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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification

Omi said:
Nice one, we always need more teachers. Especially male teachers in the younger grades (presuming you are male :p)

Correct assumption. ;)

You're secondary trained right? You also worked in remote Aboriginal communities I think I remember you saying.


Sutton Dagger said:
Correct assumption. ;)

You're secondary trained right? You also worked in remote Aboriginal communities I think I remember you saying.

Me a teacher? You couldn't pay me enough. I don't have the patience. :p

I stick to training young developers and crushing their souls.
Fredescu said:
Religion should be kept the fuck out of schools.
In my primary school, if you didn't do religious ed (I didn't believe so opted to get out of it, but there was also a Jehovah's Witness and Jewish kid who weren't going to) then you sat, unsupervised, in a vacant classroom for an hour each week.

It was awesome.


but ever so delicious
Fappen is currently the ausgaf teacher although for some reason i think there might be another? I'm lost on the username though.
That's terrible. Were the volunteers specifically religion teacher volunteers? Because that could make sense. In my experience they're normally about 90 and fairly rigid in their beliefs. You even get the ones who are catholic and refuse to teach anything even close to protestantism (or vice versa).

A couple of my mates got into this huge debate about religion a week or so ago and for the first time I found myself siding with the christian. He was pretty much saying 'judge not lest ye be judged' and the atheist was actively trying to convert him.

It was exactly the opposite of what you expect, the atheist proselytizing and the christian just being like 'dude believe what you want'
I've spent most of the day reading about this News of the World fiasco. It's crazy that somehow it represents both the very worst and very best of journalism.

On one hand there is NotW which broke the law, invaded people's privacy and continually lied about it. On the other there is the Guardian through year's of following this story and doing some kick arse muckraking brought to light what NotW did.
codswallop said:
But have you seen The Tick? With Patrick Warburton.
lol :)

Fredescu said:
Religion should be kept the fuck out of schools.
So what do you propose we teach kids? That's science mumbo jumbo crap? Man, you're part of the problem...

Danoss said:
Agreed. One of the few things that are worth copying from the yanks.
The Intelligent Designer says hello.


FallbackPants said:
I've spent most of the day reading about this News of the World fiasco. It's crazy that somehow it represents both the very worst and very best of journalism.

On one hand there is NotW which broke the law, invaded people's privacy and continually lied about it. On the other there is the Guardian through year's of following this story and doing some kick arse muckraking brought to light what NotW did.

On ABC brekky this morning Virginia made a similar point of thanking the Guardian for their efforts bringing this to light to this stage.


Planet_JASE said:
The Intelligent Designer says hello.

LOL. Unless you were offering that as serious answer to something? Sorry, I lost the train of conversation.


Planet_JASE said:
So what are you propose we teach kids? That's science mumbo jumbo crap? Man, you're part of the problem...
The truth, man. Aliens and shit. Also, mind control via chemtrails and flouride in water.
also ;)


FallbackPants said:
I've spent most of the day reading about this News of the World fiasco. It's crazy that somehow it represents both the very worst and very best of journalism.

On one hand there is NotW which broke the law, invaded people's privacy and continually lied about it. On the other there is the Guardian through year's of following this story and doing some kick arse muckraking brought to light what NotW did.

Journalistic heroes, the Guardian are

Dead Man

FallbackPants said:
I've spent most of the day reading about this News of the World fiasco. It's crazy that somehow it represents both the very worst and very best of journalism.

On one hand there is NotW which broke the law, invaded people's privacy and continually lied about it. On the other there is the Guardian through year's of following this story and doing some kick arse muckraking brought to light what NotW did.
Yep, pretty stark dichotomy really.


Sutton Dagger said:
Correct assumption. ;)

You're secondary trained right? You also worked in remote Aboriginal communities I think I remember you saying.

That sounds like me. Actually on the topic of religion, once I rocked up to work and saw this bus parked on the school grounds. On closer inspection it actually turned out to be what we dubbed the "Bible Bus." One of the APs took it upon themselves to organise these guys to come to the school and talk to the kids. They were talking about the weirdest shit, like literal bible stuff too. Apparently dinosaurs didn't exist, but the remains could be those of DRAGONS! Like St George's Dragon! And the world is only 6000 years old! Nonetheless this caused a fair bit of drama at school haha.


Rahk said:
You don't mess around! That was quick. Forgot to mention there are coupons lying around, so you probably could have gotten a bit of a discount, but hopefully you googled for that anyway.

Good choice. I can say they make some good IEM earphones after owning the UM3X. The most comfortable pair I owned and great sound. From what I read, the W3 has a more iPod-friendly sound so you should be happy with it. They're also good with warranty as i had to replace a defective pair which was a problem with all units at the time. Unfortunately I lost them a couple months ago and now I have a pair of Shure SE215 as I didn't want to pay so much again, but I miss my UM3X.

Glad to hear, looking forward to testing them out. Yeah I googled for coupons and found a couple but neither worked, strangely on their website they had a coupon for Australia, 10% off. So I used that and it worked, pretty happy.

Salazar said:
Best JB HiFI staff tattoo I have seen was huge block capitals MORRISSEY up one forearm.
As much as I love The Smiths.. no. Just no.

