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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


Fusebox said:
I don't like Soccer and I get my news online. What am I missing on ABC and SBS?

abc -> spooks, mediawatch, 4 corners (brilliant show for those who like investigative journalism)

SBS - Soccer, Iron Chef

Dead Man

Choc said:
abc -> spooks, mediawatch, 4 corners (brilliant show for those who like investigative journalism)

SBS - Soccer, Iron Chef
Also Ninja Warrior and Unbeatable Banzuke on SBS, and lots of great cooking shows if you like that sort of thing.


Thursday night SBS has been a knockout for ages now. At the moment it's Italian Food Safari, Oz and James Wine Adventure, and Heston's Feasts. I miss Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations, I hope they bring that back on. On top of that stuff, you have so many interesting docos and some truly bizarre stuff during Erotic Tales on SBS on Friday night.
Omi said:
The language used actually doesn't bother me tbh and didn't see too many 'fucks' being out of place. Although the over use of a particular sexual position in the first ep was rather amusing! :p
That's the "HBO" position, apparently.
Shaneus said:
Serrels about to appear!
I have my media centre recording it now if no one else is. No idea how to convert it to a smaller format for sharing...


Don't like Spooks or watching cooking shows and I usually watch Media Watch and 4 Corners using iView on my iPad while I'm cooking.

Grrr, Soccer.... :p

I guess my point is that ABC and SBS will never come close to meeting my programming needs, and 7/9/10 will always be so obtrusive with ads and branding as to render them all unwatchable.


but ever so delicious
Serrels, I can't understand what you are saying!

I'm kidding

Just sitting there, spinning on his chair haha :D

Fredescu said:
What do you mean?

Most of the ones i see online remind me of just standard hotel rooms in terms of design. Clearly they aren't hotel room since you get a kitchen and some sort of laundry, They just totally remind me of them.

Shame about having to lease it out. Quest seems to own a few apartment complexes down here and have it under lease for 400 years.
Alright, I guess I've recorded the segment. If you need it Serrels let me know and I'll somehow try to convert it or get it to you (assuming that it actually recorded).

Also noticed I have a ton of Champions League games there recorded I want to watch.


codswallop said:
Alright, I guess I've recorded the segment. If you need it Serrels let me know and I'll somehow try to convert it or get it to you (assuming that it actually recorded).
Could you put it on Youtube?
codswallop said:
Alright, I guess I've recorded the segment. If you need it Serrels let me know and I'll somehow try to convert it or get it to you (assuming that it actually recorded).

Also noticed I have a ton of Champions League games there recorded I want to watch.


was in a meeting when it was go time. can i go watch a replay somewhere?


evlcookie said:
Most of the ones i see online remind me of just standard hotel rooms in terms of design. Clearly they aren't hotel room since you get a kitchen and some sort of laundry, They just totally remind me of them.
What do you mean by "the pure apartment only stuff" then?


codswallop said:
Alright, I guess I've recorded the segment. If you need it Serrels let me know and I'll somehow try to convert it or get it to you (assuming that it actually recorded).

STAR Force teams A and B, go go go!


Shit, so I can't even sign into the PS3 website to find out what my password was (honestly can't remember) or if I'd ever put CC details in there.
Mar said:
Not to take anything away from Mark's article, because it is a great one, but I found out about the latest developments to this story early this morning via Gamasutra, Edge and Giant Bomb. Not to mention the fact these sites have been tracking this story since it started on the 21st. I assume you know that this isn't new and has been happening for 6 days?
I haven't checked Giant Bomb or Edge, but the Gamasutra coverage was pretty much the same as every other online news outlet I saw: a rehash of the Sony statements lifted directly from the blog. That Kotaku AU article was the first one that actually probed a little deeper in a journalistic sense which I think is what Choc was referring to.

Do we have youtube of the ABC clip yet?


Bernbaum said:


In retaliation, I am going to personally roundhouse kick *insert name of Royal bride here, I forgot/don't care* square in the ovaries so she'll never rear an heir.

