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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification

midonnay said:
the first half was awesome..... but the actual fighting the red skull part was so dull to me :/
Definitely better than I expected, which was less than nothing. The final act was boring, true, and Red Skull was a really shitty villain. Completely underused and acted by Weaving (not really his fault) and the nose on the skull, hell the whole skull looked like shit. Same with 'skinny Cap' that whole thing didn't work at all for me, all I saw was Mr. Mackey or Chris Evan's head floating above a thin body. Tommy Lee Jones was fun, basically the same role as K in MiB, not that that's a bad thing and Stark as Q was a fun angle that I didn't expect. But, I ended up liking it more than Thor, which I thought was pretty solid for what it was, Evan's pulled it off well. The ending segment was pretty cool too, reminded me of Vanilla Sky's opening, but not as good of course.
Go see it, if not for the film but the shitily edited Avengers teaser at the end if you care for that sort of thing.


The Storyteller said:
So apparently one of you is doing Natalie Tran. WHO IS IT?


I've ran into Natalie twice now. She remembered me the second time, such a sweetheart. <3



I should be doing hw said:
Same with 'skinny Cap' that whole thing didn't work at all for me, all I saw was Mr. Mackey or Chris Evan's head floating above a thin body.

fucking amazing feat how he lost all that weight though....

I was cringing when he tried to do pushups
bodyboarder said:
Just saw captain america, it was way better then I was expecting.

Same, but it was way worse than I was expecting.

I should be doing hw said:
Definitely better than I expected, which was less than nothing. The final act was boring, true, and Red Skull was a really shitty villain. Completely underused and acted by Weaving (not really his fault) and the nose on the skull, hell the whole skull looked like shit. Same with 'skinny Cap' that whole thing didn't work at all for me, all I saw was Mr. Mackey or Chris Evan's head floating above a thin body. Tommy Lee Jones was fun, basically the same role as K in MiB, not that that's a bad thing and Stark as Q was a fun angle that I didn't expect. But, I ended up liking it more than Thor, which I thought was pretty solid for what it was, Evan's pulled it off well. The ending segment was pretty cool too, reminded me of Vanilla Sky's opening, but not as good of course.
Go see it, if not for the film but the shitily edited Avengers teaser at the end if you care for that sort of thing.

Agree with everything really.

And @bolded, why would you when you can see it (legally) for free on the internets?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
bodyboarder said:
Is duke nukem worth $20 from play asia?

Forever? No. Its not worth anything. It is the worst game I've played all year.


According to Google, Natalie Tran is the prettier Asian version of a British girl I boned for a while, so - the superior version. Nice work Anonymous AusGAF member

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines is a pretty damn good game, does the original Deus Ex hold up as well/better?


Axiom said:
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines is a pretty damn good game, does the original Deus Ex hold up as well/better?

Vampire was great! Just finished it last night.
I didn't play Deus Ex much back in the day but I just installed it with a heap of mods and it looks pretty good.
roosters93 said:
Same, but it was way worse than I was expecting.
And @bolded, why would you when you can see it (legally) for free on the internets?
Not sure really, I hate trailers in general and the only time I watch them is when I'm forced to at the cinema. Some people might be the same as me? Or some people might want to see the millisecond edits on a larger screen in hopes of seeing something more?
Go see Cap anyway, I think the majority of viewers that are less nitpicky will get more out of it than I did. Or less if you're into the comics, I have no clue if its faithful to anything or not.
Either way they do the underdog thing here pretty well, sans a few too many 'Get him a Sandwich, hurrdurr' lines. It's fun.
What I played/saw of Duke Forever doesn't seem horribad if you keep expectations in check. It's obviously a bit messy, and far from being a great game, but I think a fair bit of the negative reaction was hyperbolic. I should note that I've only played a couple of hours on account of the absolutely horrendous load times on my compute. For twenty bucks though, I'd probably grab it just as a historical curiosity.

Talking about games, I shoved Henry Hatsworth back into my DS after a considerable (like, more than a year?) break and man, it was pretty quick to remind me why I stopped playing the last time. It's pretty much a perfect case study on the importance of level design and how failing in that area can ruin an otherwise sure thing.

Hatsworth has really nice art and sound, an interesting, well implemented hook, and what's possibly my favourite platform game hero of the last decade or so, but it's just not fun to play. The levels are bland and drag on for way too long with sparse checkpoints, punctuated by enemy arenas that serve no purpose but to bloat the length of the game. A single stage without any deaths shouldn't be a half hour long in this sort of game, especially on a handheld, but one lasted exactly that long for me this morning.

It's not a horrid game all told, it's just super disappointing after getting so many things right. Which is, in many ways, the worst kind of bad. I'm up to what I believe is the last boss though, so I should finally be able to put it to rest soon instead of just leaving it sitting in its case at 75% forever.


Box of Bunnies said:
What I played/saw of Duke Forever doesn't seem horribad if you keep expectations in check. It's obviously a bit messy, and far from being a great game, but I think a fair bit of the negative reaction was hyperbolic. I should note that I've only played a couple of hours on account of the absolutely horrendous load times on my compute. For twenty bucks though, I'd probably grab it just as a historical curiosity.

Nah, in all honesty, it's a pretty bad game. I didn't have many expectations at all but it was just really, really bad.
EatChildren said:
Forever? No. Its not worth anything. It is the worst game I've played all year.

Limiting the amount of guns i could hold was one thing. The lack of co-op just destroyed any hope of me liking game. The fact that pretty much everything else about the game sucked didn't help either.

