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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification

codswallop said:
Maybe it's what Railworks fans play to relax.
You better fucking believe that I'm going to analyse their so-called "authentic clean-up techniques." And sure as shit their "dynamic particle system" and "state of the art artificial intelligence" is going to be test.

Choc said:
masterchef spoiler for tuesday night

for those who don't know channel ten has managed to spoil the Dani vs Chef result by including a shot in the previews where Dani is wearing the immunity pin in the wednesday team challenge. Good job channel 10

They should have hid it in a big red fire. It's not annoying at all.
Choc said:
masterchef spoiler for tuesday night

for those who don't know channel ten has managed to spoil the Dani vs Chef result by including a shot in the previews where Dani is wearing the immunity pin in the wednesday team challenge. Good job channel 10
I wonder when she'll claim the sexytime pin I sent her? The detectives that came around yesterday didn't make me too hopeful...



The Coles ad will be played endlessly and enrage people everywhere.


legend166 said:
Rocking the Phil Collins Best Of in my headphones to get through a boring Monday afternoon at work.

Don't judge me.
I'm rocking out to the best of Steve Miller Band. Fucking love this shit! Every time The Joker comes on I keep singing it in Homer's voice.

codswallop said:
Maybe it's what Railworks fans play to relax.
My brother (the Fable 3 guy... he's actually enjoying it btw) has a dedicated train controller. Like the throttle/joy combos for flight sims, but for trains. He can be a weird dude.


legend166 said:

The Coles ad will be played endlessly and enrage people everywhere.

I am not quite sure if that is genius marketing (because everyone remembers the fucking thing), or an awful piece of judgement.


In order to restore my 'indie cred', I am now listening to a possibly obscure Radiohead bootleg from a concert they played in Germany in 2000.

The last three songs were:

Dollars and Cents
Bishop's Robes
Talk Show Host

Cool points +1000!
Salazar said:
First sentance is a clusterfuck, makes it sound like the dude who got arrowed was the one she turned down but it was the tribesman who then went crazy.

Mr McGregor said Mr Scheurich was a fan of the hip-hop genre nerdcore, and performed and recorded several music videos under the name MC Stormtroopa.
edit : lol linked above


legend166 said:
In order to restore my 'indie cred', I am now listening to a possibly obscure Radiohead bootleg from a concert they played in Germany in 2000.
Radiohead are indie like Valve are indie. It might be technically true, but only because they're rich as fuck. I don't typically allocate cred points, but I'm not sure that you'd get any for that.


Fredescu said:
Radiohead are indie like Valve are indie. It might be technically true, but only because they're rich as fuck. I don't typically allocate cred points, but I'm not sure that you'd get any for that.


I am listening to Steven Wilson covering Sign o the Times by Prince. Prob no cred points either, but it is pretty cool.


Fredescu said:
Radiohead are indie like Valve are indie. It might be technically true, but only because they're rich as fuck. I don't typically allocate cred points, but I'm not sure that you'd get any for that.

You see Fred, I counted on that. That's why I'm listening to the bootleg which is full of (at the time) unreleased songs from Kid A. This would be so indie 11 years ago.

And isn't that all that matters?

Besides, it's all relative. I'm doing this after listening to the Best Of Phil Collins. From that starting point I may as well be listening to an unreleased demo that Jeff Mangum recorded on an 8 track in 1993.

Now that would be indie.


Personally I would remove points from the person giving you crap about listening to Phil Collins. I honestly don't know anything about cred anymore. "I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was" etc. We would have to ask the young and invested like Megadrive for guidance.
codswallop said:
They reputedly toured for a year to get the right songs for White Noise. That'd mean they chose the most audience friendly ones I guess, and thus the most radio friendly ones.

Maybe a bit of insecurity as opposed to intentionally creating radio fodder.

Possibly. I saw them when they toured as the Longnecks at maroondah festival and they were okay. I remember walking away thinking that none of the songs struck me like "Reborn" did when I first heard it at their free appearance at Fed Square in 06.
BanShunsaku said:
My shipment from ozgameshop just arrived :D

Playing Dungeon Siege 3 put me in the mood for more dungeon crawling clickety clickety, so I ordered Sacred 2 and the Ice and Blood expansion (PC).

Less than $25 total for both of them, and they both took less than 10 days to arrive.

Looking forward to playing it a bit tonight, I own Sacred 2 on the 360 but that port is a screen-tearing nightmare.

Want to try and play coop? I've never tried it before.

Also, Face Value, No Jacket Required and ...But Seriously are great albums.


Just watched AI again on Foxtel. I love that movie. Always makes me HNNNG.

Okay commence poop throwing.

Also Frances O'Connor is milftastic.


I thought this was funny:



Phil Collins and Genesis rule!

legend166 said:
In order to restore my 'indie cred', I am now listening to a possibly obscure Radiohead bootleg from a concert they played in Germany in 2000.

The last three songs were:

Dollars and Cents
Bishop's Robes
Talk Show Host

Cool points +1000!

