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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


evlcookie said:
This feels like they are just trying to throw in more levels to stretch it out so it's more of a full length game you can pay $50 for but it only makes the game less interesting and more frustrating.
There are so many new mechanics that it never feels that way to me. You rarely solve things the same way, although there are some areas that are purely for atmosphere.

evlcookie said:
the time you start dicking around with the 3 gels
The best part!
evlcookie said:
I guess i'm just trying to be nice towards it ;D

I'm mixed towards the game. It clearly does some things really well but fuck there are some frustrating ideas going on there.

Portal was a great length, It was simple and to the point, Here's your 19 levels, go and have fun. This feels like they are just trying to throw in more levels to stretch it out so it's more of a full length game you can pay $50 for but it only makes the game less interesting and more frustrating.

I was honestly enjoying the game up until some point. I'm not too sure what it might have been but i'm guessing it was around
the time you start dicking around with the 3 gels
that i just couldn't be fucked any more.

I've never been burnt out on a game so quickly, It's a strange feeling.

I loved every moment of Portal 2, this post confuses me.


I might be more rational on the subject if a shorter game wouldn't preclude both Cave Johnson and Wheatly getting their full character arcs. Those are both way too awesome narrative beats to miss.


but ever so delicious
I was going to reply but I feel that I should at least try and finish it first.

I am burnt out there's no question about it and this may be twisting my opinion on the game. There's always the chance at the end I could turn around and go GOTY!

Rez, I have no idea what my ideal game is. These days I seem to focus on the annoying negative side of whatever it is I'm playing over the enjoyable aspects.

There's a good chance I have no ideal game :(
evlcookie said:
I am burnt out there's no question about it and this may be twisting my opinion on the game. There's always the chance at the end I could turn around and go GOTY!
Had a shit week leading up to when you started Portal 2? Would certainly explain your reaction. That or you had sky high expectations that nothing could have lived up to.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
I didn't really enjoy chapters 6 or 7. Rest was very good though.

I always get slight motion sickness playing most source games though, pretty annoying.


but ever so delicious
codswallop said:
Had a shit week leading up to when you started Portal 2? Would certainly explain your reaction. That or you had sky high expectations that nothing could have lived up to.

The week was shitty but i don't think that would explain my lack of new pants requirement over portal 2. I had no expectations going in and i thought portal 1 was entertaining but not new pants worthy either.

Stackboy said:
No one else having issues with Steam? I bet you're all on steam chat right now.

Nope and we are, Although it's late so not a lot is going on.

Juicy Bob

OK, time for something completely different.

Apparently, there is an 'undisputed' statistic flying around the United Kingdom at the moment that 'Six out of Ten Australians wish to get rid of the Preferential Voting system and want to switch to the First Past the Post System'.

What say you, fellow AusGAFers? What do you think about our voting system?

Edit: Seems this stat is taken from the Australian Institute of Public Affairs - Voting Report from October 2010 (Page 10)


Darklord said:
So, anyone know how the MK importing is going? Are people getting them through or getting caught?
Nowhere near enough time, dude! They only shipped out Wednesday and they usually take up to two weeks from the UK.



I'm gonna die
Just finished Portal 2. Amazing. And they somehow got Nolan North in there.

Easily Game of the Year for me. I see lots of good games this year but, for me, nothing will be able to surpass this/hyperbole

Only down spot
having to load up the last two in-game vids (just before and just after the credits) on YouTube as they were mute in-game for me

I'm going to have to stay away from games for a day. So good


Darklord said:
So, anyone know how the MK importing is going? Are people getting them through or getting caught?

Most guys have received it when shipped via Courier, and this includes the big KE and TE editions. So it seems Customs doesn't care as much as they claim to be.

It looks like it's just like with any other RC game. If you get caught (and it seems unlikely) you'll get a notice and not a fine.


Juicy Bob said:
Apparently, there is an 'undisputed' statistic flying around the United Kingdom at the moment that 'Six out of Ten Australians wish to get rid of the Preferential Voting system and want to switch to the First Past the Post System'.

The way the question is worded completely ignores the possibility of an optional preferential system, which we use at state level.

Personally I think a First Past the Post System would be disastrous long term since it would make it very difficult for any additional parties to get a foothold at all. I've seen Canadians on Reddit complaining about this, where 60% (ish) of voters vote for a left wing party, but none of them individually get enough votes to beat the conservative party. Under a preferential system this is less of a problem.

The problem is, most people view politics like football, they choose their favourite team at an early age, and then stick with them forever. So I wouldn't be surprised at people not caring about the plight of minor parties, but that particular survey is obviously weighted towards getting a result for FPP.


but ever so delicious
I would love to read an in depth opinion on why portal 2 was amazing, Does anyone know if one exists yet?

