Rezbit said:Also damn Monday sucks for TV on free to air.
I had to put up with F2A TV all weekend, my god it's shit compared to Foxtel, truly, truly shit.
I don't know how I survived for all those years without it.
Rezbit said:Also damn Monday sucks for TV on free to air.
I'm the opposite I love Monday Nights, it just sucks that everything I want to watch (Top Gear, Amazing Race Aus and Man vs Wild) is all on at the same bloodly time. Plus you got Mythbusters and then Gordon Ramsey Kitchen Nightmares on as well and I find it to be a good night for TV.Rezbit said:Also damn Monday sucks for TV on free to air. Choose between Rescue Ops and Offspring. I have watched 5 minutes of both and hate both enormously already. It's must shit TV.
God that annoys me the most about Foxtel, we get it at work and it sucks when your on a 15 min break and want to watch something but all you got is adds for 5 mins, and they all sell the same thing either Life Insurance, Funeral Planning or weight loss. I thought the whole point of Pay TV was so you Pay for it to not get adds.codswallop said:Used to have Foxtel but canned it when they started having so many ads. Ugh.
The free trial pretty well served as a good indication why *not* to get it. Absolutely nothing on there that interests me in the slightest... but then again, I fired up FTA the other day and it's the same deal. Apart from the odd sporting (AFL, F1, Le Mans) event, there's absolutely nothing on that interests me. Either I'm finally growing up or TV has turned into a cesspool of reality shows and current affairs.Worthintendo said:God that annoys me the most about Foxtel, we get it at work and it sucks when your on a 15 min break and want to watch something but all you got is adds for 5 mins, and they all sell the same thing either Life Insurance, Funeral Planning or weight loss. I thought the whole point of Pay TV was so you Pay for it to not get adds.
Shaneus said:The free trial pretty well served as a good indication why *not* to get it. Absolutely nothing on there that interests me in the slightest... but then again, I fired up FTA the other day and it's the same deal. Apart from the odd sporting (AFL, F1, Le Mans) event, there's absolutely nothing on that interests me. Either I'm finally growing up or TV has turned into a cesspool of reality shows and current affairs.
Shaneus said:The free trial pretty well served as a good indication why *not* to get it. Absolutely nothing on there that interests me in the slightest... but then again, I fired up FTA the other day and it's the same deal. Apart from the odd sporting (AFL, F1, Le Mans) event, there's absolutely nothing on that interests me. Either I'm finally growing up or TV has turned into a cesspool of reality shows and current affairs.
Signed up for it on the second or third of this month. With no big sporting events coming up in the next week or two, I'm going to cancel it in the next couple of days.Sutton Dagger said:Make sure you cancel the service before the end of the month. I forgot I even had it and they took out an extra month worth of money.
codswallop said:Used to have Foxtel but canned it when they started having so many ads. Ugh.
jambo said:I love the repeating, means you can catch stuff again if you come in halfway through or forget to set a recording.
Also there are tonnes of HD channels, unlike F2A which has like 5.
EDIT: Plus FoxFooty is back next year xD
Yeah, movies and sports are, but the movies were never ones I wanted to watch, I hated coming in partway through a movie, and most of the sports I was never interested in (ESPN Outdoor Games? C'mon! They even had cup stacking championships once).jambo said:I'm pretty sure movies are uninterrupted and sports only have ads during long breaks. There's hardly any TV shows that I watch on Foxtel, it's mainly sports, movies and stuff like Top Gear and Mythbusters.
Also, got back to Adelaide this morning at 8.30 and it was 5 degrees -_-
Not that I give a shit being in Melbourne, but seriously? Isn't it one of the biggest TV events of the year in NSW and QLD? If we don't get HD with that, I guess we're already at HD rock bottom.Choc said:How can SOO not be in HD?
The ad ran on the same page as a story about the series with the headline "Heat just never got the point during Finals loss to more-organized Mavs" and a banner that reads "DALLAS WINS BEST-OF-7 SERIES 4-2."
Yes, yes, and yes (and they don't brake properly in the rain causing the trains to slide past the platforms, and the tracks buckle in the heat as well -- whereas Adelaide in the same heatwave just keeps on keeping on). And I don't really know.Choc said:
Does Melbourne count a train being less than 11 minutes late on time like sydney?
Do you have trains every 30-45 mins outside peak hours?
Do your trains regularly go to ABSOLUTE SHIT during the rain? ie stop working, run slow, be late by a mile etc?
and at least you have zoning and better fares.
The last heatwave we had, Adelaide's trains were still operating (IIRC there were guys hosing down the tracks?) and Melbourne's rail network just flat out stopped. And it was hotter in Adelaide (47c in Melbourne and 48c in Adelaide maybe?).jambo said:We do have some issues with the trains and trams in hot weather, rails buckling and what not, but it has to get really damn hot.
It's more of James wanting to go to a team that could guarantee him a ring. Three superstars (Wade, James and Bosh) came together to win a championship and couldn't do it against a great TEAM.Shaneus said:Is anyone able to give me a brief rundown of why Miami have been so despised over the last year or so? From what I can tell, they basically tried to buy a ring by getting James but is there more to it? How did they get so much money?
We've been over this before, this isn't true. It was right for one report like 8 years ago. It's not true now.Choc said:Does Melbourne count a train being less than 11 minutes late on time like sydney?
