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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification

Holy balls. Zavvi has GeoWars Galaxyies DS for $10.50!

Grabbed the Sennheiser HD 201 headphones from OfficeWorks. HOLY SHIT. I have been abusing my ears for too long. Stereo music! Blocks out all outside noise too, can barely hear my keyboard even when nothing is playing. For $37 I am pretty stoked.

Kritz said:
While I'm on the forums, anyone know the cheapest place to get a PS3? Retail has them for like $400-500.
The best advice I can give is to check ecogamer 5 times a day. I remember last year ToysRus running out discontinued PS3's for $200.

Gazunta said:
Dani from Masterchef. Cute or Cute as HELL?
C) Very Cute

commanderdeek said:
I guess it depends though, because they won't ship Catherine Deluxe Edition outside of US.
Someone said you can buy games directly from Amazon but not from resellers? In any case we can get the portable hardware which is the main thing. Vita hoy!


reptilescorpio said:
The best advice I can give is to check ecogamer 5 times a day. I remember last year ToysRus running out discontinued PS3's for $200.
Ozbargain is even better for that kind of stuff. Shit runs out stupid quick, but if you get lucky you get REALLY lucky.
Salazar said:

Hilarious. Lock the bitch up and melt the key.

Alpha Protocol debacle means I will be avoiding any game with a more than moderate whiff of DRM bullshit.
Did you manage to get AP working? If not, its time to resort to the final safehouse of PC gaming, and tread the well trodden path of the filthy pirate.

Shouldn't need to, but at least the option's there. Just make sure your virus scanner is up to date.


hamchan said:
If you've paid for a game and it doesn't work I see no moral issue with pirating it!

Likewise, I see no considerable moral impediment - given the lethargic, pathetic indifference of SEGA with respect to helping people get the game going - but I have no practical sense of how to go about the alternative.

If it's not outside the permissible range of discussion on GAF (including PMs), any assistance would be magic.


Mar said:
Dude, you need to get out more.

Dead Man

Danoss said:
So, I drew my own NSW Blues avatar in light of recent events. I don't care if it's terrible, GO THE BLUES!
I don't really care about rugby, or which state can poach the better players youngest to get them to count as their players for the Origin games, but that's awesome. lol


reptilescorpio said:
Hey buddy! You should buy The Saboteur on PC for $7.50 because it is awesome and you will enjoy it. As long as you have an Nvidia card.

Also Shaneus if you like bullet hell DeathSmiles is $17 too.
FWIW, I'd be wary of the PC version of The Saboteur. Apparently it runs like shit, is buggy as hell and doesn't have any patches.

As for Deathsmiles, the real hardcore bullet hell shooters (especially ones with slightly tricky mechanics such as charging special lasers etc.) with anime girls I can never "get". This one looks right up my alley. Appreciate the tip, though!

And unless something really special comes along, I'm setting aside my gaming bucks for Child of Eden which is due out next week. Squee!
reptilescorpio said:
Picked up Crackdown 2 late last year for ten pounds pre-owned when GAME.co.uk had a big sale. Not as good as the first but still good mindless fun. Podcast game.
I like you. Crackdown 1 and 2, along with Just Cause 2 were extremely good podcast games. No story, no need to hear anything that is happening in the game. Mindless fun, and Idle Thumbs.

Shaneus said:
Only just kicking in that we're coming into a long weekend. Kinda excited, but hopefully I'll be inspired to do more than just sit on my arse and work through my backlog.
I'm on the fence about you, now.

Rez said:
hey, the career seminar was fun.
Your transformation is almost complete.

Ydahs said:
This knee keeps getting worse. Sharp pain in the knee whenever I bend it. Hope it 'fixes' itself like it has before, but it's getting worse :(
I've currently got that. It's the cold combined with long periods of sitting inactive at my desk at work.

Plus I'm old, and stuff is strting to break on me. Typically, I'm outside of my warrenty period. At least that's what my Mum tells me. She never buys the extended warrenty.

Gazunta said:
Dani from Masterchef. Cute or Cute as HELL?
It varies between the two. Mainly it has to do with how much makeup she's slapped on and how atrocious the blouse she manage to steal from the closest 90year old is.

Mar said:
Dude, you need to get out more. There are so many amazing looking women at Sydney bars and pubs. You don't need a tv!
But will they come into my home nightly? Will they care if I constantly rewind, pause and frame by frame them? Most women I met have. Stupid women.


