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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


Congrats, Rez.

I remember applying for JB when I was in Uni, but I didn't get hired presumably because I lacked the prerequisite tattoos, piercing and eye make up.

In other news, I have depression. That type of depression that can only come about due to finishing a long running, much loved TV show. This time, it was Friday Night Lights.

Texas forever.


legend166 said:
Congrats, Rez.
I remember applying for JB when I was in Uni, but I didn't get hired presumably because I lacked the prerequisite tattoos, piercing and eye make up.
Haha I applied once too and didn't hear from them.

Oh and congrats to Rez!
legend166 said:
Congrats, Rez.

I remember applying for JB when I was in Uni, but I didn't get hired presumably because I lacked the prerequisite tattoos, piercing and eye make up.

In other news, I have depression. That type of depression that can only come about due to finishing a long running, much loved TV show. This time, it was Friday Night Lights.

Texas forever.
I got offered an interview once but it was just after I got another job and didn't need it anymore.

I stopped watching FNL years ago. Honestly didn't even know it was still going on. It was a good show, it just got a bit soap opera-y for me.


So I guess I can look forward to us Australians getting screwed on the Nintendo eShop every week ey :p?

Only two games put up last night :(.


FallbackPants said:
I got offered an interview once but it was just after I got another job and didn't need it anymore.

I stopped watching FNL years ago. Honestly didn't even know it was still going on. It was a good show, it just got a bit soap opera-y for me.

If you stopped watching in season 2, you really need to start watching it again.

One of the best TV shows of all time. Of all time. And I've seen Mad Men and The Wire. It sits besides them, in my mind.


Turns out I hit the 4 pack button instead of the one pack! So I have three copies of Sanctum going around for $2.50 a piece if anyone's interested in: owning a game and helping me out of my gaffe.

legend166 said:
One of the best TV shows of all time. Of all time. And I've seen Mad Men and The Wire. It sits besides them, in my mind.
But have you seen The Tick? With Patrick Warburton.



Speaking of JB, has anyone ever bought from JBonline when items are "awaiting stock, order now" status? I'm reading the faqs and it says it can take up to 12 weeks...add to that, the games I bought last night are now listed as "unavailable"...


Rez said:
cheers, guys. My heart-sunk when she said she filled the games position, but apparently there's a position opening in DVDs in a week, so I was offered that instead. Lucky. Very lucky.

You can break street dates :D


commanderdeek said:
Speaking of JB, has anyone ever bought from JBonline when items are "awaiting stock, order now" status? I'm reading the faqs and it says it can take up to 12 weeks...add to that, the games I bought last night are now listed as "unavailable"...

I bought a couple of Blu-Rays last week that were listed as awaiting stock. They shipped on Wednesday.
legend166 said:
If you stopped watching in season 2, you really need to start watching it again.

One of the best TV shows of all time. Of all time. And I've seen Mad Men and The Wire. It sits besides them, in my mind.
I was going to put spoilers on this, but I can't remember any of the characters names, so it's not really much of a spoiler
I stopped watching after old mate bashed that dude with a metal pipe. I think i finished that season and just never got back into it.

That's pretty high praise though. I need something to watch between 30 Rock and Thrones finishing and Walking Dead and Always Sunny starting, so I might chase it up


legend166 said:
One of the best TV shows of all time. Of all time. And I've seen Mad Men and The Wire. It sits besides them, in my mind.
It really is. For most, season 2 was the low point and it just got better afterwards. My favourite TV series ever.

I'm awaiting the DVD's from Amazon (got 'em for $12 each, yay) so I can watch them again. Coming up on 2 months since they shipped and Amazon told me to wait until 15/07 before contacting them again regarding a late delivery. Fair enough I took the slow-arse shipping option, but 2 months? It's never taken that long at Christmas.

Eels playing tonight, time for an avatar change.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
cordonbleu said:
Has it been confirmed yet when or even if Xenoblade is coming out in Ozland, or is it down to an import situation?

It's classified, but I don't know if it is 100%. Most will probably buy from Europe anyway though lol.


FallbackPants said:
I was going to put spoilers on this, but I can't remember any of the characters names, so it's not really much of a spoiler
I stopped watching after old mate bashed that dude with a metal pipe. I think i finished that season and just never got back into it.

That's pretty high praise though. I need something to watch between 30 Rock and Thrones finishing and Walking Dead and Always Sunny starting, so I might chase it up

Yeah, that was season 2.

The last 3 seasons are fantastic.