I was in there yesterday and a staff member saw I had The Best of Radiohead in my hand and he went through all the CDs I had (7) commenting on each. Sigh.


I'm not touching the topic of religion before I put my foot in my mouth. All I'll say is that I hate the way they push their beliefs onto others. We let them believe what they want, so why can't they?


Omi said:
Settings -> Download + Cloud.

Requires a restart of steam, but good luck finding a server that is a decent speed :p

Meanwhile. New A-League advert is out.




how bad is that ad, i mean what.

Thats pathetic, the a-league ads of the past have been quite alright.


Choc said:


how bad is that ad, i mean what.

Thats pathetic, the a-league ads of the past have been quite alright.


Say hello to Stop Wasting My Oxygen aka JayFC 8) Funny bastard.
elfinke said:
LOL. Unless you were offering that as serious answer to something? Sorry, I lost the train of conversation.
No, it wasn't quite a serious answer. I admire the US Education system from warding off the efforts of the Intelligent Design idiots but fear that they will one day their efforts will pay off. Fear for that day.

Fredescu said:
The truth, man. Aliens and shit. Also, mind control via chemtrails and flouride in water.
also ;)
Your ideas intrigue me. If, perchance, you offer some for of newsletter detailing your ideas, I would like to subscribe. I'm especially interested in chemtrails. And preventing chemtrails. And knowing if the local children have been doing chemtrails after school. I don't need to know about floudide as I distil my own urine to drink. That's right, Mr Government Man, I ain't drinking your mind-control powder.


Planet_JASE said:
No, it wasn't quite a serious answer. I admire the US Education system from warding off the efforts of the Intelligent Design idiots but fear that they will one day their efforts will pay off. Fear for that day.

Your ideas intrigue me. If, perchance, you offer some for of newsletter detailing your ideas, I would like to subscribe. I'm especially interested in chemtrails. And preventing chemtrails. And knowing if the local children have been doing chemtrails after school. I don't need to know about floudide as I distil my own urine to drink. That's right, Mr Government Man, I ain't drinking your mind-control powder.

Never a truer definition than the bolded part.

Very good then. Religion is a tricky enough subject around the dinner table, much less over the internet, I wasn't sure where you were coming from :)

FallbackPants said:

This isn't just because it came from the same advertising company or anything was it? I'm not looking to defend Ch7 at all, but whenever similarities like that crop up I immediately think of all the things I picked up from the Gruen Transfer.


I feel a little bad at my attempt at trolling Danoss earlier with this:

Even though he didn't even react, I thought I'd make this to even the playing field a bit:

I did get the home and away colours correct, right?
elfinke said:
This isn't just because it came from the same advertising company or anything was it? I'm not looking to defend Ch7 at all, but whenever similarities like that crop up I immediately think of all the things I picked up from the Gruen Transfer.

It's possible I guess, pretty poor effort on their behalf though if true. I mean just using a cookie cutter template like that? Zero creativity.
Whatever happened to Gruen? It was great last year and just hasn't been on this year.


FallbackPants said:
It's possible I guess, pretty poor effort on their behalf though if true. I mean just using a cookie cutter template like that? Zero creativity.

Agreed, and as legend166 said, it is rather typical of Ch7.

FallbackPants said:
Whatever happened to Gruen? It was great last year and just hasn't been on this year.

Yup, I miss Todd.
elfinke said:
Very good then. Religion is a tricky enough subject around the dinner table, much less over the internet, I wasn't sure where you were coming from :)
Not to talk from either side of the discussion but what really got to me about the whole things was this: If you believe in science, go ahead and believe in it. If you believe in God, than that is something that you should practice. Do not (and I mean DO NOT) present your beliefs in a way that possibly allows them to bypass the laws/constitution to integrate them into the education system. Either from a perspective of it seeming very insidious and also the perspective of diluting your core beliefs.

Whatever your believe in is fine with me, the way that it was done is what I had an issue with.

Remember: An Intelligent Designer is a valid theory. Just like relativity! And gravity!

PS-My favourite argument used by the textbook was this (paraphrased by me): Imagine your walking along a beach and you come across a name in the sand. Do you think the name just happened via a series of natural events? No, it's a sign that an intelligent being had been there previously and left the name in the sand. Ergo, the universe was created by a "Intelligent Designer" and we are the proof.

Congratulations, you are now a small step away from believing in God. Sorry, an intelligent designer.


Planet_JASE said:
Remember: An Intelligent Designer is a valid theory. Just like relativity! And gravity!

Wait what? A scientific theory refers to a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence. Intelligent Design is merely a proposition from neo-creationists, mainly conservatives.

The every day word "theory" and the scientific definition of the word "theory" are very different.
I'm liking the FNL love over the last few pages. <3
One of my mates just started watching it and we were talking about how awesome it was which got me nostalgic so I started a rewatch! Golfham.

FallbackPants you should have kept going! Season 2 is the worst and while I think Season 1 is the pinnacle, the latter seasons are great too.

My favourite show ever.
So I went into coles today, and there are a ton of kids running around with giant red hands like in the "prices are down" ads. What is this?!?!
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