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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


Gazunta said:
I usually play games with the sound down as low as possible. Anything louder than a mouse fart and I'm reaching for the remote.

All the more reason to get better speakers. The objective with high-end speakers isn't volume but clarity and quality rather than volume. Cheaper speakers tend to promote the latter at the expense of the former and as such, require you to push the volume up to maintain clarity for sound elements like vocals.

A good set of calibrated, full-range speakers will give you excellent sound quality at any volume.

codswallop said:
Screw the other guys. If you're after a 2.1 system because you only ever listen to music, get a 2.1 system. If, on the other hand, you listen to a combination of music, movies and games, then a 5.1 or even 7.1 system is still definitely worth it.

Adding a sub for music is debatable, especially if you're looking at full-range speakers. A "true" subwoofer is really only there for an LFE channel in Dolby/DTS sound and you're probably better off concentrating on the speakers themselves if music is the goal.

That said, I doubt anyone in here is buying speakers purely for music. Like most of us, the best value comes from a set of speakers broad enough to cope with music, movies and games, so you'll be looking at a 2.1 or surround set. That said, when it comes to the surround sets, there's no rule that says you have to equip all the channels. Living in a small apartment myself, I don't have my rear speakers connected most of the time and just have the front three channels (left, right, center) and the sub set up. The receiver is capable of accepting a 5.1 signal and downmixing it (quite well I might add) into the existing 3.1 channels.

The center speaker is obviously the standout here and it's a good channel to have if you're watching movies in a large room with and audience that might not all be sitting in the direct center. Its purpose is to anchor the vocals and similar to the screen and it definitely provides some clarity in movies/games. There is a school of thought that the center is unnecessary, which is probably true if you're sitting in the perfect position but that's a topic for another day.
legend166 said:
From all the research I did, $2.5k would definitely get him audiophile stuff. I guess it depends on how you classify an audiophile though.
$2.5k would barely buy you a pair of high-end floorstanders or monitors, let alone two fronts, a centre, 2-4 rears and a sub (which alone are usually at least $600-700 for cheap units).


Audio clarity just isn't punk rock.

Give me a Bouncing Souls album on tape that is kinda crackly; captures skipping of the CD it was recorded from; cuts songs halfway through at the end of the tape; is played on a Walkman that slows down in spots; and blasted through crappy static-soaked earphones and I'll be kept a happy man.
Bernbaum said:
Audio clarity just isn't punk rock.
But wouldn't speakers which faithfully reproduce the audio be better, since you'd hear every jangling safety pin, every drop of spittle that hits the microphone, the subtle twang of the virgin's pubic hair being used as guitar strings?


I don't know wtf is happening in my Crysis playthrough.

I've killed a bunch of dudes, but Prophet hasn't contacted me at all. Not even once.


jambo said:
Keep on killin'!

lol, well yeah.

At least, not since I found that dude hanging upside down. I proceeded to the bay area, slaughtered those dudes, moved along the coast and kept on killing. I just fucked up the dudes in the little base high up on the point of that coast. I think this is where I am supposed to find some codes that Prophet sent me to look for (I know this from youtube walkthroughs).

Game is fucking great, though.
One downside of buying cheap movies and such on the internet is the odd broken hub inside the Blu-ray/DVD case. (I've got 3 broken hubs inside blu-ray cases)

I've just ordered 5 blank cases from this mob. Hopefully that does the trick.


codswallop said:
$2.5k would barely buy you a pair of high-end floorstanders or monitors, let alone two fronts, a centre, 2-4 rears and a sub (which alone are usually at least $600-700 for cheap units).
It buys some wicked bookshelf speakers though, which aren't to be underestimated. Don't forget, the size of the room is going to matter also.

I think 5.1 - 7.1 setups are a complete waste of time unless you have a lot of money to burn and a large space to to use them in. Give me a quality stereo setup any day of the week.

Stackboy said:
I watched the game with friends last night, but was more excited for the COD MW3 ads. YEAH VIDEO GAMES.
You mean how they wouldn't play a replay of a try that was scored or the actual live game, but would show ads instead?

