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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification

The Liberty City episodes were both pretty good. 8-12 hours each packed with almost no filler and good content.

They were both very different in atmosphere to GTA4 as well.


I want a tag give me a tag
EatChildren said:
I miss expansion packs. I miss stuff like Tribunal and Bloodmoon, or strategy game expansion packs, where you got hours and hours of extra content.

I've heard the New Vegas add-ons are good value for money, as are the two GTAIV episodes.



Choc said:
Flight sim is the biggest slippery slope ever :(

in the last week i have purchased the following add ons

-PMG 747 (as real as it gets)
-Airbus A380 (as real as it gets)
-Sydney and Melbourne airport updates
-Aussie texture upgrades

What set up do you have controller wise?

Not keyboard and mouse surely?


What? NO! I was just fucking watching yesterday!

Fuck the fucking fuckers

/edit here's the proxy advice from February from the last time this fucking happened

This process has been active since at least April 2009 when we became aware of it here at the forums. This kind of information can be found by doing a simple 'Google' type search. (like for those of you on a Mac)

3fACEsofBOBa wrote:

1. Youtube embed code

Youtube changed to the new standard. J I M M Y is upgrading the software here to COBOL next week, or perhaps he's doing some programming in LOGO. Regardless, only the older embed code works. When you hit the embed button, there are a series of check boxes below the code itself. One of them says "Use old embed code". Check it, and you will get the old embed code. If you're logged in as your youtube ID, it will give you old embed code from that point forward.

2. Outside the US viewing of TDS


These are all online proxy servers. Going to any of these sites and, essentially, using their IP address, should get you into Hulu or Comedy Central as a US PC user so that you can watch TDS online. There are also client software applications and personal VPNs and a few other options, but these are simple, require no downloads (I think...haven't tried every one) and literally any idiot can figure them out.


Alternatively, this is what Canada uses, apparently:

For Canadian viewers, if you are using firefox, install the following addon:

http://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/967 then:

1) In Firefox, Go to tools->modify headers

2) From the drop down box on the left select add

3) Then enter: "X-Forwarded-For" in the first input box without the quotation marks

4) Enter: "" in the second input box without the quotation marks

5) Leave the last input box empty, and save the filter, and enable it


6) Click the 'Configuration' tab on the right then proceed to check the 'always on' button.

Close the Modify Headers box and it should work.


but ever so delicious
My legs are on fire once again, this speed walking is killing them. I also think I just have a shitty way of walking, seems to be more of a slam feet on the ground instead of taking good strides.

I need to be taught how to walk again!
evlcookie said:
I need to be taught how to walk again!
You're probably right, you are probably slamming your feet into the ground -- it's a common problem created mainly by shoes with heels that are too thick. Buy a pair of "barefoot" shoes. There are some that are OK for work.

Note that with barefoot shoes 1) your feet will probably hurt and 2) your calves might as well. At least initially.

Also try taking shorter strides. If you over-stride, you end up putting a lot of weight on the foot hitting the ground. Shorter strides may also help you stand up straighter.


Is it possible to get Foxtel or some other digital TV service purely through the internet, eliminating the need to rent a set top box?


xbox live (but don't think HD is available)

I don't think a netflix type service will ever be able to compete with foxtel (even if the NBN isn't destroyed)

edit: if you want to go the grey legal area route.... I guess you could vpn directly through Netflix or Hulu in america.
Jintor said:
"Would" looks like it's now a banned meme

Carnage in the Girl-getting-tongue-surgery thread :s

It was getting pretty tiresome. Also I caught myself saying it in public a few days ago. Time had come for it to go.


Still Tagged Accordingly
shanshan310 said:
Carnage in the Girl-getting-tongue-surgery thread :s

It was getting pretty tiresome. Also I caught myself saying it in public a few days ago. Time had come for it to go.
does that mean when a meme or internet slang crosses over into real life it's time to kill it at its source i.e. the internet and/or GAF
You guys totally missed my mega quote posts right? Well I am going to start doing it again anyway.

EatChildren said:
Nintendo is the abusive girlfriend. She makes you feel like shit, but the sex is so good you keep going back.
And Sony is the high priced prostitute. High quality, high price but something about the whole thing feels slimy and sticky.

Microsoft is the creepy uncle who wants to touch everything.

EatChildren said:
games that end up bombing because everybody has terrible taste (see: Vanquish and Shadows of the Damned).
You have fantastic taste. Rez will agree with me on that one. Keep buying great quirky games that aren't produced in a marketing boardroom please!

Fredescu said:
Before he manages to dig himself a deeper hole, I think Choc's initial point about DLC being a "failing" is not that it exists, but the general quality and value proposition of most of what we've seen.
Problem is most DLC is nickle and diming for the sake of it rather than adding value. Look at the recent SSFIVAE separating DLC stuff on Steam. That shit should have been included in the repackaging for such an oldish game. In contrast Resi 5 Gold Edition packaged the fantastic addon campaigns which are a great example of DLC done right. Main problem is holding off content that used to be free and charging for it now.

