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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


Choc said:
A referendum,[1] sometimes called a plebiscite,[2] is a vote by all the people about a political issue

So call it a referendum?

wait there is a difference

plebiscite (plĕb'ĭsīt) [Lat.,=popular decree], vote of the people on a question submitted to them, as in a referendum. The term, however, has acquired the more specific meaning of a popular vote concerning changes of sovereignty, as compared to a regularized system of popular voting upon laws and constitutional amendments

So the Carbon Tax is a matter of sovreignty? what the fuck?
I've always understood the difference to be that a plebiscite has no ramifications to the government. It is a question used to determine the opinion of the nation, but the result doesn't mean anything would happen. A referendum, on the other hand, means the result must be followed and cannot be ignored.

I've never looked up the dictionary definition of the two terms, so I could be wrong, but it does cover every situation where I have previously seen the words used.


BTW Choc, I believe a referendum has to do with constitutional change, which this issue is clearly not. Unsure on plebiscite definition as a whole however.

Also. Does that mean

a) The vote is compulsory.
b) Need a double majority for it to pass


Omi said:
BTW Choc, I believe a referendum has to do with constitutional change, which this issue is clearly not. Unsure on plebiscite definition as a whole however.

Also. Does that mean

a) The vote is compulsory.
b) Need a double majority for it to pass
I do believe plebiscites are typically compulsory. But why would anything need a double majority? Where do you get that idea from?

In any case, there's no real concept of a majority in a plebiscite at all. You just get results, nothing passes. There's no ramifications, but the results will be publicly available for anyone to interpret as they see fit.


Clipper said:
I do believe plebiscites are typically compulsory. Why would anything need a double majority? Where do you get that idea from?

Also, there's no real concept of a majority in a plebiscite at all. You just get results, nothing passes. There's no ramifications, but the results will be publicly available for anyone to interpret as they see fit.

so its pointless


Clipper said:
I do believe plebiscites are typically compulsory. But why would anything need a double majority? Where do you get that idea from?

In any case, there's no real concept of a majority in a plebiscite at all. You just get results, nothing passes. There's no ramifications, but the results will be publicly available for anyone to interpret as they see fit.

Because referendums in Australia require a double majority to be successful.

And if you say, there are no ramifications for asking the question, then the question is a pointless waste of money.


Omi said:
Because referendums in Australia require a double majority to be successful.

And if you say, there are no ramifications for asking the question, then the question is a pointless waste of money.
They do?

*Clipper goes to do some research*

Oh, but just on the other point, it's not a total waste of money. A government that ignores a plebiscite's responses is publicly doing that as everyone can see the results. They would have to justify their reasons for ignoring the results very carefully to stay in power another term.

Edit with results of research: Hmm, I'm surprised I didn't know that. Yes, they do need double majorities, as well as state majorities when it involves changing the constitution. Also, plebiscites are traditionally optional from what I'm reading, so looks like I was misinformed there too.


MrSerrels said:
This story is so old. Why are they running it now? So bizarre.
The story about many former Team Bondi employees not being properly credited? The part that Salazar quoted was unrelated to the gist of the rest of the article, it was just there as some background.

Speaking of which, don't you agree with the quoted section Salazar? A lot of my non-gaming friends have started to look at gaming in a different (and definitely more positive) light since seeing L.A. Noire.


Bankers are Russian into the Australian dollar
The Russian central bank says it wants to buy just under $5 billion in Australian currency.

The Australian dollar is now ranked the fifth most popular currency in the world, and the Russian move is another sign that international investors are losing faith in the US economy.

Rimbi?Rambi?Bambi?(Whatever the Chinese one is)

(I guess?)

Oh, god, The Aussie dollar isnt the next bubble is it >_<?


endlessflood said:
Speaking of which, don't you agree with the quoted section Salazar? A lot of my non-gaming friends have started to look at gaming in a different (and definitely more positive) light since seeing L.A. Noire.

