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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification

Dead Man

Shaneus said:
So, AusGAF. Do I buy Oblivion? Keep in mind that I never got into it on 360 or Morrowind on the original Xbox. Also, Fallout 3 doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.
Probably not the game for you then.

Salazar said:
The only reason I'm resisting is that the modding process sounds complicated*

*To me. Which doesn't mean much.
Shit, I figured it out, any monkey can figure it out. It is quite dated though.


Even though it was a pretty minor incident, I'm still kinda shaken. I mean, I was basically stationary minding my own business preparing to turn left, and then a bus hurtles past and swipes off my mirror.

Pretty confident he was in the wrong even though he wouldn't admit it. I reckon the guy would have bolted if it wasn't in the CBD at 630pm where the bus was kinda full and people everywhere.

Anyway, I feel slightly happier after playing some Bit Trip Beat. Game is awesome!


Achievement unlocked: Go for one whole day during a Steam sale without buying anything.

PS. If any of you guys haven't bought Just Cause 2 for PC by now, for fucking SHAME.
Kerrby said:
Yeah stay away from Oblivion, awful awful game that makes Jesus cry.

How do I use the ignore user function?

Shaneus said:
Achievement unlocked: Go for one whole day during a Steam sale without buying anything.

PS. If any of you guys haven't bought Just Cause 2 for PC by now, for fucking SHAME.

This will be the second day I don't buy anything!

Which I guess I should be happy about, but I am definitely missing that certain type of guilt free awesomeness that comes with buying a game you've always wanted for only a couple of bucks.


BanShunsaku said:
This will be the second day I don't buy anything!

Which I guess I should be happy about, but I am definitely missing that certain type of guilt free awesomeness that comes with buying a game you've always wanted for only a couple of bucks.
You already own Just Cause 2 then, I take it?

Edit: Same goes for cookie, too.


You guys aren't even going to buy the heroes pack? It has Dark Messiah in it!

I paid $8 or something for it last sale and now it's in a pack with 3 other games for $5. DAMN YOU STEAM!


I was inches away from buying it, then I realised I have about 300 *other* games in my Steam list that are relatively unplayed.


I've been waiting on a Spacechem and Dungeon's sale, so I got those. Hamilton's and Dwarfs?! looked interesting enough for $5 a pop too.


No money spent yet but still early days. There's not much I want from the sale to begin with and I'm trying to buy less games that I don't end up playing anyway.

Keyword: trying (doesn't always end up like that)


Bunch of awesome games on sale today but I own them all.

But if you don't, getting Just Cause 2, DMC4, Braid and KotOR for $20 all up is ridiculously good.
Huh. Never realised Mike Singleton had a hand in developing GRID. Why can't he just make a new Midwinter or Lords of Midnight already?
Shaneus said:
If you've posted here in the last hour about Steam and don't own Just Cause 2 by now, you deserve to go to hell.
Ironically, trying to get 100% completion in JC2 is like being trapped in hell.

Aaaaaaand, before you have a go at me, I love it. 98% is as close as I could get. Towards the end, listening to Idle Thumbs was the only thing that helped me keeping on going.


Oh, I'm only at something like 15%. Every time I head toward a mission I come across a base that needs to be "liberated".

I'm just glad you own it :)


Shaneus said:
If you've posted here in the last hour about Steam and don't own Just Cause 2 by now, you deserve to go to hell.
I'm sick of doing the starting missions- I want to just fuck around dam it!

(I got it last sale)


reptilescorpio said:
What is Space Chem like? Tempting.

Bit on Spacechem, I remember looking at it a while back and thinking it looked interesting. For $5 you can hardly so no.

Also grabbed JC2 and Hamilton.


Man downloading is sloooow on steam.

Also, I took a closer look at the damage to my car this morning under sunlight. Motherfucker scraped my rims too! MY RIMS YO!!!!



Shaneus said:
Oh, I'm only at something like 15%. Every time I head toward a mission I come across a base that needs to be "liberated".

I'm just glad you own it :)

I just like picking fights. Hijack a helicopter, blow up some silos, dodge some missiles, fuck up some other helicopters.

And the huge jeep battles you can get into are terrific. Just Cause 3 is going to be something special.
Salazar said:
I just like picking fights. Hijack a helicopter, blow up some silos, dodge some missiles, fuck up some other helicopters.

And the huge jeep battles you can get into are terrific. Just Cause 3 is going to be something special.

Only if Avalanche ever finish making the game for Mad Max 4
Just watched Inception again on Blu Ray with a mate who hadn't seen it. Soooo good.

Zavvi mega sale! These PC games only $19
Portal 2(May take up to a month?)
Crysis 2
Dead Space 2(May take up to a month?)

Also Alice 2 on PC for $22 still. May take up to a month though. Stoked Big Air Edition on PC for $15 and on 360 for $19. Resi Evil 5 Gold on PS3 for $19. Forza 3 Complete for $17. Mass Effect 2 on 360 for $10.

Kerrby said:
Back from the hospital seeing my nan :(. She has about a week left :/. More depressing days ahead *sigh*.
That sucks man. My grandpa passed away quick after going into hospital with pneumonia/leukaemia so I didn't get to see him. Make sure to let her know how you feel.


