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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification

Choc said:
modern warfare 3 looks fuck awesome


Disclaimer: I will probably buy MW3 and herpa derp it up


Why the fuck don't we have an Amazon.com.au? I want bargains and practically everything else at my fingertips and hours away from delivery.

Why the fuck hasn't Netflix gone global? Push that and these ISPs can start actually giving us the bandwidth to support it (stuck with Optus Cable)

Australia's pretty high tech, but we're still the arse end of the world :(
Rlan said:
Why the fuck don't we have an Amazon.com.au? I want bargains and practically everything else at my fingertips and hours away from delivery.

Why the fuck hasn't Netflix gone global? Push that and these ISPs can start actually giving us the bandwidth to support it (stuck with Optus Cable)

Australia's pretty high tech, but we're still the arse end of the world :(

Amazon.co.uk isn't too bad; sure the wait is a bit of a pain but there is never anything that I need in 3 days or less. Super saver delivery on the books I get shipped over feels like I'm breaking the law. 24 books and I don't have to pay a cent for shipping.
Change your region to "US" on your kindle profile page thingy.

Or so I hear, I haven't tried it yet.

EDIT: The biggest thrill I got from the Modern Warfare 3 trailer was when "WW3" turned into "MW3".


This appeared at the end of the lecture slides I just printed off, pretty cool. Has nothing to do with what we are learning though.

srmat poelpe can raed tihs. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod 
aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of 
the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde 
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, 
the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the 
rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it 
wouthit a porbelm. Tihs 
is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but 
the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling 
was ipmorantt!


Choc said:
aside from that stupid shit, the game looks alright

Depends what you're after I guess. Not really into COD multiplayer (since the first MW) and as for single player I like playing those games on the harder settings but the AI when you go to hardened and veteran becomes super cheap, basically enemies and grenades keep spawning until you hit an invisible point in the map, has that changed?


commanderdeek said:
This appeared at the end of the lecture slides I just printed off, pretty cool. Has nothing to do with what we are learning though.
Just point out that the last sentence defies what the whole thing is explaining. If you misspelled a word and then jumbled it up using the same method, your brain would have an even tougher time deciphering what it was meant to be.
As someone who doesn't really play shooters online, I'm going to have a hard time justifying a purchase of MW3.

If it follows the trend of MW and MW2, I'll get home with the game and finish the single player campaign while I'm waiting for my pizza to be delivered.
legend166 said:
Mini Ninjas is supposed to be good, right?

$6.80 good?
Yes. It's definitely a kid platformer though, so don't expect a challenge.

Danoss said:
Coffee and Coke I can sympathise with. I can't stand either of them myself.

Not liking tea? Get out.

Teabags from the supermarket don't count. That's like throwing a bunch of apples on the ground, smashing them to smithereens with large mallets before picking up the crappiest bits, eating them, and saying you don't like apples.

If you're keen, try some loose leaf green or oolong tea, that stuff is awesome. White tea is great too, though is an acquired taste as it is quite subtle, but very good for you (I drink lots of it when I'm sick). No milk or sugar allowed. Ever.

Sorry for the tirade, I just really like tea.
Tea rules. I'm happy to stick to my typical bushells tea or whatever though.


x3n05 said:
Don't forget AM3RICA, 3NGLAND, FRANC3 and G3RMANY. What an awesome play on the name of the game.

Australia, Russia, Italy, Finland, Spain, China, and Japan are all safe then, as is every other country without an e in the name. Woo!


Jintor said:
Australia, Russia, Italy, Finland, Spain, China, and Japan are all safe then, as is every other country without an e in the name. Woo!

Austral1a, Russ1a, 1taly, F1nland, Spa1n, Ch1na, and Japan



Jintor said:
they send you an email trying to check up on your us based address and stuff :<
I haven't received any emails since I changed my region to US. Unless they only send it when you try to buy something.


Installed the Witcher 2. Retail box.

I click on it, it tells me to run as administrator. I do that. It tells me something about my configuration, and then asks for my activation code. I put that in - it says it's checking for updates - and then nothing happens.

What, precisely, is going on ? Anything I can disable to make it go ?

WTF - Now it says my computer has less than 324 MB of total physical and virtual memory. What the fuck happened ?


Salazar said:
Installed the Witcher 2. Retail box.

I click on it, it tells me to run as administrator. I do that. It tells me something about my configuration, and then asks for my activation code. I put that in - it says it's checking for updates - and then nothing happens.

What, precisely, is going on ? Anything I can disable to make it go ?

WTF - Now it says my computer has less than 324 MB of total physical and virtual memory. What the fuck happened ?

That doesn't sound good.

Since you've already played a bunch of games I'm going to assume your RAM got installed correctly and everything.

Why aren't you logged in as administrator in the first place? Are you one of these weird people that decided to make an account on your own PC?


Salazar said:
WTF - Now it says my computer has less than 324 MB of total physical and virtual memory. What the fuck happened ?
Really need more information than that. What is "it"? Tried rebooting?



Needed to allocate more Virtual Memory.

How much should allocate ?

I don't know why I was able to run Crysis excellently, but as soon as I try Mount and Blade, it hesitates and quibbles about memory.


Ugh, everyone is using this retarded bullshit 'Instagram' app for their twittering which adds a hipster filter to photos taken on their iPhones.


Frawdder said:
It really doesn't.

It looks like Black Ops...

...and Modern Warfare 2...

...and Modern Warfare.
It looks like those except on a bigger scale, which is awesome. Hopefully they will change the formula a bit for the next game but MW3 is looking like what I wanted from them. Super epic craziness to send the current formula out with the biggest bang.


legend166 said:
I thought you got more than 4GB of RAM.

You did get 64 Bit Windows, right?


Need help. I'm choosing to blame The Witcher 2 at the moment, because I tried to install it, it didn't work, and then things fucked up. And now I can't even delete its shortcut.




OK, new connection details (quote to view):


Kritz, I won't be home for about an hour and a half.
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