Planet_JASE said:
I like you. Crackdown 1 and 2, along with Just Cause 2 were extremely good podcast games. No story, no need to hear anything that is happening in the game. Mindless fun, and Idle Thumbs.
Just fired up JC2 for the first time since... Feb, I think. It's fucking ridiculous just how good this game looks and how much fun it is. I don't get the love for the unlimited weapon hacks, either... part of the fun for me is going into a fully-manned site with just a pistol and blitzing the joint. Every so often, I run into the mounted chaingun that can be dismounted and has unlimited ammo. Oh man.
I'm on the fence about you, now.
I don't know quite how to take this :(
Shaneus said:
Just fired up JC2 for the first time since... Feb, I think. It's fucking ridiculous just how good this game looks and how much fun it is. I don't get the love for the unlimited weapon hacks, either... part of the fun for me is going into a fully-manned site with just a pistol and blitzing the joint. Every so often, I run into the mounted chaingun that can be dismounted and has unlimited ammo. Oh man.
When I originall played the game, I used to spend all of my money on ammo. Black Market Order ... 5 mins of mindless shooting ... Black Market Order ... 5 mins of mindless shooting ... Then I worked out head shots are fun and easy. And then I worked out how to use stealth in the game (despite it not being really built for it) and, like you predominately just use the pistol and very little bullets.

Shaneus said:
I don't know quite how to take this :(
Take it like a man, for chrissakes. I swear, having a long weekend and not wanting to get through your backlog...

This weekend is looking good for operation backlog. the last week or so has been good, actually. Time to order some games! (I have a problem).
Planet_JASE said:
I like you. Crackdown 1 and 2, along with Just Cause 2 were extremely good podcast games. No story, no need to hear anything that is happening in the game. Mindless fun, and Idle Thumbs.
Man Idle Thumbs and Crackdown were a great time. I even replayed Idle Thumbs when I got C2 just for the nostalgia.

Planet_JASE said:
I've currently got that. It's the cold combined with long periods of sitting inactive at my desk at work.
Yeah winter time really is the worst for injuries. Messed my knees up a little in primary school and they ache a bit during the cold months. Not to mention the RSI I can feel welling up in my fingers.

Planet_JASE said:
It varies between the two. Mainly it has to do with how much makeup she's slapped on and how atrocious the blouse she manage to steal from the closest 90year old is.
And lipstick. Come on girls, blend that shit in. Bright red rarely looks good on a woman that isn't photoshopped so just don't do it. Every hot chick who works at the uni have done it at some point and it turns them from a 9 to a 4 in an instant. Takes like a week for my image of them to recover.

Planet_JASE said:
But will they come into my home nightly? Will they care if I constantly rewind, pause and frame by frame them? Most women I met have. Stupid women.
Real women don't have artifices, don't need to load up and don't need to be stretched to fit your screen. Real boobies also are fun to play with. Also you don't feel dirty as soon as you are done like with non-real women.


Top work on the avatar Danoss, you did better than I would have! :)

So I am liking DarkStar One a lot. But geez the text is TINY. I mean sure I'm "only" playing it on a 37" screen and sitting six feet away but sheesh...
reptilescorpio said:
And lipstick. Come on girls, blend that shit in. Bright red rarely looks good on a woman that isn't photoshopped so just don't do it. Every hot chick who works at the uni have done it at some point and it turns them from a 9 to a 4 in an instant. Takes like a week for my image of them to recover.
I'm not much of a fan of makeup unless it's done very subtly but yeah, really bright, really noticable lipstick is horrible.

reptilescorpio said:
Also you don't feel dirty as soon as you are done like with non-real women.
Fuck that: I pay them good money to feel dirty, dammit! I want my money's worth.
morning AusGAF.

I have lately been pondering. Mortal Combat is illegal here. Say you import it, and they open the package. Do they just confiscate it, or will you go to jail?
shanshan310 said:
morning AusGAF.

I have lately been pondering. Mortal Combat is illegal here. Say you import it, and they open the package. Do they just confiscate it, or will you go to jail?
In the name of poetic justice they will force you into Mortal Kombat!! If you win, you keep the game. The stakes are high, sure, but at the same time it's government sanctioned murder. Huzzah!

But seriously, they can fine you something like $100 000. Or they may give you a stern talking to. Or they may decide to make an example out of you and eject you out of the country.
shanshan310 said:
morning AusGAF.

I have lately been pondering. Mortal Combat is illegal here. Say you import it, and they open the package. Do they just confiscate it, or will you go to jail?
Supposed to be a fine. A friend's got opened by customs and he just got it confiscated and given a warning, though.
shanshan310 said:
morning AusGAF.

