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Jintor said:
But I can do that shit and play videogames. It's not a one or the other combo. It's like reading books.
True, but videogames take a lot longer than anything else. They also tend to be designed around habit forming mechanics.
Fredescu said:
So what are you having trouble understanding? Have you never felt that your habit of playing video games was ultimately a complete waste of time, and there are much better things you could be doing that would have a genuinely positive contribution to your wellbeing? If you haven't yet, you will.
I felt that once. And then I played some more video games and remembered they are fun as hell.

I loved Borderlands. I think I played it entirely in co-op. It was great. Really keen for any Borderlands 2 action.


I definitely don't play as many games as I used to. I flogged OoT when I got it but I haven't played anything in a week or so. I'm looking forward to getting a gaming PC though!
FallbackPants said:
I loved Borderlands. I think I played it entirely in co-op. It was great. Really keen for any Borderlands 2 action.
Same on all accounts. Wouldn't mind playing through again as a different class but I'd rather just some sort of Borderlands 2.


HolyCheck said:
another pub clearly listing

Chicken Parmigana
A crumbed chicken schnitzel covered in blah lbah

that isn't a schnitzel

crumbed piece of chicken does not equal schnitzel.

you need to murder it with a mallet.
lol, how's your time at Melb? And how's the schnitzels, have you had one biweekly to see if it fairs to your hometown?

Also, I picked up Minecraft... holy crap, I've wasted so much time on it D:


I want a tag give me a tag
Kirby102 said:
lol, how's your time at Melb? And how's the schnitzels, have you had one biweekly to see if it fairs to your hometown?

Also, I picked up Minecraft... holy crap, I've wasted so much time on it D:

I've probably been having them once every 7 - 10 days, don't have proper internet to keep my blog updated

but none of them have been schnitzels

they've just been crumbed chicken breast that they call schnitzels.


Fredescu said:
True, but videogames take a lot longer than anything else. They also tend to be designed around habit forming mechanics.

Eh, it's like reading a really long book? Or watching a whole season of TV...?


Jintor said:
Eh, it's like reading a really long book? Or watching a whole season of TV...?
A whole season of TV is usually only 16 hours (24 eps, 40mins), which is short for a video game. I've never timed my book reading, but I'm pretty sure I could knock over a 1k page fantasy/sci fi novel in that time or less.

Anyway, my point is only that I empathise with him. I'm loving video games at the moment, but that could be partially to do with the fact that I only get an hour a day to play them. In my MMO playing days, I often had the experience of stepping back from it and saying "this crap is boring" and putting it down for months. My current model of buying everything that's cheap and only finishing it if it's really really good is serving me pretty well.

Now if only I could find more people to play Last Stand with me at 11:30pm each night.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Fredescu said:
A whole season of TV is usually only 16 hours (24 eps, 40mins), which is short for a video game.
Well. Not really. Not anymore. Your average game is maybe eight to ten hours nowadays. Twelve hours is considered long.

Not that this contradicts your larger point. Just sayin', is all.
I spend a lot less time playing games now than i used to but i still spend a lot more time with games than movies or tv.

giri said:
1)The comment was there to ask, why should i be punsihed for having worked a weekend, where others who didn't found a partner due to extra free time and started a family, where i progressed in my career, and not share the burden of their collective choices of government?

Yeah because that is the same as this:

giri said:
I don't work uncountable weekends in the past, so that you can squirt out a few more kids because you chose to go boozing or what ever, and met your partner already.

If you don't want to be misinterpreted than just post what you mean and don't fill every sentence with hyperbole which you apparently don't mean.

Personally i just find the implication that somehow working on weekends means you're incapable of having found a partner laughable.

You can further your career and your personal life and it's your own fault if you weren't able to do this.

I understand that you're trying to say that you deserve to be rewarded for making sacrifices but i can only respond to the examples you give.

giri said:
2)It's a hypothetical, i obviously didn't budget my self to the limit where i have no room for movement, neither do i have oodles of spare cash where i throw it around frivolouisly. But why is my spare cash worth less to me, than anyone elses, to them? With out meaning this as offensive, your family means not very much to me, as mine probably means not very much to you.

Why is the spare cash of someone worth a billion dollars worth less than someone working a minimum wage job?

Do you agree that to some extent people with more money need to be taxed more? If so than you have already answered your own question and it becomes a question of how big the disparity should be.


