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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification

Well since posting previously, I just applied directly. I've been stuffed around on the phone by recruiters (a while back) and I can't be bothered going into the city and wasting my afternoon tomorrow on "job assessments". I'm well qualified for the position, so I can't see the recruiter being able to help all that much. Now if I get it, let along a call back is a completely different matter.
Omi said:
As Fred said, you aren't getting slugged twice. [snip]

If the skeptics are wrong and we followed their advice in doing nothing, worst case is the planet is fucked over.

Now, reality is probably somewhere in the middle of both worse case scenarios, but which way do you wanna go?
I've never stated that I was a climate change sceptic, so I'm sorry if you've somehow reached that conclusion about me. I'm certain that this is a case where you've mixed up someone else's statements as my own.

My own feelings towards my position in society can change from a moment to moment basis. At any point I may be extremely self absorbed and selfish and then the next second I will display nigh-saint level of infinite compassion for the part I play in society. Most of the time they sit somewhere in the middle, where I'm vexed by the situation but am happy that I have enough money to be comfortable.

But I'm tired. Just tired. The type of tired that means over time, my resolve gets that little bit lower each time I hear that there will be a "new/increase in tax but with help for families." As a single, middleclass person, this equates to a higher cost of living and nothing else. Again.

I'm grateful that we live in a privileged society/country that supports those that aren't able to live to a standard that we enjoy. I'm appreciative that there are people out there procreating and supplying us with a workforce for the future. My issues do not lie with them, nor do they lie with the cost of preventing climate change.

My only problem is that, as a single middleclass member of society, I am forgotten. Our cost of living goes up every year and the government increases the tax breaks to ensure families aren't doing it tough. The cost of living (not to mention when mortgage rates start going up) is quickly outpacing my wage increases. Yet I am, as a single person, endowed with disposable cash that I can sacrifice a part of to help everyone else. While that may have been true at one point, having a mortgage really means that every increase hurts and every statement about tax breaks for families is a bit of salt in the wound.

That is all. It was not a statement about my position on Climate Change. It was a mere outburst of inconsequential meanderings about me and my lot in the world.

Cool? :)

codswallop said:
Yeah, but then I just play a different video game and that sucks all the motivation right out of me, like a good game should.
Excellent point, sir!

Fredescu said:
True, but videogames take a lot longer than anything else. They also tend to be designed around habit forming mechanics.
Hmmmm, I'm not quite sure I can agree with you there. A videogame, a book, a season of a television show can all take up equal, greater or lesser extents or time. Heck, some people spend more time on Facebook than some people do playing videogames.

Sure, there are plenty of games that take huge amounts of time - MMOs, Just Cause 2, RPGs, etc - but conversely there are plenty of games that have sub-10 hour storylines. The same rules also applies for books and television programs.

(On a side-ish note, people that watch Masterchef spend more hours watching that than I do playing videogames most weeks. Somehow, most of society views the amount of time I play games as a bit excessive. Uh huh, sure.)


Planet_JASE said:
Hmmmm, I'm not quite sure I can agree with you there. A videogame, a book, a season of a television show can all take up equal, greater or lesser extents or time. Heck, some people spend more time on Facebook than some people do playing videogames.
Perhaps I've lost the "time" debate, but each time you start a new video game, you have to learn a new ruleset and develop new skills. If you put down other media, picking them up again just means remembering the story. With a game, you need to remember the story and how to play it.

I'd argue that a videogame is therefore often a greater commitment, depending on how you approach them. I know that I look at some of the stuff I have in my backlog and think "ugh, not ready to commit myself to that game yet". If you drop a game halfway through, it's often difficult to pick up where you left off, moreso than other media.

So if you drop the habit of playing story based videogames for long enough, I can see someone getting sick of the "work" involved in overcoming the learning curve of new games and playing puzzle games on their phone forever.