Could argue that The Chaser are neither comedic or satirical I suppose....



trinest said:
This kind of censorship is unaustralian. Get the Chasers back on TV!

It's got nothing to do with Australia, the decision was made by the Associated Press. Even the ABC TV Director was disappointed with the way it went down.
Omi said:
The potential of CC details being leaked etc would be a huge concern inside Sony. One huge fuck up.
This has been suspected for about a week now, surprised that people on Gaf hadn't seen the massive thread on the front page all week. I've got protection against fraud on my card but I'm going in tomorrow to get a new one for piece of mind. I would recommend everybody do the same. Luckily my PSN account was made a launch so all my important accounts don't use the same details, it is very rare for me to get to have the el_rezzo username so I was thankful that Sony allowed for early PSN registration. Even more thankful now.
Bottom line is Sony is royally fucked in the arse. Consumer confidence will take years to recover and everybody they deal with will hold this against them. This is a billion dollar problem for Sony and they have reacted poorly, the lack of communication makes them look incompetent and everyone screaming about class-action lawsuits will only get more and more worked up unless they detail exactly what happened. They need a scapegoat like Garfield needs lasagne on a Monday.
Also the crowned Prince of Nigeria said if I give him my details he will protect my card against fraud so I won't have to worry in the future thankfully.

legend166 said:
So it's looking like I'm not going to be able to eat lunch today.
Had leftover Chili Con Carne. Even brought in Light Sour Cream to work for it. Shit was delicious.

Fredescu said:
Unless you have a meter box, you're not contributing to the figures that the marketers pay the money for.
I live in Geelong and never get a chance to sit in front of the TV so I don't feel bad for downloading stuff like Archer. I usually grab the DVD set anyway. Having a baby and a full time job means I usually get to watch my TV at like 9pm at the earliest. Plus the downloads have superior picture quality and less watermarks and no damn ads. If people are allowed to use Tivo I don't see why I can't download the same shows they fast forward through the ads for.

Choc said:
its a disgrace (no offence mark :) ) that the US so called game "journalists"
Punching above its weight. It's a real shame you have that Kotaku name on the site Mark, because unfortunately when i mentioned Kotaku AU to people they go urgh kotaku :)
Inserted air quotes for truth. Investigative journalism should be commend as barely anyone does it. Serrels did a fantastic job with the article and I look forward to reading the follow up ones you will most likely do on the impact of the hack and how it will change how Sony does business. Also start your own damn site with like-minded writers as Kotaku is more like Cleo than a reputable establishment for hard hitting news.

commanderdeek said:
I just cancelled my cc and right now stressing about the passwords I used because it's one of those universal passwords I use for everything (although in short form).
If the username has nothing in common with the other password I wouldn't worry. They got your username/password/address and maybe card number/expiration. Aside from the credit card fiasco this is no different to when Kotaku/Gawker got hacked and everyone's emails and details got posted up online. Keep anything related to your money separate from each other. Different Xbox, different PSN, different Paypal, different OzGameShop. Less likely to get hosed that way.

roosters93 said:
The Chasers royal wedding show has had to be cancelled. That's bullshit
This is the worst damn news of the day. The wedding is cancelled in my mind. Kate ran off with that little shit Harry and are eloping in Ibiza. Tiesto is the celebrant. Cristal water-fountains as far as the eye can see. The Queen crunking up the dancefloor.

hamchan said:
Also read the Naruto manga since the filler crap in the anime is terrible.
Since the Anime comes out like 6-12 months after Japan you can just skip the filler arcs. Bleach's filler was horrendous enough to make me stop watching until I saw some of the next manga arc which was great.
Yeah I like Bleach. Stop hating.