Kerrby said:
Back from the hospital seeing my nan :(. She has about a week left :/. More depressing days ahead *sigh*.

Really sorry to hear that.

Before I went away I went to go see my Grandpa in a nursing home. To be honest I haven't been very close with him throughout my life, but just seeing old people with dementia is incredibly sad. I don't think he even recognised me or my mum.

All I hope for if I actually reach old age is that I maintain my mental faculties. I'll take a dodgy knee or hip if it means I can actually remember my family.


reptilescorpio said:
Just watched Inception again on Blu Ray with a mate who hadn't seen it. Soooo good.

Zavvi mega sale! These PC games only $19
Portal 2(May take up to a month?)
Crysis 2
Dead Space 2(May take up to a month?)

Also Alice 2 on PC for $22 still. May take up to a month though. Stoked Big Air Edition on PC for $15 and on 360 for $19. Resi Evil 5 Gold on PS3 for $19. Forza 3 Complete for $17. Mass Effect 2 on 360 for $10.
Tell us when you have some useful information like when Vanquish is on sale, you bastard.
I keed, I keed.


reptilescorpio said:
That sucks man. My grandpa passed away quick after going into hospital with pneumonia/leukaemia so I didn't get to see him. Make sure to let her know how you feel.

legend166 said:
Really sorry to hear that.

Before I went away I went to go see my Grandpa in a nursing home. To be honest I haven't been very close with him throughout my life, but just seeing old people with dementia is incredibly sad. I don't think he even recognised me or my mum.

All I hope for if I actually reach old age is that I maintain my mental faculties. I'll take a dodgy knee or hip if it means I can actually remember my family.

Thanks guys. It's so weird because I've never seen anyone like that before, she could barely speak and it was just a whisper coming out before she had to be put on oxygen. The cancer is pushing her insides out.

Dead Man

Kerrby said:
Back from the hospital seeing my nan :(. She has about a week left :/. More depressing days ahead *sigh*.
That sucks, make sure you spend as much time as possible with her.

legend166 said:
Really sorry to hear that.

Before I went away I went to go see my Grandpa in a nursing home. To be honest I haven't been very close with him throughout my life, but just seeing old people with dementia is incredibly sad. I don't think he even recognised me or my mum.

All I hope for if I actually reach old age is that I maintain my mental faculties. I'll take a dodgy knee or hip if it means I can actually remember my family.
Same. That is what I fear the most about getting old, the loss of self.
Kerrby said:
Thanks guys. It's so weird because I've never seen anyone like that before, she could barely speak and it was just a whisper coming out before she had to be put on oxygen. The cancer is pushing her insides out.
Yeah growing up as a kid I don't really remember people being sick. Once I got to uni it seemed like every second day I was hearing of someone who was ill, with a lot passing away. Not sure if it was just being protected from the reality of our mortality by my parents and child like innocence or I have been focusing on sickness more since leaving home.
It is pretty devastating to think of how many people from my little farming community have died, or are dying, from cancer. Our closest family friend has been fighting for the past 6 years and after hundreds of thousands of dollars, dozens of operations, hundreds of chemo sessions, moving from the country to near Melbourne to be near different doctors, her husband selling their farm, her daughter becoming a stay-at-home nurse to look after her, it seems they have accepted that there is nothing else they can do to save her.
After such a long time fighting it was almost reliving talking to her as she could see the inevitable and was going to make the most of her last few months with us. Rather than spend all their time and money trying to find a way out they are now going off to do all the travelling they wanted to do and spend time with their grand children. Day to day life is still pretty painful for her but she is making the most of the time she has, which has been great to experience. No point holding back, we only get to live once.

Also did I remember correctly that someone in AusGAF was thinking of trying the Eschalon games? Book I for 75% off ($3.74) and Book II for 75% off ($5).

Broke down and bought Hamilton and Spacechem. Mainly just for the cheevo. I am weak.

Also broke down and bought Civ 5 for $10 since it only had 30 mins left on the daily deal. Mainly because I saw it had Steam Cheevos. I am weak.



MK Danny Danon (Likud) asked Australian MP Michael Danby on Wednesday to propose, in parliament in Canberra, sending African migrants from Israel to Australia.

Danon and Danby discussed the issue during the Australian politician’s visit to Israel for the World Jewish Congress’s International Conference of Jewish Parliamentarians.

“The arrival of thousands of Muslim infiltrators to Israeli territory is a clear threat to the state’s Jewish identity,” Danon told The Jerusalem Post.

“The refugees’ place is not among us, and the initiative to transfer them to Australia is the right and just solution.

“On the one hand, it treats the refugees and migrants in a humane way. On the other hand, it does not threaten Israel’s future and our goal to maintain a clear and solid Jewish majority,” he explained.

Danon said Danby enthusiastically agreed to present the idea to the Australian Parliament.

Good heavens, what assholes.


If any other nations need Australia to facilitate their gripping, bilious racial and religious paranoia, let us know.

I hope Danby keeps his word and mentions it in parliament. Hansard needs a record of his total moral decrepitude.

Dead Man

What a tosser:





His debut speech is all about the magnificence of cultural diversity, the perils of bigotry, and he's friends with a muppet who paints refugees as infiltrators.

Portal 2 at 50%

I am really, really looking forward to it.
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