I disagree with the banal dichotomy between "run around" action gamez and analytical ones. And I don't think that L.A. Noire's mechanics are terribly deep. And I don't think there's such a thing as a "fresh" or interesting or persuasive comparison between video games and Hollywood.
Salazar said:
I disagree with the banal dichotomy between "run around" action gamez and analytical ones. And I don't think that L.A. Noire's mechanics are terribly deep. And I don't think there's such a thing as a "fresh" or interesting or persuasive comparison between video games and Hollywood.
Fair enough. I thought the action game summary was fair myself :)

On the fresh hollywood comparisons front, as I said that's actually been my experience. My friends who normally abhor the thought of video games were actually quite happy watching me play L.A. Noire and were really into the interrogations in particular. I don't know if it's because crime scene investigation shows are a well understood format now, or simply because of the abundance of Mad Men actors in it, but L.A. Noire was the first game they'd taken any interest in since Guitar Hero.



hopefully that pastes ok. on my phone.

but referring to the 10.10am post. Abbott wont even accept the tax even if a plebiscite got up. waste of time and money


Omi said:

hopefully that pastes ok. on my phone.

but referring to the 10.10am post. Abbott wont even accept the tax even if a plebiscite got up. waste of time and money

So basically he's going to rage on Julia for going against the will of the Australian people, and then if the will of the Australian people goes against him, he's going to say stuff the will of the Australian people

Nice job


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reptilescorpio said:
You need to determine a Control Schnitz though Holy, how else are you going to add a scientific weight to the experiment. At the moment it just reads like an angry old man blog. Also a Parmy schnitzel should be cooked differently to a regular Schnitz. Otherwise it will get too dry by the time the Parmy ingredients are cooked.

tbh the control schnitzel is anything in adelaide compared to anything here in melbourne.

and I'm focusing on schnitzels with gravy!
codswallop said:
So you're comparing an admitted "casual fast food" schnitzel against pub schnitzels? Might as well proclaim yourself a burger reviewer, and then go into McDonald's and start bagging it.

Why not try somewhere like Mrs Parmas?

I just moved here from adelaide 5 days ago, I had no idea that schnitz was that, I just went to where I found.


Clipper said:
Yay, but there is a slight problem.

If he hasn't entered it yet, perhaps get him to send you the code ASAP as the rules state that each person can only get one. If he registers both, he may only receive one. You also need to set your Club Nintendo address to a place that can ship to you and I don't know if your cousin's place is valid in that regard.
Should be fine, he already entered them with separate accounts and he'll send it to me after he gets them from Nintendo.


I want a tag give me a tag
evlcookie said:
Holy, you survived the trains today?


walked to the wrong trainstation first, i went to the one up north instead of flinders, then i waited there and couldnt find the lilydale so i coaught hte train to flinders, then at flinders i got on the station then the trains were delayed so they moved my train to another station lol and i got lost

but i still made it to work 30 mins early.. ( i leave my hotel at 7am for a9am start lol)

thanks foor your help !
HolyCheck said:
I just moved here from adelaide 5 days ago, I had no idea that schnitz was that, I just went to where I found.
Then welcome to Melbourne! And I'm assuming Adelaide has shitty schnitzels just like Melbourne does, and I bet you'll find good ones too.

There were a couple of guys who went around and rated all Melbourne's parmas (PARM-A!) a little while back. Could be a good place to start. Not sure if this is the same: http://parma.com.au/venues/


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codswallop said:
Then welcome to Melbourne! And I'm assuming Adelaide has shitty schnitzels just like Melbourne does, and I bet you'll find good ones too.

There were a couple of guys who went around and rated all Melbourne's parmas (PARM-A!) a little while back. Could be a good place to start. Not sure if this is the same: http://parma.com.au/venues/

Adelaide has shitty schnittys yes, but melbourne actually has almost no schnitzels. I don't know how well known it is here.. but what most of your places sell are not actually schnitzels.. it's just crumbed chicken...

parmy. We have more german in us, thus we decide lol.
Danoss said:
I enjoy watching this Manly outfit play footy, just not against the Eels. I'm hoping for a strong finish from my team. GO THE EELS.

You know I would be backing you if your team wasn't playing Manly ;)

If you aren't watching it on Foxtel, you can listen to it on Triple M (I'm listening on their website).

Good luck mate :)
Virtua Tennis 4 PS3 $27.

Salazar said:
Rockstar has always seemed like a harsh mistress to be involved with. Aside from the runaway success of all their products of course.

markot said:

Fredescu said:
It doesn't make sense. If a majority in the lower house don't want the tax, just vote against it. A referendum would never succeed so it's just burning money. Fiscally responsible :lol.
Agreed. Why the fuck should we waste up to $70 million dollars on a vote that won't force the government to change their policy and doesn't even require everyone to be involved. Might as well put a friggin poll up on one of their websites or something. Also where was the fake referendum when they took us to war in Iraq and Afghanistan when they were in power? Or is this a new thing asking us for our opinion?

elfinke said:
All the schnitzel talk on the page prior got me (
) thinking: are there any AusGAFFERS not in capital cities? Admittedly, I haven't paid a lot of attention in all the lurking I've done in here, so if you've loudly proclaimed your geographical location before then I apologise :)
Geelong over here. Well, Lara, which is like 30 mins on the train to Melbourne. Shaneus is down here too.

markot said:
Why dont they just set it up as digital downloads >_<? Wouldnt it be alot less expensive than mailing out all these cds?
But collectible soundtracks might be worth something one day! Anyway just head over here for your digital download needs.

jambo said:
People have a problem with the word "Schnitty" in here?