Ahhh bootlegs, I have way too many.

Like 3000 Pink Floyd and Led Zeppeling bootlegs.

I'm not obsessed...

Rezbit said:
Just watched AI again on Foxtel. I love that movie. Always makes me HNNNG.

Okay commence poop throwing.

Also Frances O'Connor is milftastic.
I fucking love AI. Always makes me cry like a little bitch at the end.
Woot. First day of almost work down. One more day of "training" in Geelong before another day of "training" in Warrnambool. Also getting more salary than expected, fuckyes.jpg. Also the gf took the boy to a pet store today and he could say Cat which is cute. Couldn't wrap his infant mouth around Puppy yet though. Baby steps.

Kerrby said:
For those who missed it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW8KbXY9Gjg

Wow. No words.
WHAT THE FUCK. Awful. Wow.

jambo said:
Bloody juniors.
Bloody Jambo. 50ppp forever!

Gazunta said:
How about a Presidog one since it's the 4th of July?

Anyone who still plays their games in 4:3 I'd like to hear what you think too.
Can we have Presidog every day?
Also I have a minor dislike for 4:3 after moving to widescreen for the last few years. Widescreen looks fantastic on a 50 inch Plasma whereas 4:3 content looks archaic in comparison. Not to mention games that aren't true widescreen. No different to work stations that use super wide monitors or dual/triple monitors. The extra real estate makes a big difference to my mind.

Fredescu said:
If I can play today it probably won't be until 11:30 or so, unless the boy miraculously sleeps early.
I promise one day soon Fred he will be dropping off to sleep around 7:30pm and only stirring once or twice before 8am. Soon you will get more than 4 hours sleep at a time. Soon a day will actually feel like a day rather than an infinitely repeating cycle of 3 hours blocks.

Choc said:
wat a new planet of the apes film?
Looks fucking awesome. Planet of the Apes 0. James Franco being all mad science yet tender and loving unable to take the life of a sweet gentle Ape. Plus it will be important scientific knowledge to prevent future Ape uprisings. I would expect flamethrowers to do the trick.

Megadrive said:
They suck so fucking much now. I don't wanna sound like that guy. But holy shit. White Noise was eh, but this new one looks to be the shittiest yet.
They have tried their very hardest to follow the career of Green Day. It has been a slow but steady move down the drain for The Living End. What I have heard of the new album is deeply saddening, even more so than what The Butterfly Effect has become.

legend166 said:
Rocking the Phil Collins Best Of in my headphones to get through a boring Monday afternoon at work. Don't judge me.
I approve too.

codswallop said:
I think 3D is going to get pushed down our throats more and more over the next couple of years, and if the technology ever becomes mature enough that it doesn't feel like a gimmick, it'll keep on keeping on. That said, if even State of Origin isn't broadcast in 3D, I can see it being drawn out for more than a decade on the TV side of things.
To be honest I expect Movie 3D to die a quick death as the vultures are circling in the US. Shitty post-processed 3D movies has killed consumer acceptance of paying an extra $5 to see a movie in 3D. Investors are freaking out and studios are losing faith.
At least now the technology is getting cheaper it can find a home on TV with the better return on investment for consumers and eventual lower add-on costs to the studios. No idea how well it will take up though, it isn't a simple improvement like HD.

Salazar said:
The graphic designer survived because his girlfriend managed to activate a personal locator beacon and the pair reached a village aid post, where they were able to arrange to be flown to the port town of Kiunga, a 30-minute flight away.
There he received life-saving surgery which lasted four hours from visiting Port Moresby surgeon Charlie Turhas and Australian volunteer doctor Josette Docherty, whose partner Allan Mason also donated a unit of blood.
Shit that is incredible. Also fuck going to Papua New Guinea.

Omi said:
I am listening to Steven Wilson covering Sign o the Times by Prince. Prob no cred points either, but it is pretty cool.
I would consider Wilson indie since he has produced his own stuff his own way for so long now. Also he is awesome.

Pixel Pete said:
Wow, my account has finally been validated.
PC gamer?
Steam ID?
Where you from?
Do you like My Little Pony?
Any retro gaming requests for Gaz?
You into Street Passing?
Would you take Ricki-Lee/Karen Gillan/KPop ladies out to a nice seafood dinner and treat her/them respectfully?

Shaneus said:
So, Transformers 3 tomorrow night. I don't remember much of Transformers 2, though... should I rewatch?
The first Transformers had a serviceable (still stupid though) story with some decent robot fighting marred by poor camera work and editing choices and WAY too much focus on the poorly acted humans who wove a merry tale of high school angst.

The second Transformers was a bloated travesty of a movie that made zero sense and had zero point. The well had been tapped. All that was left was the stone walls that are being milked into oblivion (with good reason going by the worldwide box office take). It was created to make a great trailer to get people in the door and make a shitload of money before people realised it was a pile of shit.