Rez said:
Well. Not really. Not anymore. Your average game is maybe eight to ten hours nowadays. Twelve hours is considered long.
I guess I play RPGs rather than action games, and those tend to be 25+. Do most people finish these 8 hour games once and leave it at that? I always thought the CoDs and Gears etc could get away with it because people buy them for the multiplayer too.


Sure, people buy games they only play once. I'll probably never replay Trenched, or Scott Pilgrim, or a bunch of singleplayer games I've got on Steam, but I got my enjoyment off 'em. On the other hand I have my old standbys like Bayonetta, TF2, and Frozen Synapse if I want to go back to something I love.

I've always felt that TV shows are way more of a time investment than games, some kind of odd perception thing. Books on the other hand - I read like crazy, so it feels like I can just snatch time from anywhere. Especially with the Kindle.

Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is game in moderation? :T


I think I've come to the conclusion that marathoning a good TV show on DVD is the best possible entertainment medium.

I mean it's probably the worst for my state of mind and well being, but it's so good. I can't remember the last time I stayed up until 1am on a work night solely to play a video game, but if I get on a roll with a show, that will happen.

I stayed up until 1:30am the night before an exam once because I couldn't stop watching Battlestar Galactica. It was amazing.
Fredescu said:
I guess I play RPGs rather than action games, and those tend to be 25+. Do most people finish these 8 hour games once and leave it at that? I always thought the CoDs and Gears etc could get away with it because people buy them for the multiplayer too.

I enjoy investing time into RPG's. But i also play through single player FPS etc and feel like i got my moneys worth out of them, but i do buy games like BFBC2 for the multiplayer.

On your gears example btw, my housemate has finished the gears games collectively around 30 times and i believe he has finished splinter cell conviction about 12.
I for one, have no idea how you can play through games like that after you have already finished them, but he enjoys it. (slightly off topic)

I can understand and agree with Jintor's point though. (even though im not a massive book nut, i would probably find time to watch a tv show or play a game)


I might be doing that tonight with Dance With Dragons :S

I find it too easy to nod off when reading a book though. No matter how engaging it is.


Jintor said:
Sure, people buy games they only play once.
That's not what I mean. I mean, are these $100 games that only last for 8 hours really just designed to be played for that long? I'm asking out of a position of ignorance really, but the idea of such terrible value existing is pretty crazy to me. For example, people say CoD only has a 6 hour campaign or whatever, but everyone knows there are tonnes of people that play the multiplayer for hundreds of hours, so it doesn't really count. That there are 8 hour games with only one singleplayer mode sounds pretty bad to me. That they are the norm is much worse.


Yes, yes they are. But you know, it varies from game to game. The value proposition for games has always been screwed anyway. I mean, on one hand you have the 10-hour one-time runthroughs that cost $80, but on the other you have indie stuff on Steam, quality XBLA games, etc. Australia gets completely reemed at retail anyway, so, you know.

I'm hoping we're moving towards seperate tiers of game value though, especially with downloadable titles, Steam pricing, etc.
Fredescu said:
That's not what I mean. I mean, are these $100 games that only last for 8 hours really just designed to be played for that long?
I just generally wait until those sorts of games have dropped a lot in price. Once an 8-hour game hits $60, it's suddenly better value than a movie. $20-40 is my magic price for short games, unless it's something I'm really interested in.
This is the kind of debate that is really subjective. Personally the single best value, hours wise, I would have got from any piece of entertainment is easily Halo 3. I have played hours upon hours of that game. I have played so many games of 2v2 High Ground single flag it is beyond a joke.

And while I used to be able to rip through a book in days, recently it's taken me ages to get through even small ones. I'm reading the Gunslinger at the moment and I'm still like 2/3 of the way through and I've had it for months.


The strange thing I've seen happening with me is procrastinating gaming.

I'll have a game I 'want' to play, a new title, whatever.

- I'll get home, say to myself, 'oh, better wash the dishes first.'

- Then I'll maybe make dinner.

- Then I'll check facebook

- Then I'll check comments on Kotaku.

- Then I'll check twitter

- Maybe check GAF.

- This goes on forever in a loop until it's like 10pm and I'm like, fuck it. I'm going to my bed to read a book or something.

This has been happening to me more often than not recently. I find it hard to get motivated to play games sometimes - even games I enjoyed like Crysis 2 or Child of Eden.

When it comes to games that annoy me, even a little, like LA Noire. Forget about it.