"Let's look at that try again... wait... no... XMEN FIRST CLASS GO WATCH IT AND SHIT, FUCK THE STATE OF ORIGIN, GO NOW!"

"And here's the kickoff... dont worry about what happens next because... YOUR 3DTV IS SHIT, GO BUY THIS ONE, EVEN THOUGH NOTHING ON AUS TV IS IN 3D AND BARELY ANY HD WORTH MENTIONING."


roosters93 said:
One downside of buying cheap movies and such on the internet is the odd broken hub inside the Blu-ray/DVD case. (I've got 3 broken hubs inside blu-ray cases)

I've just ordered 5 blank cases from this mob. Hopefully that does the trick.

Ever thought about buying a CD wallet? You could alphabetise the films to make it easy to find them.
Have you guys had a look at the draft classification guidelines? Some interesting stuff in there (excuse the mass quote)...

The Code
Under the Code, classification decisions are to give effect, as far as possible, to the following principles:
(a) adults should be able to read, hear, see and play what they want;

Using the Guidelines: Essential principles
Interactivity and computer games
Except in material restricted to adults, nudity and sexual activity must not be related to incentives or rewards.

As a general rule, computer games will be Refused Classification if they contain:
(i) drug use related to incentives or rewards;

MA 15+
Sexual activity may be implied.
Sexual activity must not be related to incentives or rewards.

R 18+
Sexual activity may be realistically simulated. The general rule is “simulation, yes – the real thing, no”.

(iii) sexual violence.

(i) drug use related to incentives or rewards;

Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas (as originally submitted to the board, without the morphine to Med-X change) would still be RC under the new scheme, but just about everything else in recent memory would be safe. The Witcher 2 would have received an R 18+ rating here with the original "sex reward" intact. So, still an improvement but not quite enough of an improvement IMO.


codswallop said:
Have you guys had a look at the draft classification guidelines? Some interesting stuff in there (excuse the mass quote)...

Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas (as originally submitted to the board, without the morphine to Med-X change) would still be RC under the new scheme, but just about everything else in recent memory would be safe. The Witcher 2 would have received an R 18+ rating here with the original "sex reward" intact. So, still an improvement but not quite enough of an improvement IMO.

you're never going to get Australian Governments to agree to drug = reward and improvement being allowed in any form of media

anti drug advocates would go nuts.

It's a fair compromise imo.

Yes there should be zero censorship, but we are never going to get that in Australia. We are a nanny state, and we have to deal with it.


Bernbaum said:
Here's something I've always just assumed and not really thought about:

The standard of writing in print usually exceeds that of online outlets.

That said, I still don't give a rat's arse about reviews and previews and it's the topical features, opinion pieces, retrospectives and interviews that grab my attention. Those are the nuggets gaming journalism that benefit from the luxury of time afforded by adhering to a print timetable. Writers can put some thought and research into their work as opposed to vomiting out slapped-together diarrea in order to keep up with the online news cycle.

The online arena has levelled the playing field between professional writers and Halo_Fan_93 and it doesn't take much time reading IGN and Gamespot to realise that the opinions and authority of the Greg Millers and Halo_Fan_93's of this world are about on par.

All comes down to what you read. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't even know gaming journalism exists outside the IGNs and Gamespots of the world.

I've said many times before, but there is a wealth of great gaming culture journalism out there. Gamasutra, Edge, Retrogamer, GamesTM, Rock Paper Shotgun. Even Game Informer is a pretty damn good publication these days. I'm also enjoying what Serrels is doing for Kotaku, though to be honest I only have a read when something is linked here.

MrSerrels said:
Trying to give up caffeine. Wondering if it's worth it.

I've consumed roughly eight nurofen in three days combating withdrawal headaches.

I CAN MAKE IT! If I can get past through this week, I can get through ANYTHING!

I've cut down my coffee intake. I used to do a triple when I got up, a triple when I got to work, then 3 or so normal flat whites (which should be double shot if they know what they are doing) during the day.