Choc said:
you do a favor for someone and in the long run get shit all over for it. sigh
last time i do that.......
Poop in their letterbox or put a banana up their tailpipe. Karma dude. Balance that out.
I've never actually purchased anything off PSN. It's good that the breach doesn't affect me, but it does raise my ire that right now I literally can't buy anything off the service. It's an odd feeling.


but ever so delicious
Fredescu said:
What do you mean by "the pure apartment only stuff" then?
I have no idea. I think watching too many us tv shows with apartments has warped my fragile brain.

I can't see me getting one soon anyway, no way I could live there while paying the mortgage, would be left $5 for food.

It's nice to look and dream though, I do a little too much of both.


Dear AusGAF,

Recently I have been feeling let down, despondent, cynical and generally frustrated. I need a new phone. My current one is a shitty erricson w995 on virgin mobile (I know). I can't go on like this.

I dont see any appeal in the new smartphone fad. I dont trust apple's walled garden mentality, I dont trust androids security unless one is on top of all the ins and outs of jailbreaking/OS runarounds and windows mobile seems to be infected with foxtel, facebook and twitter icons taking up 50% of the screen real-estate.

I have asked this elsewhere (hi shaneus) and am still not yet convinced that a blackberry or other similar phone is a bad idea. Would anyone here recommend any specific handsets outside of the touchsreen smartphones that are all the rage these days? I need to get something on telstra, I need to be able to do decent web browsing and email on it, and it needs to be something with great coverage in remote areas since I need to travel a lot for work. And it needs to be relatively ergonomic as well. Oh and built in radio tuners would be a nice bonus.

I would really like as much advice as is possible from people with reasonable experience with handsets outside of the current popular ones. I appreciate that HTC and iphones have a good reputation but I personally see nothing from them as smartphones that meets my needs.

Many thanks in advance for any help provided.




but ever so delicious
I thought that would be the case. I've seen some nice places online though, never gone in person, too slack for that.
RandomVince said:
Walk into your local telstra store and try some phones out. Look on their website. They are actually pretty good to deal with in-store these days. Main thing is to play with the phone yourself before buying one.


RandomVince said:
I need to be able to do decent web browsing
This right here says you need to get over whatever bugbear it is you've got with smartphones and try a few of them out. "Decent web browsing" and "tiny screen because I don't want a phone that looks like I'm a sheep following a fad" don't go hand in hand.


Ive tried out desires/mozarts/iphones and a few others numerous times, I just dont get them.

reptilescorpio said:
Walk into your local telstra store and try some phones out. Look on their website. They are actually pretty good to deal with in-store these days. Main thing is to play with the phone yourself before buying one.

I tried that and half the phones are locked because bogans have been fucking with the settings- at least on blackberry sets.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
The iPhone web browsing experience is generally superb. I couldn't recommend it enough.

Generally, for decent web-browsing on a phone you'll all but need some kind of touch-interface. So just look at the generally well-received touch phones and make a decision based on what you actually need.


if you need a physical keyboard, blackberry all the way.

I have gone from BB to iphone to bb to android to bb to wp7

i always end up with blackberry, the email integration is top notch and the physical keyboard just is the bets


Fredescu said:
This doesn't make sense, but it's the only way you're going to get "decent web browsing" on a phone. If you're willing to sacrifice that, go nuts.

im not going to argue that iphone and android are not better because that would be dumb.

but the OS6 BB's (9780 and Torch) have a webkit browser which is faster

also web browsing (aside from streaming) on the blackberry is free.

Just get what you think is right, pros and cons to all

but i get that you dont like touch because i dont either.

Dead Man

So... I have decided I need to actually start using more than 1 or 2 passwords at a time, but my memory is like a sieve these days so I think I need a pw manager. I've been looking at lastpass, anyone here use it or anything like it?
RandomVince said:
I tried that and half the phones are locked because bogans have been fucking with the settings.
Go in the morning before the scum wake up from their nightly Bundy can hangover. My gf got a Samsung Galaxy 551 and I have been enjoying it more every day. The keyboard is really handy for internet stuff.
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