Just ordered that LotR box set from Amazon.co.uk for $58 AUD, what a steal!

Also, loving the LEGO Shuttle set, worked on it for about 2-3 hours last night and I only just finished the shuttle, still need to do the main rocket, booster rockets and launch pad! :D


Omi said:

Work of genius!

best bit;

Staffer: Still, gotta say, boss, I thought you were gone for all money back when you told Kerry O'Brien that people shouldn't believe what you say. I mean...

Abbott: Yeah, me too. Thought I'd blown it. Then the next day I saw the stories with people saying that I was just being honest by admitting that I tell lies and I knew I was safe. That was the turning point. From then I knew I could say whatever I liked.


Jintor said:
I've never had a proper job interview and dread the day when life inevitably forces it to occur :<

I love them (and have pretty high success rate with job offers vs interviews too, though the sample size is so small as to make that stat nigh on worthless), even the wanky group interviews where you have to decide how to rank the 10 items you saved from you plane crash and whether to stay put or try to find help.


Danoss said:
Eels playing tonight, time for an avatar change.
Hmm... perhaps it's time to change my avatar...


On a side note, Gaz, this avatar is so awesome in a mutable way...

I'm a Bronco's fan, but I just had to try that out.


legend166 said:
If you stopped watching in season 2, you really need to start watching it again.

One of the best TV shows of all time. Of all time. And I've seen Mad Men and The Wire. It sits besides them, in my mind.
+1 (cept the part about mad men, never watched it, don't intend too).

Show has some of the best acting i've never seen.


Jintor said:
I've never had a proper job interview and dread the day when life inevitably forces it to occur :<

I've got this weird strike rate with job interviews. When I was applying for internships during Uni, I sent applications to a lot of places. I only got one interview and I got the job. The exact same thing happened with grad jobs.

I don't get it. I'm not some super confident, charming guy in interviews or anything. Both times I've completely flubbed when they ask me the stupid 'when have you used innovation in the work place to complete a task blah blah blah'.


legend166 said:
I've got this weird strike rate with job interviews. When I was applying for internships during Uni, I sent applications to a lot of places. I only got one interview and I got the job. The exact same thing happened with grad jobs.

I don't get it. I'm not some super confident, charming guy in interviews or anything. Both times I've completely flubbed when they ask me the stupid 'when have you used innovation in the work place to complete a task blah blah blah'.
I wish I was like you. Would have saved me from stressing and preparing for all the crap we go through only to be rejected at the very last hurdle.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I feel like getting the interview is the hard-part. Making your resume stand-out is a fucking nightmare.
My 'Teacher Research Project' (a 5000 word research paper on an educational topic of your choice), is related to Special Religious Education (SRE) in NSW public schools. Some of the sources my mentor teacher has provided to me are downright depressing...

A quote from an education research paper:

"70 percent of volunteers think children should be taught the Bible as fact and should not be given a choice whether to believe in God. 80 percent think children should not be exposed to non-Christian beliefs."

"One group of scripture volunteers distributes a ‘Creation For Kids’ kit to dozens of regional public schools with the message that ‘Genesis is neither a fairy story, nor poetry, nor a parable ... it’s a reliable record of what actually happened’. It derides evolution, states that the universe is only 6000 years old and uses Bible references to claim that ‘man and dinosaurs once lived together’."

I really hope we can roll out the Ethics Education programs, as the current state of SRE and the options for non-scripture attendees is scandalous.
Sutton Dagger said:
"70 percent of volunteers think children should be taught the Bible as fact and should not be given a choice whether to believe in God. 80 percent think children should not be exposed to non-Christian beliefs.".


Sutton Dagger said:
"70 percent of volunteers think children should be taught the Bible as fact and should not be given a choice whether to believe in God. 80 percent think children should not be exposed to non-Christian beliefs."

"One group of scripture volunteers distributes a ‘Creation For Kids’ kit to dozens of regional public schools with the message that ‘Genesis is neither a fairy story, nor poetry, nor a parable ... it’s a reliable record of what actually happened’. It derides evolution, states that the universe is only 6000 years old and uses Bible references to claim that ‘man and dinosaurs once lived together’."

It gets better, the research paper allowed for parents/teachers and SRE volunteers to leave comments...