Glad i pretty much only rent nowadays.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The gun limit was only one problem among many. Duke Forever was a mesh of Duke Nukem style with Call of Duty corridor running level design, littered with Broussard's obsession of shoe-horning in gimmicks based on whatever was popular at the time. Im sure there are worse games released, but its easily the worst game I've played. I had more fun with Conduit 2, and thats saying something.


Jintor said:
They couldn't even make a turret-shooting sequence fun.

I usually hate manning turrets.

I hate having to do shit underwater more, though. Fuck swimming around to pull a lever or find a passage. Just fuck it.
EatChildren said:
Duke Forever was a mesh of Duke Nukem style with Call of Duty corridor running level design, littered with Broussard's obsession of shoe-horning in gimmicks based on whatever was popular at the time.

Yeah, that's what I meant by a mess. It's pretty much whatever the 3DRealms peeps had managed to put together before they went under (before Ol' George got a chance to tell them to start over yet again) cobbled together by Triptych and Gearbox.

EatChildren said:
Im sure there are worse games released, but its easily the worst game I've played.

It's probably the worst game I've played this year, but that really just means it's super mediocre at worst. Reviews don't seem too off overall (I'd think around a five is fair, using the proper 'five is mechanically functional but unremarkable' scale and not the nonsense 'five is a broken piece of shit, seven is average' IGN/GameSpot/Etc. scale), but the way some people talk about it you'd think it's completely nonfunctional.


DoW Retribution is fun, played some Last Stand with Ridonk and Fred.

E.Y.E. is downloading overnight, hopefully play some tomorrow night.

EatChildren said:
The gun limit was only one problem among many. Duke Forever was a mesh of Duke Nukem style with Call of Duty corridor running level design, littered with Broussard's obsession of shoe-horning in gimmicks based on whatever was popular at the time. Im sure there are worse games released, but its easily the worst game I've played. I had more fun with Conduit 2, and thats saying something.

I was joking =P

Will be interesting to see how the next instalment of Duke turns out. I reckon that with a fresh slate Gearbox should be able to do great things with the series.


Marshmellow said:
DOTA2 what where when how. links?


Valve today announced The International. This tournament will be the first time Dota 2 is shown in public, and will take place August 17th -21st at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany.

$1 million first prize.

Imma going to do an anti-Choc and post some Apple news with some hate spin


Apple escalated a patent dispute against Samsung Electronics and won an agreement that the South Korean company won’t sell the newest version of its tablet computer in Australia until a lawsuit is resolved.

I wonder how many 'ideas' Apple have stolen from other such devices and put into various iOS version over time? ;)


Marshmellow said:
I kind of like the idea, power to the players i suppose? but the only risk i see is if it has direct access to your bank etc. i am hoping there will be a blizzard wallet or something like that.
They announced that bit too. Funds go into a Blizzard account that can be used to buy other Blizzard products or reinvest into the auction house. You can also get cash out into an external account if you want, with Blizzard charging a transaction fee.

I am interested to see if that particular aspect comes to Australia. If you use it to make money, then you should be paying tax on it, but that would be very hard to regulate.


i'm on a slippery slope guys

started playing Flight Simulator X again last night and was up till 1am, ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH

back in the day i loved dat shit, looks like i still do.


Omi said:
I wonder how many 'ideas' Apple have stolen from other such devices and put into various iOS version over time? ;)

its crazy and samsung should go after them for the notifications bar in IOS5 because that is a direct rip from samsung
Clipper said:
They announced that bit too. Funds go into a Blizzard account that can be used to buy other Blizzard products or reinvest into the auction house. You can also get cash out into an external account if you want, with Blizzard charging a transaction fee.

I am interested to see if that particular aspect comes to Australia. If you use it to make money, then you should be paying tax on it, but that would be very hard to regulate.

OF FKN COURSE.......wow blizzard.....

pretty sure by the time all these "transaction fees and flat fees" they are taking occur you will probably get out like 30% of the total.

i am wondering if this is maybe somehow a step towards fighting off gold farmers and that market.
Why the hell Samsung chose a proprietary connector on a platform known for its openness is beyond me.

I think it's only the tablet that does it, though, right? The Galaxy S II is a regular mini or micro USB?

Oh yeah, I caved and bought a pair of SE215s from Headphonic, despite the near 40% markup over the US price. They arrived yesterday, pretty impressed so far. Had to turn down the bass on the EQ though since they do such a good job of it by themselves.


Jintor said:
Holy fuck the MvC3 EVO finals are crazy as shit

Goddamn I love this game. I wish I had more time at SMASH to play it, I would have just camped the machine the whole time.
Wish I knew people locally who owned it. Game looks amazing.


codswallop said:
I think it's only the tablet that does it, though, right? The Galaxy S II is a regular mini or micro USB?

Micro I think, I was able to use someones HTC USB cable to charge my phone when I forgot it, so its not proprietary at least.


Omi said:
Also, Valve marketing for DOTA2 = :-o

Saw that this morning, crazy. Crazy awesome!


Had a lot of fun playing DoW II Retribution last night once I got the hang of it.

E.Y.E. finished downloading as well so might play some tomorrow night.

Tonight is GTA EFLC MP night if anyone is interested.


Cool coincidence, got handed an assignment for programming and had to get a partner. Turns out a guy I play MC / TF2 at LANs is in the course. He asks me how to contact him, I say "steam".

Wonder what the ratio of assignment / tf2 there will be…
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