ClivePwned said:
somehow are even biggeroxygen thieves
Because they're salesmen too. The fact that their commission is based on your starting salary means you can use this to your advantage in a way that you can't do by dealing only with internal HR.
Fredescu said:
Perhaps I've lost the "time" debate, but each time you start a new video game, you have to learn a new ruleset and develop new skills. If you put down other media, picking them up again just means remembering the story. With a game, you need to remember the story and how to play it.
*this is more of a continuation of the conversation, not a counterpoint or rebuttal*

I have the same problem but for books. It takes me a long time to remember characters and their pasts (I have a great memory, apart from when it comes to names, I have no idea why), to the point that early on I spend a bit of time flipping back and forth. This has made books like A Game of Thrones slightly hellish for me. Trying to get through the beginning of that book, for me, was a huuuuge commitment, as I usually have to repeat names to myself and construct a mental image of the characters and their relationships. When a book chucks 6 names at you in the first couple of paragraphs and then exponentially increases that each successive paragraph it almost becomes painful for me.

I don't mean that in a way that I don't enjoy books with large ensembles, it's just that remembering names is much akin to what you're describing with procedural/muscle memory.


Game of Thrones really doesn't offer you any help beyond the appendices. It just throws you into the world. Sink or swim, baby!

Dead Man

Woo, good job interview today. Hopefully no more financial industry/call centre/collections hell for me!

Really, and I mean really shitty job, but at least it will not be in an office or call centre. Thank fuck.


Dead Man said:
Woo, good job interview today. Hopefully no more financial industry/call centre/collections hell for me!

Really, and I mean really shitty job, but at least it will not be in an office or call centre. Thank fuck.

Good luck man.
Dead Man said:
Woo, good job interview today. Hopefully no more financial industry/call centre/collections hell for me!

Really, and I mean really shitty job, but at least it will not be in an office or call centre. Thank fuck.

Hope it goes well. What's the job?


Dead Man said:
Woo, good job interview today. Hopefully no more financial industry/call centre/collections hell for me!

Really, and I mean really shitty job, but at least it will not be in an office or call centre. Thank fuck.

Good luck man. I know what it's like to be in shit job hell.

[not right now obviously!]


legend166 said:
I'm sitting here, with Kindle, staring at the first page of A Dance With Dragons.

I'm scared to even start.

Left work, checked Kindle, nothing.

Got home, checked Kindle to read what I was reading earlier, DANCE WITH DRAGONS

I love technology

Dead Man

MrSerrels said:
Good luck man. I know what it's like to be in shit job hell.

[not right now obviously!]
Kerrby said:
Good luck man.
Cheers both.

Salazar said:
You're collecting the carbon tax.

Today, they gave you your gun and bucket.
No, they said I had to buy the bucket :(

bodyboarder said:
Hope it goes well. What's the job?
It's... umm... well.... it's not very cool... its... home hospital domestic assistant.

Basically making beds and doing shopping for old folks. Pretty rubbish, but at least it is a current job to add to the resume after 2 years of unemployment, will get me off centrelink (2 months of dealing with them feels like 2 years), and it's not corporate hell. So fingers crossed.


Choc said:
That 7k is probably right then althoguh the ATO may question how you racked up 1k of deductions in 5 months if they are work related ones.
Most of them are textbook purchases for teaching. Books are instant deductions if they are <$300 and aren't part of a set worth >$300. I have all of the receipts for them.


AdventureRacing said:
I spend a lot less time playing games now than i used to but i still spend a lot more time with games than movies or tv.

Yeah because that is the same as this:

If you don't want to be misinterpreted than just post what you mean and don't fill every sentence with hyperbole which you apparently don't mean.

I won't even bother responding to another post of yours, if you just petulantly want to masquerade as being incredibly stupid, unless it's not a show. If you want to debate the topic, that's fine, and i'm only too happy to, but if all you're going to do is try to pick apart the semantics, and not the actual content, then please don't bother.

Personally i just find the implication that somehow working on weekends means you're incapable of having found a partner laughable.

You can further your career and your personal life and it's your own fault if you weren't able to do this.