Now I just do a triple when I get up, and a normal when I get to work. I've found I'm a lot more relaxed in my day to day life.


Stackboy said:
I watched the game with friends last night, but was more excited for the COD MW3 ads. YEAH VIDEO GAMES.
Why did I read that last sentence in Chris Remo's voice? Too much Idle Thumbs?


evlcookie said:
Mar and his Macbook Air (Not really)


Now I'm slicing with an iPad. Shits faster than my Air.
Choc said:
It's a fair compromise imo.

Yes there should be zero censorship, but we are never going to get that in Australia. We are a nanny state, and we have to deal with it.
Agreed on both counts. I would prefer it to go further, but I will accept what I get
and then resume importing games at 1/3 the price

Shaneus said:
Why did I read that last sentence in Chris Remo's voice? Too much Idle Thumbs?
Seeing Nick Breckon appear in the Fallout: New Vegas credits last night (yeah, I finished it finally!) had "I'm Nick Breckon" floating about in my head over and over.


Salazar said:
Does potion = drug ?

what constitutes a ban is

-it has to have a real world name (morphine etc)
-it has to give the character reward or improve them

if you take a drug and you get penalised for it, its allowed


codswallop said:
Seeing Nick Breckon appear in the Fallout: New Vegas credits last night (yeah, I finished it finally!) had "I'm Nick Breckon" floating about in my head over and over.
Fuck Nick.

I'm about to jump into the Sam n Max (and BttF... and ToMI) games soon too, so I'm sure Jake's name will make an appearance. When I get around to playing Bioshock 2 I'll be getting the DLC that Steve Gaynor worked on as there's at least one Idle Thumbs reference (according to him in one of the The Idle Thumbs Podcast podcasts).
Fredescu said:
If you give your potion the same name as a real world drug, yes. Otherwise, no.
That's actually an interesting question. The guidelines don't mention real or fictional drugs. If your game (or movie) has a drug that is clearly a drug, but you call it Feroin, it's OK? Does that mean we could say every character in a videogame that looks human is actually an alien and they're not having sex, they're just saying "hello" in their odd alien way.

Every game is now G-rated thanks to my genius!


codswallop said:
That's actually an interesting question. The guidelines don't mention real or fictional drugs. If your game (or movie) has a drug that is clearly a drug, but you call it Feroin, it's OK?

That exact scenario occured with Fallout 3. They changed Morphine to Med-X and the game went from RC to MA-15+

Yay for PC modders adding all the RC drug stuff back in =D
jambo said:
That exact scenario occured with Fallout 3.
Yeah I know. The guidelines are stupid (and in our favour here, so not complaining). In Bioshock you jab yourself with something that's clearly a drug and your reward is superpowers, but it's not named after a real drug, so it's all OK.

So all developers need to do is change one letter of every drug name and we can do whatever the hell we want.


Shaneus said:
Why did I read that last sentence in Chris Remo's voice? Too much Idle Thumbs?
I've been a bit stupidly tired lately, and for some reason my brain keeps spitting out "Boost Remo, is that you?" in that robot voice they do. The voice reminds me of that old orange toy that used to speak to you in a funny voice, but I'm sure that's not intentional.
jambo said:
So why did you ask?
I was commenting more on the fact that the guidelines are stupid for allowing fictional drugs but not allowing real drugs (because drug use is drug use, whether the drug shown is real or not shouldn't matter).


Agyar said:
Still cheap at the markets from the creepy banana guy.
That's just a different type of madness all together.

I thoroughly look forward to the next time I sit down to play Crysis. Undoubtedly it will be on hardware far superior to my first two playthroughs; and I hope the gameplay is as diverse as I remember it.
codswallop said:
I was commenting more on the fact that the guidelines are stupid for allowing fictional drugs but not allowing real drugs (because drug use is drug use, whether the drug shown is real or not shouldn't matter).
"Quick, everyone, for an increase in battle stamina let's all do lines of blowcaine!"
I get that a government would feel uneasy about a game where, hypothetically, you use real-world recreational drugs for reward but changing the name really doesn't do anything. Just because the name of the powder that I'm currently snorting off the the hooker is called Buzz and is not the name of a real world drug shouldn't give it a free pass.

