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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification

Omi said:

Wow @ Andrew Bolt's original take on the Oslo shootings. Then man is a total cunt. My guess he was hoping it was Islamists.



Edit: I am also ashamed at Barrie Cassidy on Insiders for attempting to link violent video games and the R18 debate with the shooting is Oslo.

I love the hypocrisy, the complete flip from 'Muslim extremist' to 'Christian Extremist' has certainly caught morons like Bolt on the back foot. I don't think he can wrap his mind around the fact that extremists can also use the Bible to advocate atrocities like this.


but ever so delicious
That's a shame mega. It would have been awesome to get you blind drunk and hook you up with a, um, female at the mana bar.

Find you some new love there!

grats on sorting it out though
So are white blonde people going to be on the US racial profiling list now? If not, why not?

evlcookie said:
That's a shame mega. It would have been awesome to get you blind drunk and hook you up with a, um, female at the mana bar.
Someone track down train girl, stat! ... For evl, of course.
Was posted in the Oslo shooting thread.

" The second point however - that we are engaged in a war of civilisations - is one that I agree with. But the combatants are not Islam and the West. Instead, the war is between the normal, sane people of the world and the right-wing zealots who see doom, destruction, hellfire and God's Will at every turn.

Anders Behring Breivik, Mohammed Atta and Baruch Goldstein are all cut from the same rotten cloth. Anwar Al-Awlaki and Glenn Beck - the peddlers of the faith - all share the same core afflictions.

These men are insecure, violently inclined, and illiberal. The outside world scares them. They hate homosexuals and strong women. For them, difference is a source of insecurity. Their values are militarism, conformism, chauvinism and jingoism. Worst of all they seek to pressure us into compliance while they work frantically to destroy themselves - and the rest of us with them.



but ever so delicious
Bugger train girl. Get cute morning walk girl with glasses there stat! Although too young, So one of the young fellas will hook into her.


Any news about the R classification. Deadline was yesterday no?

Heard the vote was unanimous in favour, but some red tape needs to be sorted? Any truth to that?
Satchel said:
Any news about the R classification. Deadline was yesterday no?

Heard the vote was unanimous in favour, but some red tape needs to be sorted? Any truth to that?
It was on Friday. Eight for, one (NSW) abstained but indicated he'd vote in favour later.

SA are going with their "get rid of MA15+ and replace the stickers with R18+ ones" strategy.

Only major change to the draft guidelines posted a while ago is that sexual violence seems to earn an RC, no matter what.

Edit: What a freaking joke that article is. Barely even touches on the fact that the guy was already a hunting enthusiast who owned many guns. There's a world of difference to mowing someone down in a video game to actually pulling the trigger and ending a living, breathing being's life.


Aon said:
Fuck. If this becomes about access to violent video games again and not fucking the ability to obtain a handgun, shotgun and assault trifle then I will tear out my hair.

Come on Aon, isn't it blatantly clear that clicking a mouse or moving some controller sticks around will train you to use a weapon perfectly.


Aon said:

GOD damnit you crazy people!

Fuck. If this becomes about access to violent video games again and not fucking the ability to obtain a handgun, shotgun and assault trifle then I will tear out my hair.
That is an excellent article. Makes it quite clear that this is something where he used the game to train because he was a killer and needed ways to train, not that the game made him a killer. I don't see any problem with it.

jambo said:
Come on Aon, isn't it blatantly clear that clicking a mouse or moving some controller sticks around will train you to use a weapon perfectly.
Yeah, you can dismiss it that way, but I assume his comments are more about the ways civilians react and how to methodically take them down. Also, if you are able to get in the mindset that the people in the game are real, it would make it easier for you to not identify with the victims when you commit the real act.
Clipper said:
That is an excellent article.
It mentions the word "hunt" once, and that's a quote from someone else. Except when he listed his interests in an online profile, hunting came first, WoW second and MW2 third.

Smacks of sensationalism to me.
Fuck. My Xbox just red ringed. Son of a bitch. Is it still free to send it in and get it fixed? Or do I have to pay? This thing is well out of warranty. Hell, would it be worth picking up a new(er) one? This thing is pretty ancient.


codswallop said:
It mentions the word "hunt" once, and that's a quote from someone else. Except when he listed his interests in an online profile, hunting came first, WoW second and MW2 third.

