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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


HolyCheck said:
they removed that plan, it's now 30 gig for 50 or 200 gig for like 80 or something

They removed so many good plans recently, so annoying.

At least if you're already on them you get to keep using them though.
Also it is bullshit that Warrnambool doesnt have naked adsl. Also shit that iinet doesnt do adsl2+ to my house. And that aussiebroadband has run out of adsl slots on at one exchange in the whole of Australia. The world hates me.


reptilescorpio said:
Also it is bullshit that Warrnambool doesnt have naked adsl. Also shit that iinet doesnt do adsl2+ to my house. And that aussiebroadband has run out of adsl slots on at one exchange in the whole of Australia. The world hates me.
You live out in the land of nowhere >.< I live in the middle(ish) of the freaking nations capital and cant get ADSL at all >_>
markot said:
You live out in the land of nowhere >.< I live in the middle(ish) of the freaking nations capital and cant get ADSL at all >_>
You get fireworks though! Who needs the internet when you have explosives? (aside from uploading to youtube of course)


I think they banned them a year or so ago... I dont know. I have a dog so I dont like fireworks, and im not 12 anymore... (Srsly, see one firework seen em all!)
reptilescorpio said:
Also it is bullshit that Warrnambool doesnt have naked adsl. Also shit that iinet doesnt do adsl2+ to my house. And that aussiebroadband has run out of adsl slots on at one exchange in the whole of Australia. The world hates me.
At least you've got some whales to look at.
markot said:
I think they banned them a year or so ago... I dont know. I have a dog so I dont like fireworks, and im not 12 anymore... (Srsly, see one firework seen em all!)
Oh man, guy fawkes day in nz was so much fub. Seriously everything you could ever dream of in explosive form. So much fun.
codswallop said:
At least you've got some whales to look at.
Pretty random here aparently. Even at Portland an hour west where they come right up to the beach you still need to track the sightings online. Bit disappointing. Hot chicks at least.


Vita is only going to make 2011 in Japan. 2012 in Europe and US. Sony must have trouble getting parts or something as this seems like an incredibly dumb move.

They'll now be battling the 3DS when it is $80 cheaper and will have both Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 with unchallenged Christmas sales and likely selling gangbusters.

Is there any reason apart from lack of parts that could explain them even considering this?

Edit: It seems that maybe this is a software issue where they don't have enough games in English but have enough in Japanese. That sounds fishy to me, but is possible, I guess.


markot said:
I think they banned them a year or so ago... I dont know. I have a dog so I dont like fireworks, and im not 12 anymore... (Srsly, see one firework seen em all!)
Yeah they have been banned for a few years now- so Canberra is only for porn now.

I agree with you one firework and you seen them all- but that is also due to the same old fireworks always been light up at shows. There where in the past some admazing ones.


Not mentioned in the Krome article - the original ending to The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning that I wrote and can finally reveal!


(To be played after end credits have played)

Scene: The Temple near the large Dragon statue. Spyro sees Cynder sleeping and looks towards the moon. Ignites approaches from the pool room.

IGNITUS: Spyro, you have fought well and have learned to master your new powers, but many new dangers await you in the future. But first, I must tell you a terrible secret...

SPYRO: (hesitant, wide-eyed) what...what is it, Ignitus?

IGNITUS: You...are a ROBOT!



I was later told I wasn't taking the task of writing the script seriously
codswallop said:
It's the old style cut they used to do, instead of simply cutting the bread in half they'd cut a V-shape into the bread and remove a triangle-shaped section which they'd put back on top once the sub was loaded. I reckon it held stuff in better, though you might not have been able to cram in as much stuff.

Easier when eating a footlong that wasn't cut in half as well.

Ah k thanks, I was getting there but I was confused about what happened to the piece cut out so thanks for clearing that up. :)

Neverender said:


but out of stock! laaaame.
can't get one before i go overseas haha

Gazunta said:
*Spyro ending*

fucking lol


I'm drunk enough to start conversations with randoms sitting behind me who are audibly playing Ocarina of Time on their 3DS
reptilescorpio said:
Also it is bullshit that Warrnambool doesnt have naked adsl. Also shit that iinet doesnt do adsl2+ to my house. And that aussiebroadband has run out of adsl slots on at one exchange in the whole of Australia. The world hates me.

markot said:
You live out in the land of nowhere >.< I live in the middle(ish) of the freaking nations capital and cant get ADSL at all >_>
ADSL is available to approximately 4% of our suburb and no one can be arsed upgrading the exchange (which is over 8kms away, which means the ADSL is very crap, anyway) and similarly no one could be arsed laying down fiber so there's no broadband either. My only hope is that our suburb is towards the top of the NBN list... except it keeps on getting delayed.

It's sad when I visited the middle of nowhere in Malaysia and they had more internet options than I do.

I feel both of your pain.


but ever so delicious
Looks like brink is now free weekend on steam, I think that will be what i play this weekend unless it really just blows. I haven't been able to find the install now button though :/

That comic will be engraved on my tombstone, sums up my life well i would think. :D


evlcookie said:
Looks like brink is now free weekend on steam, I think that will be what i play this weekend unless it really just blows. I haven't been able to find the install now button though :/

That comic will be engraved on my tombstone, sums up my life well i would think. :D
Also, for everyone that owns Brink, install the DLC for free before they start charging for it on August 17.


but ever so delicious
Fuck, Valve decided to add random items into TF2 if you own certain games over quake con. Buy Quake 4 and get the oldschool doom rocket launcher, fallout nv gets you a pipboy layout for the engineer and there's a few others as well.

hamchan said:
I feel it's time for a proper Crash & Spyro crossover developed by Naughty Dog and Insomniac.
Nah leave the teams to their creative projects rather yhan limit themselves again. I found the original Crash and Spyro to be great games for the limitations of the hardware system but both devs have moved beyond the dynamics of those games. Maybe a PSN version could work well.