I understand that you're trying to say that you deserve to be rewarded for making sacrifices but i can only respond to the examples you give.
Or you could apply some reasoning and thought. The person who worked the extra time on the weekend obviously doesn't have as much free time. I feel like i'm belittling you to break this down so far. I obviously by having worked many weekends, have given up much of my own spare time, time that would other wise be spent socializing. That's my own choice and i'm happy to have made it, my company would be in a considerably worse off position (quite possibly have folded) if i didn't. My personal life, is perfectly fine, but i am not how ever, married or have a family of my own. Whether related to personal failings of my own, is sort of irrelevant. Some chose to socialize and prioritize that aspect of their life, others chose to work on their careers. One shouldn't be punished for making either choice.

Nor did i say i should be rewarded for making sacrifices, i just shouldn't be punished.

Why is the spare cash of someone worth a billion dollars worth less than someone working a minimum wage job?

I thought talking in hyperoble was confusing? the extreme of the case here, is obviously different. Does bill gates stop to pick up a muddy $50 note? possibly not. My self? Yes.

Do you agree that to some extent people with more money need to be taxed more? If so than you have already answered your own question and it becomes a question of how big the disparity should be.

I already answered this question earlier, and pointed out why your quite succinct answer is not the point i'm arguing. But again, Thanks for completely missing the point.

Let me put it another way for you. Have you heard the tale about the 6 friends who go out to dinner and agree to split the bill according to their income. It's a simple way of explaining the tax system and repercussions. They go out to dinner, and the bill is $600. They agree to split the bill according to their income, so the weekly bill for these guys for their weekly dinner out goes something like this

1. 200
2. 150
3. 100
4. 75
5. 50
6. 25
Total: 600

Now suppose friends 1, 4,5 & 6 figure, hey, i'd like a really expensive bottle of wine tonight, but friends 2 & 3 don't. But, because they're all friends, they don't say anything and agree to just pay to make everything fine, that $200 bottle of wine? it's only going to add a proportion of the money to their bill. friends 4,5 & 6 whilst knowing they could never normally afford this, figure that they're not really having to put in a whole lot, indeed friend 6 is only paying $8, so why not!

So now the bill looks like
1. 266.67
2. 200
3. 133.33
4. 100
5. 66.67
6. 33.33
Total: 800

Next week, everyone gathers again, and they all order dinner, and the wine again. But now, friends 1, 3, 4 & 5 turn to the group and go "Guys, lets get dessert this time too!".
Friend 2, who had been saving to go on holidays and knows this is going to cut into his savings goes "look, i'm all happy to get dessert, but i think we should all pay an equal share, not distributed, split 6 ways, 1/6th of the cost each, just dessert."
Friend 5 goes "no way, i couldn't afford it on my own, and you're going to eat dessert, and it's no different to the rest of the meal, we should continue to do it the old way, and i don't think friend 6 should pay any extra, they already pay enough"
Friend 2 "well, then, i don't think we should get dessert, if you can't afford it, i don't want to rub it in your face, but i don't really have the cash to spare in paying for your dessert either, I've got that money put aside for other things".
Friend 4 "no way, you're only saving for your trip, you can totally pay for it, and as the majority of the group want dessert, we're getting it, and you're paying your normal rate for it, and friend 5 shouldn't have to pay either".
Friend 2 "well yes, i am saving for my trip, but all these extras are really starting to cut into my ability to save, and i don't really want any of the extras anyway"
Friend 4 "too bad, the group has spoken".
And so they order desert, and the total is now up to $900.

The split now looks like
1. 306
2. 228.5
3. 152.3
4. 113.2
5. 66.67
6. 33.33
Total: 900

At the end of it, friend 2 looks at it and thinks, i'm now paying more than friend 1 started out paying, and i didn't even really want any of the other extras. I enjoyed them, but really, i'm sort of annoyed that all of the extras i didn't ask for, i'm expected to pay for more than my fair share. Next week, friend 2 doesn't show up.