What gets to me is that morphine is predominately a medicinal use drug. There are, as always that use it for non-medical purposes but this is the exception, not the rule. Doesn't it make sense that a game promoting the factual use of a medicine would get approved while the Stimul-X craving hormone junkie would get denied?

Apparently not.

But I'm stupid, and don't know how to run a country.


codswallop said:
Now we're talking! The classification board won't know what hit them!
It's funny that Futurama actually has references to real-life drugs in it, still gets rated PG here. Remember the vending machine that has "Refreshing! CRACK" on it?

"Come on. Don't hold out on me like this."
Bernbaum said:
No way I'm not trying that. Mind, the shallow depth of field shot of the bowl makes it look more appealing than I what I expect it to taste like.
I've tried it before, and it didn't look anywhere near that. Then again, I just used a fork to mash it. It was surprisingly good, but you have to eat it before the comes up to room temperature otherwise it begins to feel like you're just eating mush.
Danoss said:
I miss Cheese-ums.
You know, everyone I've ever spoken to misses Cheese-ums. Why the hell did they stop selling them? I saw Cheddar Cheese flavour recently and got all excited expecting it to be like Cheese-ums... but it's not :(
Proving to all that I'm my own man, make my own decisions and the rest of the world can fuck off and leave me to do what *I* want to do... I'm reading Game of Thrones to be contrary.

4% in and it's chucking names, histories and connections at me like I'm a literary idiot savant. I can't remember all these people, George R. R. Martin. This is madness.

Planet_JASE said:
4% in and it's chucking names, histories and connections at me like I'm a literary idiot savant. I can't remember all these people, George R. R. Martin. This is madness.
Watch the TV series instead. You get faces as well which makes things easier up front.

Also boobs.


bloody QLD colleague wankers on email

A QLDR and a new south welshman were sitting at the pub with their dogs. The Queenslander says, “My Dog is so clever, when ever Queensland wins the Origin, he does a backflip and grabs me a beer from the fridge!”, NSWer responds, “Wow that’s great, what does he do when NSW wins?”, QLDer replies “I dunno, I ‘ve only had him 5 years”….

i'll admit, i laughed.
codswallop said:
Watch the TV series instead. You get faces as well which makes things easier up front.

Also boobs.
I'm a "book first" sort of person, if for no other reason, that I'd rather watch something in which I know the ending, than read.

So far, is the book better than the series?
Planet_JASE said:
Proving to all that I'm my own man, make my own decisions and the rest of the world can fuck off and leave me to do what *I* want to do... I'm reading Game of Thrones to be contrary.

4% in and it's chucking names, histories and connections at me like I'm a literary idiot savant. I can't remember all these people, George R. R. Martin. This is madness.

The first book bombards you with names and places because they're all going to become important later: you just have to grin and bear it at the start unfortunately. There should be a list of people at the back of the book sorted by House to help you get through it. Once you start to get into the series all of the places and names will start to fall into place and are a massive part of the appeal: it gets to the point that when something happens, you can instantly see the chain reaction that it's going to set off in terms of how the various people and houses will individually react to it.

So yeah, it's very tough at the start, and very easy by the end. Each book in the series tends to be much better than the last for that reason... A Feast For Crows possibly excepted.
Planet_JASE said:
Proving to all that I'm my own man, make my own decisions and the rest of the world can fuck off and leave me to do what *I* want to do... I'm reading Game of Thrones to be contrary.

4% in and it's chucking names, histories and connections at me like I'm a literary idiot savant. I can't remember all these people, George R. R. Martin. This is madness.


I'm assuming due to the 4% comment that you are reading on a kindle or similar ebook.

Bookmark the glossary/house guide thing at the end (carefully avoiding reading the last page of course!) and use that as a reference when you need to... I know I did!
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