"Comments include: ‘Only Catholic or Anglican is
available at our school. I’m not interested in any other faith. Most of our population is Christian although Muslim faith seems to be growing – unfortunately’; ‘I’m a Christian. I understand there are other religions as long as they keep it to themselves. Even minorities can learn about God’; ‘No other religions are represented at our school. I feel glad about this. There is no other true God’; from a school offering Catholic, Protestant or non-scripture: ‘We have all the different faith options’ ‘If we look at tradition from the beginning of time, the world is a Christian Nation’. Most disturbing comment (from a trained teacher observing a class: ‘The scripture teacher told our class we would all burn in hell if we did not believe in Jesus’."

I would fucking flip my shit if this happened in my class.


Sutton Dagger said:
It gets better, the research paper allowed for parents/teachers and SRE volunteers to leave comments...

"Comments include: ‘Only Catholic or Anglican is
available at our school. I’m not interested in any other faith. Most of our population is Christian although Muslim faith seems to be growing – unfortunately’; ‘I’m a Christian. I understand there are other religions as long as they keep it to themselves. Even minorities can learn about God’; ‘No other religions are represented at our school. I feel glad about this. There is no other true God’; from a school offering Catholic, Protestant or non-scripture: ‘We have all the different faith options’ ‘If we look at tradition from the beginning of time, the world is a Christian Nation’. Most disturbing comment (from a trained teacher observing a class: ‘The scripture teacher told our class we would all burn in hell if we did not believe in Jesus’."

I would fucking flip my shit if this happened in my class.

What year level do you teach / aiming to teach? :)


Rez said:
I feel like getting the interview is the hard-part. Making your resume stand-out is a fucking nightmare.

I'm a little bit the opposite. Resume's aren't all that hard. 2 pages max and don't waffle or be verbose in the cover letter, but do let a little bit of personalty seep through in the opening exchange.

Selection criteria on the hand are worth losing sleep over if it means nailing each of the questions (except for the boring ones about EEO and OHS). Then the interview is a just reward for your efforts to that point, and so you should approach it as though you are walking to the top spot on the podium.

Killed me. I had to exit the office and excuse my robust laughing by this part.

Dead Man

Sutton Dagger said:
My 'Teacher Research Project' (a 5000 word research paper on an educational topic of your choice), is related to Special Religious Education (SRE) in NSW public schools. Some of the sources my mentor teacher has provided to me are downright depressing...

A quote from an education research paper:

"70 percent of volunteers think children should be taught the Bible as fact and should not be given a choice whether to believe in God. 80 percent think children should not be exposed to non-Christian beliefs."

"One group of scripture volunteers distributes a ‘Creation For Kids’ kit to dozens of regional public schools with the message that ‘Genesis is neither a fairy story, nor poetry, nor a parable ... it’s a reliable record of what actually happened’. It derides evolution, states that the universe is only 6000 years old and uses Bible references to claim that ‘man and dinosaurs once lived together’."

I really hope we can roll out the Ethics Education programs, as the current state of SRE and the options for non-scripture attendees is scandalous.
For fucks sake.
Omi said:
What year level do you teach / aiming to teach? :)

K-6 (though I can teach Yr7 as a general teacher, or up to year 10 as I'm history trained). I usually prefer Year 2-3 though. I'm starting my internship in 2 weeks.


Religion should be kept the fuck out of schools. Keep us posted on your research paper Sutton. I think I will find myself fairly politically active about this particular subject in the coming years.


Fredescu said:
Religion should be kept the fuck out of schools. Keep us posted on your research paper Sutton. I think I will find myself fairly politically active about this particular subject in the coming years.
Agreed. One of the few things that are worth copying from the yanks.
Fredescu said:
Religion should be kept the fuck out of schools. Keep us posted on your research paper Sutton. I think I will find myself fairly politically active about this particular subject in the coming years.

Will do. I agree it's a big political issue, I'm hoping the roll-out of Ethics Education for those who don't attend SRE (scripture) is phased in over the coming years, I will certainly be active in this movement as I would love to facilitate such lessons.


Fredescu said:
Religion should be kept the fuck out of schools. Keep us posted on your research paper Sutton. I think I will find myself fairly politically active about this particular subject in the coming years.

Mmm, going to be fun times attempting to find a school for our little guy. Especially seeing the wife is a teacher as well. ;)

Sutton Dagger said:
K-6 (though I can teach Yr7 as a general teacher, or up to year 10 as I'm history trained). I usually prefer Year 2-3 though. I'm starting my internship in 2 weeks.

Nice one, we always need more teachers. Especially male teachers in the younger grades (presuming you are male :p)

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Year 7 and 8 teachers have one of the most under-appreciated jobs in the world. Much respect.
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