Smacks of sensationalism to me.
It also states in the killer's own words:

"Simulation by playing Call of Duty, Modern Warfare is a good alternative as well but you should try to get some practise with a real assault rifle (with red point optic) if possible,"

The article never states that the game was causal in any way and refutes that claim using many different points from different people. The only thing from the other side is evidence showing that violent games may have a causal link to short-term aggression, but that's not sensationalist, it makes a ton of sense. In the same comments, it says that long-term affects have not been seen, so again it never makes any claims that the game made it more likely for him to have committed the act.

In fact, it seems that WoW might even be a better tool as it apparently works as a really easy way to explain temporary travel to customs officials. Again, it doesn't imply any causality, it just shows that a killer will use anything at his disposal to aid his quest.
FallbackPants said:
Fuck. My Xbox just red ringed. Son of a bitch. Is it still free to send it in and get it fixed? Or do I have to pay? This thing is well out of warranty. Hell, would it be worth picking up a new(er) one? This thing is pretty ancient.

It's 3 years for 3 Red rings error. Do you remember when you got it?


Holy shit, I was just listening to A State Of Trance episode 518 from last Thursday and Armin read out my name as one of the weekly CD competition winners!!!

Armin van Buuren said my name on A State Of Trance...

=D =D =D


jambo said:
Holy shit, I was just listening to A State Of Trance episode 518 from last Thursday and Armin read out my name as one of the weekly CD competition winners!!!

Armin van Buuren said my name on A State Of Trance...

=D =D =D
He played a friend's track on ASOT a short while back!


Shaneus said:
He played a friend's track on ASOT a short while back!

Oh cool, which track?

Also, it was a copy of Markus Schulz's new Dakota album 'Thoughts Become Things II' which I was going to buy this week online haha. Awesome timing!


Aon said:
Fuck. If this becomes about access to violent video games again and not fucking the ability to obtain a handgun, shotgun and assault trifle then I will tear out my hair.
Australian Gun laws are fine.

EviLore said:
I encourage AusGAF and the other GAF subcommunities to come up with designs representing their respective subcommunity for our NeoGAF t-shirt contest. >$500 in prizes for participants and the shirts will all be at-cost.


Oh we can get them printed and wear them to AusGAF meetings.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Oooh this sounds cool, I think it should have Mick Dundee on it (but not that obvious to avoid copyright).

Cos we all Hunters so.


Salazar said:
I was wrong - it was just a doofus paraphrase from the article's writer, not a quote.
I was just researching that as I thought it might be where you got the info from (and stealth edited my post while I researched).

In skimming through the parts of his manifesto that relate to MW, it's clear that the comment from the author isn't totally made up. Breivik does say that MW2 is good for markmanship, but you need to train with real weaponry too. I don't think he's claiming that shooters will help you aim a rifle, but more that it can help you pick, track and choose your targets (which, unlike aiming, aren't affected by the control interface). He also highly emphasises the multiplayer aspects more than the airport scenario, so I guess he's also making discussion about how the targets react.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Rezbit said:
Can you imagine going to an AusGAF meetup at a bar all wearing AusGAF shirts?


You could just have the aussiest guy wear an ausgaf shirt, and everyone else wears different neogaf shirts for variety ;b

Dead Man

Gaz, Jintor, Kritz and others, get to work, I need something snappy.

Edit: No text, bonus points for non current pop culture references.


but ever so delicious
I had this idea this morning and while it's a FUCKING TERRIBLE attempt, maybe others can make it work. This should be our shirt!



We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
And for christ sakes pick something we could wear out without it being bright and over the top. Something classy.


I'm pretty sure Evilore said no memes, a rule that I agree with.

VOOK said:
And for christ sakes pick something we could wear out without it being bright and over the top. Something classy.

Why can't you wear a bright shirt out? =\


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
jambo said:
I'm pretty sure Evilore said no memes, a rule that I agree with.

Actual NeoGAF original memes are acceptable. For example: sunset, colored outline guys, wallguy, etc. Not acceptable are the memes that the morons among us associate with GAF because they saw them here first, despite them being all over the internet and usually originating from 4chan or SA. Those sorts of memes aren't part of GAF's identity.
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