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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Agyar said:
So far the bosses have been easy, just need to dodge and counter by pumping out combos in the appropriate stance when they attack. Does this actually change with the last boss?
Yup :lol

The game is notorious for the dramatically abrupt difficulty spike right at the end.

Oh man, just you wait...


Bernbaum said:
Yup :lol

The game is notorious for the dramatically abrupt difficulty spike right at the end.

Oh man, just you wait...

I played Ninja Gaiden 2, so I'm pretty zen about games getting difficult.


It's not that it's hard (which it is) just that it is so out of sync with the flow and dynamic of all prior boss fights.

I think the part I'm looking forward to most about Vanquish is when you can make the dude with the gun go woosh along the floor then slow-mo jump into the air and pew pew pew the baddies in the face before doing a somersault and smoking a cigarette like a fucking champ.


Bernbaum said:
It's not that it's hard (which it is) just that it is so out of sync with the flow and dynamic of all prior boss fights.

I think the part I'm looking forward to most about Vanquish is when you can make the dude with the gun go woosh along the floor then slow-mo jump into the air and pew pew pew the baddies in the face before doing a somersault and smoking a cigarette like a fucking champ.

There's no cigarette button you liar.


Bernbaum said:
It's not that it's hard (which it is) just that it is so out of sync with the flow and dynamic of all prior boss fights.

I think the part I'm looking forward to most about Vanquish is when you can make the dude with the gun go woosh along the floor then slow-mo jump into the air and pew pew pew the baddies in the face before doing a somersault and smoking a cigarette like a fucking champ.
like this?



On the subject of 'smoking is way cool', I am going to - against my better judgement - invest in and rewatch the first season of Mad Men on BluRay, a show I tried my darnedest to enjoy first time around but couldn't get into.

I blame Steve Gaynor, Chris Remo, Nick Breckon and countless others on my twitterfeed who can't stop raving about the latest series.

I don't smoke, but Mad Men makes it look motherfucking classy as hell
Bernbaum said:
rewatch the first season of Mad Men on BluRay, a show I tried my darnedest to enjoy first time around but couldn't get into.
Took the wife and I a few goes, but after we got into it--about halfway through the first season--we've plowed through it and conveniently watched the third-last episode of the current season last night. Double Mad Men season finale awesomeness tonight.

My alcohol intake has substantially increased since we started watching Mad Men.


GF and I got the first season on BR, loved the first episode, watched the second over a few drinks with one of her friends and didn't really catch much of it, have been putting off watching it again haha :/
will definitely get through it though
Problem with Mad Men is that actually describing in any interesting way it is next to impossible.

"Yeah, it's about these ad people in New York in the 1960s who get hammered all day."


but ever so delicious
Some good (bad) tv viewing is waiting for me at home after work but the support guy at ocz sent me an app for my SSD. The nerd in me wants to ditch everything and check it out. I have no idea what it's meant to do :lol

Hopefully it confirms that my drive is somewhat faulty and causing the file corruption issues in windows after a few weeks of use. Otherwise it's back to the drawing board with what could be wrong.
evlcookie said:
Hopefully it confirms that my drive is somewhat faulty and causing the file corruption issues in windows after a few weeks of use. Otherwise it's back to the drawing board with what could be wrong.
Was looking at buying an SSD just the other day and reading some reviews on newegg.com -- a lot of people seemed to have similar problems. How old is the motherboard? It seems SSDs don't play nicely with some controllers.


but ever so delicious
codswallop said:
Was looking at buying an SSD just the other day and reading some reviews on newegg.com -- a lot of people seemed to have similar problems. How old is the motherboard? It seems SSDs don't play nicely with some controllers.

My system is a few years old. However i think it's a firmware issue. The latest one seems to be causing the issues i and a few other people are having. I could have rolled it back but i'm lazy and on top of that it could actually be the hardware. Before updating to firmware v1.6 i had no complaints though. But because i've had it for about 1 year now and it's gone through a few updates to get to 1.6, it could just be a combination of faulty nands + shotty firmware.

However if you buy an intel or sandforce based ssd you shouldn't have any major issues. Both of those seem to be recommended.

@Rass. I'm mighty tempted to buy that shirt for no reason at all other than to own another cookie monster shirt. Curse you.


evlcookie said:
Some good (bad) tv viewing is waiting for me at home after work but the support guy at ocz sent me an app for my SSD. The nerd in me wants to ditch everything and check it out. I have no idea what it's meant to do :lol

Hopefully it confirms that my drive is somewhat faulty and causing the file corruption issues in windows after a few weeks of use. Otherwise it's back to the drawing board with what could be wrong.

Should have bought a comfy couch instead.


but ever so delicious
Agyar said:
Should have bought a comfy couch instead.

And a 360 every 4 months due to red ringing? I like your idea.

I do have to say though, using an OS on a mechanical drive after being used to an SSD for so long, It's so fucking bad. I miss my SSD.


