debatable if that would allow you to identify your ballot.


anyone who did a donkey vote on the day two Australian soldiers died in Afghanistan defending our freedom and right to vote (whether they should be there or not is another story) is a fucking disgrace


but ever so delicious
Choc said:
anyone who did a donkey vote on the day two Australian soldiers died in Afghanistan defending our freedom and right to vote (whether they should be there or not is another story) is a fucking disgrace

Didn't you do a donkey vote? I'm pretty sure you said you did in steam chat.

You're a disgrace choc.
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