I don't mean a review but something a little more. I want to see which parts i disagree with or if it's just my disappointment in certain places that are more prominent in my opinion than they should be.


Just got a tour in the inside of the ship. Stonking rad. Might upload some pics later.

They have a cat, too. (no pics)

We're almost off. Nice scenery.

Great reception, better than in the towns driving in. Also, not sea sick at all.

Ships are nOt made for the morbidly obese.


evlcookie said:
I would love to read an in depth opinion on why portal 2 was amazing, Does anyone know if one exists yet?

I don't mean a review but something a little more. I want to see which parts i disagree with or if it's just my disappointment in certain places that are more prominent in my opinion than they should be.

So like a full... critique sort of dealy?


but ever so delicious
Jintor said:
So like a full... critique sort of dealy?

I guess so, Yea.

I want to understand why i'm not seeing it as a new pants required amazing game. It may be a waste of time though since i'm sure i would just have counters.


I'm not sure I can really say. A lot of it for me anyway is simply down to how funny the writing is. And that satisfaction of completing a level.


roosters93 said:
Bought some Creme eggs from the shop, one is currently in the freezer. This better be good!

Shop only had the Caramello ones this morning, and I wasn't willing to settle for the lesser egg.


evlcookie said:
It may be a waste of time though since i'm sure i would just have counters.
It is a waste of time. You say "counters" like you expect an irrefutable argument to appear to make you realise you like a video game. It won't. You're not the first person to dislike a critically acclaimed game, and you won't be the last. I don't understand why people love the Uncharted series so much, but I don't let it bother me.


roosters93 said:
Bought some Creme eggs from the shop, one is currently in the freezer. This better be good!
I just came back from the supermarket with 2x4 packs because I was running low (at around 6 left in the freezer). They are that good.
evlcookie said:
I guess so, Yea.

I want to understand why i'm not seeing it as a new pants required amazing game. It may be a waste of time though since i'm sure i would just have counters.

well, you could just accept this is a game you're not into and screw the hive mind

I know I'm like that with certain games others go on about- TF2, WoW, FF

on the other hand P2 is:
- Polished shinier than the sun (apart from those pesky mute videos at the end)

- Well-acted script that unlike most attempts at humour in games, is incredibly funny (this depends if you found GlaDOS in P1 or Extras funny. Stephen Marchant is basically reprising his Agent role from Extras. Cave Johnson takes the piss out of Andrew Ryan in Bioshock. There's also a lot of subtly in both script and performances to be found as well as

-Like Portal but with more of it- this is probably more of an issue since many people are trying to blast through it so they can be party to the conversation. If you can get past that and play it at your own pace, you might get more out of it. I know I couldn't sit and play this in one sitting (or any game for that matter).

-oh so that's what all that shit about Potatoes was about.

-new stuff is worthwhile. the new gels gave the a new dimension game great and while some of the puzzles with
light tunnels
nearly broke my brain. There's a decent challenge for most- I only needed to consult the net three times.

- that sense of achievement you get after beating a puzzle, particularly the harder ones is pretty powerful.


but ever so delicious
Fredescu said:
It is a waste of time. You say "counters" like you expect an irrefutable argument to appear to make you realise you like a video game. It won't. You're not the first person to dislike a critically acclaimed game, and you won't be the last. I don't understand why people love the Uncharted series so much, but I don't let it bother me.

True true.

I liked the game it just didn't hit that amazing goty material that others see.

Will i ever find something in gaming that i can enjoy, Who knows ;D

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
The thing about Valve games, Portal 2 in particular, is I never feel like I'm seeing the seams. I mean, I've played a lot of games, I can spot the tropes, but insofar as what I'm feeling on a moment-to-moment basis, it feels more like I'm reading a great book or watching a great movie. I'm not thinking "oh wow, they did a great job given their constraints", I'm thinking "this experience is a complete class act". Everything about the game, or at least every shining moments in the game, work BECAUSE of the medium, not in spite of it, and that's really valuable to me.


Neverender said:
So best (cheapest, fastest) place to get MK? Also is it region locked on 360?

Region free. Many people are reporting that the fastest shipping option from Amazon when gift wrapped is the best way.
So I had a frozen Creme Egg, not that fussed about them really. The chocolate and the cream both tasted slightly better but not by much imo. Im not really a fan of Creme Eggs, but it's been a while so I hadn't confirmed it. All I get when I eat one is the taste of meh chocolate and sugary goo. Am I missing something?


Never tried it.

Pocky is extra snappy served fresh out of the fridge and is better for it. Hello Panda, however, suffers from the chilling process. The insides are supposed to be soft and gooey and it loses that with refrigeration.


I'm really hankering for an RPG, but I've resolved not to get DA2 until it goes on sale, and I've already burned through most everything on my Steam list that's vaguely RPG related. Downloading Call of Pripyat now though.
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