I go through the same thing Serrels, but in phases. Some weeks I'll play games every night, but other weeks I won't play any games and I'll just browse forums, listen to music or not even use my computer.


Tntnnbltn said:
7k refund.

its most likely you're deductions have brought you into a lower tax bracket


you have only worked 3 months of the year


your employers payroll program is shit and has been taxing the crap out of you for no reason


serrels i get that as well. I think its related to it being your job as well to play and talk about games. That's what i put it down with me.


I have no idea what will happen when I graduate from uni. Semester breaks are the only times where I can really play games to completion and be satisfied. Between work, uni work, reading, watching anime and tv shows, I can only manage an hour or two a day during non holiday periods. And even then, I'll have to think about whether I want to spend an hour on a game and make no meaningful progress, or do something else that rots my brain.
I got a call back from a recruiter about a job I applied for and they want me to go in tomorrow for a "assessment session". However I just found the job where to apply directly. Would I be better off applying directly or going through the recruiter (and jump through their hoops)?


Choc said:
its most likely you're deductions have brought you into a lower tax bracket


you have only worked 3 months of the year


your employers payroll program is shit and has been taxing the crap out of you for no reason
This one, except 5 months. I'm still in the lower tax bracket for this financial year.
commanderdeek said:
I have no idea what will happen when I graduate from uni. Semester breaks are the only times where I can really play games to completion and be satisfied. Between work, uni work, reading, watching anime and tv shows, I can only manage an hour or two a day during non holiday periods. And even then, I'll have to think about whether I want to spend an hour on a game and make no meaningful progress, or do something else that rots my brain.

I play nowhere near as many RPG's as I used to, simply because you need to play for a few hours generally to feel like you've made any progress.

While at uni I had tonnes of time to play MMO's and RPG's but I haven't touched one in years because of the time they require.


MrSerrels said:
The strange thing I've seen happening with me is procrastinating gaming.

Whilst otherwise enjoying my time between jobs last year, I had a horrible case of this. I had a backlog of 2009 and 2010 games (like, 10 or 12 of them, including Bayonetta and NSMB) that I had bought at new prices or near-to-new prices, and had never/hardly touched to that point.

Despite having literally nothing else to do with my time, I still found more interesting things to do than play those games, like watch terrible TV, rake leaves in the front yard and so forth.

And then later on I'd get pissed at myself for it. It was an utterly ridiculous circle. To be fair, I was burnt out on gaming at that time, but still.

Glad to hear that others get afflicted similarly.


bodyboarder said:
I got a call back from a recruiter about a job I applied for and they want me to go in tomorrow for a "assessment session". However I just found the job where to apply directly. Would I be better off applying directly or going through the recruiter (and jump through their hoops)?
It depends. The employer would much prefer you to go direct, because recruiter fees are usually pretty high. That said, if they have a direct avenue and they're using a recruiter, it might mean that they're low on resources and going through the recruiter will be more likely to get you an interview because the recruiter will be bugging them to interview you or whatever, because they get paid if you get hired.

It can't hurt to apply through both means and claim ignorance that you didn't realise they were the same job if questioned.


bodyboarder said:
I got a call back from a recruiter about a job I applied for and they want me to go in tomorrow for a "assessment session". However I just found the job where to apply directly. Would I be better off applying directly or going through the recruiter (and jump through their hoops)?


recruiters are scum of the earth and the company is more likely to hire someone they find direct as they do not have to pay the finders fee.


Tntnnbltn said:
This one, except 5 months. I'm still in the lower tax bracket for this financial year.

That 7k is probably right then althoguh the ATO may question how you racked up 1k of deductions in 5 months if they are work related ones.

you probably qualify for the low rate threshold tax offset as well if you are in a grad job for only 5 months
bodyboarder said:
I got a call back from a recruiter about a job I applied for and they want me to go in tomorrow for a "assessment session". However I just found the job where to apply directly. Would I be better off applying directly or going through the recruiter (and jump through their hoops)?

I would say depends on the type of job and the recruiter. If they have provided good employees in the past then the company may like using them, if on the other hand they have provided crap employees, then you may be going in with a pre-negative against your name.

If you apply directly you would have the fact that you took the initiative to find and apply for the job yourself behind you, but would you still have the opportunity available to you?

Also if you are already paying the agency, wouldn't you use them? I imagine that the assessment session is just the company's HR meeting you before they "potentially" waste their higher ups time (obviously not making a stab at you here, to clarify)


Marshmellow said:
I would say depends on the type of job and the recruiter. If they have provided good employees in the past then the company may like using them, if on the other hand they have provided crap employees, then you may be going in with a pre-negative against your name.

