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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Clipper said:
What I find very promising is that the game is priced competitively against the US version. $29.99US without tax compared to $39.99AU including tax is what I would expect to pay. And we get it 10 days earlier than the US to boot. This is what you need to keep doing to get me to buy local again, Nintendo Australia.

Bolded for truth.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
To be fair, NAL has been doing a ton of good this year with releases. The exceptions being things like Galaxy 2, Sin and Punishment and Kirby.

Pretty much everything else they have released has been before or just after America. We got Samurai Warriors 3 and that Pikachu games MONTHS before the US. Not the best games but still, something.


but ever so delicious
Gazunta said:
When's the release day for de Blob 2? I want that game very very much. One of the few games I've completed in the last few years.

Also, I have about four hours to kill in the Valley before the meetup. CBF driving home and back up again. Suggestions, folks?

Find a bench, stare at hot girls and play civ5 in your mind.


evlcookie said:
Find a bench, stare at hot girls and play civ5 in your mind.
Why sit down? Just be like the creepy guy I used to see at Box Hill Central and follow them from store to store conspicuously.


So they have actual new release books instead of old free stuff?

EDIT: Still only fee stuff for me

EDIT EDIT: Showing up now. Howard's $32.99 book is one of the best sellers :lol


but ever so delicious
Fuuuccck. Work wants me to go into the city tomorrow, so i can quickly learn how things work then come back to my normal location then go back for the entire day on friday.

Fuck sake. Sort your shit out work.


Got my Rock Band 3 keyboard in today. Can't wait to crack into this thing and find out how absolutely miserable I am at it!


Gazunta said:
Also, I have about four hours to kill in the Valley before the meetup. CBF driving home and back up again. Suggestions, folks?

Come in to the city, bring me a coffee, then finish all my work so I can go home and have a nap before the GAFOUT.


commanderdeek said:
<3 Grandstand

Seriously, it's so good.

The b-team they assemble for the ODIs isn't as good as the Test crew though. Fleming is good value, but they always get some local ex-Shield player who is a snoozefest. In this case, it's Nick Jewell.

Give me Kerry O'Keefe.


Ydahs said:
The return of the 10cm long moths isn't too far off too D:
Ugh, I hate those damn Bogon moths. I left some clothes on the washing line overnight once and I wasn't paying much attention when I brought them in off the line in the morning. It was only after I got the clothes to my room that I discovered there were about 30 damn Bogons sleeping inside the stuff I'd brought up. Took me over an hour to catch them all and get them out of the house as I didn't have the heart to kill them.

Since then, I mostly dry my clothes inside, but if I do use an outside line, I make sure to shake my clothes out before adding them to the basket.


legend166 said:
Seriously, it's so good.

The b-team they assemble for the ODIs isn't as good as the Test crew though. Fleming is good value, but they always get some local ex-Shield player who is a snoozefest. In this case, it's Nick Jewell.

Give me Kerry O'Keefe.
Yeah Kerry is awesome. His laugh gets me every time. Love it when pops in and out of the studio during test matches and tells his random stories. I don't really mind the b-team since I don't know who they are, but as long as Jim Maxwell is calling it every now and then I'm happy.

And yeah, nothing is more terrifying than big black mothereffin moths hiding in your clothes! Fuck moths.


legend166 said:
Listening to cricket on ABC radio = summer has officially began.
None of my iOS devices have FM radio, and for all the other tech crammed into them, I'm surprised a hi tech gizmo like that today comes without it.

I heard rumours that the iPhone 4 has an FM receiver built in, but is unacessable by the current OS.

viciouskillersquirrel said:
What time is Bris Harder starting again? Bloody work isn't playing nice with a standard 9 hour day.
6pm, although if you go now you might find a goonbag-wielding Gazunta waiting out front who decided to start early.


Looks like Ozgameshop has the Dragon Age Signature Edition (preorder before January 11 or whatever) up for 360/PS3, $62.99. I will probably preorder it through them, as they are the best and my last order from them (Enslaved) came in 5 working days.
Gazunta said:
Also, I have about four hours to kill in the Valley before the meetup. CBF driving home and back up again. Suggestions, folks?

get a paper bag, fill it with dog shit and leave it on your former bosses doorstep. Set it on fire, ring the bell and run. Also- your former boss is a cunt.


Mar said:
On that subject. Has anyone got news about the Sydney Mana Bar? I tried asking via the Mana Bar twitter thingy but never received a reply.
Your post inspired me to do some searching around.

Didn't find much though, apart from an official Facebook page for it (there's one for the Melbourne one too) which confirms it'll open in 2011, which goes against the original press release saying it'd open this year.

Who would of thought that a bar with a gaming theme could be dela.... never mind.


Just got back from my first ride on the bike around the block several times without crashing and/or killing myself. Awesome fun! A++ will ride again.


Rahk said:
Just got back from my first ride on the bike around the block several times without crashing and/or killing myself. Awesome fun! A++ will ride again.

Awesome that you are riding and awesome that you are bringing the sophisticated gamefaqs review style to bold new places.


Maccas said:
Awesome that you are riding and awesome that you are bringing the sophisticated gamefaqs review style to bold new places.
I thought it was ebay?

Awesome post. A++ will read again.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
I went for a ride around the block a few time last week, then my tire when down. Then I couldn't find the pump, then found the pump and it's broken.

So haven't bothered again. Life story and all.


user_nat said:
Have you tried using a different live account?

Make one and set the address as your Aunts address.

I'm also in an Austar area, and would like to know if this works.

How are you finding it? Tempted to get one, but having a hard time justifying it since my current phone is about 6 months old.
I tried it, but at no point in the process - even signing up for Live "Free" itself did it ask for my address and it continued to not display Foxtel on the video marketplace at all.