I have lately been pondering. Mortal Combat is illegal here. Say you import it, and they open the package. Do they just confiscate it, or will you go to jail?
Letter in the mail and confiscate at this point. Even if they open it up I was say 90% of the time they wouldn't care, they made a fuss about it at launch and got some media attention. More likely that a random customs officer would be worried about drugs and dangerous stuff and see the video game and be like, "Meh" and move onto the next package. Lotta mail comes in every day.
It's cold.
I did not move to Brisbane for it to be 8 degrees. >=( Next stop: Darwin?

Planet_JASE said:
But seriously, they can fine you something like $100 000. Or they may give you a stern talking to. Or they may decide to make an example out of you and eject you out of the country.

now I can't tell if you're serious or not... But I guess I'd rather not take my chances. If I really want I can probably buy it overseas and bring it back in my suitcase.

EDIT: ...or maybe that will get me in more trouble...
shanshan310 said:
now I can't tell if you're serious or not... But I guess I'd rather not take my chances. If I really want I can probably buy it overseas and bring it back in my suitcase.
Seriously, the options are: It will be confiscated regardless. From there they may either decide to give you a stern talking to (via a snotty letter) or they can choose to fine you $100 000. This is still an option if you buy it overseas and bring it back in you suitcase.

You may decide to not pay the $100 000 fine and instead fight for your life (and game) in the Customs Death Pit.

The likely outcome is that they will confiscate and send you a letter. I'm sure they will only come down on people that are importing a number that would sugget they were going to sell it commercially.
Planet_JASE said:
Seriously, the options are: It will be confiscated regardless. From there they may either decide to give you a stern talking to (via a snotty letter) or they can choose to fine you $100 000. This is still an option if you buy it overseas and bring it back in you suitcase.

You may decide to not pay the $100 000 fine and instead fight for you life (and game) in the Customs Death Pit.

eep. No mortal combat for me then.


Planet_JASE said:
In the name of poetic justice they will force you into Mortal Kombat!! If you win, you keep the game. The stakes are high, sure, but at the same time it's government sanctioned murder. Huzzah!

I laughed.

Man, fucking assignments and duties. I've been drafting out storyboards and thinking up writing stuff in my head for days now. Always get creative at the worst times.


I seriously wouldn't worry about importing one copy of Mortal Kombat. Even when people come back to Australia from places in Asia with a few counterfeit DVDs that are seen by a customs officer, they don't really seem to care. Like rep said, if you haven't got a big suss looking shipment coming in you should be all good.
Jintor said:
I laughed.

Man, fucking assignments and duties. I've been drafting out storyboards and thinking up writing stuff in my head for days now. Always get creative at the worst times.
I'm at my most creative when I'm not able to be creative (i.e. at work) or am procrastinating. At home? Not so much.


I just had the best death animation ever on Alpha Protocol.

Some dude threw a grenade under my butt when I was crouching and had only a little bit of life left. I basically just got propelled into the air - still in crouching position - and did three quarters of a somersault before slamming into the side of a shipping container.

I looked so serene.


So just to iterate, I won't really be going wrong if I buy this ASUS VE248H 24" LED monitor for $260 (inc. shipping)? Like, my goal is to simply get a good 1080p monitor with a HDMI and DVI port. It'll be used for console gaming and PC gaming, though I will probably still use my 22" for games my 5850 can't handle at 1080p.

I'll probably bite on this some time over the weekend barring other suggestions.

... and then to buy another PS3...


Thanks for the kind words on my avatar guys. :)

Thinking of footy, bye weeks are very annoying. It's a Saturday and there's only one game of footy on, that's just wrong. I need my footy fix... only 6 hours and 40 minutes to go. I suppose we do have Origin on Wednesday, which is like footy on a mountain of crack.

Also, Kritz, I'm sure that monitor will be fine, no matter how ridiculous their marketing shit is on that PCCG page. I love how they can demonstrate with/without 1080p in a thumbnail and that if you don't have 2ms response time, your images will be a blurry, unwatchable mess.


Not enough room to download InFamous 2!! Time to clean out the fridge...

Edit: Whoo, was able to clear up enough space.

Trivia fact: The inFamous and SingStar franchises collectively take up 50 GB of space on my HDD.


Tntnnbltn said:
Not enough room to download InFamous 2!! Time to clean out the fridge...

Edit: Whoo, was able to clear up enough space.

Trivia fact: The inFamous and SingStar franchises collectively take up 50 GB of space on my HDD.
Ive probably got 50gb of games downloaded on steam that ive never played >_>
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