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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


Worst shooter I've played is probably the first Killzone on PS2, which I played for the first time well into this generation. Also played the first Resistance: Fall of Man quite late into this generation and by that stage it felt quite derivative and I didn't enjoy it. Played my promo copy of Homefront for about an hour and promptly ejected the disc.

Favourite shooter remains HL2: Episode Two. On the console, GRAW2 is the game for me, although I have a soft spot for Halo: Reach's complete package. I love everything about GRAW and wish they'd just pump out a third one with the same engine and didn't worry about this Future Soldier bullshit.

legend166 said:
The Swindon lot made it into the EPL?


I can't justify buying Dirt 3 at all, unfortunately.

Not with Witcher 2 / Brink arriving very soon this week (hopefully today), and every other game in the world soon to release too.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Jintor said:
Mmm, orange juice. Some people need coffee, to them I say PAH. ORANGE JUICE.
no substitute for "third wave" grade coffee (which has a decent representation here in the valley)


I actually can't stand the taste of coffee. Tea as well. And Coke. They all taste like mud to me. I'll definitely agree on the juice angle.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Clipper said:
I actually can't stand the taste of coffee. Tea as well. And Coke. They all taste like mud to me. I'll definitely agree on the juice angle.
maybe you have an aversion to caffeine


I love the smell of coffee and would gladly mix it with paint and paint my walls with it.

Can't stand drinking the stuff though.


Clipper said:
I actually can't stand the taste of coffee. Tea as well. And Coke. They all taste like mud to me. I'll definitely agree on the juice angle.
Coffee and Coke I can sympathise with. I can't stand either of them myself.

Not liking tea? Get out.

Teabags from the supermarket don't count. That's like throwing a bunch of apples on the ground, smashing them to smithereens with large mallets before picking up the crappiest bits, eating them, and saying you don't like apples.

If you're keen, try some loose leaf green or oolong tea, that stuff is awesome. White tea is great too, though is an acquired taste as it is quite subtle, but very good for you (I drink lots of it when I'm sick). No milk or sugar allowed. Ever.

Sorry for the tirade, I just really like tea.



Ever since I got a coffee machine I've been making myself way more types of coffee every day. Love the stuff. Can't stand freeze dried coffee, though.

I also have an unhealthy addition to all kinds of carbonated caffine drinks, be it soft drinks or energy drinks, or (uncarbonated) iced coffee if I ever feel like something that simply tastes like coffee.


I'm no coffee nerd, I drink instant at home. But coffee instantly tastes better when someone else makes it for you (that someone else usually being the awesome cafe down the road from work).
Danoss said:
Not liking tea? Get out.

Teabags from the supermarket don't count. That's like throwing a bunch of apples on the ground, smashing them to smithereens with large mallets before picking up the crappiest bits, eating them, and saying you don't like apples.
Coffee is pretty much exactly the same. If you're drinking supermarket stuff, you're not drinking coffee.

And anyone who pours boiling water over their tea leaves is doing it wrong.


Stackboy said:
I'm no coffee nerd, I drink instant at home. But coffee instantly tastes better when someone else makes it for you (that someone else usually being the awesome cafe down the road from work).

I'm at the point where I prefer my coffee over the major coffee monopolies down here.

But, yes, it would be nice if I didn't have to make them myself. My uncle has a wall-mounted coffee machine that automates everything. From the coffee beans / pre-ground stuff to the milk to sugar or chocolate or anything else. Makes some seriously brilliant espressos.

Perhaps just a little out of my price range, though. Dunno what it was called, either. :(


Also, my bad game is nearing completion. It has a single level transition, enemies spawning from behind you and in less predictable patterns (kinda), and uh. Well that's about it. I'll add in a boss or two, balance the blocking and shooting, give it a third level, redo the graphics, add sound and write up some documentation. That should be it. Hopefully.


Australia's greatest cultural failing is the complete lack of espresso-style hot Milos at cafes. Take two spoonfuls of Milo in a splash of hot water (as you would for a powder-based hot chocolate) and bring that up with frothed milk, no espresso.

It should be available everywhere hot chocolates are available.

I made it in my New Farm hipster barista years. It's sex in a cup.


Bernbaum said:
Australia's greatest cultural failing is the complete lack of espresso-style hot Milos at cafes. Take two spoonfuls of Milo in a splash of hot water (as you would for a powder-based hot chocolate) and bring that up with frothed milk, no espresso.

It should be available everywhere hot chocolates are available.

I made it in my New Farm hipster barista years. It's sex in a cup.
I think you've just described an orgasm in a cup.

Um, that wasn't meant to sound gross.


codswallop said:
And anyone who pours boiling water over their tea leaves is doing it wrong.
I've been meaning to get one of those kettles with temperature presets on them. I've just had to sort of guess where it's at.