The only option to enter an address involved setting a billing address to my account.

So no work around that way it seems


Bernbaum said:
None of my iOS devices have FM radio, and for all the other tech crammed into them, I'm surprised a hi tech gizmo like that today comes without it.

I heard rumours that the iPhone 4 has an FM receiver built in, but is unacessable by the current OS.

6pm, although if you go now you might find a goonbag-wielding Gazunta waiting out front who decided to start early.
I am en route to the GAFdown. Please excuse my tardiness, I was busy being fashionably late.


Bernbaum said:
None of my iOS devices have FM radio, and for all the other tech crammed into them, I'm surprised a hi tech gizmo like that today comes without it.

I heard rumours that the iPhone 4 has an FM receiver built in, but is unacessable by the current OS.

An Apple product NOT having features that are standard to other devices and possibly features locked away? SAY IT ISN'T SO?!

(Goldeneye is amazing and you should all play it)


Bernbaum said:
None of my iOS devices have FM radio, and for all the other tech crammed into them, I'm surprised a hi tech gizmo like that today comes without it.

I heard rumours that the iPhone 4 has an FM receiver built in, but is unacessable by the current OS.

The Nano has an FM receiver, which is why I bought one. I wasn't going to buy another iPhone device unless it had one as well. Is there any truth to the rumour you heard?

Also, all of my chilli plants have turned into mini capsicums. This is terrible.


Agyar said:
I haven't played the demo yet, is it not being received well? If so, that is disappointing.

If you remember, the Burnout Paradise demo was universally panned as well. Now, I loved the BP demo, and I also really enjoyed the NFS HP demo, though acknowledging it has some flaws and things I'm concerned about.

If you'd listened to the latest cruxcast, you'd know all that!
So I won copies of Vanquish and Bayonetta, along with a Vanquish action figure and plastic Bayonetta pistol. Now my question is, WTF am I supposed to do with an action figure and a plastic pistol? I have long heard stories of AusGAFers who collected goods of this nature, but as the new owner of such accoutrements I can now categorically state that they hold no appeal for me.

Am I in the minority in this, do most AusGAFers enjoy such things?


Bit of an update that may be of more general interest.

I was on the phone to cancel my Foxtel on Xbox service and the lady on the line stated that the entire point of Foxtel on Xbox was to let people outside of Foxtel areas get access to it and thus my location wouldn't be the issue. I'm pretty sure Austar wouldn't want to hear that, but I'm not complaining.

She then went on to contact technical support and they said the reason Foxtel for Xbox isn't showing up is because it went live in error, and that its proper launch is actually on the 10th. They then told me to call Microsoft and get them to register my console so I'd have no issues on the day.

Surprised and skeptical, I gave Microsoft a bell and while support wouldn't register my console for a service that wasn't launched, she gave me the same general response about it not having actually launched yet, just differing on the date (the 8th).

So perhaps some hope for those of us interested in cheap PayTV who also have high download quotas, though I'm not entirely convinced.

Time will indeed tell.

endlessflood said:
Am I in the minority in this, do most AusGAFers enjoy such things?

I'm very guilty of enjoying that stuff, I like memorabilia. Hell the main reason I'm tempted to buy Epic Mickey is because of the figurine, my older sister is a Disney nut would love if I got her that for Christmas.

Might just be in the blood, I think it's all good to show your nerdy side if you aren't being stupid about it. There's a difference between a Heavy Rain Origami on a desktop and a anime mouse pad with boob wrist rests.


So yeah Im working 2 weeks straight for 14 days 9-5:30 cept Thursdays which is 9-9:30 with only 1 half hour break damn good Harvey Norman is I better get paid well.


but ever so delicious
Pretty much same time as me Cryp and same lunch break. However i take extra lunch breaks these days, more snack breaks. One at 10:30 for an orange/apple and one at 3:30 for whichever one i didn't eat at 10:30.

Just notice when the downtimes are and grab a snack. Grats on the job though, Fucking finally. Now you can finally purchase all your creepy kingdom hearts stuff.


I got summoned for jury duty today, but I'll be in Singapore on the date they selected, so it looks like I get an easy out.

Thing is, I actually want to do it, so hopefully they just give me another date to show up instead. Is it weird to want to do jury duty?


A little. Most people avoid it like the plague.

Hopefully you don't get a murder case if you get called up again.


jambo said:
A little. Most people avoid it like the plague.

Hopefully you don't get a murder case if you get called up again.
I don't think I'd have a problem with getting a murder case unless it was some sort of underworld killing. It'd certainly be a lot more interesting than theft or something.


endlessflood said:
So I won copies of Vanquish and Bayonetta, along with a Vanquish action figure and plastic Bayonetta pistol. Now my question is, WTF am I supposed to do with an action figure and a plastic pistol? I have long heard stories of AusGAFers who collected goods of this nature, but as the new owner of such accoutrements I can now categorically state that they hold no appeal for me.

Am I in the minority in this, do most AusGAFers enjoy such things?
I think Mar's equivalent of a spidey sense tingled when you mentioned the Bayonetta gun.


endlessflood said:
So I won copies of Vanquish and Bayonetta, along with a Vanquish action figure and plastic Bayonetta pistol. Now my question is, WTF am I supposed to do with an action figure and a plastic pistol? I have long heard stories of AusGAFers who collected goods of this nature, but as the new owner of such accoutrements I can now categorically state that they hold no appeal for me.

Am I in the minority in this, do most AusGAFers enjoy such things?
It's just useless clutter to me.


Anyone watching the cricket? This shit is tense :lol

Sri Lankans are going nuts. I don't follow cricket much, but the finish was great.
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