Ars gave Castlevania a /10. Guy didn't even finish it as it was supposedly so bad. I normally trust Ars but everyone else is giving the game great scores. =\


evlcookie said:
And a 360 every 4 months due to red ringing? I like your idea.

I do have to say though, using an OS on a mechanical drive after being used to an SSD for so long, It's so fucking bad. I miss my SSD.

By embracing my 360, I've pretty much solved all my PC gaming woes. Gonna get a nice little performance laptop for Portal 2 and all those other games on Steam I've been meaning to play. Starcraft Two, Schmarcraft Schmoo.


I want to play my 360 but I'm too lazy to move the HDMI cable from the PS3 to the 360 so I just play iPhone instead. I need to be less lazy.
rass said:
I want to play my 360 but I'm too lazy to move the HDMI cable from the PS3 to the 360 so I just play iPhone instead. I need to be less lazy.
This is why I never play PS2 games anymore (Gamecube is taking up the component cable slots on the TV).


but ever so delicious
Bernbaum said:
It takes like, a billion hours to turn on and all I wanna do is shoot stuff and fuck Liara T'soni. Life's too short y'know...

That's why you leave your PC on all day man. Fuck the environment. I bet your tv is on standby and so are all the other devices you use once a day. Unplug those and keep the PC on for pure gaming pleasure.

I've also had no major issues with any PC i've owned. Apart from me trying to tinker with shit and breaking things. This SSD could be seen as a major issue, But i enjoy it since it makes me learn new random things i will never bother to remember.


evlcookie said:
That's why you leave your PC on all day man. Fuck the environment. I bet your tv is on standby and so are all the other devices you use once a day. Unplug those and keep the PC on for pure gaming pleasure.

My PC doubles as a heater in the spare room during winter months. Its great.
Fredescu said:
I would assume you're joking, but knowing your gaming habits I guess it's entirely possible that you've never played Mass Effect?
I bought it for a friend's Christmas present once.

After the utter fiascos that were the PS2 Final Fantasy games, I've stopped playing non-handheld RPGs.

Bernbaum said:

Character from Mass Effect...

A western RPG...

With, shudder, shooting in a 3D volume...
I would totally play western RPGs (if they ever put them on handhelds).

But what's this about shooting? I didn't realise it was an FPS.


evlcookie said:
And a 360 every 4 months due to red ringing? I like your idea.

I do have to say though, using an OS on a mechanical drive after being used to an SSD for so long, It's so fucking bad. I miss my SSD.

Complaints about 360 failures is mostly hyberbole, considering it's under a lengthy warranty (three years I believe) and the probabilty of it occuring has been reduced substantially in each hardware revision. This applies to PC gamers especially, as they seem to conveniently forget the amount of hardware they have fail during a three year period, not to mention the forced upgrades that follow due to chipset/socket revisions.

I wager that any gaming PC owner you ask has had at least one piece of hardware fail in the last three years and most of this would not be covered by warranty, as most PC hardware gets a measly 1 year RTM warranty.

Oh but you have to send the 360 back to Microsoft to fix, I hear you say. If you ask me that beats having the manufacturer send you software to troubleshoot their faulty hardware.


Bernbaum said:

Character from Mass Effect...

A western RPG...

With, shudder, shooting in a 3D volume...

And it also happens to be one of the most over rated games of recent years.

(in my humble opinion)


viciouskillersquirrel said:
This is why I never play PS2 games anymore (Gamecube is taking up the component cable slots on the TV).
now that I think about it - my snes, n64 and gamecube all use the same AV cable - permanently attached to the tv and transferred between consoles haha. I need a switching box and some more cables.

VOOK said:
noooo :(


Agyar said:
First one was better.
For me to poop on.

Agyar said:
I wager that any gaming PC owner you ask has had at least one piece of hardware fail in the last three years and most of this would not be covered by warranty, as most PC hardware gets a measly 1 year RTM warranty.
Pretty easy to build a PC made up entirely of hardware covered for 3 years minimum. My PSU is covered for 7 years. I'm sure no one is crazy enough to argue that it isn't more complicated in general though.


Fredescu said:
Agreed, but the sequel is pretty good.

I actually haven't played it yet... the first one drove me nuts that I gave up.

The combat is meh.
The driving bits around the vacant planets is stupid.
The dialogue trees while appearing open, actually weren't that much. Found on numerous occasions times where I couldn't pick the option I wanted.

It was rather cinematic in presentation though wasn't it?


Omi said:
I actually haven't played it yet...
The second one stops pretending it was ever an RPG in the first place and just gives you an extremely well paced shooter with some fun characters and dialog. It has a shitty story, sure, but it says Bioware on the cover so that's a given.


but ever so delicious
All hardware fails though agyar. So you're screwed either way. At least with a PC you can have fun fixing it and hitting things with a hammer :D

Poor Gaz. Hopefully that bris manabar thing happens soon and you can all buy him a drink. I guess that's it for krome then? or is it still just a handful of people left behind
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