I think it's supposed to be ~60°C for white tea, ~80°C for oolong and green. I believe black tea can take the full brunt of boiling water as it is quite bitter to begin with; I haven't personally experienced it either way as I don't drink black tea.
Danoss said:
I've been meaning to get one of those kettles with temperature presets on them. I've just had to sort of guess where it's at.

I think it's supposed to be ~60°C for white tea, ~80°C for oolong and green. I believe black tea can take the full brunt of boiling water as it is quite bitter to begin with; I haven't personally experienced it either way as I don't drink black tea.
Black tea IIRC should be 90c (even bags taste much nicer and less bitter when it's not boiling). We actually had one of those temperature kettles on a weekend away. Loved it so much we're going to buy one soon.

I usually just put some cold water in first, then fill with boiling. It's usually good enough (the proper Chinese way requires you to steep it first in some water for a minute or two, and then put it in a full pot after).


At EB's current 'sale' you can pick up Activision's popular "Call of Duty: Black Ops" at $20 off the sticker price for the paltry sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS.


Bernbaum said:
At EB's current 'sale' you can pick up Activision's popular "Call of Duty: Black Ops" at $20 off the sticker price for the paltry sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS.
I could buy two full priced games on Steam for the price of their "special" and have enough left over for like 3 indie games.

I love the smell of retail dying in the morning. It smells like... Pro-consumer.


Bernbaum said:
At EB's current 'sale' you can pick up Activision's popular "Call of Duty: Black Ops" at $20 off the sticker price for the paltry sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS.

Hah! This fact amuses me far more than I can express in words.


It's amazing that someone could actually sell it to someone for that price and not burst out laughing or self-combust with shame.


Salazar said:
It's amazing that someone could actually sell it to someone for that price and not burst out laughing or self-combust with shame.
The guy behind the counter had underslept 'herp-derp' eyes. His sphere of nerd culture likely has a very limited intersect with my sphere of nerd culture. Retail oblviousness is

I'm half tempted to post a hand-drawn picture of the sorry soul to better demonstrate.

EDIT: Here we go AusGAF. Here's my cruel portrait of the clerk who runs the EB closest to me. He likely doesn't know what a NeoGAF is, and will never see this. I bet he's played all the CoDs.



Jintor said:
Oh jesus fuck I thought I'd lost my Suda interview for a second. It was just in another folder. Thank the gods.
Heh, there's an article on smh about Suda and I totally thought that was you.


On the tea thing, I can occasionally stand cold tea, but I still dislike it. I have access to plenty of Green Tea, given that I eat at real Chinese restaurants all the time, and I don't like it either.

I have always thought it was an aversion to caffeine. I've never liked any energy drinks either. About the only somewhat heavily caffeinated drink I have enjoyed is American Mountain Dew (Australian Mountain Dew isn't caffeinated). However, I have read that caffeine itself is flavourless, so I don't know why I have such an aversion to the taste in that case.


Bernbaum said:
Australia's greatest cultural failing is the complete lack of espresso-style hot Milos at cafes. Take two spoonfuls of Milo in a splash of hot water (as you would for a powder-based hot chocolate) and bring that up with frothed milk, no espresso.

It should be available everywhere hot chocolates are available.

I made it in my New Farm hipster barista years. It's sex in a cup.

You should go to Singapore. You can get Milo anything there. Even the McDonald's have Milo.


From memory, and this was back in...2004? We were both on a panel at Freeplay in Melbourne about video game journalism.

I started with something about how the Internet has been the best thing to happen to video game journalism in a long time, since it allows any of us to become a game reviewer instead of having to read the opinions of the same 10 people who had been running print video game writing in Australia for the past 10 years, and who will probably still be writing all the print game reviews in Australia for the next 10.

Jason didn't like that at all. I might as well have gone to a PETA meeting while eating a cheeseburger.

(Disclaimer: This is based on a fuzzy memory from like eight years ago, AND Jason has always been very nice in my dealings with him since, and it's not really a story about him or I being right or wrong instead it is about my stupid ability to get into arguments within seconds of meeting someone!)

I also met Daniel Wilks that day, and he was super nice and I thanked him profusely for making the final issue of GBA World the most subversive piece of gonzo games journalism I've ever read. I'm sure he doesn't remember me :p


I should add I wasn't necessarily railing against the 10 journalists who had a lock on the business. Most of them are nice, I ended up working for a couple of them, but it was pretty clear right from the outset that unless I lived in Sydney and was buddy buddy with those guys I was pretty much fucked if I wanted to be a full time game reviewer in Australia. The Internet changed all that and my horizons become a LOT bigger very quickly so thank goodness for me latching onto the dot com boom before anyone else knew what was going on.


modern warfare 3 looks fuck awesome

jason hill struts his stuff and thinks he is the shit because he works for fairfax.

In reality its like this

if i have a choice of sending content to a moderately successful game site versus the SMH/Age i'm going to send it to moderately successful game site

why? because at least i fucking know that the people going to that game site are gamers

using direct SMH uniques is a load of shit. People don't go to SMH to read game reviews.....
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