HolyCheck said:
and I'm focusing on schnitzels with gravy!
I thought your blog said the first was a Parma?

jambo said:
He makes it to a deserted island, where he lives off of the local fruit and wild life whilst building a raft out of EA game boxes and promotional materials. Along the way he befriends a copy of Medal of Honor upon which blood stains form a face.
Gazunta said:
Instead of marking the number of days he's been stranded on a cave wall he just writes a long list of "things that are FUCKED"
Four years later Choc has perfected the art of yelling at trees until they cower in fear and shed their bountiful fruits and nuts. Thankfully the months of marketing the EA classic The Sims Castaway Stories had left Choc with the skills required to live in such a harsh environment. Moh and Choc hadn't been getting along, with Choc suspecting that Moh has been siphoning his blood to contact extraterrestrials while he sleeps. He hopes the 5 litres of coconut juice he consumes every day will block the attempts.
Drawing upon the inspirational story of Quiffy Choc gained the courage to navigate across a bizarre sequence of debris spanning from his deserted island to the coast of Argentina. If only Moh had made the journey as well. Halfway across the abyss Moh had become relentless with his negativity, with Moh stepping over the line when telling Choc he has nothing but endless Dragon Age sequels awaiting his return to the mainland. With the rage of a thousand suns Choc dismembered Moh so as to avoid the possibility of divine resurrection in the name of Alighieri.
Finally Choc had reached civilisation, although the developers of this familiar land were different. The world had moved on, Choc had realised. Moh had been wrong. All that was left was endless mini-game collections as far as the industry could see. There was no need for marketing. The populous had already accepted their fate.
HolyCheck said:
I don't know how well known it is here.. but what most of your places sell are not actually schnitzels.. it's just crumbed chicken...

"Schnitzel (German pronunciation: [&#712;&#643;n&#618;ts&#601;l]) is a traditional Austrian dish made with boneless meat thinned with a mallet (escalope-style preparation), coated in breadcrumbs and fried..."

How is the SA schnitzel different?

"...The terms "Schnitty" or "Schnitter" are gaining popularity particularly in South Australia,[5] where the schnitzel has reached almost cult or iconic status in local pub culture and on local menus..."

Probably not going to find what you're after. With Melbourne's Italian background, I suggest a switch to parmas.


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codswallop said:

"Schnitzel (German pronunciation: [&#712;&#643;n&#618;ts&#601;l]) is a traditional Austrian dish made with boneless meat thinned with a mallet (escalope-style preparation), coated in breadcrumbs and fried..."

How is the SA schnitzel different?

"...The terms "Schnitty" or "Schnitter" are gaining popularity particularly in South Australia,[5] where the schnitzel has reached almost cult or iconic status in local pub culture and on local menus..."

Probably not going to find what you're after. With Melbourne's Italian background, I suggest a switch to parmas.

The melbourne schnitzel do not do that, it tends to just be a piece of crumbed chicken breast.

and suggesting a switch to parmas, for instance the place I went to last night still calls it a Chicken Schnitzel Parmigana, It clearly is not schnitzel.


Sutton Dagger said:
You know I would be backing you if your team wasn't playing Manly ;)

If you aren't watching it on Foxtel, you can listen to it on Triple M (I'm listening on their website).

Good luck mate :)
Haha, cheers mate. I'm watching on Foxtel. Nice tight game of footy.

I'd be going for Manly if they weren't playing the Eels also. This is strange, we're supposed to hate each-other according to tradition.


HolyCheck said:
The melbourne schnitzel do not do that, it tends to just be a piece of crumbed chicken breast.

and suggesting a switch to parmas, for instance the place I went to last night still calls it a Chicken Schnitzel Parmigana, It clearly is not schnitzel.

Try the Sherlock Holmes.

Collins St, between Queen and William Sts. Their pub fare is pretty top notch and well priced imo. I am not down with the parma thing and don't get why Victorians love them so much, but if I am to have one, I will have one there. Usually pretty good and not completely dried out like most places. Seen a few people get schnitzels (they may just have veal ones, but unsure), and they also look pretty decent. Gravy is unknown.

Also, their Tuesday night trivia is quality. Likelihood of bumping into me? Fairly high.
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