You can think of Carbon Tax, and the Gillard Governments attempt to buy a second term by promising continual tax breaks/subsidies to families and pensioners as the dessert. Group 5 could be families, and 6 pensioners. You can think of me in this scenario, as person 2.
Its almost harry potter time :D

I have never been to a midnight screening before, but I figured this is the last time I can do one for Harry Potter. So I have gone the whole hog with a costume. Pretty sure my SO is going to be embarrassed, but this is harry potter damn it!

Dead Man

Jintor said:
My fucking eyes are on fire. Contacts, why aren't you laser eye surgery
:lol I've gone back to mostly wearing glasses this year, my eyes were just getting too sensitive. Might get some more contacts for summer (need sunglasses!) or I might...if I have a job, get those implanted contact lenses.
Saw transfomers dark of the moon today. On the whole, i enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than TF2 (which is to say i liked this one)

It just went on for a tad too long, s'all. I tend to zone out if action goes on too long.

Also, whilst well done, the 3D effect seems to wear off on me after about 10 minutes.

Oh and you whore, nimoy!


shanshan310 said:
Its almost harry potter time :D

I have never been to a midnight screening before, but I figured this is the last time I can do one for Harry Potter. So I have gone the whole hog with a costume. Pretty sure my SO is going to be embarrassed, but this is harry potter damn it!

So long as you're not trying Dobby or Mad-Eye.
giri said:
Or you could apply some reasoning and thought. The person who worked the extra time on the weekend obviously doesn't have as much free time. I feel like i'm belittling you to break this down so far. I obviously by having worked many weekends, have given up much of my own spare time, time that would other wise be spent socializing. That's my own choice and i'm happy to have made it, my company would be in a considerably worse off position (quite possibly have folded) if i didn't. My personal life, is perfectly fine, but i am not how ever, married or have a family of my own. Whether related to personal failings of my own, is sort of irrelevant. Some chose to socialize and prioritize that aspect of their life, others chose to work on their careers. One shouldn't be punished for making either choice.

Except i disagree about the whole distinction in the first place. Just because a person has a partner doesn't mean that they chose to prioritize the social side of their life. It is completely possible to do both.

Just because a person has a partner doesn't mean that they don't work on weekends or try to further their careers.

The point i was making is that your choice to work weekends isn't directly responsible for you not being married (even if it may have had some influence). You don't have to opt out of getting married because you want to further your career.

giri said:
I thought talking in hyperoble was confusing? the extreme of the case here, is obviously different. Does bill gates stop to pick up a muddy $50 note? possibly not. My self? Yes.

I used one extreme example to get my point across. You're right Bill gates is on a totally different level but it doesn't matter.

You asked why your spare cash is worth less than someone elses. I used an extreme example of a situation where i believe that 2 peoples spare cash are worth different amounts. If you agree with that premise then we can move past the idea that everyone's spare cash should be equal and the discussion changes to where you draw the line on how differently they should be treated.

If you don't think they should be treated differently at all then we simply disagree on this topic far too much and i don't think there is any point continuing this discussion.

giri said:
I already answered this question earlier, and pointed out why your quite succinct answer is not the point i'm arguing. But again, Thanks for completely missing the point.

I didn't miss the point you just disagree with my conclusions.

giri said:
Let me put it another way for you. Have you heard the tale about the 6 friends who go out to dinner and agree to split the bill according to their income.
'i cut this bit to try and reduce the length of the post'

I have heard similar stories, my problem is i just don't think this situation is comparable. One is about buying a luxury item not about things that are required for society to continue to function properly (like people having kids).

Where does this line of logic end up? Should everyone be taxed exactly the same regardless of income? If so i just disagree with this completely.

I understand exactly what you're saying. You're saying that you have sacrificed and worked hard to get ahead and you shouldn't be punished because other people chose not to make those sacrifices.

Where we disagree is the level sacrifice you have made and the amount you're being punished.

That plus i think we just disagree with how the tax system should be implemented and i feel confident neither one of us is changing that stance anytime soon.


shanshan310 said:
Its almost harry potter time :D

I have never been to a midnight screening before, but I figured this is the last time I can do one for Harry Potter. So I have gone the whole hog with a costume. Pretty sure my SO is going to be embarrassed, but this is harry potter damn it!

