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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


Doncamatic said:
or even just start talking to her as you both commute in the morning. It's probably more awkward just silently walking near each other than conversing during the commute.

This horse knows what's what
MrSerrels said:

1/2+7= the golden rule.
Yeah, 7 and a half is the perfect age.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Vook is up with the 19.5 year olds. I went out with a 18 year old and they're just way too immature. Maybe not in the way speak or present themselves, but in the way they act.

My Girlfriend is older than me, lol.

roosters93 said:
Yeah, 7 and a half is the perfect age.

Don't the other kids ask say 'Jeez your Dad is young when you pick them up from Primary School?'.


Shaneus said:
Having much more fun with Crackdown 2, anyway.
This sentence can be used to compare any game with Crackdown 2.
except Crackdown 1 :(

Have I mentioned how much I love DarkStar One today? Because it's incredible. I haven't sunk this much time into a game since Crackdown.

I am fixing bugs today. Hug your local QA tester today, those poor bastards go through hell on a daily basis :/
I don't think the $40 InFamous2 Deal of the Day actually happened. I went to the page with about 30 seconds to go, watched the countdown hit zero and the item became greyed out. There's no fucking way that it sold out in under 1 second.
Shaneus said:
Yeah, I even went to each InFamous2 listing to see if the price changed on those but they never did. I'm slightly glad because it will become cheaper very soon and I'm in no rush to play it, either. Still, if it didn't happen I'm slightly disappointed in OzGameShop.

Then again it could have been scooped up by some bots, I guess.


Planet_JASE said:
Yeah, I even went to each InFamous2 listing to see if the price changed on those but they never did. I'm slightly glad because it will become cheaper very soon and I'm in no rush to play it, either. Still, if it didn't happen I'm slightly disappointed in OzGameShop.

Then again it could have been scooped up by some bots, I guess.
Should buy Crackdown 2 for cheap instead. If you don't have a 360, it's the perfect excuse!
Shaneus said:
Should buy Crackdown 2 for cheap instead. If you don't have a 360, it's the perfect excuse!
I already did. I said a couple of pages back when everyone was talking about co-op that people could add me as I'm currently playing it, too.
Shaneus said:
Oh... shit. What's yer nick? I've already requested jambo and reptilescorpio, more AusGAFfers couldn't hurt!
PlanetJASE. Anyone can feel free to add me. If nothing else, it will be nice to have a friend or two on my list to make me not feel foreveralone.jpg whenever I see "You currently have no friends" on those leaderboard pages.
-1 for GeelongGAF
+1 for WarrnamboolGAF
Start next week, getting trained up so it doesn't matter that I have no idea what the job is about and the Regional Manager was so impressed that she intends to have me in the head office in Melbourne eventually. Full time money! Yay! Going out to dinner with the woman to celebrate.

VOOK said:
$68!?! Well, I suppose you get an Ocarina for $23 so that isn't too bad.

codswallop said:
Funny that we all bitch about EB's high prices and terrible tactics, but as soon as they sell something big a couple of days early everyone is all over them.
Doing the wrong thing couldn't have worked out better for EB*.
This is exactly why street dates are important. Consumers would get screwed in the arse price wise as long as they can get the game early. Silly consumers, think about the savings! Control your impulses!

Shaneus said:
Not wanting to bring the haterade, I really don't see why people are excited about a port of a game from over a decade ago that, TBH, to me never looked that great to begin with.
I could say that about the majority of Nintendo games but that just shows that people who enjoy Nintendo games get exactly what they want. Nintendo cater to their audience perfectly which I think should be commended. You know exactly what you are getting with a Nintendo product (aside from the Other M debacle).

viciouskillersquirrel said:
Sonic says hi.
Only morons buy the crappy Sonic remakes... :( At least Colours was worth the purchase. Looking doubtful that I will grab Generations though, same with Sonic 4. At the same time Sonic 4 isn't going for full price like most Nintendo games.

codswallop said:
However, I agree, it really should've received the Monkey Island Special Edition style treatment. A full facelift with HD graphics, proper orchestrated soundtrack, updated controls (including optional motion controls), the ability to switch between original and modern graphics, developer commentary, in-game trivia and more. But the 3DS is not the platform for such a release.
MI HD also was sold at $15.

Kritz said:
TF2 goes free to play, Meet The Medic video releases and Steam's Summer Sale is just around the corner. Valve knows their shit.
Yep awesome news. Means Valve will have a lot more hassle with hackers as the penalty for getting banned doesn't include the cost of the game now but it means hats are now worthless as people can farm accounts for drops without buying the game again. Also even more likely that dota2 will be F2P.

Shaneus said:
FWIW, it's not that I don't get Nintendo for putting the game out on the 3DS, it's more people who have played and enjoyed the game before getting more excited for this than for most "real" new games coming out on the same platform.
What new games? 3rd parties have fucked up big time with the 3DS. Hopefully they don't ignore it completely what with the focus on the Wii U coming up. Would hate for it to become a port machine.