EatChildren said:
I miss expansion packs. I miss stuff like Tribunal and Bloodmoon, or strategy game expansion packs, where you got hours and hours of extra content.

I've heard the New Vegas add-ons are good value for money, as are the two GTAIV episodes.
Mysterious of the Sith was so awesome. I also remember the expansion for C&C2 being fantastic at the time. Ballad of Gay Tony was WAY better than vanilla GTA4.

Jintor said:
I kind of gel what you mean about Portal 2, but 'tries to hard to be funny' is just a thing people say when it's not funny to them and they're mystified about why everybody else thinks it's hilarious
Portal 2 was an extremely well made game. The levels of polish make most games look like they were made by kindergartners. EVERYTHING was done for a reason. It's like a really well made movie, by Kubrick or something.
It is lighthearted because it is hard to be totally serious about some science fiction technology without coming against some resistance in the wider market, the Portal world is much easier for non-gamers to stomach and enjoy than that of Half Life 2.
A large part of why I enjoyed it so much is that the characters felt desperately alive and had a clearly defined arc to their personality over the game. Both main characters go through changes in their lives that makes them understand how it feels to be on the otherside, to have power or to have none.
The story of Portal is one of what effect power has in life. Whether it is a purpose to continue to exist or to shoot for the moon in such a fashion that failure and financial ruin is all but assured. How this power is wielded shows what kind of character each individual has. Should a man take his lemons and simply make lemonade? Or should he inject that lemon with plutonium to see what the next step is? The line between madness and brilliance is made up of hindsight. What is thought of for years as despicable experimentation that would get a person put on in jail for 30 life times could turn out to be the saving grace for the human race. How should we judge these people? And how should we judge those people around us who may seem mad. Maybe they can see the bigger picture clearer than us, without other factors clouding their view.


I'm nodding with agreement at your post, reptile.

One thing I'll add: I love games that revel in being games. A few that cone to mind are things like RE4, vanquish, Mario galaxy and of course, portal. Half life 2 is another.

All those games have one thing in common: nothing is missing from them. The games all shipped complete, no dlc, no critical bugs, although they did in some cases get definitive versions, packed with extra content.

Those games were crafted. Pretty much all others these days are traded in and forgotten within a week.

I wish more developers aspired to that level of quality and pure gameplay. Forget cinematic tripe and pretentiousness about epic stories and whatnot; EVERY blockbuster this gen that has claimed such grandeur has been a pompous failure of immature fanfic drivel. Give me something with honesty and integrity like oddworld stranger anyday. Small scale stories, personal quests and a knowing tip of the hat from the creators that it is still a videogame.
I want more video games that are brilliant from start to finish. Indie games have spoiled me. They take a great concept, make a game around it and call it a day. No interest in padding it out, sell it under $10 get it out quick(ish) and move onto the next interesting idea.
Too many full price games I get halfway through and get bored. Sounds like LA Noire was the same for a lot of people. Get the WHOLE game right please, not just one or two facets.


Not to mention, how could you not get even a little emotional over the whole glados/caroline stuff? I loved it all, it drove me to want to play more, to see how it all played out. The ending was just the icing on the cake. (INSERT TOPICAL CAKE IS A LIE JOKE!)

It was all just.... perfect, there I said it!

To me both games start off kind of slow, not in a bad way, but when you get to the 'change' be it the fire in 1 or the whole 'killing' glados thingy, thats when the story, the characters... it all takes off.


I really feel that Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is perhaps one of the greatest, most well-crafted games of all time. Which is a little odd because I don't really enjoy individual elements of Zelda, as such - it's the entire thing that is really just... beautiful.

There was only really one element of Portal 2 that I found disappointing, and that was in the fact that it just wasn't as difficult. Elements kept being introduced, but they never built up into a solid cohesive whole of difficulty - although the co-op pretty much got there.


AusGAF Games Night was a huge success! 3 hours of DiRT 3 action and many laughs had along the way.

We are going to play again tomorrow night probably same time, maybe a little earlier if people want to. As always join Steam chat so we can organise MP sessions.


Neo Member
I am thinking about moving to sydney, and I would like advice from any sydneysiders here about southeast sydney, in terms of culture, where to live, how expensive it is, what to do etc. I am especially looking for anywhere from, say, Kingsgrove, to Rockdale up to Marrickville. I'll be making OK amount of money (50k/yr).

edit: picture of map didnt work

Thanks for any help!

I love you!


Man, Android programming is a lot easier than iOS programming. Managed to get my App up and running in only a couple of days.


I want a tag give me a tag
bananafish said:
I am thinking about moving to sydney, and I would like advice from any sydneysiders here about southeast sydney, in terms of culture, where to live, how expensive it is, what to do etc. I am especially looking for anywhere from, say, Kingsgrove, to Rockdale up to Marrickville. I'll be making OK amount of money (50k/yr).

I have consulted this and it only confused me further!


Thanks for any help!

I love you!

introduce yourself first you rude dick.

edit: we're rl friends >_>
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