I finally got around to watching Part 1 tonight. My god it was so boring. Walking around. Looking at scenery. Walking around some more. Getting angry with each other. Looking at stuff. Snooze.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Laptop recommendations for around a grand? I just threw my 17" Dell to the floor and now it's broken utterly fucked.

Edit: The HP DV6-6023TX for $998 at JB seems like a decent deal. I don't mind going down a notch to 15.6" screen as lugging a 17" behemoth to, from and around Uni quickly became a chore.


The only good Harry Potter movie is Prisoner of Azkaban, because Alfonso Cauron is a boss.

Speaking of, Children of Men was on last night. So good.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Children of Men is one of the greatest films of the last decade.



AdventureRacing said:
Except i disagree about the whole distinction in the first place. Just because a person has a partner doesn't mean that they chose to prioritize the social side of their life. It is completely possible to do both.

Just because a person has a partner doesn't mean that they don't work on weekends or try to further their careers.

The point i was making is that your choice to work weekends isn't directly responsible for you not being married (even if it may have had some influence). You don't have to opt out of getting married because you want to further your career.

You're right, but also seeming to be wilfully ignorant that extra time spent on one thing is much more likely to develop that thing. It's entirely possible to do both yes, they aren't mutually exclusive. But prioritizing one, usually leads to a hinderance of the other.

I used one extreme example to get my point across. You're right Bill gates is on a totally different level but it doesn't matter.

You asked why your spare cash is worth less than someone elses. I used an extreme example of a situation where i believe that 2 peoples spare cash are worth different amounts. If you agree with that premise then we can move past the idea that everyone's spare cash should be equal and the discussion changes to where you draw the line on how differently they should be treated.

You gave an example of complete extremes. An example so extreme, it doesn't make a point, it hinders yours in its completely unrealistic application. If the topic were child safety, you compared a child born africa under a tribal warlord whose parents are of a different heritage to the warlords who just got a new shipment of guns, to the kid whose dad enjoys a six pack on the weekend.

So no, i reject your premise, and the baseless foundation you're building it upon.

Is the spare cash of someone who puts aside $200 worth less to him than the guy who puts aside $50? no. no it's not. Both are small sums that don't have a large margin of tollerance, every dollar that is missing from it is noticed. The guy who is putting aside $50 might get in trouble first, but that just rings more alarm bells for the person putting aside $200.

If you then put a new tax in, levying the person putting aside $200, so that the other person is back in the black by $50, meaning the first now only has $150, the other $50 again, you think this fair?

If you don't think they should be treated differently at all then we simply disagree on this topic far too much and i don't think there is any point continuing this discussion.

I didn't miss the point you just disagree with my conclusions.

I disagree with your argument, because of the illogical way you're arguing it. On this point anyway. Do i think if you earn more, you should pay more tax? yes, i do. Don't have a problem with that. Do i think every new tax should be only targeted at those of "apparent" wealth? no, i don't. If society as a whole wants to keep adding new sides and additional perks to their meal, its no longer about making sure people are getting fed.

No, you did completely miss the point.

I have heard similar stories, my problem is i just don't think this situation is comparable. One is about buying a luxury item not about things that are required for society to continue to function properly (like people having kids).

Sigh, again, apply the story. We don't all need the carbon tax, some of us don't want it, but if the majority have decided we should, then we should all accept the equal burden. It's not a tax that if it doesn't happen, people will starve and children next year will wake up mutated with cockroach limbs. It's a complete luxury tax. You don't NEED dessert to enjoy your meal, the steak you just had isn't diminished by not having dessert.

Where does this line of logic end up? Should everyone be taxed exactly the same regardless of income? If so i just disagree with this completely.

I understand exactly what you're saying. You're saying that you have sacrificed and worked hard to get ahead and you shouldn't be punished because other people chose not to make those sacrifices.

Where we disagree is the level sacrifice you have made and the amount you're being punished.