If you apply directly you would have the fact that you took the initiative to find and apply for the job yourself behind you, but would you still have the opportunity available to you?

Also if you are already paying the agency, wouldn't you use them? I imagine that the assessment session is just the company's HR meeting you before they "potentially" waste their higher ups time (obviously not making a stab at you here, to clarify)

fun fact. Recruiters only get paid by company if said company hires someone they provide

AND the full fee is only payable if the person passes probation period.


Marshmellow said:
I would say depends on the type of job and the recruiter. If they have provided good employees in the past then the company may like using them, if on the other hand they have provided crap employees, then you may be going in with a pre-negative against your name.

If you apply directly you would have the fact that you took the initiative to find and apply for the job yourself behind you, but would you still have the opportunity available to you?

Also if you are already paying the agency, wouldn't you use them? I imagine that the assessment session is just the company's HR meeting you before they "potentially" waste their higher ups time (obviously not making a stab at you here, to clarify)

you meet the companies HR interview #1 with a company generally. They asses you and then determine your abilities. If they think you are ok you proceed to interview two which is generally with your manager or the CEO (depending on the size of company and job)

this is just a bullshit visit the recruitment agency to make sure you wear a suit, are presentable and dont talk shit.
Choc said:
you meet the companies HR interview #1 with a company generally. They asses you and then determine your abilities. If they think you are ok you proceed to interview two which is generally with your manager or the CEO (depending on the size of company and job)

this is just a bullshit visit the recruitment agency to make sure you wear a suit, are presentable and dont talk shit.

Yea pretty much. I know about the recruiters not getting paid unless you become a proper employee, i was more referring to bad experiences etc.

Also i thought as a client you paid the recruiter a fee to look for you? 2 of my mates are paying for the service currently.


The basic role of recruiters is to tell you that they don't think you'd be suited to the job you applied for but sign here and don't go to any other recruiters for three months and they never call you again anyway.

Fuck recruiters.


Megadrive said:
I played a Soldier for my first playthrough on Xbox, played a little Siren (up to like level 5, not really enough) and I haven't really touched Brick or Mordecai.

edit: So a level 1 start would be great. I had issues with lag when I played with reptile once, hope that can be fixed somehow.

elfinke said:
I'm completely down for that. I've played vanilla to death on the 360, but have never played the DLC - I've been waiting to grab it on PC.

Now I just need a PC to play it on!

Awesome. I have GTA EFLC multiplayer tonight, but I should be free every other night if you lads wanna give it a crack.

And Mega, you have to try Brick. The rage punching is god damn ridiculously fun, especially when you use it on a boss and just rape them :lol


Gazunta said:
The basic role of recruiters is to tell you that they don't think you'd be suited to the job you applied for but sign here and don't go to any other recruiters for three months and they never call you again anyway.

Fuck recruiters.



MrSerrels said:
The strange thing I've seen happening with me is procrastinating gaming.

I'll have a game I 'want' to play, a new title, whatever.

- I'll get home, say to myself, 'oh, better wash the dishes first.'

- Then I'll maybe make dinner.

- Then I'll check facebook

- Then I'll check comments on Kotaku.

- Then I'll check twitter

- Maybe check GAF.

- This goes on forever in a loop until it's like 10pm and I'm like, fuck it. I'm going to my bed to read a book or something.

This has been happening to me more often than not recently. I find it hard to get motivated to play games sometimes - even games I enjoyed like Crysis 2 or Child of Eden.

When it comes to games that annoy me, even a little, like LA Noire. Forget about it.

Man, 10pm is when I start gaming.


Gazunta said:
The basic role of recruiters is to tell you that they don't think you'd be suited to the job you applied for but sign here and don't go to any other recruiters for three months and they never call you again anyway.
Most employers complain about recruiters wasting their time with people who were never suited for the job, and most of those representation agreements are signed for the particular role you're applying for. I've no doubt there are shitty ones though.


Admittedly at this point it's pretty much an hour of Bayonetta trying to get through Angel Slayer and maybe some TF2 if I feel like it. Otherwise it's a little Ocarina throughout the day.


Oooh yeah, I forgot about OoT. Might play some tonight.

I've been playing mostly Demon's Souls. That game is fucked up. Awesome, but fucked UP!
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