Also the delay on Vita is a huge blow to Sony. They can kiss beating Nintndo goodbye now for a few years, 3ds will be hotcakes.


evlcookie said:
Fuck, Valve decided to add random items into TF2 if you own certain games over quake con. Buy Quake 4 and get the oldschool doom rocket launcher, fallout nv gets you a pipboy layout for the engineer and there's a few others as well.


Haha, random drops, or you just receive if you login?

Also. Fuck I love
Reading Blizzard's comments on the whole Diablo 3 online thing, I'm beginning to feel they're totally out-of-touch with what people want from a single player or small co-op game. The more I read about Diablo 3 the more I'm getting soured on the whole thing; it was once a day one purchase.



now i am pc master racing again can yo ugive a list of the best games from last 18 months (yes its been that long since i master raced properly)


markot said:
Hmm. Bethseda seems to be one of the most agressive with the regional pricing in Aus on steam >_<

The Steam copy of Skyrim costs $2 more than at EB Games.

I wonder if they actually make more money selling it at that price in Australia, versus the American price.


Choc said:

now i am pc master racing again can yo ugive a list of the best games from last 18 months (yes its been that long since i master raced properly)

Football Manager
Civ 5

Say goodbye to life.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Choc said:

now i am pc master racing again can yo ugive a list of the best games from last 18 months (yes its been that long since i master raced properly)

The Witcher 2, Shogun 2, Crysis 2 DX11, Two Worlds 2, Magicka, RUSE, Amnesia, Civilization V, ArmA 2, StarCraft 2, Alpha Protocol, Minecraft, STALKER Call of Pripyat, plus the best version of multiplatform games.


EatChildren said:
The Witcher 2, Shogun 2, Crysis 2 DX11, Two Worlds 2, Magicka, RUSE, Amnesia, Civilization V, ArmA 2, StarCraft 2, Alpha Protocol, Minecraft, STALKER Call of Pripyat, plus the best version of multiplatform games.

Strangely enjoyed that game seeing I dislike RTS style games for the most part and prefer turn based fare. Recommended.


Hooray, finally found a job. Learnt a valuable lesson about moving interstate outside of my profession's standard hiring window. Looking forward to being able to rejoin the PC master race. I'll have to adjust to not having all day to work on my website though, but fortunately retro gaming isn't exactly time sensitive.

Why does just bout everyone in malvern and caulfield own either a BMW or a merc, never seen so many in my life.
Because they're either loaded or want to appear that way. Hell of a lot of professional firms in Malvern, but I was turned off working in the area because it's a pain to get to via public transport. Price of living out in the sticks I guess.

Man, the Aussie dollar just fell off a cliff. Down from 1.10 to 1.04.
All my fault. Whenever I have money, the dollar is shit. Whenever I'm broke, it's up.


Footage of Tribes Ascend from Quakecon 2011, holy fucking shit it plays exactly like Tribes 1 and 2, this is going to be glorious!

evlcookie said:
Fuck, Valve decided to add random items into TF2 if you own certain games over quake con. Buy Quake 4 and get the oldschool doom rocket launcher, fallout nv gets you a pipboy layout for the engineer and there's a few others as well.


I totally didn't buy Quake IV this morning to get the rocket launcher.

Yeah... totally didn't...



codswallop said:

The plot thickens?
Snot really "ausgaf" but Google responded:
UPDATE August 4, 2011 - 12:25pm PT

It's not surprising that Microsoft would want to divert attention by pushing a false "gotcha!" while failing to address the substance of the issues we raised. If you think about it, it's obvious why we turned down Microsoft’s offer. Microsoft's objective has been to keep from Google and Android device-makers any patents that might be used to defend against their attacks. A joint acquisition of the Novell patents that gave all parties a license would have eliminated any protection these patents could offer to Android against attacks from Microsoft and its bidding partners. Making sure that we would be unable to assert these patents to defend Android — and having us pay for the privilege — must have seemed like an ingenious strategy to them. We didn't fall for it.

Ultimately, the U.S. Department of Justice intervened, forcing Microsoft to sell the patents it bought and demanding that the winning group (Microsoft, Oracle, Apple, EMC) give a license to the open-source community, changes the DoJ said were “necessary to protect competition and innovation in the open source software community.” This only reaffirms our point: Our competitors are waging a patent war on Android and working together to keep us from getting patents that would help balance the scales.



I actually kinda like the SP campaign and the weapons are really beefy so I'll definitely play through it this weekend.

And TF2 items xD


Back on a Persona 4 kick! If I had money, I'd buy the game again. Unfortunately gotta save up for the next driving test.
legend166 said:
Man, the Aussie dollar just fell off a cliff. Down from 1.10 to 1.04.

I hope it doesn't keep falling.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to import a hive of 3000 Killer Bees from the US. Looks like I will have to get all my future Killer Bees from Eastern Europe.
r1chard said:
Snot really "ausgaf" but Google responded:

Did that make no sense to anyone else, or just me? How could Microsoft use these patents against Google if Google never owned them?

I don't understand the huge love in people feel for Google. They are way too in everyone's life. They know what you search for, they know who you call, they now have photos of you on +, they have your email.

In sum, Google = Skynet.

Also, I'll come out and say it, WP7 kicks Android around the park


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I just had someone ask about my avatar! Now the only element of the GAF rite of passage I've yet to complete is that of earning a tag.
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