That plus i think we just disagree with how the tax system should be implemented and i feel confident neither one of us is changing that stance anytime soon.

I'm saying, that if we as a society want to continue to add new taxes, taxes that aren't about our standard of living, or basic human rights, but are completely redundant, then we as a society should start all paying equally for them. I'm sick of being one of many demographics that has been targeted as a ATM that can just continually be taxed unmercilously purely because of a mis-conception that i'm rolling in cash. It speaks of a entitlement state that perpetuates throughout this country. Maybe if society as a whole had to start paying for everything they "wished for", they would all stop treating the government and elections as santa and their wishlist.

And i don't know who you are that you think you can sit back and judge my level of sacrafice.


but ever so delicious
I just realised that the new game of thrones book title probably is spoilerish when it comes to
the end of the first book
. BOOURNS! But so exciting!

Side note, Downloading TDU2 and idling in TF2 for gear while at work, woo.

I got this in the morning as well - http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Postal_Pummeler i look forward to playing as pyro for shits and giggles.

I also have 5 crates that i don't want. Hopefully someone in the TF2 thread will steal them off me.


Planet_JASE said:
I've never stated that I was a climate change sceptic, so I'm sorry if you've somehow reached that conclusion about me. I'm certain that this is a case where you've mixed up someone else's statements as my own.

My own feelings towards my position in society can change from a moment to moment basis. At any point I may be extremely self absorbed and selfish and then the next second I will display nigh-saint level of infinite compassion for the part I play in society. Most of the time they sit somewhere in the middle, where I'm vexed by the situation but am happy that I have enough money to be comfortable.

But I'm tired. Just tired. The type of tired that means over time, my resolve gets that little bit lower each time I hear that there will be a "new/increase in tax but with help for families." As a single, middleclass person, this equates to a higher cost of living and nothing else. Again.

I'm grateful that we live in a privileged society/country that supports those that aren't able to live to a standard that we enjoy. I'm appreciative that there are people out there procreating and supplying us with a workforce for the future. My issues do not lie with them, nor do they lie with the cost of preventing climate change.

My only problem is that, as a single middleclass member of society, I am forgotten. Our cost of living goes up every year and the government increases the tax breaks to ensure families aren't doing it tough. The cost of living (not to mention when mortgage rates start going up) is quickly outpacing my wage increases. Yet I am, as a single person, endowed with disposable cash that I can sacrifice a part of to help everyone else. While that may have been true at one point, having a mortgage really means that every increase hurts and every statement about tax breaks for families is a bit of salt in the wound.

That is all. It was not a statement about my position on Climate Change. It was a mere outburst of inconsequential meanderings about me and my lot in the world.

Cool? :)

Congratulations on taking my post and selective quoting to meet your argument. I wasn't calling anyone in particular a sceptic, but rather putting forth both sides of the argument and potential outcomes and where I would rather fit into that. I just addressed your point questions on the Carbon Tax in the opening paragraph, the rest was intended as a general comment.

Also, if you think that you as a single income middle class guy, as stated, is the only group negatively effected is just wrong. I mean, I am a married man, with new born child and the carbon tax will probably negatively effect me as well. To me the single income group are the biggest whingers going. They always complain like they are the ones being picked on. ;)

giri said:
And i don't know who you are that you think you can sit back and judge my level of sacrafice.

Level of sacrifice is based on personal circumstance and your own perspective, commenting on someone elses is always going to be difficult. But you seem to be putting it out there that you have sacrificed somehow more than most. Hence the backlash from others.


bodyboarder said:
God I hate applying for jobs. Especially when they "want" a ridiculous amount of experience for a 50k job.

Have a crack anyway and put forward why you think you can fulfill the role. Has worked for me in the past ;)


giri said:
If you then put a new tax in, levying the person putting aside $200, so that the other person is back in the black by $50, meaning the first now only has $150, the other $50 again, you think this fair?



protip about job applications

if you have around 70% of what they want go for it. The 100% is their dream person, and very unlikely to exist in many cases (unless very high manager 200k plus jobs)

Just show a willing to learn etc
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