EB Adelaide said that when they get the stock tonight or tomorrow, they will start selling it.

lol street release dates.

reptilescorpio said:
but it means hats are now worthless as people can farm accounts for drops without buying the game again. Also even more likely that dota2 will be F2P.

Free accounts can't trade or send gifts.


reptilescorpio said:
-1 for GeelongGAF
+1 for WarrnamboolGAF
Start next week, getting trained up so it doesn't matter that I have no idea what the job is about and the Regional Manager was so impressed that she intends to have me in the head office in Melbourne eventually. Full time money! Yay! Going out to dinner with the woman to celebrate.
Congrats! We might even get to be train buddies if you score something in Melbourne.

I could say that about the majority of Nintendo games but that just shows that people who enjoy Nintendo games get exactly what they want. Nintendo cater to their audience perfectly which I think should be commended. You know exactly what you are getting with a Nintendo product (aside from the Other M debacle).
Yeah, you have an excellent point there. I just don't see the appeal given that I'm hardly an N-fan. Shit, the last game I bought for the DS was the Sonic Anniversary Collection (but only for the classic Sonic figurine).
Only morons buy the crappy Sonic remakes... :( At least Colours was worth the purchase. Looking doubtful that I will grab Generations though, same with Sonic 4. At the same time Sonic 4 isn't going for full price like most Nintendo games.
Colours really worth getting? I've asked elsewhere, but is it only the DS version that's decent or is the Wii one alright as well? BTW If you've only played the Generations demo on the PS3, play it on the 360 as well. It plays WAY better... so much so, I was ready to write it off completely until I got the demo from XBL.
What new games? 3rd parties have fucked up big time with the 3DS. Hopefully they don't ignore it completely what with the focus on the Wii U coming up. Would hate for it to become a port machine.
So I've noticed... as far as launch titles go, it's been ridiculously lackluster. From what I've seen (or noticed, ze fanboy goggles do everything) almost everything seems to be a 3D upgrade of what would've normally appeared on the DS.
jambo said:
Free accounts can't trade or send gifts.
How much do you pay to be not-free? Like the old full RRP for tf2 or something?

Shaneus said:
Colours really worth getting? I've asked elsewhere, but is it only the DS version that's decent or is the Wii one alright as well?
Both versions are fantastic. Especially if you can run Dolphin on your PC for the Wii version. Picked up the DS version at launch for a Sonic hat and the game was totally worth full EB price.


reptilescorpio said:
Both versions are fantastic. Especially if you can run Dolphin on your PC for the Wii version. Picked up the DS version at launch for a Sonic hat and the game was totally worth full EB price.
Damnit, missed out on a Sonic hat (not really, would be cool to have though) but it's only $23 at OGS. Must buy, then?


reptilescorpio said:
How much do you pay to be not-free? Like the old full RRP for tf2 or something?

From the FAQ

Q. Who has a premium account?
A. If you've ever spent money on TF2, you have a premium account. This includes purchasing the game before it was Free-to-Play, activating a retail version of the game, or making a purchase in the Mann Co. in-game store.

So I suppose you could have 5 accounts and buy something cheap in each of them and use them to farm.

reptilescorpio said:
Both versions are fantastic. Especially if you can run Dolphin on your PC for the Wii version. Picked up the DS version at launch for a Sonic hat and the game was totally worth full EB price.

Sonic Colours Wii is god damn awesome, plus I got a Sonic hat =D

Rezbit said:
How much JB selling OoT for?

$54 for the pre-order, but now that it's out I'd hope it'd stay around that...


Got my copy.

So how does this work with the registration? If I register it before june 30 will it be honoured? If I wait til june 30 will it be sold out?
RandomVince said:
Got my copy.

So how does this work with the registration? If I register it before june 30 will it be honoured? If I wait til june 30 will it be sold out?
Sounds like you can't register until the 30th going by EcoGamer talk.

Also if you like good Sonic games you will love Colours.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I decided to pass on Infamous 2 and ordered A Crack In Time and Shadows of the Damned instead.


Rez's OoT hunt:


For the price of $54 at JB. Seems like I was one of the few who asked at my local. The dude at the counter had to check if it was all legit.

Also, what a cheap arse instruction "manual", fold out WTF?
Love my Sonic hat, the boy thinks it is hilarious.

Seems like that Infamous 2 sale never happened. Seems like they need to work out the kinks in that new system, nothing on their twitter about it either. Did see that Ghostbusters is $21 on 360 though, tempting.

Going to check out Myer tonight as apparently some have been selling the PSPGo 16Gb for $150. Would be a great CFW pick up. Also GAME has Vanquish on both consoles for $18 inc. free postage, if you haven't already bought it DO IT NOW BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME.

Each new Meet The video gets bigger and better. Hope they go back and expand the first few. Actually screw that, make a full-length movie. I know I won't be the only one who would pay good money for that.

Also Arma 2 going F2P? Have to pay for High Definition Graphics? So is the F2P one dx9 only or what did they do?

Rez said:
Shadows of the Damned
Excellent choice, sir!