Fredescu said:We've been over this before, this isn't true. It was right for one report like 8 years ago. It's not true now.
codswallop said:The last heatwave we had, Adelaide's trains were still operating (IIRC there were guys hosing down the tracks?) and Melbourne's rail network just flat out stopped. And it was hotter in Adelaide (47c in Melbourne and 48c in Adelaide maybe?).
Choc said:they bought James and Wade and fucked up two other teams from what i hear
and expected to go all the way based on it. I'm no BBall fan its just what i read
you mexicans may not know how good you have it compared to Sydney
Does Melbourne count a train being less than 11 minutes late on time like sydney?
Do you have trains every 30-45 mins outside peak hours?
Do your trains regularly go to ABSOLUTE SHIT during the rain? ie stop working, run slow, be late by a mile etc?
and at least you have zoning and better fares.
Choc said:Does Melbourne count a train being less than 11 minutes late on time like sydney?
Do you have trains every 30-45 mins outside peak hours?
Do your trains regularly go to ABSOLUTE SHIT during the rain? ie stop working, run slow, be late by a mile etc?
and at least you have zoning and better fares.
[url=]Metro Trains[/url] said:The definition of an on-time train is also different, reducing from the previous threshold of five minutes and 59 seconds to the current, shorter threshold of four minutes and 59 seconds.
I ordered from them last week and didn't get charged a fee.codswallop said:OzGameshop users: I just checked my recent credit card statement and noticed my last purchase the other week included a currency conversion fee. They're suppose to charge in AUD. Any of you other guys getting the same thing?
Edit: Wait, it's an "overseas transaction fee". I thought they had an Australian business where they received the money, but I suppose not. What a gyp.
Clipper said:Either redeem code via the account panel on the PS3, redeem the code through, or I think there is also a code redemption option on the online menu in MK itself. You need to do this on an account that matches the region you bought the game in. If you bought from the UK, your Aussie account should be fine (you might need a UK one though). If you bought from the US, just create a US account if you don't have one already and download it on that account. You'll be able to play on your Aus account after doing that.
Turns out it was an "International Transaction Fee". Some banks and financial institutions gouge--I mean charge--you if the bank you use is in a different country to the bank receiving the money.sjt333 said:I ordered from them last week and didn't get charged a fee.
We shall gouge you, fleeting tourist dollar holder.shanshan310 said:-_- Klr jhdkhjxdlfkjgj at Queensland Rail prices. They got rid of return/ all day tickets, so now all you can buy are singles which cost like $7 for an adult. Seriously mad at them. I think the idea is to switch everyone over to swipe cards, but its really sucks for anyone who doesn't live in Brisbane. Way to kill tourism guys...
Holy crap, and I thought Adelaide was bad charging $4.60 for adults.shanshan310 said:singles which cost like $7 for an adult.
Like with a medicine ball? Those things are fucking HEAVY.Jintor said:Girlfriends doing medicine blows.
I'm with NAB and have never been charged a fee. Just in case from now on I'll got the PayPal approach rather than VISA debit.codswallop said:OzGameshop users: I just checked my recent credit card statement and noticed my last purchase the other week included a "overseas transaction fee"
Agreed. My best mate and I had foxtel pretty much just for NBA finals. He just called up today and cancelled his contract since they are over for another year. It was great for the first month or so until we realised it was all old repeats. I much prefer Oneddl and the eventual blu ray purchase.markot said:Foxtel is the biggest waste of money since.... Laserdisc!
When was it ever not? My advice to the free-to-air networks? 24 hour Simpsons channel. I would just have it on in the background for the whole day. Nothing newer than Season 14 though.Shaneus said:Either I'm finally growing up or TV has turned into a cesspool of reality shows and current affairs.
It was always about short term benefits (money in pocket) with long term devastation. Politics, it sucks.markot said:So. Remember when privatisation was meant to reduce costs, increase efficiency... and be the second coming?
As soon as I heard that flights were still continuing in NZ, just at lower altitude, I knew they wouldn't bother doing it in Australia. QANTAS et al don't give a shit about anything but profits.Choc said:I have heard on fairly good authority (someone who would know) that the real reason QANTAS is not flying right now is that to fly under the cloud burns more fuel, and therefore significantly increases the cost of the flights
Because they are saving the HD cameras for the EJ Whitten match next month.Choc said:useless fucking pricks. How can SOO not be in HD?
I picked that one up at launch. It's a pretty good translation of the original game and the new sections are great. I just wish that they hadn't made it so that George can't die any more. The original handled death in a really great way and now it's gone. The scene on the cliff top has nowhere near as much impact as it had in the original game. Still, it's only a minor gripe. The game is much better on the whole.reptilescorpio said:Picked up Broken Sword for Wii for $10 from Dick Smith.
shanshan310 said:-_- Klr jhdkhjxdlfkjgj at Queensland Rail prices.
Salazar said:Yeah, I was pretty mad.
But GoCards are good.
Frawdder said:And the way James decided to leave Cleveland was quite hilarious,
reptilescorpio said:When was it ever not? My advice to the free-to-air networks? 24 hour Simpsons channel. I would just have it on in the background for the whole day. Nothing newer than Season 14 though.
bodyboarder said:They are good, except they happily give your travel history over to the cops at the drop of the hat.