The third Transformers looks more of the same. The trailer looked bad ass. But I will not be fooled again. Also the reuse of previous assets is a little worrying considering the massive budget. Plus dropping a crappy lead actress to replace her with a Victoria Secret model who looks like the only direction she was given was to pout and look sexy for the entire movie (she also looks even dirtier than Megan Fox which is saying something). We get it Bay, you like to be surrounded by skanky women. Stop skimping on talent, special effects can only make up for so much.

Anyway. Here is a perfectly good write up on the plot of Transformers 2. And why it irritates me that everyone will go see a pile of shit like Transformers 2 rather than 127 Hours or The Tree of Life.


reptilescorpio said:
I promise one day soon Fred he will be dropping off to sleep around 7:30pm and only stirring once or twice before 8am. Soon you will get more than 4 hours sleep at a time. Soon a day will actually feel like a day rather than an infinitely repeating cycle of 3 hours blocks.
Actually he's sleeping really well now, and tends to only wake up once a night. He only goes to bed that late because it matches our sleep cycle, which is just about perfect. I don't have to get into work until midday these days, so late to bed, late to rise suits me fine. I can feed him his breakfast and such before going to work.

The only downside is organising online multiplayer with people who keep regular hours. It's a bummer, but low on the list of priorities to be fair.


Thanks for the heads-up on Transformers 2, rs. I remember parts of it because I came home early in the morning from a big night out and couldn't sleep. I still remember thinking it was arse, I just couldn't remember why.

BTW The first stage of Sonic Colours is pretty fucking good... feels like the first "fun" Sonic in a long while. Hopefully the modern Sonic in Generations plays like this.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Shadows of the Damned is ridiculous and clunky and just the game I feel like playing right now.
evlcookie said:
Is steam community dead?
Whole thing is dead for me now. Lost connection after taking 5 minutes to get into Community. Still downloading Civ 5 though strangely.

Rez said:
Shadows of the Damned is ridiculous and clunky and just the game I feel like playing right now.
Shaneus said:
BTW The first stage of Sonic Colours is pretty fucking good... feels like the first "fun" Sonic in a long while. Hopefully the modern Sonic in Generations plays like this.
You guys continue to have great taste.


but ever so delicious
100 pages of games of thones to go, Hopefully bookdepo gets the second book to me asap!

I might have to do 1 chapter per day instead of 2 to try and drag it out.

I am tempted to watch the show though after reading the first book. Where the show end? Does it go into book 2 at all?


Has problems recognising girls
DualShadow said:
Dammit steam!

I seem to be downloading Bioshock still ...... can't play any games though!
Still baffles me why the whole "can't download whilst playing game" thing is still on Steam.

evlcookie said:
I am tempted to watch the show though after reading the first book. Where the show end? Does it go into book 2 at all?
Not from what I can recall. There doesn't seem to be much, if any, elements of book 2 in the show.


I just noticed I've never played a Suda-51 game before... was thinking Shadow of the Damned, but No More Heroes comes out for PS3 with Move support comes out in a few weeks in the US!


evlcookie said:
100 pages of games of thones to go, Hopefully bookdepo gets the second book to me asap!

I might have to do 1 chapter per day instead of 2 to try and drag it out.

I am tempted to watch the show though after reading the first book. Where the show end? Does it go into book 2 at all?

Season 1 of the TV show ends where the first book ends. Definitely watch it once you finish.


evlcookie said:
100 pages of games of thones to go, Hopefully bookdepo gets the second book to me asap!

I might have to do 1 chapter per day instead of 2 to try and drag it out.

I am tempted to watch the show though after reading the first book. Where the show end? Does it go into book 2 at all?

Why do you want to drag it out? You'd probably have to cut it down to one line per day if you want to drag it out long enough for the whole series to be finished.


reptilescorpio said:

Fucking coles ad!

Dani hot!


Fucking coles ad!

OMG they don't know how to cook *insert food*!


Fucking coles ad!


Mchef fail!

Someone that knows how to make IRC bots should make one that does this every night for an hour.

Then IRC would have some traffic. BAM.


Has problems recognising girls
Only another week or so till A Dance with Dragons. I stopped snooping the various threads on here about a week ago as well as certain websites - probably in good time too since the news of Amazon Deutsch screwing up the orders and releasing a few copies too early. Been looking forward to this moment after learning that the 4th book would not have POVs from some of my favourite characters; Bran, Tyrion, and Jon specifically.

I was going to re-read the novels again but everytime I booted up my Kindle I'd start to get sleepy, so I resorted to reading the chapter guides at Tower of the Hand on the iPad. I've already marathon'd the show once after watching it initially week by week, and I am tempted to marathon it once more before the 12th. Egads.


but ever so delicious
legend166 said:
Why do you want to drag it out? You'd probably have to cut it down to one line per day if you want to drag it out long enough for the whole series to be finished.

I wanted to finish it when i have the second book so i can jump straight in. At the moment it might leave me a few days break, which is fine i guess.

Also i totally need to try the GTA4 graphic mods now that i have a real comp, Something for the weekend!
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