Really hoping Meet the Pyro is a full length movie, announcing Valve's decision to create a division dedicated entirely to the TF2 animated series
Clipper said:
It did get a full facelift to suit the level of graphics the 3DS supports (it can't do HD obviously), a new orchestrated song with the others considered for orchestration but then revoked as it no longer felt like OoT (OoT has a LOT of procedurally generated and randomised songs that switch frequently based on your actions, which is very dificult to do orchestrated), updated controls (including optional motion controls), in-game trivia (the new Sheikah stones with videos of cool stuff you may not have known about) and more (boss rush mode; super guide; mirrored, double-damage master quest; new gyro camera item; etc.)..
Thanks Clipper. I didn't know about some of those particulars. It still seems like they could've gone further, but I think the 3DS itself is the limiter in that respect.

Sutton Dagger said:
Lara Croft Guardians of Light is only $3.74 on Gamersgate and it redeems on Steam, haven't played it before but for that price I thought I would give it a try.
It's really good fun if you have someone else to play it with.


Just turned on my 3DS and it updated, and saw a flashing blue light on the Pokedex (which I havent looked at really). Click it and see I have a "Solosis", and my first thought was "they gave me an arsehole pokemon?"


codswallop said:
It's really good fun if you have someone else to play it with.
Pretty great without a partner as well. I certainly wouldn't let that preclude a $3 purchase. Game would be decent value at full price (UK bomba full price, of course).
Yoshiya said:
Pretty great without a partner as well.
Yeah, it is. I played about half way through on my own, and then teamed up with someone else from the start. It's much better with two, but still good with one.
I enjoy the fact that the Sonic Attack Force and Sonic Defence Force are seemingly made up of about 97% of the same people. They go through their cyclical bouts of bi-polar positioning on the franchise which means that they are in a constant battle with each other.

"We hate everything that's new but reserve the right to idolise a game franchise that has a 1:20 good-to-bad-game-ratio. While we will likely hate everything that's been produced since Sonic 2, you do not have the right to complain because you haven't been there since the start. You don't get it, so don't say anything. If you knew what you were talking about you would agree that Sonic doesn't feel right despite the fact that 'right' sonic makes up the minority in his own games. Fuck it, though, we have high hopes for this game because a Sega Community Manager and PR minion said that this game is going back to basics and it sounds like everything is back on track so this new game will be good. I'm so hyped about this new game because it looks like the old stuff and the old stuff is the good stuff. Don't say it's going to be bad because we've been promised that it's going to be good and while we may have heard that before we need to believe them so that we have something to look forward to and even though the demo does not give us any indication that the final code will ever, ever live up to our expectations!!! Arrrrrgh FANRAGE!!"

They entertain me.


reptilescorpio said:
Going to check out Myer tonight as apparently some have been selling the PSPGo 16Gb for $150. Would be a great CFW pick up. Also GAME has Vanquish on both consoles for $18 inc. free postage, if you haven't already bought it DO IT NOW BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME.
PSP Go supports CFW? Shit, I might get one for that price, would definitely be an upgrade over the 1000.

PS. No points from Fishpond today, so I sent them a "Contact Us" thing regarding my order.

After waiting over a month for my order of the two Xbox Live points cards (Which were stated as being "in stock") I'd like to cancel my order and receive a refund. Clearly when the initial "sent" email was sent it was misleading as they had not arrived, and I'm beginning to think the second "confirmation" email stating that the package would be here 20/6-24/6 was also misinformation. I can only draw the conclusion that the item has not been sent at all thus would like to get a refund on the order.

Also note that this will be my very last order with Fishpond as the communication from the company regarding shipment of my item has been nothing less than fraudulent.
Fucking pissed too... was hoping to use those points on some Double Fine XBLA goodness. Anyone know any sites that mail out codes that are cheap?
Shaneus said:
PSP Go supports CFW? Shit, I might get one for that price, would definitely be an upgrade over the 1000.

PS. No points from Fishpond today, so I sent them a "Contact Us" thing regarding my order.

Fucking pissed too... was hoping to use those points on some Double Fine XBLA goodness. Anyone know any sites that mail out codes that are cheap?
gamecard.com.au. They accept payment via PayPal and will email the code once they funds are verified. It may take an hour, it may take a day or two, depending on the day of week that you place the order.
Planet_JASE said:
I don't think the $40 InFamous2 Deal of the Day actually happened. I went to the page with about 30 seconds to go, watched the countdown hit zero and the item became greyed out. There's no fucking way that it sold out in under 1 second.

The countdown timer is back on.


Decent prices, though? I thought they were pretty much the same as retail and on XBL.

Edit: Not that much cheaper :( Thanks for the heads-up though, Jase!
Shaneus said:
Decent prices, though? I thought they were pretty much the same as retail and on XBL.

Edit: Not that much cheaper :( Thanks for the heads-up though, Jase!
We don't get cheap cards. Most of the time you end up paying slightly more than the price through XBL or the same price. The only time you get cheap points is if you're willing to go through what you have with Fishpond. We can't win over here. We can't even take advantage of cheap importing prices when it comes to points (As I unfortunately found out).

I think what it really comes down to is whether or no you want Microsoft to lock your credit card details in their system.

Sorry :(
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